
How to celebrate a 50th birthday anniversary?

How to celebrate a 50th birthday anniversary?
  1. Venue and theme
  2. Contests and games
  3. Browse other entertainment
  4. How to congratulate the birthday boy?
  5. Script ideas

So this moment has come when the man turns 50. He is half a century behind him, and there is a lot of new ahead, including the celebration of the anniversary. A real celebration is coming and it doesn't matter where it will take place. It is more important to make everyone feel comfortable, pleasant and fun during the holiday.

Venue and theme

50 years is a special date, therefore it requires a non-standard approach to organizing a feast. But you need to arrange a magnificent party only with the consent of the hero of the occasion. This is his day, so all organizational issues have to be approved through his approval.

If the grandiose banquet device does not resonate with the hero of the day, you will have to consider other options. Let it be less solemn, but calm and sincere, in the bosom of the family and the closest people. Of course, the entertainment and fun are not canceled!

Celebrating at home

To spend a 50-year-old man's anniversary in a comfortable home environment, you need to make very little effort. Let it be a traditional festive lunch or dinner, but with some adjustments.

The menu should definitely include the dishes that the hero of the day prefers, but do not forget to cook the favorite treats of the rest of the household. It will not be superfluous to put on the table several exquisite dishes and a couple of gastronomic novelties, high-quality wine. If it is customary for the family to cook the dessert on their own, you can deviate from the rules and order a ready-made cake from the pastry chef.

If paper napkins are usually used at the table, then for this reason fabric analogs can be prepared to match the new tablecloth.Vases or glasses with fresh flowers, in the same color scheme as textiles, will become a real decoration. With such an elementary technique, you will be able to instantly transform the decoration of the table.

During a festive meal, it is advisable not to be distracted by a working TV. It is best to have conversation topics and time planning around and outside the table in advance.

It will be great if the guests invited to the celebration are distracted from the feast by dancing, participating in competitions and singing. Draws, surprises, toasts are encouraged.

It is important to take care of the festive program in advance. Let's say the guests make three "approaches" to the table: they treat themselves to snacks, then contests are held, main dishes are served, and after a new pause, everyone is invited to enjoy dessert.

In the restaurant

If the hero of the occasion agrees to a loud celebration in the restaurant, the organizational moments can be entrusted to the presenter. He will make sure that everyone has a rest with their souls and preserves pleasant impressions of the holiday.

The party with a feast will include dances and competitions and will develop smoothly according to a well-thought-out scenario. This option is very convenient, because at the banquet you can afford to relax and not worry about anything.

Professionals will take care of the timely serving of dishes, a clean table and well-fed guests. After the guests leave, there is no need to wash a mountain of dishes and cutlery, to clean up the hall. The hero of the day and his relatives will leave the holiday in full satisfaction from what happened.

However, hiring a toastmaster, in most cases, you need to be ready to use a typical script, formulaic phrases, standard jokes and not highly artistic poetry. It is not a fact that this is what the modern 50-year-old man and his entourage are counting on.

Therefore, deciding on a presenter, first of all, it is important to approve the program. That is, consider several scenarios. The program can be amended in advance, add or remove certain contests.

A good option would be to order the development of a creative script from a specialist.... Then it will be adapted exclusively to individual needs and ideas.

It remains to organize a banquet in a restaurant and invite a good host for a men's birthday.


Sometimes anniversaries are celebrated outside the box, gathering family, friends and colleagues in nature. But it will be possible to celebrate in the air only on a fine day. Otherwise, the guests and the hero of the day run the risk of shivering and even getting cold.

In good weather, this option turns out to be very successful and profitable.... You can rent a spacious covered gazebo or set buffet tables in the courtyard of a private house. It will turn out to mark a round date with less pathos and less cost. But no less fun and noisy.

Contests and games

Whatever variant of the organization of the holiday the hero of the day chooses, the evening should be planned. That is, with a specific program, drinking and active contests.

They will not allow guests to sit at the table and will help everyone to get to know each other and chat with ease.... In addition, from time to time attention will be focused on games with humor, and the hero of the occasion will be able to take a breath. Despite the holiday, he, like a bride at a wedding, gets tired more than others.

For home

Many people prefer to celebrate their 50th anniversary at home, with their loved ones. It is also easy to arrange simple cool contests there. Various entertainments will defuse the atmosphere.

Dance while you are young

Guests wishing to show their dancing skills are invited to dance without getting up from their chairs. The host invites the participants to sit down so that all guests can see them, and then the music starts. Famous dance rhythms sound: twist, rock and roll, gypsy, tango, hopak, yenka, lezginka, etc. 15-20 seconds are given for each dance. You have to show your talents without getting up.

