
How to celebrate a 75th birthday woman?

How to celebrate a 75th birthday woman?
  1. Choice of topics
  2. Contests and games
  3. How to diversify your holiday?
  4. Script ideas

At any age, a woman wants compliments and congratulations on her birthday, and especially on her anniversary. Even if it is a celebration of the 75th anniversary, even if it is a purely home holiday in the family circle. And to make this day unforgettable and very significant for the hero of the day, you can move away from traditional gatherings at the festive table and organize a cheerful and touching birthday.

Choice of topics

Of course, close relatives - children, grandchildren, nephews - can take a leading role in preparing a birthday for a lady with a family. Someone can play the role of a screenwriter and prepare a script for the anniversary of a woman of 75 years old, and someone can try on the role of a presenter, for example, a presenter - this can be the daughter of the hero of the day. The grandchildren or children of the invited guests can act as artists - it will be very pleasant for the grandmother to see the talents of her beloved grandchildren.

A husband or children, close friends can help with choosing a theme for the 75th anniversary. They are best aware of the preferences of their beloved and dear person, her interests, achievements and successes in life.

For an avid gardener and summer resident, the theme of flowers is suitable, any theme related to nature. For the traveler and adventurer, you can choose topics:

  • memory of travel places;
  • historical topics;
  • a scenario based on natural preferences — for example, sea or mountains.

You can also choose the tonality of the holiday. - in a humorous vein or with a touch of nostalgia, with a touch of pride and praise for the merits of the venerable mother and grandmother, as well as successes and achievements in some kind of professional activity.

In any case, if you prepare a script in advance, take into account all the desires of the hosts and guests, all the skills and talents of the guests, then at home you can cheerfully and cheerfully celebrate such a wonderful anniversary.

Contests and games

Of course, it would be impossible to hold the entire event, all contests and performances without a toastmaster at home. And if there is no professional invited for money, then any sociable and quick-witted person can play his role. And it is better that this is a prepared speech within the framework of a pre-written script.

Therefore, contests and games also need to be prepared in advance. They should be interesting and incendiary, funny and offensive.

For home

For a home celebration, it is better to choose those games that can be played at the table. Mobile contests imply the availability of sufficient free space in the house, which is not always realistic for city apartments. You can also prepare games with movement in advance, and according to the situation during the holiday, you can already decide which ones are more preferable.

There is a detective game where you need to guess the subject by several leading questions. It can be either a team game for men and women, or an individual competition. You can describe items that are suitable for the theme of the holiday, or you can choose purely male and female items.

In the same way, with the help of 3-4 questions, you can guess objects and events that are memorable for the birthday girl or related to her.

The game of beautiful words is based on the well-known game of cities, only here the word for the last letter of the previous word will be an adjective praising the hero of the occasion.

You need to sing at the table. And you can sing a famous song all together, each sings one next word. Anyone on whom the melody is interrupted is eliminated from the game.

The host can read poems about the hero of the day with the help of the guests, where they pronounce the last rhymed line. Poetic quatrains can be humorous, or they can express love and recognition.

In the cafe

In a cafe, it is better to hold games and contests not at the table, but in an open space, so that guests can digest a tasty treat and move a little. You can pick up team games such as relay races and individual contests, where each participant performs independently. Competitions can be divided into adults and children, if there are children among the guests.

An interesting mobile competition - "Musical Hat". During the dance, while the music is playing, you need to dance the hat to each other, putting it on the head of another dancer. Whoever remains in the hat, when the melody ends, has lost and is eliminated from the game. The prize goes to the most dexterous participant.

In advance, you need to agree on the boundaries of the dance floor and the rules, especially if this is a game for children.

If it is possible to use karaoke, then you can hold contests like a battle of choirs or a song battle. You can offer a competition - to sing the second line or the second half of the first verse of famous songs. It's no secret that sometimes this is a rather difficult and interesting task, since not everyone remembers the continuation of the songs.

You can play a question-and-answer song game using musical phrases from the songs. One team asks a question with a song line, and the other answers it with a line from another song. And vice versa.

It is also interesting to retell the words of the song in prose, and connoisseurs of this genre of folk or modern music will have to guess which song is in question. For example:

“This song is about a girl who sees a tree in bloom by a water body and talks about her feelings for a young man of the opposite sex. This feeling brings her suffering and the inability to tell this guy about him, as she cannot find words. "

Answer: the song "Oh, the viburnum is blooming" 1 verse.

It is necessary to select prizes for each competition.

It can be edible prizes, such as chocolate medals, and a variety of household items: dishwashing sponges, gloves, soap, washcloths, hooks, potholders, napkins, toilet paper, threads, a key for opening canned food or small office supplies: pens, notepads, badges, magnets, colored pencils, crayons. You can use paper medals, certificates. For children, as a reward, you can choose toys, objects for drawing, items for decorating hair, jewelry.

