Graduation Script in Grade 9

Graduation in 9th grade is a very important, serious and exciting event in the life of every teenager. And of course, every student would like to solemnly celebrate this event. In order for the holiday to be a success, it is necessary to take into account many details, think over a concept, choose a venue and much more. Let's consider in more detail the scenarios for celebrating the graduation in the 9th grade.

Choice of general topics
The first thing you have to do is decide on the theme of the holiday. Having a ready-made concept, you can easily choose a place for the celebration, as well as decide on contests, active games, the format of treating guests and other details. Let's consider the most popular and modern thematic directions for such a holiday.
- The easiest and most budgetary option is a holiday at school, which is based on fond memories of the past school years, which children can share not only with each other, but also with teachers and parents. School supplies can be used as decorations in the hall, and the dress code of the evening will be a solemn version of the school uniform.

- You can turn your graduation celebration into a full-length movie, which after editing will remain for everyone a valuable memory of his youth.
For this format, it is necessary to prepare a high-quality scenario, where absolutely each participant will have his own role and at least small remarks.

- A great modern idea for 9th grade prom is a cooking duel. Students can be divided into several teams, each of which will cook some simple dish. Cooked goodies will become a treat for the holiday.

- Surely every student at one time dreamed of becoming a part of the magical world of Harry Potter, so a graduation party in this style will be a real gift for them. Fascinating fairy-tale atmosphere and dresses in the form of robes will help everyone to spend an unforgettable evening.

- The topic of the graduation ceremony can also be of a detective nature. Students in the style of Agatha Christie will have to solve a mystery, find something stolen, or figure out the villain who wants to disrupt the holiday. This format of the evening will be interesting for both teenagers and adults.

- Unusual costume party, in which students will have to dress up as representatives of any profession, will be an excellent option for a holiday, if supplemented with a photo session. For example, images of a doctor, policeman, or firefighter are great. You can choose a profession that a teenager has long dreamed of, or reincarnate into someone, regardless of views on the future, in any case, the process will be fascinating, and beautiful photographs will remain in memory.

- An American-style prom is what many teenagers dream of. What girl, watching romantic films, has not dreamed of becoming the queen of the ball? And a holiday in this format is a great opportunity! The king and queen of the ball can be determined by secret ballot and it is not at all necessary to nominate yourself in advance - after all, everyone can take part.

Features of the ceremonial part
A party of any format is always preceded by a solemn official part of the event, at which certificates are awarded to each student, and teachers give their parting words, congratulate students on the passed important stage in their lives and leave a lot of sincere wishes.
And despite the fact that in the 9th grade, school does not come to an end for most adolescents, this part of the event should be at graduation, so it must also be taken into account when drawing up a celebration scenario.

So that the process does not drag on and does not seem boring, you can add several entertaining moments to it.
- For example, event facilitators might invite each student to be presented in poetic form. A short verse may contain words that celebrate any achievement or just merit of the student.
- The delivery of certificates can be carried out in a certain order, and the exit of each student can be accompanied by a small slide show made up of his school photos, starting from grade 1. Such a format will be especially sincere, since everyone will be able to feel the path that he went through, and how he grew and changed during his school years.
- It is also a great idea both for the beginning and for the end of the official part of the event - a film edited from videos and photos from the school life of the students. Teachers can independently make such a gift for their wards, or the host of the event will take care of it. Photos and videos can be requested from the students themselves or their parents, as well as found on social networks.
- After all the certificates have been awarded, the teachers take the floor to congratulate their students. For every teacher, despite the work experience, this is an exciting stage, so it is important to correctly express your emotions and emphasize the depth of feelings. If difficulties arise with the solemn speech or you want to somehow diversify this part of the event, the teaching staff can prepare an unusual congratulation in poetic form or in the form of a musical number. Each student will be sincerely happy and grateful for such a congratulation.
- At the end of the official part, parents and students themselves can also say their word, expressing gratitude to the teachers for all the knowledge that they gave during 9 years of training, and the support that they provided.

The official part can be held both in the school building and in any other ceremonial hall. After its completion, you can safely proceed to the celebration in a more informal setting.

Games and contests
To make the holiday more interesting, we recommend diversifying it with interesting contests and games. But it should be borne in mind that entertainment options should be selected in accordance with the format and venue of the event.
In room
The territory of any room, be it a cafe or a school auditorium, somewhat limits the number of possible competitions, since there is often not enough free space or there are restrictions on the time and volume of the soundtrack.
But you can still pick up a lot of pretty interesting options. Let's consider the most common ones.
- Associations - an excellent version of the game for 9th grade graduates, which can be easily played even while sitting at a table. Of all the participants, you need to choose one leader, whose task is only to ask the first player what his school associates with. The player thinks of a word, but does not say it out loud. In a whisper, he passes this word to the next player, and he, in turn, passes on the association regarding what he heard. According to this principle, the game takes place until the end, until the last player calls his word. Then everyone needs to guess which word was transmitted by the very first person in the chain.

