Kindergarten Graduation Scenario

For a long time, graduation in kindergarten was held traditionally - in the form of a matinee or a reporting concert. Over time, the play part began to be attached to this concert, which can already be held outside the garden. But there are even more ideas and options than it might seem at first glance.

Choice of topics
To some, this item will seem strange - after all, "Farewell to kindergarten" is the main theme of the holiday. But in fact, it is much more interesting to hold the graduation ceremony in an interesting format, without changing the main topic, but also without focusing on parting. It’s more interesting for children, and for parents, the program will be less predictable.
So what is this format.
Hipsters. Probably, it is not difficult to guess that there will be an emphasis on beautiful costumes, bright numbers and a lot of music. But after all, at the prom, children are always beautiful, elegant, which means that it is not difficult to guess with this. Another question is that both the presenters (educators) and other adult participants in the process will have to play along with this show.
But such a holiday promises to be enchanting: there are a lot of dynamics, a lot of external effects, and the guys in such formats behave more relaxed, do not jam.

- Presentation of prizes. Something like a kindergarten Oscar. The highlight is that no one should leave without the figurine. By the way, the figurines are sold in souvenir shops, and you can put any inscription on them. Well, nominations for children: "For the best game and musical talent", "For the best game and cheerful disposition" and so on. Children in the garden mostly play, so the word “play” is more than appropriate here. Well, the statuettes should also go to the educators (only from the parent committee): for example, "For the best director's work - our children were like in a fairy tale."

- Ball in a modern way. You can fundamentally abandon formal suits for boys and fluffy dresses for girls. First of all, it becomes outdated, besides, it is not very convenient to dance, run and jump in them.
A modern ball means fashionable outfits, and there are a lot of similar stylizations: children will look like little fashionistas, and from such freedom they will have a lot of good mood. And the dances at the modern ball are incendiary, bright, fashionable performers sound.

- Climbing Mount Everest. Even before graduation at the preschool educational institution, the children are told that there is such a mountain Everest, the highest in the world, and only the most courageous and strong ascend there. And today they have approached their Everest, to their summit - they are already graduates. But in order for the garden to let them reach the highest point, you need to try a little more. And the reporting graduation concert will be such an effort, consisting of contests, musical numbers, mini-competitions.
And when the guys overcome all this together, the mountain will let them go to the top (it would be nice to make the scenery of the mountain with a ladder behind, allowing each child to climb there at the end of the holiday).

Clothes, hairstyles for girls and boys should correspond to the theme. Today, you can see a trend towards simplification, as well as retro themes: lush and complex hairstyles are losing their relevance, giving way to simple but elegant ones. An example is taken from the royal children - someone, and they certainly go to balls. But their dresses are of a classic cut, very restrained and modest, hairstyles - either just clean, neatly combed hair with a modest rim, bow or hairpin, or something simple like two braids.
Children themselves are bright, beautiful, and everything pretentious, complex, and even acid colors, on the contrary, diverts attention from their natural charm.

Features of the ceremonial part
Although they are already graduates, they are still toddlers. It is difficult for them to retain attention during long speeches of adults. But usually the collective of the kindergarten knows this, and the teacher and the head are laconic.
True, if at the graduation at the end of elementary school it is possible to do without the presenters altogether, the kids still need to "conduct". Therefore, the leader can have many words, but if he has small assistants, great.

Important notes on organizing the ceremonial part:
- it is better to keep within 60 minutes, if more - it is already hard for children;
- it would be nice to draw up a timing, and "run" the script strictly according to it - this minimizes all sorts of overlaps;
- alternate active stages with those where children act as spectators, because they need to be given the opportunity to rest;
- every child should visit the first line - in a song, in a dance, in a scene;
- if there is a scene in the scenario where less than half of the group is involved, its maximum time is 10 minutes;
- if at the end of the holiday gifts are provided for the children, it is better not to give them directly into their hands, but to come more interestingly - they will take them off the miracle tree, find them in their locker after the matinee, or in their crib in the group;
- it's good if there is a screen on the stage, and the words of the final song will be displayed on it - it's great if the whole audience will sing it.

If the game program takes place in the garden, the children are unlikely to have time to change (or it is inconvenient, because the same fluffy dresses need to be neatly folded somewhere), if in another place - there will be some time to go home to change.
But such a moment is important only in relation to the so-called ball gowns, as well as formal suits for boys, all other options are compatible with active games, a sweet table and fun.

