Variety of hairstyles for the 9th grade prom

Every girl before an important event, for example, before the prom night, takes care of her appearance. After all, such an evening should remain unforgettable. Especially all the little things are trying to think through the ninth-graders, so feminine, but not yet matured. To make the image perfect, you should take care of the selection of a hairstyle in advance.

Long hair ideas
Girls with long hair can choose the most original and intricate styling options. Moreover, you can make hairstyles for graduation in grade 9 both independently and with the help of a professional hairdresser. Of course, the simplest option worn by ninth-graders for a school festive evening is braids or tails with bows. They are especially popular with those girls who do not want to seem too old.

At home, a simple hairstyle for girls would be romantic curls. It is easy to make curls, while they look elegant and feminine. Loose curls are important to keep perfect throughout the evening, including dancing. To do this, it is enough to follow a series of steps.
- First, wash your hair thoroughly and dry it using a hair dryer.
- Then you need to take a lock of hair, comb it and apply varnish on it evenly along the entire length. Varnish allows you to give the curl the desired shape. However, you should not overdo it with a fixative, or your hair will look unnatural and less attractive.
- Next, the strand must be wound on curlers and fixed.
- When all the curls are curled, you should dry them with a hairdryer.In this case, it is advisable to change the temperature so that the effect is more persistent.
After that, you need to disassemble the curls, lubricating your hands with a special hair oil or wax. So the curls will shine and will not fluff.

Collected long hair will look very attractive in a spectacular braid. A hairstyle like this will surely attract multiple glances and delight. The braid can be located both on the side of the head and in the center. Also, the original solution will be the option when the braided hair is arranged diagonally. It is not difficult to make a braid by following the following step-by-step instructions.
- Apply styling mousse to clean and slightly damp hair. This will add volume to your hair.
- To make the braid airy and delicate, you should not pull the strands of hair.
- You should start braiding by separating a wide strand above the ear. Then it must be divided into 3 parts.
- Next, the pigtail is braided in the usual way, but only the strands must be placed under the bottom.
- From the total mass of hair on the sides, you need to pick up strands and add them to the main braid. Weaving should be continued in a previously thought out direction. You can leave a tail at the finished braid.

To make the hairstyle look more delicate, you need to gently pull your fingers over the edges of the strands that have already been formed. In this case, they should be alternately straightened and slightly pulled. At this stage, it is important not to be zealous and not to pull too hard on the strand.

"French Falls"
For girls who like romance, the French Falls hairstyle is perfect. It combines natural waves and braided braids. Hair will resemble flowing water, giving the image a playfulness and airiness.

The hairstyle is done like this:
- first you need to comb your hair, making a side parting;
- further directly at the parting itself, one strand should be separated;
- it must be divided into 3 parts and start weaving braids;
- starting the next weaving, it is necessary to release a strand from the bottom, replacing it with a strand of the same thickness from a mass of free hair;
- further weaving should be continued according to the following pattern: the upper strand must be woven into the "waterfall", and the lower one must be released;
- when the braiding reaches the second ear, the braid must be secured with an elastic band;
- to make the image more romantic and elegant, it is better to arrange loose hair in the form of curls;
at the end, the entire hairstyle should be sprinkled with varnish to fix the result.

Medium length options
Girls with medium length hair can also afford numerous hairstyles. Among them, every schoolgirl will be able to find something interesting for herself. For example, for a graduate with wavy hair, a Greek hairstyle is suitable.

It is easy to do it step by step with your own hands, armed with a special hair band.
- First, wash your hair and apply a heat protectant to the full length.
- After the hair is dry, you need to apply mousse or foam to it to add volume to the hair.
- Next, you should wind the curls on curlers or use a curling iron.
- Then you need to put a bandage on your head so that it is lower at the back.
- Curls should be tucked under the headband so that the hair is hidden.
- It is not necessary to use all the strands. You can leave some of your hair loose for a more romantic hairstyle.

On the basis of the "French waterfall" you can make an original hairstyle called a bun. To do this, it is enough to braid your hair into a "waterfall" according to the scheme described above. After that, it is enough to comb the ends of the hair a little, and then put them in a bun using hairpins. The finished hairstyle should be fixed using varnish.

