
How to celebrate an anniversary for a woman?

How to celebrate an anniversary for a woman?
  1. Venue and theme
  2. Possible entertainment
  3. How to congratulate the birthday girl?
  4. Sample script

Each regular anniversary for a woman is the expectation of the fulfillment of previously unfulfilled hopes and a new life frontier. By their nature, women are emotional and are in awe of preparing an important event for them. They certainly deserve to make their celebration special.

Venue and theme

Even if a woman is slightly over 50, on her holiday she craves attention from relatives and friends. Therefore, the organization of a women's birthday should be given great importance. It is better to prepare by thinking over the script so that the holiday is not boring and dynamic.

To decide how you want to make an event, you first need to decide where to hold it.

The most common of the generally accepted options.

  • Houses. In a family circle, with close friends, the time will fly by in a fun and easy way. In a comfortable, familiar atmosphere, there is a high probability to relax your soul and get real pleasure from the celebration.
  • In the lap of nature. Quite a popular solution during the warm season. Of course, in a forest glade, the holiday can take place only on a fine day. Although, if it still pulls into the street, you can organize a meeting of guests at your own or rented dacha. Grilled food, heartfelt conversation and informal atmosphere bring people together and bond family and friendships together. With a limited budget, you can rent a gazebo by a pond in an urban recreation area or out of town.
  • At the restaurant. This is the most pompous and costly option that requires the least time for preparatory chores. Instead of the hero of the occasion, the treats will be prepared by professional chefs, and the serving will be organized by the waiters.You don't even have to think about which dish to serve next or when to clear the table for guests. An undoubted advantage is that you can invite a presenter, a musical group or a soloist to the restaurant, who will help the anniversary go even more fun. Dances and songs, karaoke and lots of free space for competitions are all the virtues of celebrating in a restaurant. But the event will turn out to be more expensive than if everything took place at home or in nature.
  • It is also convenient for a woman to celebrate an anniversary in a small cafe. And it doesn't matter if she is 25 years old or 55. The only difference will be the theme of the event. The holiday can be arranged in a fabulous or oriental style, choosing the appropriate entourage and decoration. Or make a splash in the costumes of the medieval era. Exquisite dresses with a neckline, catchy jewelry and high hairstyles are suitable for women of different years.
  • Or maybe a theme evening will be closer to someone in spirit.associated with poetry, pioneering or the organization of a real concert. Participants can prepare their performances in advance, even record songs in the studio. It remains to take care of the microphone, acoustics and the design of the impromptu stage.
  • The girl and her peers will prefer a noisy and cheerful feast with dancing and karaoke. 20-year-old girls can even gather friends in a nightclub and celebrate a holiday on the dance floor, warming up the mood with cocktails and trendy tracks performed by a DJ. And the older category will appreciate the sincere gatherings, musical accompaniment with "live" sound and toastmaster services.
  • Celebrating with your family is suitable for the age of the jubilee, especially celebrating the venerable date of 85-90 years. On the anniversary of a grandmother or great-grandmother, you will not need a toastmaster. At home, an elderly person will be more comfortable to be on such an exciting day.
  • It is easiest for a middle-aged woman to celebrate an anniversary, since a mother or wife will surely like different holiday scenarios. After all, attention is important, and not the specific details in which it will be manifested. The preparation of the event is most often done by adult children. This is especially valuable and memorable for moms.

However, each hero of the occasion herself knows better where and how to spend her own anniversary. The main thing is to take care of a good script so that the holiday will be remembered for a long time.

Possible entertainment

It is not at all necessary to invite the host and the toastmaster to the anniversary, especially if the holiday is celebrated in a narrow circle, at home or in a small cafe.

  • You can come up with dress-up contests for guests and entertain them yourself. For example, if you involve some relaxed and sociable relative in solving this problem.
  • So that guests do not get bored at the festive table, they need to be enticed with a program. But the submission of all assignments should be humorous and not bother those who do not want to participate in the process. Ideas can be borrowed from the Internet.
  • The company of different ages will be rallied and taken up by the creation of a wall newspaper in honor of the dear hero of the day. Also ready-made cards from the game like "Fants" and "Crocodile" come in with a bang.
  • It would be great to arrange a quick survey or a real quiz on the knowledge of the biography and curious facts from the life of the hostess of the evening.
  • You can entertain those present at the holiday with a photo zone, which can be easily created with your own hands, for example, using volumetric paper flowers or balloons. A great move is to download a template for a photo zone on the Internet and order large-format printing.
  • The fun and relaxedness of the event will be added by the fact that someone, as a presenter, will take the initiative of proclaiming toasts and numbers into their own hands. An unusual move would be to attach a whistle to any chair before the event. The one who takes this place will act as an assistant to the leader. He is supposed to whistle before each toast, calling the guests to attention.
  • You can invite guests to finish the phrase about the hero of the day with their own version of phrases.Or jokingly predict her future for the coming year of her life. Of course, you need to say something pleasant and inspiring. It will be funny to dress up some of the men present as a gypsy and instruct them to make the hero of the occasion funny and creative.


