High school graduation

All About Homecoming Night

All About Homecoming Night
  1. When does it take place?
  2. Location
  3. Where to go?
  4. How to organize it correctly?

The alumni meeting is traditionally held in winter, in February. It is almost always held at school. At least the official part of it. And then classmates often continue their meeting in a restaurant, which they order in advance.

When does it take place?

On the first Saturday in February, schools are again open to those who have graduated a long time ago (or not very long ago). If the influx of graduates is expected to be large, schools rent a hall in some recreation center so that everyone who wants to can definitely fit in. Almost all the graduates of the last year come amicably: their memories are still very fresh for them, and it’s nice to go to school as a student. Anniversary issues are also actively encountered: 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40 and even 50 years later.

But graduates of military schools, colleges, universities do not gather very often in February, but their meetings also usually take place in jubilee years. Only the date and month are determined by agreement of the participants. For some reason, most often it is spring.

After college, they rarely gather within the walls of the institute, usually right in a restaurant. But some higher education institutions also celebrate their alumni meeting day. This is advertised, announced in social networks.


The evening itself, that is, the concert program, is organized by the school. This is a scenario that will be interesting and understandable for all ages, issues of different years. The school assembly hall may not accommodate everyone, therefore the holiday is often transferred to palaces of culture and similar institutions. Usually a concert lasts 1-1.5 hours, that is, the restaurant is ordered to continue the meeting, taking into account that they have time to go to the main part.

But it should be borne in mind that sometimes after a concert, graduates go to their former class, where for some time they communicate with the class teacher, with teachers. And the more “recent” the release, the more likely it is that the scenario of the evening will be just like that. At school, the organization of the holiday usually works well: even on the watch, guests are greeted, explained where to go, there are signs on the walls, etc. Perhaps, an exhibition with photos of different issues will be organized in the foyer. Guests may also be offered a guided tour of the school's museum, etc.

The informal part takes place in the restaurant. Sometimes a presenter can be ordered there to conduct the program (taking into account the theme of the evening). Usually, this is just communication, especially if the graduation is not an anniversary one and not all graduates are going to attend.

Where to go?

There are many options here, and the more creative the class was, the more interesting the ideas will be.


A standard business suit is not a bad option, but at some moments it is not very comfortable. Therefore, it is better to wear something in which you can participate in competitions and dance. Trousers and a shirt, jeans and a shirt, a golf or a sweater - all this is normal and appropriate. But wearing a T-shirt in February is a bit weird. And then going to a restaurant is somehow not very convenient.


For them, the question of where to go is much more acute. They have not seen many of their classmates for years, so, of course, I want to present myself in the best possible light. Let's see what images are relevant and appropriate.

  • Dress made of very dense fabric (possibly leather) with short sleeves and low shoes. Thin fabrics look strange in winter, and knitted dresses may not seem formal enough. Therefore, dense matter will look much more profitable and at the same time quite elegant.

But high boots do not always look good, however, you can take graceful shoes with you.

  • Classic light jeans, white blouse / shirt, red velvet shoes (you can take them with you and change your shoes). This image is democratic and suits many people. With a little love for dresses, it will be a good alternative. In addition, it refreshes, favorably emphasizes the silhouette, and can hide minor imperfections.
  • Small black dress. It helps out when there is nothing to wear or it is not clear what will look especially, complementary. But there are a lot of little black dresses as well. In winter, it can be a dress with long sleeves, but the top (and the sleeve itself) can be made from translucent fabric. It will be moderately elegant and feminine, and slimming too. Tights with an active pattern are not the best option for such a dress, it is better to take monophonic ones, without any effects, but at the same time rather dense.

Many women find it more convenient to take shoes with them, because boots can fall out of the image.