Games and contests
They can be carried out by an animator - usually he is hired, he comes after the main part directly to the garden or meets the children in the playroom. By the way, it is wrong to require the teacher to conduct the game part, this is an addition to the graduation ceremony, and this is the initiative of the parents. Therefore, either it will be an animator, or the parents can cope on their own.
What games can there be:
- mobile with props - the more noisemakers, rustlers and whistles accompany the game, the better children play it;
- comic games - running in funny caps, with a basket in which the ducklings lie, and not a single one can be lost, in trousers, children really like all this;
- on attentiveness - the animator wants to "fool" the guys, but they should not give in;
- intellectual - sometimes it is difficult to combine outdoor games with quizzes, therefore it is better in this case to choose a quest that will combine both.
Parents should be involved in contests and games, select musical accompaniment, set the dynamics.

Quest options
Quests are search games in which many people can participate at once. The thematic quest will be a logical and successful part of the kindergarten graduation program.
Here are some of the quests.
Treasure Island. The same gifts that all children should receive at the end of the holiday can act as treasures. They can be folded into a large chest, which the children will only find at the end of the quest. The quest itself should represent a journey across the islands, on each of which the children will be tested. For example, the first island is musical - you need to learn an easy dance and repeat it, without fail with your parents. And when the guys do this, they will receive the first word from the spell, which is pronounced to open the chest. The second island can be associated with agility - this is some kind of outdoor game. The third island - with the classification of objects according to some criterion (for example, things related to the heroes of fairy tales must be distributed among baskets in accordance with fairy tales). The fourth island - with the production of something in common, for example, some kind of collective creative work under the direction of an animator. Naturally small.
And so on, until all the words of the spell are received, which will open the treasure chest.

- Trials of the brave. This is a quest designed to prove that the children are ready for school, that they have passed the preparatory group successfully. It is supposed to travel by train with arrival at the final station "Graduate", where the children will also receive individual gifts. What can happen at all previous stations: solving ciphers, searching for an extra picture, folding a quick puzzle, searching for a hidden one, and much more.

The time for the quest program may vary. For example, if the whole program looks like a quest, then all 2 hours children can participate in it. There will just be more pauses between tasks. If the quest is only part of the program, it should not last more than 30 minutes, children need to often switch their attention.
Interesting ideas
Here are 10 important tips to help you make graduation fun and interesting, rather than your average.
- Dunno questionable. So you can conditionally call the search for heroes who will appear at the holiday. Characters should be familiar to children, they should be from their childhood, speak in understandable phrases, and not didactic remarks. From Luntik to the Barboskins, there are a lot of options for what is closer to modern children.

- Beautiful decorations. They will definitely be remembered, and for children they are much more important than for filming or parents. But making them is troublesome, but renting them is easier.
You need to ask around from decorators (they rent out props and decorations), for example, in palaces of culture.

- Invited guests. They will be absolutely superfluous at the children's party. It can be a funny clown, an illusionist or a group of gymnasts - the holiday becomes brighter, the children get new impressions, and during their performance, the organizers can prepare for the next scenario round.

- Sweet table in the form of a candy bar or candy shop. This is a more unusual option, but children will definitely be delighted. A free candy shop is always an attractive idea for kids.

- Fatigue zone. This, of course, is a conventional name, but such a place should definitely be foreseen.If a child is tired of an active program, he needs to sit somewhere quieter.
If the fun part (second) of the prom is organized in the playroom, there should be such a place.

- No typical animation programs. Today, when children go to someone's birthday party, they see pirates, Fixies, and Three Cats there. In a word, the main characters of children's parties. But graduation is still a separate holiday, special, and there is no need for repetitions.
Let the leading animator not be any specific character, but it will look bright and festive, and not so that the children think that Jack Sparrow has come to them again.

- Organization of a photo zone. Must be. But if the hall, in which the official part was held, is decorated colorfully, brightly, then it may become that very photo zone at the end of the holiday.

- Responsible for the photo. Of course, if a professional photographer is invited to the graduation, this is one thing. But more often parents do it on their own. And then the chat is overflowing with numerous (and in most cases - duplicating each other) photos. So, it is better to take one or two people who will take the maximum of common photos, and then you will not need to flip through the kilometer tape.

- Hello for grandmothers. For various reasons, grandparents cannot always get to the grandchildren's graduation ceremony. And especially for them, you can come up with an online greeting: right during the ceremonial part, the presenter will ask the children to wave their hands to their grandparents, say some general phrase. And then there will be a song dedicated to them. Or a little dance.
One of the parents will take it off, and send it by mailing to the numbers that have been collected in advance and included in the mailing list. It will be a great surprise.

- Unusual and democratic. Blue jeans and white T-shirts with names and little specs are alternative prom outfits for kids. They have already been in beautiful dresses and suits at matinees, they have already impressed them on New Year's holidays, at the graduation party, you can dress so that the child himself is noticeable, and not his chic outfit. Therefore, everyone has blue jeans, everyone has a T-shirt with the inscription, for example, "Masha is the most charming smile" or "Vanya is the most infectious laugh."
By the way, parents can support such a "flash mob" and come in the same outfit.

Successful ideas, may the graduation be brilliant!