It is best if all the competition tasks are prize-winning. Purely symbolic souvenirs will delight any participant. This will make the entertainment more gambling. Ideally, order souvenirs with a photo or the name of the hero of the occasion. Printing houses offer printing on mugs, pens, notepads, magnets and calendars.

An excellent competition at the women's holiday will be the "certificate of honor". On paper, like a scroll, all guests are invited to write some pleasant adjectives characterizing the hero of the day. Also, this competition is fun orally.

Of the unpretentious, but entertaining options for entertainment, it is worth noting drawing a portrait of the hero of the occasion. But you have to do it with a bandage over your eyes. You will need a large sheet of paper and an easel on which all the guests will take turns painting the features of the dear birthday girl.

You can make riddles to the guests of the evening concerning the main person of the arranged banquet. Or ask those present to remember songs with her name.


From games, in addition to board games, mobile versions are welcome at the anniversary. For example, guests can play guessing the favorite songs of the hero of the day.

The presenter is responsible for the preparation. He finds out in advance what kind of performers and tracks they are, makes a short description of them. Better if it is in a comic format. At the holiday, the description is read out loud and everyone tries to guess what song they are talking about. Whoever guesses most often gets some kind of memorable or funny prize.

For example, the lyrics can be as follows: this is a song about a girl thinking, repeatedly asking the same question. It concerns love experiences. On top of that, the girl has a problem with her voice. ("Am I to blame?", Nadezhda Kadysheva).

Or like this: some plants play hide and seek, while others feel sad. In the song itself, there is a rhetorical question: why is everything going this way and not otherwise? ("Daisies hid, buttercups drooped").

  • Throw in an anniversary. Guests are invited to share into teams of 5-7 people and collect a small change equal to the age of the hero of the day. Which team picks up the required amount faster is considered the winner. Resourcefulness and ingenuity are welcome!
  • Terem-teremok. Guests are divided into teams and distributed on a sheet of Whatman paper. The host tells the tale "Teremok". Participants transform into characters, and the sheet - into a house. In turn, everyone stands on the sheet next to the previous participant. There are eight characters in total, according to the fairy tale scenario. The task of the team is to accommodate their heroes in the house (on the sheet). You will have to take someone in your arms, cuddle sideways, climb onto your back, in other words, be smart. Those who manage to do this best of all are given out symbolic prizes.
  • Buttons. Select several accountants. After the word "let's go" they start counting the buttons on those present in the hall. Whoever copes faster and more accurately will receive a prize.


You can use a ready-made set of tasks and congratulate the hero of the day in an original way by conducting an exciting quest on her holiday. This can be done at home right in the morning or at work with the involvement of colleagues. Each task is hiding in a certain place. Solving the riddle, the hero of the occasion determines the place where the next clue is hidden. Thus, the chain of tasks is completed and a cache with a prize is found. The set offers a variety of versatile places in the home and office, where you can hide tips and a gift.

If some words do not fit, you can replace them. Clues contain different puzzles based on mind-word games, anagrams and various ciphers.

The quest is easy to do on your own and without ready-made templates.One has only to connect imagination. For example, by buying a bouquet of roses and placing each in the places where such notes are hidden.

  1. Good morning, my dear! Happy anniversary! To receive your gift, you will have to follow all further instructions. Go to the mirror and see how beautiful you are (there is a second flower and a note).
  2. Sweetheart, it seems that someone is knocking on the door (there is a new rose with a note outside the door).
  3. Darling, did you forget to wash your face to make your eyes shine even brighter? (Another rose is waiting on the sink. And a note, of course).
  4. You are more beautiful than everyone in the world, wash your face as soon as possible. And hurry to make your bed ... (rose + note under the blanket).
  5. You are beautiful, you will not argue. But you wear pajamas for a long time. Choose an outfit soon. A surprise awaits at the door (there is a rose with a note behind the cabinet door).
  6. Our happiness, dress up, and go to the kitchen!

A festively laid table awaits in the kitchen. And all close people with bouquets and gifts. You can meet the hero of the day with music and confetti.

How to congratulate the birthday girl?

Congratulations can also be presented not in an ordinary way, but in such a way as to impress, surprise and leave a mark in the memory and heart of the hero of the day.


Many creative people suggest remaking the lyrics of famous songs for the anniversary. Turning to such an author, you can get a real musical masterpiece and put it in the box of pleasant memories of the hero of the occasion. The motive is selected according to the taste of the one to whom the unusual surprise is addressed. Or to your liking, with the confidence that it will be appreciated.

For the anniversary, it is very beautiful and memorable to order a clip with the participation of the hero of the day. For this you need her photos and videos. You can enlist the support of your close circle and get the necessary material. It will be budgetary to create a clip in a free application on the Internet. But if you don't want to save and waste your time, professionals will quickly cope with the task.


Congratulations sound much nicer if they rhyme and are dedicated to a specific person. Ordering an author's poem is now completely not problematic. Moreover, talented poets cope with the task creatively and quickly.