- Draw a postcard. This competition will not only be a great entertainment option, but will also help you create a memorable postcard that you can present to your homeroom teacher. For the participation of graduates, you need to divide into two teams and prepare in advance two large sheets of Whatman paper and various drawing accessories. Each team member should come up and draw an element on the sheet, so that the end result is a card. The best drawing is determined by the volume of the applause.

- For the next competition, you will need a large sheet of newspaper and several participants, divided into pairs. A sheet of newspaper needs to be laid on the floor, each couple stands on it and begins to dance to rhythmic music. Then the sheet is folded in half, then in half, and so on. Couples who have left the newspaper during the dance are eliminated from the game. The last couple wins.

- DIY Graduate! This competition is held among two teams. To participate, each of them will need thick cardboard, balloons, scissors, felt-tip pens and scotch tape. The task of the participants is to build a graduate from inflated balloons, using cardboard and felt-tip pens for the frame, as well as decorations. The team whose graduate is more beautiful will win this way. After the competition, you can have a fun photo session with the resulting figures.

- Diary. A competition that allows each student to do what he sometimes dreamed of during the school year. To conduct the competition, you will need two diaries, 6 pages of which contain deuces. Pupils are divided into two teams of 6 people, each of them must run to the diary, find one page with a two and tear it out. The task is performed for speed, so the victory will be won by the team that first finds and tears out all pages with deuces from the diary.

Outdoor games can often involve some kind of physical activity. In addition, in this format, there is room for a competition with the launch of balloons, flashlights or kites into the sky.
You can also consider other options for games.
- "Hurray, graduation!" The game begins with the first participant uttering the phrase "Hurray, graduation!" As quietly as possible.The next participant should repeat the same phrase, but a little louder. So each graduate repeats in a circle after the previous one, gradually raising his voice. The last competitor should shout out the phrase as loudly as possible.

- Active relay race "Collect the portfolio". This game can be carried out both indoors and outdoors, for example, on a lawn sown with grass. To participate, you will need backpacks, in an amount equal to the number of teams, as well as school supplies laid out at a certain distance from each other. Participants are divided into several teams, line up in columns and, at the signal of the leader, run after some object. Each item must be brought to the team and put into the backpack. The last participant picks up the remaining item, zips up the backpack and raises his hand. The team that collects all the items before the others wins.

- A similar principle can be used to play games with students, teachers and parents. Such entertainment will contribute not only to active recreation, but also to rally, as well as the establishment of closer friendships.

Quest options
Quest is a popular format for holding events for both young people and the older generation. As an idea, you can take any well-known television show, series or film, and based on the plot, come up with a scenario for the quest.
Let's consider several options.
- "Fort Boyard". A great option for a quest for outdoor activities. This game requires from the participants not only dexterity and physical effort, but also the display of ingenuity, and sometimes even cunning. The passage of the quest is divided into several blocks. In the first block, the participants need to show their skills of speed and agility, it is possible to use the resources of the surrounding nature with additional materials in the form of ropes. In the second block, it is necessary to show creative imagination, and in the third - ingenuity, since the tasks should be more intellectual. You can prepare the props for testing yourself, purchase it in a store or rent it.

- Intellectual quest "Riddles"that can be carried out in any conditions. The host is the "boss" of the game and secretly oversees the participants. Each participant receives and independently finds clues to solve the mystery. The facilitator can confuse and give the wrong hints to the participants in order to distance them from solving the secret. In addition, each participant can track down the presenter and try to guess the passphrase, then he automatically becomes the winner.

- Mafia game does not have to be a table, it can be turned into a fun, mysterious and intriguing detective quest that can be carried out in an empty school. Each participant receives a card where his role is written.
To make the game more colorful, you can prepare props in the form of appropriate clothing or accessories.
Then the participants disperse around the school, and the mafia seeks out loners, doing their job. The task of civilians is to identify criminals, which is much more difficult to do in a large space.

Interesting ideas for
As an example, we suggest you consider some interesting ideas for a 9th grade prom.
A surprise evening, entirely prepared by the parents, may include several items.
- First, all graduates are gathered in the ceremonial hall for the official part, which begins with a musical performance of parents and teachers.
- Pupils are awarded certificates along with small souvenirs.
- Then, to celebrate, everyone moves to the spacious hall of a cafe or restaurant with a beautiful themed design.
- The beginning of the informal part of the event also begins with a fun original scene from the parents. During the evening, graduates will also receive several short numbers from teachers and relatives.
- During the festive dinner, various contests are held, and the evening ends with a beautiful fireworks display.Also, the festive part of the evening can be turned into a real ball.

You can choose, for example, this option for celebrating graduation in nature.
- For celebration, it is better to choose a suburban area. For example, a beautiful hostel with a spectacular banquet hall, located on the shore of the lake.
- The event also begins with the solemn presentation of certificates and official congratulations.
- Further, teachers, students and their parents will have a gala dinner in the banquet hall.
- After the formal part, everyone can change into more comfortable clothes for the active part of the evening.
- Then, on the territory of the suburban area, the invited animators conduct active games and quests, in which absolutely everyone present participates.
- After the games, time for relaxation is organized, an informal dinner and a disco are organized. Also, all guests of the event can stay overnight or a transfer will be organized for convenience.