
How to celebrate mom's 70th birthday?

How to celebrate mom's 70th birthday?
  1. Choice of topics
  2. Entertainment overview
  3. How to congratulate in an original way?
  4. Script ideas

70 years is an anniversary that is most often celebrated in a home circle. As a rule, the hero of the occasion is already retired, because only those who have already become friends come to work colleagues. And the circumstance of home celebration leaves its mark on the script and program of the anniversary. Children, grandchildren, relatives can prepare it on their own. And it will be no worse than with a guest presenter.

Choice of topics

The main landmark is the portrait of the birthday girl herself, that is, in the first place is not so much the date itself, but the character, habits, interests of the mother: what she does, what she loves, what kind of rest she prefers - it is important to take into account everything that she really likes, to foresee the moments that her surprise. And in a family circle it is even easier to do it.

Flower anniversary

Let's say the hero of the day is a big florist, and this topic is close to her. Therefore, you can loop a holiday around this topic. Make a floral visual design: paper flowers in a photo zone, flowers in vases and vases on the table, etc. Choose a musical theme so that the playlist also contains "flower" compositions. In the competitive program, you can also beat this theme. And, of course, every guest comes with flowers.

And you can call the anniversary "70 years of flowers", "All the flowers are for you today, mom" or "A flower holiday for your beloved mom."

Royal holiday

The association is clear: the hero of the day is the queen. And you need to celebrate her accordingly. The visual design may even suggest a throne (a decorated chair), a crown, and a picture of the birthday girl in royal frames hung up. The celebration involves songs honoring mom, contests that will be associated with palace manners, etc.Well, and the table will have to be set so that the epithet "royal" would be very welcome. Variants of the names of the anniversary - "Royal Jubilee", "Our Queen - 70", "Mom, you are the queen of our hearts."

My mom is a sorceress

This is the case when you can fabulously celebrate the anniversary. Analogies with well-known fairy tales, appropriate melodies, beautiful props, magical decoration - such a holiday will be especially appropriate if there are many children in the family. Competitions can also be played so that they are complimentary to the woman of the anniversary, to show her magical qualities, skills, etc.

In a word, you need to choose a topic that is closest to the birthday girl. The organization starts from it: what will be the design, what thought to extend through the script, how to unite both children and adults. The main thing is that the closest ones come to my mother's holiday and do not turn out to be away from it.

With everyone involved in one way or another, the celebration is really fun.

Entertainment overview

Now let's talk about the contests that can form the basis of the script.

For home

Celebrating your 70th anniversary at home is easy. The main thing is to describe the program in detail (better with timing). The organizers must be responsible for this. If the contests provide for musical moments, then everything must be recorded, composed, edited in advance. So it is with video clips.

Let's write out an approximate entertainment plan.

  • Viewing a video clipcomposed of mom's photos to one of her favorite songs. This touching moment is best organized at the beginning of the evening.
  • "I believe / do not believe." It is necessary to mix real 6-7 facts from the life of the birthday girl with the invented ones. Guests have to guess which ones are real and which ones are fictional. The more tricky, interesting, rare facts are taken, the more interesting it will be.
  • "I remember here - I don't remember there." The script prescribes the dates (years) of some significant events in the life of the birthday girl. The host names the year, and the guests have to guess what happened this year. It is better to answer in a chain so that everyone shows themselves.
  • The jubilee is presented with a bunch of balloons. Each ball contains a congratulation on a beautifully designed sheet. The birthday girl has to burst every balloon, read out a congratulation and guess who its author is. These can be both those present at the party, and those who are not at the holiday, but who agreed to send their congratulations.
  • "Guess the melody". For a feast - a win-win option. You need to find the "backing tracks", cut them off and put them together into one file. Mostly the playlist should consist of mom's favorite songs, but variations are possible. The one who was the first to guess the song must perform a fragment of it with the newly included phonogram. All those present, of course, can help.
  • "That's how it was." More difficult task, but interesting. In advance, the organizers of the holiday should rehearse scenes that reflect real events in the life of the hero of the day. For example, the son's first deuce - what happened, how they reacted. The bottom line is that the scene is shown without an ending, and the guests have to guess how it ended. It will be especially interesting for grandchildren to find out what happened in the childhood of their parents - this is very unifying.
  • "The flower will tell everything." You need to prepare paper flowers in advance: chamomile, cornflowers, roses. They should be in a beautiful basket. Each guest picks up a flower with a question written on it. For example: "What do you like most about the birthday girl?", "How surprised the birthday girl?" Everyone answers the question that has fallen to him. The birthday girl should get the largest flower lying at the bottom, but she can only take it at the end of the evening. And there will be a question: "For what do you want to say" thank you "to each guest?"
  • "Photo gallery with a commentator." In advance, you need to scan the main photos from mom's album, print them in A4 format and laminate them. The presenter shows the photo, and the birthday girl comments on when it was taken, what it is connected with, what memories she brings back.
  • "Flashmob". This moment will be a very touching surprise. The easiest option is to find (or write) a suitable verse, break it down into 2-4 lines, distribute to all guests in advance so that they can learn. At a certain moment, when it will be both unexpected and appropriate, the presenter gives a conditioned signal. And then the first participant gets up from the table - he says his lines, the next one after him, etc. Poems can be accompanied by an action, for example, after telling his fragment, the guest pulls out of his pocket a small cardboard star on a string. There are written wishes on the reverse side. As a result, each of the guests should hang the stars on the pendant in the appointed place. You can prepare decorative branches in a vase, etc. in advance.