  • Bulky jacket, light blouse, maxi skirts or mini skirt. Onions are not for everyone, many women will think, and in vain. This is relevant, it is complementary to different figures. You don't have to be impeccably slim. The main thing is not to mix layers: if the top (jacket) is tight, the blouse should be light so as not to weigh down the image.
  • A dark jumpsuit and a light knitted sweater made of fluffy yarn, slightly falling off the shoulder. Overalls are clothes that bring order to the image. This refers to the type of overalls that can be more likely attributed to evening wear, and which involves a heel. Then a dark and relatively strict bow will be well balanced with a delicate light top (preferably with buttons) made of voluminous, tactilely pleasant yarn. Excellent for an evening look.

As for the hairstyle, it is important not to overdo it. If it is styling, then it is discreet, without the effect of complicated wedding preparations. There are many trendy hair styles that go well with a variety of evening looks. And if the hair is pulled back, there is an emphasis on the face, that is, a sufficiently bright and expressive makeup is needed (which does not mean red lipstick or smoky ice, the make-up just has to be beautiful).

How to organize it correctly?

If you decide on your own to hold the evening of the alumni meeting, draw up a program, entertainment, then this is all real. But serious preparation is required.


It is logical that the school theme will run like a red thread throughout the entire program. And here the ideas also need to be narrowed a little, so as not to "jump", so that the concept is logical and the connection between all stages of the scenario can be traced.

Examples of narrow topics:

  • we pass the exam: to beat exactly the topic of exams, preparation for them, cheating, worries about the result, etc.;
  • one school day: a schedule is drawn up, lessons are thought out that everyone who has gathered will have to go through again;
  • an intellectual game based on school life: you will have to answer questions all evening, among which there will be materials from the school curriculum, and the curiosities of the school time, and pleasant memories.

The evening always has a presenter (sometimes a couple) who feels the mood of the audience, can set the dynamics for the program, guesses the most active and is not afraid of impromptu.

Game program

Here is an example of a script plan that you can use as a basis. He only indicates the points of the program, gives ideas on how to build the evening.

  1. Introduction. Better if it is not a standard welcome. And it will start, for example, with a video clip to the song favorite by the graduates and archive photos of their school years. This is what you need to create a nostalgic mood.
  2. Greetings. And now you can say hello and indicate what will happen: it is always easier for people to understand how long the event will last, what will be involved.
  3. Performances by artists. They will run through the entire program. It is better to take musical numbers with songs that were present in the school childhood of the audience. It's great if the graduates themselves perform something by prior arrangement with the organizers.
  4. A word to the teachers. Those present will definitely wait for their favorite teachers at the holiday. And it is more interesting when their output is original, unpredictable. The simplest thing is to invite the audience to guess the next guest by their quotes. And only then the teacher will rise on the stage and say a few words. Of course, teachers also prepare, write texts for speeches, weave interesting memories there.
  5. Contests. Amusing and funny contests are necessarily held in the program, but you shouldn't oversaturate the script with them either. If, for example, the program is designed for an hour, two competitions are more than enough. If for 1.5 hours, then three maximum. These can be competitions in the "Recall All" style: the team is given a minute of time, the participants take turns and quickly answer the questions of the presenter according to the school curriculum. Then the second team is also responsible for a minute. Those who have more correct answers won. The winners can be presented with pies from the school cafeteria or, for example, gingerbread in the form of fives. Questions should be something like this: "Was Raskolnikov with Dostoevsky or Chekhov?", "Einstein is more connected with physics or chemistry?" etc.
  6. Creative number. It should be closer to the end of the evening. It can be a song sung by everyone on the principle of karaoke or a flash mob. It is always touching when teachers speak for their former students. And if they prepare a vocal and instrumental number in advance, it will be the best surprise of the evening: such numbers are received with a standing ovation.
  7. The final. The floor is given to the headmaster. You can invite the former director, if there is such an opportunity. In the finale, sometimes a big cake is rolled out and, if the number of guests can be somehow correlated with the cake, they do so. And sometimes a big cake is a gift from graduates to teachers, the current pedagogical team. Which is also nice and does not happen so often.

There is no need to do complex, drawn-out scripts. Graduates want to talk faster, they still have a restaurant ahead, a conversation with the teacher in the classroom. Therefore, keeping within an hour with a little will be optimal.

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