The nuances of graduation in grade 9

The end of the 9th grade is the first important period of adolescent growing up. They make the first important decision in their life - to continue their studies at school or move to another educational institution. Students grow up, they need to make important decisions and take responsibility for them.

Therefore, it is so important to have a memorable graduation party so that a bright road to the future opens up for schoolchildren. The organization of the evening must be approached thoroughly and in advance; everyone should take part in the planning: parents, graduates themselves and teachers. Or you can entrust it to professionals.

Seat selection
When holding graduation in grade 9, you should not organize something very solemn (as in grade 11), most students will most likely return to school and continue their studies. Therefore, the choice of a place should be approached not so conservatively; it is not necessary to choose a luxurious restaurant or a banquet hall. If the school has a spacious assembly hall, then graduation can be held there. This can be a kind of rehearsal for a real prom.

If you have sufficient funds, you can celebrate a graduation party on a boat (of course, if there is such an opportunity in your city) or at a camp site (in the mountains or near a reservoir). The classic option is to rent a restaurant, cafe or disco club.

When choosing a place, you need to focus on the interests and desires of the graduates themselves and the financial side.
Most likely, children will want to spend the evening in a trendy disco club or outdoors (weather permitting). Modern youth do not always like festive official events; simplicity and comfort are closer to them.

When choosing a prom location, keep in mind that teens feel inhibited in the presence of adults (especially parents). Therefore, you need to find a place where accompanying adults can observe the graduates, while being not very close to the teenagers. Children should feel relaxed and free, but not burn, break or even worse.
Whichever option you choose, you need to agree on all the conditions in advance (book a room and organize transport) and calculate the budget.

Room decoration
You need to decorate the room, focusing on a number of factors:
the size of the room;
availability of free space;
theme of the evening.
The prom can be held in a specific theme (fairy tale, space, comics and superheroes, anime, water world and much more). If the graduates have chosen a topic, then the design must be made accordingly.

If there is no specific theme for the graduation ceremony, then the room (or open area) can simply be decorated festively. To do this, use balloons, garlands, colorful light bulbs, huge paper flowers, inflatable letters and whole inscriptions.

There is no need to do too multi-colored design, after all, the graduates of the 9th grade are no longer children. It is better to choose one color scheme and decorate the hall. Now all young people actively use social networks and post a large number of photos. For beautiful photographs, you need to create small photo zones with different designs.

If the size of the room, budget and theme allow, then you can spread the red carpet at the entrance to the hall. It is very solemn and graduates can feel like real adults. The role of the paparazzi can be played by parents and guests.

When decorating the room, be sure to leave enough open space for dancing, young people should have fun and dance on such a day, and not sit at tables or stand near the wall.

Selection of clothes
When choosing clothes, you need to proceed from the prom format, it can be cocktail dresses and formal suits, or more informal clothes. If the theme of the evening has been chosen, then you need to choose a suitable outfit (or even a suit).

Of course, all girls want to wear evening dresses, hair and manicure. It is necessary to discuss and choose a beautiful outfit in advance, to create an image that will correspond to the age and style of the event. For girls, a light, beautiful dress will be a classic choice, and for boys a trouser suit (you can leave only a shirt and trousers).

It is important for the teenager that the clothes are comfortable. Some do not like to stand out from the crowd and dress modestly, while others, on the contrary, need to stand out and be different.
Consider your child's taste when choosing an outfit, don't force them to wear something they don't like.

Parents (especially mothers) also need to prepare in advance, do not come to a gala evening in a restaurant in ordinary everyday clothes. Daughters and sons should not be ashamed of their parents. It is important for parents on this day to look like a good example for boys and girls.

For a photo shoot of graduates, it is better to hire a professional photographer. At the entrance to the hall where the celebration and the presentation of certificates will take place, you need to make a special thematic photo zone. In this area, it is necessary to provide good lighting; it is better to provide this to professionals. You can prepare several design options and prepare thematic props (for example: crowns, cups, medals or a huge certificate). So graduates will be able to take many interesting pictures that are not ashamed to post on social networks.

To make the photo session unusual and memorable, and the pictures original, it can be done a little in advance. (about 1-2 days before the prom). A photo session can be arranged during a city walk or a picnic outside the city. Give each class assignments at locations so that they take pictures on a specific topic or with a specific subject. And at the evening, take stock and show the most successful (or funny) photos.

Contests and games
To hold competitions at the celebration, it is better to hire a professional young presenter (animator) who will be close in spirit to the graduates. Contests should be active so that teenagers don't get bored. It is better to hold team competitions, each team of 5-7 people. Not all guys of this age like to draw attention to themselves personally, but everyone will be able to participate in teams.

It is better to start the games gradually, at first involving the most active students, gradually gathering all students and parents. To begin with, it is better to offer to guess riddles - so everyone can prove themselves, sitting at a table or standing in a circle of friends, without having to go on stage. And as the activity of graduates increases, start team or individual games. Competitions should be varied, sporty, intelligent and creative in order to involve everyone.