How to diversify your holiday?

It will be pleasant for the hero of the day to meet guests in an elegantly decorated room or in the hall of a cafe or restaurant. Therefore, the organization of the holiday includes the preparation of the premises. You can decorate it with flowers - bouquets or garlands, balloons, comic posters, paper garlands.

These attributes of the holiday can be done by hand. It is desirable to involve grandchildren and children in the creative work.

Walls should be decorated with posters:

  • with funny inscriptions;
  • with photographs of the hero of the day and a story about the past years;
  • with a family tree with photographs of relatives;
  • with beautifully decorated frames for wishes and congratulations;
  • with photographs of handicrafts or hand-made works of the birthday girl, her achievements and skills in life.

It is appropriate not only in a cafe, but also at home to organize a ceremonial exit of the hero of the day for the holiday. You can meet it with arches of multi-colored ribbons: the guests form in pairs arches of ribbons stretched over their heads in raised hands. You can organize a live corridor of guests with bouquets of flowers. Walking along it, the birthday girl receives flowers as a gift. You can accompany her exit with wishes or beautiful poems.

Each takeaway of a hot dish can be turned into a quiz so that guests can guess the birthday girl's favorite dish, which will now be put on the table.

The music, selected for dancing or accompaniment, can be not only modern, but also from the times of the youth of the heroine of the evening, her favorite melodies and songs. You can invite guests to guess what event in life this or that melody is associated with.

The fireworks can be not only the launch of firecrackers, but also the launch of balloons filled with helium.

On each you can write a wish for the hostess of the evening or her dreams.

Script ideas

As noted above, it is better to build the whole script on one topic with a certain character. It can be humorous, funny and funny, or it can be touching and gentle, with sublime words and declarations of love, even with poems in a bombastic style. It is necessary to focus on the character of the hero of the occasion, on her preferences and on the contingent of guests of the holiday, since someone may consider jokes addressed to the hero of the day and guests not too appropriate at this age.

A humorous script can be written based on real funny stories from the life of the birthday girl or her guests. For example, all the guests get to the shooting of the TV show "Smehopanorama", where the presenter offers to guess with whom and when this funny incident happened. Descriptions of stories can be arranged in chronological order. You can show photographs associated with curious situations, and offer to tell about them yourself, in the form of a humorist's monologue.

As a musical accompaniment, the songs are remade in a humorous way. Poems dedicated to the culprit of the anniversary are also selected funny and mischievous.

Competitions and games need to be chosen so that everyone is funny. You can stage a fictitious fairy tale, it is advisable to change the guests' clothes right there before the stage performance and in the course of the text - they must represent the actions of the heroes of this work.

The "Portrait" competition must be held blindfolded. A portrait of a birthday girl can be drawn to all guests at the same time, for example, sitting at the table.Or you can hold a team competition, when guests from one team take turns approaching their drawing, they are blindfolded, and the host invites everyone to draw a certain facial feature.

Dances can be combined with such moving contests, such as:

  • dance of a couple on a piece of paper, where with each new melody the piece is reduced by folding it in half;
  • dance with a balloon tied to the ankle of one leg, which must be burst at the opponent during the dance;
  • dance movements under a tight rope, which is lowered lower and lower.

You can invite guests to dress up in any pop stars so that they perform songs to the appropriate soundtrack.

An interesting and funny entertainment is the appearance of a magician or psychic. One of the guests is dressed up in a long robe and given a colander. The magician can be chosen from among the uninitiated guests to the script - so he too will have fun. The presenter announces that today a famous magician and psychic is passing through the city and he will read the thoughts of the guests. The magician approaches the guest, holds a colander over his head, and at this moment the presenter includes a variety of funny, romantic, sad songs in meaning.

Parting words to guests, wishes and congratulations can also be found funny, with good humor. A memory script can be written in a touching, gentle way. A beautiful greeting and a passage under the arches of flowers will be appropriate here. And a large number of poems and poetic wishes.

You can hold a competition - a declaration of love from children and grandchildren by the type of fortune telling on a chamomile, where for each petal you need to say an affectionate and pleasant word, glorifying the most beloved mother and grandmother.

It will be appropriate for each family to ask children to draw a picture on an album sheet, and adults can write wishes on it. You can arrange them into stationery files and collect them into an original album in a folder.

Dividing into two teams, adults can write on sheets of paper affectionate or laudatory words about the birthday girl at a speed, whose team will write faster.

Slow music and songs from the youth of our heroine will sound more on the dance floor. You can put on waltz, tango, rock and roll and everyone's favorite Letka-Enka. At this holiday, the emphasis will be on the memories of youth and on the declaration of love and tenderness to the hero of the day.

If you prepare well, think over all the little things in the celebration, prepare simple attributes and prizes, then even with a modest budget and home performance, you can celebrate the anniversary with dignity and sparkling.

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