
How to celebrate a woman's 45th birthday?

How to celebrate a woman's 45th birthday?
  1. What to consider when organizing a holiday?
  2. How to decorate a room?
  3. Celebration scenario theme
  4. Options for contests and games
  5. Toasts and congratulations

An anniversary in a person's life is an ambiguous date: on the one hand, a holiday, and on the other, a change in the next ten. When organizing an event, you need to make sure that the hero of the day understands that there is no reason for sadness. Over the years, a person has done a lot: he created a family, a career, and made reliable friends.

What to consider when organizing a holiday?

Celebrating a 45-year-old woman's jubilee is, to some extent, no different from celebrating other dates. Both for organizing an event at home, and for other venues, it is preferable to decorate the room and develop an unusual and interesting program.

As for its development, then with special care you need to approach the choice of contests, music and games. In this case, first of all, you need to build on the character and preferences of the birthday girl, and you should also pay attention to the circle of invited guests.

45 years is the age when it is too early to arrange quiet gatherings over a mug of tea, but at the same time the Sabbath for the whole night will also be irrelevant. At this age, most women have, as a rule, teenage children, nephews. If they are among the guests, then we must try so that the youth do not get bored either. Older people may also be invited. These are parents, aunts, uncles. This means that they should feel the importance of their presence at the event.

How to decorate a room?

The decoration of the premises is the first thing that catches the eye and maintains the appropriate mood throughout the event. In addition, it should be consistent with the overall style of the entire celebration.If, for example, the birthday girl is a joyful and athletic person, leading an active lifestyle, then it is desirable that this feature be reflected in the general flavor of the holiday. In such cases, an overly dark color would be inappropriate. You should also not decorate the hall for the anniversary of the 45-year-old woman in teenage pale pink colors.

Before proceeding with the design, it is recommended to think over all the subtleties of lighting. For a feast, it should be extremely bright. Competitions and table games are also often organized here. In areas designated for dancing, it is preferable to take care of the presence of slightly dimmed light.

The ideal option would be if the lighting on the dance floor is regulated, since outdoor games are held here. For this reason, excessive shading can cause injury.

Lighting can be easily adjusted with additional spotlights, lanterns and light music.

The next step is organization of space. Tables can be arranged in different ways: U-shaped, connected and arranged in length, or staggered. This is due to the proximity of the invitees. If all guests are in close and warm friendly relations, then a single composition can be made from the tables. In cases where the invitees are unfamiliar people, it is better to arrange the tables in a checkerboard pattern.

In addition to traditional balloons, signage banners and various posters, the presence of an impromptu arch for the solemn meeting of the birthday girl and guests, as well as the red carpet, is always appreciated. 45-year-old women are characterized by independence, youth, flourishing of strength and love of life, therefore, numerous compositions of fresh flowers will be very useful in this case.

You need to be careful with balloons, as this is not a children's party. A sense of proportion will be relevant here more than ever.

Celebration scenario theme

To make the holiday interesting for everyone, it is advisable to prepare some thematic event. If it is decided to conduct it independently, then you need to decide who will take on the duties of the toastmaster. It is preferable that this was a person from the circle of the family who knows the hero of the day, his family and friends well.

At an event of any theme, emphasis should always be placed on the birthday girl's role as a mother. The allocation of this status is inextricably linked with congratulations from the children.

This is not only pleasant, but also emphasizes the importance of mothers and children in each other's lives.

Speaking about the subject matter, it is possible to emphasize that the people associate this age with “berry”. This is both a sign of a woman's maturity and her youth. In addition, if the hero of the occasion does not have a certain hobby, then events in retro style are always successfully held. In this case, it is preferable that the guests come in appropriate suits.

Options for contests and games

On a birthday, they often not only have fun, but also remember the bright moments associated with the birthday man. These can be stories of acquaintance, birth, or just kind words that make the event touching and interesting. But this cannot be limited at the holiday. It should also be fiery and humorous. In order for the celebration to be fun from start to finish, funny contests with a certain unobtrusiveness must be held throughout the celebration. It can be not only outdoor games, but also comic tests at the table.

At the table

  • Competition "Poet". To conduct this competition, you will need a sheet of paper. It is transmitted to each guest in turn. They should write one phrase at a time and fold the sheet so that the next one does not see what is written. Each previous guest calls the next one the last word he recorded in the phrase. The result is a rhymed congratulation. The creator of the most original phrase can be considered the winner.
  • The game “What? Where? When?"... The presenter prepares a list of questions concerning the birthday girl in advance.These could be questions about hobbies, taste, or life. Which of the guests answers the most questions is considered the winner. This game can be organized as a test for the hero of the day.
  • Competition "Who will sing whom". The presenter distributes the printed words of a song or ditty to the teams. Guests can be divided according to the principle: girls-boys, right-side-left side. The teams take turns singing the verse printed on the sheet of paper. The winner is the team whose singing will be the most harmonious and loud.