In the event that a girl chose a retro-style dress, and her medium hair goes well with bangs, then you should take a closer look at the babette. This hairstyle looks very impressive and is done quite easily:
- first, the hair must be washed and dried;
- after that, a styling agent must be applied to them;
- the entire volume of hair is divided into two parts that run horizontally above the ears;
- the upper half of the hair should be combed from bottom to top;
- then it is necessary to form a roller from the fleece, fixing its base with the help of invisible ones;
- then you need to straighten your hair and comb it so that the hairstyle falls in the form of an even semicircle;
the loose part of the hair can be left as it is, or divided into strands and braided.

Styling for short hair
Dynamic styling is ideal for short haircuts. Young beauties are suitable for multi-layer options, in which there is a voluminous fleece. If short hair is designed in the form of a square, then it can be easily styled, acting in stages:
- hair should first be washed and dried well;
- along their entire length, it is necessary to apply a styling agent;
- further, individual strands should be wound on large curlers;
- the resulting volume should be beautifully laid and secured with varnish.

Straight short hair can also look interesting and attractive:
- clean and dry hair should be treated with a styling agent;
- then the whole mass should be divided into strands;
- each of them is alternately straightened with an iron;
- you can complement such a hairstyle with an ornament in the form of a flower or a rim.

Cropped bob or pixie haircuts even look stylish on their own. To make them even more spectacular, just use styling products and draw bold sharp tips.

Casual waves on short hair look very attractive. At the same time, you can make such a hairstyle very quickly.
- Apply a special heat protectant to clean and dry hair. To create curls, you should use a curling iron.
- It is best to start creating curls from the bottom layer. It is desirable that the diameter of large curls does not exceed 5 centimeters.
- To make the waves sloppy, the curling iron should be kept for five seconds. If you hold it for 10 seconds, you will get very curled and bouncy curls.
- At the last stage, you need to lay the resulting waves or curls with your hands, and then fix it with varnish.

To give your short hair a special charm, you can use various accessories. Even the simplest styling can be solemn if supplemented with a modern tiara, floral headband or head ornament. Small hairpins that look great in loose strands are also an excellent option.

Nowadays, many short-haired girls enjoy hooliganism and creativity. However, here it is important not to cross the line that separates slight negligence from sloppiness.
When styling your hair, you can use a variety of modeling mousses, wax or gel.

Selection Tips
Before choosing a hairstyle for prom, you should decide on a dress. After all, styling is part of the image and in no case should compete with the outfit. Also, the choice of hairstyle is influenced by the length of the hair and their thickness. It is worth considering the shape of the face so that the styling looks elegant.

Here are some helpful tips for schoolgirls:
- if the cheekbones are wide and the chin is narrow, then preference should be given to hairstyles that will smooth out the imbalances;
- owners of an oval face can choose any styling options;
- girls who have a massive chin should consider hairstyles that hide a square face type;
- chubby girls should abandon even parting, as well as smoothly combed hair on top of the head.

It is also important to take into account fashion trends that change every season. It is worth paying attention to your own character. After all, if at ordinary times the girl is quite calm and soft, then you should not make a fatal beauty out of her for the celebration.It is desirable that the image is revealed and complements natural beauty. Despite the current trend, most ninth-graders should consider classic hairstyles. This will allow you to receive only pleasant emotions from contemplation of yourself in a few years. Natural and healthy hair is always in fashion.

You should not get carried away just before the graduation with hair extensions, unnatural dyes and overly massive jewelry. Practice shows that for such an event as graduation, it is better for young beauties to opt for simple minimalist hairstyles. You can allow moderate negligence, which will allow you to refresh and give perky notes to the image. The chosen hairstyle should emphasize the features of natural beauty, and not change the whole girl.

Beautiful examples
Many girls with long hair love Hollywood curls. This hairstyle looks natural and chic at the same time. Styling does not need to be supplemented with any accessories, which is appreciated by those who do not like to wear hairpins or hairpins. However, you will have to try a lot to make the curls look careless and as natural as possible.

The elegant shell styling can add style to any look. This hairstyle will attract a lot of attention. Styling works equally well for ninth graders with both long and medium hair.
To make the image more flirtatious, it is enough to release a few strands.

Delicate Greek hairstyle, complemented by a floral rim, will be an excellent option for romantic natures. The main thing is that the styling should be combined with the outfit so that the image is complete.

A ponytail can become a festive hairstyle if you transform it with curls or pile. This styling can be supplemented with an original hair clip.

Intricate braids are a great option for prom. It is especially effective if they flow smoothly into the tail.

Top 10 simple and beautiful hairstyles for the 9th grade prom, see the next video.