
How to spend the anniversary in an original way?

How to spend the anniversary in an original way?
  1. Features of the organization
  2. Choosing a theme
  3. Congratulations
  4. Entertainment options
  5. Ready scripts

Modern civilization has reached a level of development when people no longer have to work seven days a week from morning until late at night to provide themselves with basic food - on the contrary, we can afford to organize a good holiday, devoting even a whole day to this and having mastered a considerable budget. As the famous song says, a birthday is only once a year, but an anniversary happens even less often, not more than once every five years, so this is an ideal occasion to throw a real party with a varied and interesting program. In this article, we will consider how you can spend your anniversary in an original way.

Features of the organization

It is not so difficult to organize a good anniversary if you follow the basic rules.

  • First of all, such a holiday is impermissible to spend in silence and loneliness precisely because of its rarity. It is clear that there will be heroes of the day who will say that they do not like noisy companies and, in general, would like to celebrate only with their families. In this case, it is necessary to partially heed the wishes and not to invite friends and colleagues, but to expand the list of invitees at the expense of those relatives who usually do not attend “regular” birthdays.

In some cases, the opportunity to see those who specially came from afar can even be regarded as a separate gift.

  • Another important point, which is still forgotten, is a kind of cultural program. The holiday, of course, inevitably presupposes the presence of a good table, but let's be objective - today most people can afford to eat well at least from time to time, so you shouldn't think that an impressive menu is a completely prepared holiday.

Today, even for a birthday, it is customary to come up with scenarios, but for an anniversary it is simply a mandatory program. More often, young people “bother” with this, and not old people, who traditionally rely on “mass entertainers” from their own company, but the more pleasant it will be for older people to see that you have tried specifically for them.

And after all, it is not necessary to invite the toastmaster - one of the organizers of the festival may well be the host of the evening.

  • The third criterion must be observed especially strictly if there is a significant age difference between the organizer and the hero of the occasion. Above, we said that organizing a scenario for an elderly person would be pleasant, but this is true only if, when choosing a topic, you started from the interests of the hero of the day. Never forget that the celebration is being done for this particular person; it must correspond precisely to his tastes.

Even if the majority of those invited do not share the tastes of the birthday boy, you need to choose neutral scenarios, but in no case those chosen by the majority contrary to the interests of the hero of the occasion - this is his day, you should entertain him, and not vice versa!

Even if the favorite topic of the hero of the day seems boring or uninteresting to you, on a significant day, the duty of the organizers and invitees is to play along.

Choosing a theme

Above, we came to the suggestive conclusion that a large modern celebration should not be limited to a simple absorption of food and drinks with occasional toast. You can eat in haste, in half an hour, but you want to chat and have fun, have fun - to be remembered. To solve this problem, numerous options for cool anniversary celebrations have been posted on the Internet.

For home

Older people usually want to celebrate serious holidays at home, with their families and without a toastmaster - they often do not like to get out somewhere, do not understand the point of spending money on inviting some leading stranger to the role and, in principle, avoid any confusion ... As a result, Many younger organizers simply give up in the case of the 90th birthday, and for 65 years give up the hero of the day after the first attempt, having heard that a person wants to celebrate at home. However, in fact, even in these cases, no one bothers to bring to life some interesting scenario, which will simply be played along by all the family and a few invited.

No activity can be especially imposed, or it can be strictly timed to the inveterate hobbies of the hero of the occasion.

If you want a vivid example - please consider the anniversary of the amateur fisherman. In many cases, these are people who are very passionate about their hobbies, but most household members usually do not share such fanaticism. This time, you can do exactly the opposite - of course, no one from the table will go to the lake, but, for example, everyone will come in typical fisherman's clothes, or even with indispensable attributes like spinning, for example.

In the case of the menu, you have to get creative to keep it varied, but find a way to make it revolve around the fish theme. The same sweets can be selected in such a way that they repeat the shape of the fish. In the competitive program, it is imperative to provide for games and entertainment that involve fishing for gifts with an improvised fishing rod.

Of course, all this will be appropriate only if the hero of the occasion is really in love with fishing. Imagine how pleasant it will be for him that you, without sharing his hobbies, so clearly went to meet him.

A similar scheme works in all other situations - you just need to understand what the birthday person is drawn to, what kind of atmosphere will be pleasant and dear for him. If a person is at least 45 years old, the topic of nostalgia for the past may be relevant, if only the hero of the occasion really experiences it.According to this principle, anniversaries in the Soviet or pioneer style are organized, as well as parties on the theme of dandies or even "new Russians".