When conducting sports games, be sure to take into account that girls will be in smart dresses and high-heeled shoes, and young people in suits that hinder movement.
You don't need to force them to do push-ups or run a hundred meters, the tasks should be simple (stand on one leg or jump easily). Intellectual contests should be simple, even a little funny. It is better to choose the questions for your wit or general education. Questions about school, alumni and teachers could be included.

It is a good idea to run a win-win lottery where everyone will receive a prize. Graduates, parents, teachers and guests will be able to purchase tickets for a symbolic payment by answering a question, or completing a task, or for participating in contests and games. It is also not necessary to make prizes expensive, it is better if it is connected with school or graduation evening. You can prepare comic certificates or medals. They are also suitable for competition winners.

In room
In the hall (or cafe), you can hold contests based on popular TV shows: "Where is the logic?", "Dances" or "Guess the melody". You can use tasks from the famous game "Crocodile". It is very interesting and exciting.

In nature, it is better to hold active contests, for example, to arrange a relay race. Or divide the children into teams and conduct a game "Three words", when one participant has to show with gestures a conceived phrase. It is interesting and will involve all the guys in the process.

When choosing a menu, take into account the tastes of young people. It is better to choose something simple, light, but at the same time festive.
No need to choose heavy complex dishes, the guys should have fun and dance, not overeat.

For a start, it is better to organize buffet tables with snacks and drinks. Fruits are suitable for this (they must be immediately peeled and seed-cut and cut), cheese and cold cuts, sandwiches and canapes, and even mini-burgers and fries. And later (after the solemn part) you can seat everyone at the table. For a table with drinks, you can prepare non-alcoholic cocktails of different colors, decorate them with umbrellas and berries (just like adults). Make sure you have enough water and juice and hot tea.

If the graduation party takes place at school, then parents can prepare all the meals on their own, or hire a catering service that organizes everything. When choosing hot dishes, stop on one that comes with everything (for example, beef or salmon with a light side dish of vegetables). Don't choose exotic dishes, teenagers can give up unfamiliar tastes, or, even worse, get poisoned.

Gifts for alumni and teachers
It is not necessary to give gifts for graduation in grade 9 to graduates.This question is left to the discretion of the parents. Most often, an album is chosen as a gift for children (you can immediately with photos of classmates and from a photo session).

Teachers and parents can prepare certificates or medals. It is better to select the content of the diplomas individually for each student in the class ("the most fashionable", "the most beautiful", "the most athletic", "the most active", etc.). It is better to hold the awards in a humorous manner so that the children do not feel offended that they received (or did not receive) this or that title.

If the budget allows, then graduates can be presented with certificates for attending additional educational courses or a gym. Or modern gadgets (wireless headphones, smart watches, flash drives), young people will be very happy with such gifts.

Choose a gift for the class teacher based on his age, gender, hobbies and character. If possible, ask for advice from his colleagues or immediate family and friends.
In no case should you give money, clothing, personal hygiene items, food and alcoholic beverages.
A branded pen with a personalized engraving or a table (wall) clock can be a good gift. You can pick up a rare book or a reference book on the teacher's specialized subject. If the class teacher is creative and loves extraordinary gifts, then you can shoot a video about your class or make a photo collage.

Interesting ideas
Graduation in grade 9 should be memorable, this is the first important event for schoolchildren. For the evening to become such, you need to come up with something original and unusual. After the end of the solemn part with the presentation of certificates and parting speeches of teachers and parents, graduates need to have fun and celebrate the end of the 9th grade.

Parents or students themselves can come up with an original farewell ceremony for school and childhood. For example, flying kites, like launching air lanterns on New Years in China. You can even organize a competition for the title of the most beautiful or unusual kite. Or write wishes on the wings of kites. It depends on the imagination of students and parents.

You can create a picture with the help of graduates. Each student can participate in this. And leave the finished painting at school (for the teacher's room or the library, for example). It can become a tradition when every year graduates leave a reminder of themselves and the gallery grows.

Another interesting idea that is gaining popularity is a charity event. It is not the first year that graduates have given up beautiful outfits and magnificent celebrations, and the saved funds are donated to charity. But the guys, of course, don’t stay without a prom, it’s just that everything is less solemn. Such a decision will be truly adult for graduates. As part of a charity event, you can plant trees or renovate a nearby park. Sometimes pupils help veterans and lonely pensioners, buy food or medicine, help clean up their homes or on their personal plot. Such events teach graduates responsibility.

On the eve of the gala evening, you can visit an exhibition, theatrical performance or a city tour. So the guys will be able to spend an interesting time together, take interesting photos. This will be especially important for graduates who decide to change their educational institution and say goodbye to their classmates.