It is also better to arrange such a present somehow outside the box. For example, print a spectacular poster or place a verse among a collage with a photo of the hero of the day and frame gracefully. You can make something like a scroll with a family seal. To give such a gift to a woman in a solemn atmosphere, after reading the text aloud.

The poetic form is good because in the quatrains you can beautifully list all the virtues of a woman.

You can read the message personally or divide by roles. This is a very touching version of congratulations that does not require large expenses. But he will surely cause a sea of ​​indescribable emotions.

Slide show

Another win-win option for a spectacular congratulation. Its undoubted advantage is that the problem is easily solved without the involvement of specialists. Now there are many programs for creating animated photo collages. The frames can be overlaid with the appropriate music or even several excerpts from different songs.

Sweet present

It is also very appropriate to present a cake made according to individual wishes for the anniversary. One of the best photos of the hero of the day can be placed on the cream. Or make it in the form of a bouquet, topped with a crown and edible gems. This will perfectly demonstrate the message that the past years are the main wealth of everyone.

For 25th and 60th birthday, cake designs can vary significantly in color and decor. The main thing is not to emphasize the venerable age. For a woman, this is not a very correct gift.

An alternative to cake can be cupcakes or curly chocolate. And often women are presented with fruit bouquets. Strawberries and pineapple in chocolate will cheer up any hero of the day.


Not a single women's holiday, and even more so a round date, can do without it. But these do not have to be just natural flowers or exclusively plants. The flower arrangement can be diluted with chocolates or a full-fledged candy bouquet can be ordered.

For 20 and 25-year-old girls, a bouquet of soft toys will be a good option. Teddy bears, bunnies and hearts, bows and ribbons - such tenderness will conquer to the core!

Don't forget about traditional postcards and money envelopes. Moreover, now they are so beautiful that they are kept as a keepsake and are repeatedly looked at with pleasure. It is easy to make such a gift yourself by watching a master class on the Web.

You can beautifully congratulate on the anniversary by ordering a portrait of the hero of the occasion. What it will be: oil paints on canvas, photo printing, pencil drawing - is chosen individually.

Of course, for any congratulations in honor of the anniversary date, it is supposed to give something useful and memorable. Anything from this popular list would be a good gift.

  • A souvenir with a dedication, indicating a significant date and a wish to the hero of the day.
  • A bottle of collection wine from the year of birth of the hero of the occasion or just good champagne, but with a personalized label. You can invite the woman to save the drink until the next round date. And drink it at the next similar event.
  • A pleasant and useful present will be a certificate for salon procedures, in a spa, or a coupon for purchases in a perfume and cosmetics store.
  • Being with the hero of the day in a close or family relationship, it will be convenient to present her with a vacation ticket.
  • You can give emotions: jumping from a parachute, flying a helicopter, a hot air balloon, riding an ATV, etc. But this is all provided that a person loves extreme sports and wants to try the unknown.

Sample script

When organizing an anniversary, you can focus on a specific topic. For example, make a disco party, 60s or 80s party, choose a specific color scheme or designate a sophisticated or funny dress code. Then the event will turn out to be more solemn and bright, and the photos will be much more harmonious.

The scenarios can be completely different: it is not the topic itself that is important here, but the opportunity to give the hero of the day to feel in the center of attention. Everything is built around her person and is interspersed with the presentation of gifts, diplomas in her specialty or for achievements in everyday life. The meeting of the hero of the day should be especially effective. Moreover, when the evening is organized not by herself, but by her close circle. Well-chosen music will come in very handy. As soon as the hostess of the evening enters the room, it is a good idea to turn on loud music with a greeting text about the birthday or words about the anniversary. It can be a humorous or lyrical text - it all depends on the age of the lady and her preferences. It would be nice to decorate the room with flowers, photos of the hero of the day, balloons, shower the birthday girl's path to the place at the table with rose petals or large sparkles.

The beginning of the evening is usually the most full of surprises and impressions. For this part, costumed scenes with jokes are planned, so as not to tire with the participation of tired guests and the culprit of the event. In the finale, be sure to bring out a beautiful dessert; in a restaurant it is usually a themed cake with candles-fireworks. The woman is given the floor to express her gratitude to all who came and participated in the holiday. You can end the evening with her slow dance with her husband or father, singing together at karaoke.

For example, an interesting scenario can be constructed as follows.

  • Imagine that the hero of the day is the Snow Queen and requires confirmation that there is no one better and more beautiful than her. The participants in the scene will play the role of its mirrors. They have to convince her that she is the most beautiful. And along the way, try to unfreeze (laugh) your queen. The Queen will have to hold on with all her might so as not to laugh out loud. If she could not restrain herself, the one who provoked the laughter receives a prize from the presenter - the author of an impromptu fairy tale.
  • The Queen herself determines who will be Kai and Gerda, and chooses other participants in the incendiary action. The whole scenario is based on the motive of the well-known fairy tale. A young man or a husband of the hero of the occasion can be chosen as Kai. He is fascinated by her beauty. But the ending will be redone, because the enchanted Kai does not want another world without his Queen.

The women's holiday will surely turn out to be fun even according to such a simple scenario, because women like to laugh, and they adore attention and compliments.

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