Another point is the creation of a certain atmosphere in which none of those present has really been, but at the same time it attracts and attracts everyone. The key point here is some involvement in the topic of the entire guest list, since some simply will not come, believing that it is impossible to match the holiday, or simply not having obtained the appropriate suit.

For this reason, such anniversaries are usually organized in the tradition of well-recognized directions, such as an abstract and general oriental style, a gangster party or a rock and roll party.

The organization of the celebration of the anniversary is complicated in the event that the holiday is double. This is not so uncommon, because twins and twins are quite common, they in most cases maintain a warm relationship, and their birthday, of course, is on the same day. It would be extremely unreasonable to make two separate holidays, given that a loved one himself is a birthday person and will not be able to come to your anniversary, therefore they are usually united, but after all, adults live separately and can have a different social circle. Here you will have to agree on a common venue, more convenient for guests of both sides, while at the holiday people are quite likely to be unfamiliar with each other.

By creating competitive programs, especially for young people under the age of 35, come up with options that would allow people to get to know and interact more intensely with each other.

Be careful with games where the birthday people themselves can participate - it should not be such that one of them clearly won, and the other clearly lost.

If necessary (and the desire of the hero of the day), the celebration can still be taken out of the home environment, since in many cases it will be elementary easier from the point of view of the organization. Choosing a themed cafe or restaurant, you will solve the issues with food, room design and seating a large number of guests at the table in one fell swoop. Self-respecting establishments earn a lot on these types of holidays, therefore, upon preliminary booking, they will meet you halfway in most questions and help you make sure that you do not have to blush for the organization. The organizers will only have to decide who will host the entertainment program - themselves or the invited animator.

For large-scale events

By the way, an anniversary can be celebrated not only by a person, but also by some institution. Here the intricacies of the organization strongly depend on the specifics of the enterprise-hero of the day, and on how many people can be invited.

It should be noted right away that government and small institutions serving a large number of people are likely to expect a large number of guests, but from an economic point of view, they simply cannot provide a full-fledged feast. If you are going to the anniversary of a vocal group, a choir or a house of culture, you are unlikely to expect to get to the buffet table - except that the entrance to the event is paid, and the organizers will allocate part of the money raised for some cookies and tea.

In most cases, for the guests, the holiday here consists only of a performance demonstrated by the heroes of the occasion themselves. For a vocal collective, the most popular solution is to sing their most recognizable songs; for any other institutions, it is interesting to present their own long-term history in their traditional form. At the same time, gifts are presented not to the organization-anniversary, but on the contrary, to the audience, who, however, still have to win them in various competitions.

The contests themselves are usually tied to the theme of the hero of the day, and the prizes are either symbolic in nature, or are not awarded to everyone.

An anniversary of a college or any other educational institution is a separate class of events, since the circle of invitees, albeit a very large one, is predetermined - only the team and students are expected. In fact, the organization congratulates itself, so the presentation of material gifts to anyone is not accepted here - except for all the same contests, for participation in which you can get something completely symbolic. The entertainment program will always consist only of amateur performances, even third-party presenters are usually not invited - teachers and students must organize everything themselves.


On his birthday, the birthday man always wishes something, albeit good, but trivial - happiness, health, sometimes also money (or any other material benefits) and health to his family members. This, of course, is pleasant, but by the time you yourself celebrate not your first anniversary, all this is perceived as nothing more than just a form of speech.

You always expect more from the anniversary. If on a birthday it is still somehow permissible to get off with standard phrases, then for this holiday you need to come up with more creative forms of congratulations.

Actually, the aforementioned happiness and health would also be worth mentioning, but then give them at least some form that proves: you did not just blur out the first thing that came to mind. Even the most banal words can be voiced in poetic form - it is not necessary to invent it yourself, you can also find it on the Internet, after all, it is still clear that you were looking for and memorized.

In addition, themed rhymes often involve various cool wishes, which in most cases remain behind the scenes. If there are a lot of guests, and the event has an organizer, the latter should think about throwing ideas for congratulations to the guests, otherwise it turns out that the hero of the day will hear the same "happiness, health" dozens of times.

Coming up with your own congratulations, again, attach to the person of the hero of the occasion. Perhaps he told you about some of his dreams - if it is clearly not secret, wish it to be fulfilled specifically, and not abstract "so that your dreams come true." If the hero of the day has a sense of humor and it is customary for you to pin each other, you can insert a joke, only inoffensive. She should be only one among the mass of serious, real wishes.

If suddenly everyone remembers what you wished last time, and it came true during this time, be sure to mention that I wished for the last time - it happened, and now, accordingly, I wish to build on the success.

Entertainment options

So that no one is bored, and the evening does not turn into an ordinary dinner, you should periodically entertain guests with comic and funny contests and games. Here are some good examples.