Many of these contests can be held in cafes, but there are also separate entertainments that are more suitable for such establishments.

In the cafe

Here the program should be even more structured, so that the guests and the mother herself are comfortable, so that there are no awkward pauses, so that everyone can communicate to their fullest.

  • Reworked song. Initially, you need to find a "backing track" of your mother's favorite song and rewrite its text for congratulations. Ideally, if all guests receive the text a few days before the holiday and learn it. But you can display it on the screen (cafes often have a TV). And it is better to sing at the beginning of the evening to set the lyrical mood for the holiday.
  • Place a small bright envelope next to each serving place. This envelope contains tasks for guests. All of them are associated with the birthday girl. They should not be complicated: to say a toast, prepare a compliment, answer questions about the hero of the day, etc. Mom should also have an envelope, she opens it last. Her job is to hug every guest.
  • Surprise from the chef. Naturally, this must be agreed with the restaurant in advance. At the right time, the waiter must take it out - it will be some kind of special dish with a surprise. For example, a bottle of champagne, wrapped in a package with a lot of notes-wishes. Or a hot dish, next to which there is a flag with a photo of the birthday girl and a compliment: "You are the most charming and attractive!"

And in addition to the entertainment program, you can think about how to congratulate mom in an original way. And that's where to start.

How to congratulate in an original way?

Of course, the dark room trick has not been canceled. But you need to be sure that your mother will react normally to such a surprise. Let's list interesting ideas for congratulations.

  • SMS attack. Agree on a sequence of messages. They should come one after the other with a certain difference. Together, the messages will form one general congratulation.
  • In the morning, mom turns on the TV, and instead of the usual channels - a congratulatory video. With dexterity, dexterity and a little technical tricks, this can be arranged. Moreover, you can even re-voice the announcer, who will tell you what is really remarkable about this day.
  • In the morning, send my mother to a hairdresser, a beauty salon, where everything has already been paid for. In the meantime, she is not at home, quickly organize a festive table, invite friends.
  • Call mom for a walk to the nearest park. Out of nowhere (in fact, by agreement), relatives and friends with flowers will appear - one at a time. The surprise effect is ensured.

It's great if you manage to unite with people who will not be at the holiday (distant relatives, for example). Just ask them to record a congratulation on a video, send it, and then edit it into a festive surprise clip.

Script ideas

If the holiday is held with a family without a toastmaster, the host may be a daughter or granddaughter (son or grandson). Let's list the main points of the script.

  • Registration. Let it be simple, but a photo zone. Examples of design on the Internet - the sea. The designation "70 years", flowers, stars, etc. are required.
  • General congratulations. Goes at the beginning. This is a song that everyone sings (you can display the text on the screen, hand out leaflets, or just agree to learn it in advance). It can also be a poetic flash mob.It is even better when the guests are not at the table, but walk, communicate. One, for example, the husband standing at the window begins, the rest of the guests pick up.
  • Competitive program. In the scenario of a standard anniversary there are 7-10 contests. More can be oversaturation. It is desirable that the tasks be related to mom, her fate, biography. It's great if there are small prizes for the participants. These could be gifts from mom. For example, take the jam rolled up by your mother, attach labels "To health!" To the jars, wrap the lids with napkins, and tie them with beautiful braid. It will be very cute and touching.
  • Answer word. Mom must definitely address the guests - and it is better to prepare this moment. For example, make it part of the competition, announce it. Of course, this moment falls at the end of the evening.
  • Photography. The more beautiful, natural photos, the better. It is necessary to immediately determine who will be the photographer of the evening. Subsequently, the resulting images can be slightly processed in special programs, and then sent to each guest by e-mail. Well, you can print it, fold it into a beautiful envelope and hand it over directly to your hands (or send it by regular mail).
  • Flowers. You can solve the issue with flowers in different ways. It's just that each guest comes with a bouquet - this is a standard option. Or you can collect money in advance for a common bouquet of roses and hand it over at some special moment at the beginning of the evening.
  • Nice surprises. You can congratulate mom through the newspaper - and bring this issue to her, tied with a ribbon, right on her anniversary. Or arrange in advance with distant relatives so that at the appointed time they call on Skype. You can also line up in the courtyard of the house and shout or sing something in chorus so that the birthday girl looks out of the window.

A successful anniversary is not so much a matter of professionalism as of diligence, careful preparation and attention. Everything will definitely work out!

Catherine 24.06.2021 17:37

Thanks to the author! Useful article!

Veronica 15.08.2021 07:52

Thanks. Everything is very laconic, simple. I took note of almost everything.


the beauty