  • Competition "Portrait for Memory"... For the competition, you will need sheets of paper or balloons. Competitors are invited to temporarily create a portrait of the hero of the day. The winner is the one whose work will be like the hero of the occasion.
  • Competition "Braid to the waist". 6 participants are divided into two teams, each of which receives 3 long ribbons. The assistants hold all 3 ribbons on one side, and the task of the girls, without releasing the ribbon from their hands, is to braid the pigtail. The winner is the one who completes the task faster.
  • Contest "Earn-ka". While the music is playing, the participants must burst as many balloons as possible, and collect the coins hidden inside in a certain wallet. To complicate the task, the purse is chosen as little as possible. The one wins, in whose wallet there will be more money.
  • Disco competition. All dancers are divided into teams, their number is planned in advance by the leader. The captains draw out a token, which indicates in what style their team is dancing: rap, jazz, hip-hop, break dance, and so on. Teams perform in turn. Whose performance will be the brightest, that group won.
  • The game "Reincarnation". Among the guests, those wishing to show acting skills are determined. They draw a token, where it is noted in which image the birthday girl should be portrayed. It could be Cleopatra, a famous actress, or any other character. The main condition for the image to be recognizable is to endow it with the character traits of the hero of the occasion. For the guessed image, the guests receive a prize and determine the most talented actor.


  • Scene "Tarot Card". During the feast, a lady enters the room in the guise of a fortune-teller. She comes up to each guest and asks for a pen to tell fortunes. The prediction begins with the birthday girl. The biography, occupation of the hero of the occasion is revealed in bright colors. A prediction is made before the gift is presented. Then the fortuneteller asks for a pen from each guest, makes comic predictions and offers to pour.
  • Scene "Stomach, Brain and Liver". Stomach: Whatever you tell me, I want a City salad. Brain: You're with a salad, buddy, wait a little longer. Better take a glass and sip a little. Otherwise, from salads, my friend, the navel will increase. Liver: You, fellow brain, are wrong. Better from a salad a hundred tramples than a hangover cider. Stomach: oh, don't argue, friends, everything will fit into me now. And wine, and onion, and some salad (offers to drink and have a snack). Conscience: Oh, today I am clean, enjoy, friends! On this holiday, on birthday, we drink, eat for pleasure. In between meals, we recall the lovely features of our dear Natasha (the name of the hero of the day), who is not more beautiful in the world! We will sing and dance, and celebrate the name day. Well, if the hangover comes, we will meet again without a doubt tomorrow at Natasha's. She will make our faces drunk.
  • Scene "Did you call the doctor?" Suddenly, to the music, the doctor enters and begins examining the guests: I feel, I can smell, friends, you cannot be here without me. Just about this citizen, why is he sitting alone? To the lady urgently sit down to cheer up the heart. Well, this lady from sadness, pour a little bit of some goodies. I can smell the temperature here, and I’m carrying a potion from it. There are kids here, do you want to eat a vitamin? Here parents are sitting, I ask you to accept a healing gift, so that your feet dance, and you do not let your strength down. Well, today I went around everyone, treated them, helped. I’m tired myself, please bring a stretcher from the hall. There are here where the heroes helped to get up.I will take my potion and return to heal nature.

Toasts and congratulations

  • Collective congratulations. All those who wish are given printouts of congratulations without epithets: On ___ and ___ days, ___ the sun is shining in the ___ sky ___, because even ___ nature ___ knows that in this ___ city today is ___ a holiday. The very ___ woman was born here. She is ___ for us, without which ___ to live. ___ mom, ___ daughter, ___ friend, we want to wish you ___ happiness, ___ love. Be always ___ loved, ___ appreciated, ___ years of your life, ___ health. We love you (in unison)!
  • Congratulations from foreign guests with an interpreter service.

Dearly named, guest (Dear birthday girl, guests),

We are beautiful itiliano (We are beautiful Italians)

Arrived for a congratulatory name (Arrived for a birthday congratulation).

Senorita, long-lasting, cheerfulness and wisdom is desired (Senorita, we wish you longevity, fun and wisdom).

Always be happy, respectful and rich in faith (Be always happy, respected and very, very rich)!

And we ask us to pour and feed us (And we ask us to pour and feed us)!

(They bow and give a bouquet of scarlet roses).

  • Toast for the hero of the day.

There is no porridge in the world, tastier than our Masha (or another name).

Well, the soup is top class,

You won't find one now.

I wish you, Masha,

To make the porridge more beautiful

So that the ladle shines with novelty

And there was a gardener in the kitchen (husband's occupation).

You always feed him and take care of the evil eye.

He will be your support

And in everything it is always a support.

  • Toast to the teacher.

You, Oksana, are the beacon of knowledge!

I wish to live without trials,

So that the director respects

Well, the head teacher avoided.

So that the kids spoil

And they got fives.

  • Toast to the boss.

Our Masha (name of the birthday girl) is a general.

Any crunch will calm down.

And for these important purposes,

We wish to have a commanding voice

And a strong fist.

To dispel a stern gaze

I ask you to raise a glass.

To make the event a memorable event for everyone, you need to take care of the prizes for participation in competitions in advance. Adults, as well as children, also enjoy consolation prizes.

For these purposes, you can prepare certificates and medals "For the best stage role", "The most active", "Tikhon" and so on. It is good if a photo zone is organized or additional decorative elements are prepared.

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