The first game is called quite simply - "yes or no". It is composed by a person who really knows the hero of the day. He writes on phantoms facts about the hero of the occasion, which must be confirmed or refuted, while some of them are clearly far-fetched. The participating players take turns approaching the hat and drawing forfeits, trying to guess whether what is written is true or false. The number of participants depends on the number of forfeits, the winner will be the one who guesses the most.

The second game is called Terem-Teremok and involves only young guests. Big teams are recruited - at least four people each, but more is possible. A large Whatman paper or a piece of wallpaper is issued for each team, the number of players depends on its size. The rules are explained only after the teams are assembled - the presenter reads the fairy tale "Teremok", and the participants sequentially take places on the paper so that everyone can fit in.

You can hold other players in your arms, climb on your back, stand sideways - as long as the whole team climbs in without touching the floor.

Finally, Another curious game, somewhat reminiscent of the famous "Sea figure", is known as "Wardrobe Renewal". For a start, funny items of clothing are collected in the bag - clown wigs, bras, baby rompers, maid caps, and so on. To the cheerful music, the bag is passed from hand to hand, until suddenly there is silence. The participant who at that moment was holding the bag in his hands is obliged to blindly pull out any item of clothing from it and immediately put it on himself over everything else.

After that, he can no longer participate, but the players must either take a group photo at the end, or sit for a while at the table in "new clothes".


An interesting competition is called "Two at the same time", although it may have other names. The idea is simple: they recruit participants in twos, without explaining the rules, and then put them back to back and tie the nearby hands. It turns out that the right and left hand are close, but they belong to different people, and they don't even really see them. In this position, you need to perform various tasks, most often - tie a bow on a gift. The winner is determined in different ways: you can give everyone a predetermined time (a minute or 30 seconds) and then evaluate the results or organize a speed competition - who will be the first to cope with the task.

Another fun that can be played by both individual players and teams is guessing the favorite songs of the hero of the day. The presenter reads the texts in advance and gives a slightly rethought short description of them.

The game is more relevant in the circle of older people, whose set of youth hits was not as wide as today, otherwise the guests simply will not guess the playlist of the hero of the day with foreign tastes or foreign texts.

Another extremely funny contest is known as Hand Checking. Participants - two teams and the hero of the day. The latter should stand up and stretch out his arms to the sides, and the teams, after the leader's permission, hang on their “own” hand everything that is suitable for this. The goal is to make sure that one of the hands of the hero of the day could not stand, and he was forced to lower it.

This is not entirely fair, of course, since most people have one hand weaker than the other, but it's a lot of fun anyway.

Ready scripts

Often, the organizers suggest that it is better not to invent anything yourself, but to take the script from the Internet. In principle, this is not the worst option, just do not take too hackneyed, otherwise, look, it turns out that someone has already been to such a holiday before, and the magic will disappear.

One of the most popular scenarios for celebrating an elderly woman's anniversary is "Rainbow of Life", but we just cite it more for an example of a holiday, and not for copying - it's too commonplace. Balls of yellow, red, blue and green colors are hung in the corners of the room. At the very beginning, the guests are invited to separate so that each one comes up to those balls whose color impresses more than others, and remember their color. Then the presenter announces that red is for fun, blue is for dancing, yellow is for food, and green is for drinking.

So, by chance, the guests themselves are divided into future teams. For a wider acquaintance, the presenter invites people of "a certain color" to introduce themselves in turn, and then dance with a certain gesture with the whole team. Usually the gesture is associated with those characteristics that the presenter attributed to each color above, and one should dance not to any song, but only to the one where the desired color is clearly mentioned in the chorus, like the famous hit "Blue Frost".

The complete script consists of numerous congratulations from family and friends with a suitable Russian-language song for each release.

For obvious reasons, a conditional scenario for a young man's majority will look fundamentally different. This is an ideal age for parties, so this is not celebrated at home, but only in a cafe, and always in a modern one, without a naphthalene touch, and with a dance floor.This scenario is too youthful to please the hero of the occasion, therefore, parents and other older relatives, as well as small children, will not be particularly interested in such a holiday - it is better to celebrate with them separately.

There must be a DJ at the party, but either a best friend or a professional is usually chosen for the role of the host., who still has not forgotten what youth is - he should be no more than thirty years old. The table is set in such a way as to have a snack in between the unrestrained dances - no one will sit too much.

There will be no special contests here, because the main entertainment is dancing, and the presenter only "conducts" congratulations, organizes a choral performance of the Happy Birthday song and invites you to make a wish.

For information on how to organize an anniversary, see the next video.

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