Audience applause determines the winners of the unusual dance marathon. The most temperamental one is awarded the "Most Incendiary Dancer" badge with a gift in the form of an embrace of the hero of the day.

Ode to the birthday boy

Unusual competition for rhymed poetry in honor of the hero of the day. Participants may be offered the following rhymes:

- hero of the day - case; - gift - frenzy; - fumes - radar, etc.

For inspiration, the "poets" are shown the main prize - a bottle of sparkling wine. While the participants create poetic masterpieces, a short break is announced. Then all the guests return to their places at the table, and the "poets" read the impromptu aloud.

The power of general jubilation under the leadership of the host will be decisive when choosing a top ode. The author is awarded champagne and the "Best Poet" medal.

The choice of the winner can be entrusted to the hero of the day.

In the cafe

Table contests are one of the most popular entertainments at any holiday. In games unfamiliar people get closer, and friends manage to rally even more.

The host announces the rules. Guests at the table are handed out according to the letter of the alphabet. Everyone has to compose a wish for the hero of the day, starting with this letter.

Let's say this: "Oh, how much money I wish you!" or “Gods! Today (the name of the hero of the day) is unusually good-looking! " The peak of fun will begin with wishes for the letters "Y", "E", "F", "C". You can provide a separate gift for the author of the funniest wishes.

Long live the surprise!

A feature of this competition is that what is happening is an unexpected surprise not only for the hero of the day, but also for all participants. The idea is to present the hero of the occasion with gifts, but not material, but improvised and spontaneous.

Something like a lottery with notes indicating tasks is being prepared in advance. They can be varied: perform a song, dance, make a toast, tell a story about a birthday boy or a funny anecdote, etc.

It will be interesting to place notes with assignments inside balloons or a large box, wrap sweets with them, etc. Anyone who refuses to complete the assignment is entitled to a fine: kiss the hero of the day, tell him an unusual compliment or tell about a life incident with his participation.

Hunting balls

The number of competitors is not limited. It will take a lot of balloons. A rope with an inflated balloon is tied to the player's left leg. It will have to be defended by all means from rivals. In this case, you need to try to burst the balls of other players. The winner is the contestant with the surviving ball.

Browse other entertainment

There shouldn't be too many contests. More precisely, breaks for communication, refreshments at the table and dancing to music are important between them. The hero of the day must pay attention to each guest.

Breaks are also necessary so that while those present are busy dancing or talking, there is an opportunity to change dishes and remove all unnecessary from the table.

There is an incredible variety of entertainment options. You can cheer up the guests with and without the toastmaster. Even a finished script can be supplemented with any of these fun contests.

Alcoholic roulette

A purely male competition. Designed for 5-6 people. The presenter, secretly from the participants, pours water into the glasses and only one of them - vodka. Each player then receives their portion and an invitation to drink.

On command, everyone throws the contents of the glasses into themselves. The task is to do this calmly, so that no one would guess at whom the alcoholic roulette pointed.

All other guests will have to figure out who drank the "happy" glass. The winner is the one who managed to figure out the lucky one. At the end of the drawing, justice prevails, and strong drinks are served to all participants.

Life Line quiz

Competition for knowledge of facts from the life of the hero of the day. Who of the guests in the hall will give the most correct answers, receives a prize from the hands of the main character of the quiz.

Let's consider a rough list of questions.

  1. Day of the week on which (name) saw the light.
  2. What weight and height were you born with?
  3. In which city did this happen?
  4. The name of the best school friend of the hero of the day.
  5. First job?
  6. Where and in what troops did he serve?
  7. How did you meet your current wife?
  8. Wedding date.
  9. How many children and their exact age.
  10. What is the brand and number of the car of the hero of the day?

How to congratulate the birthday boy?

The easiest way to cheer up the hero of the day is to give gifts. Only not simple, but in the form of a small show.

Usually gifts are given into the hands of the birthday person right from the doorway, but this is not an obligatory moment. It is better to set aside a separate time at the event for the original congratulations. Or give guests the opportunity to present gifts at once, and in the midst of the holiday, present the main present from the whole family or colleagues, etc.

In addition, on the 50th anniversary, it will be more appropriate than ever video surprise... You can create a small film about the life of the hero of the day. Frames in video or slideshow format will surprise and delight the hero of the occasion. And guests will open it from different sides.

You can use interesting shots from childhood, adolescence, study, military service, events of the period of youth, meeting with a loved one, weddings, home gatherings, the appearance of children and grandchildren, etc. them songs with the appropriate meaning.

Surely in the family album there are many photos that will stir up pleasant memories and bright feelings in the soul of the hero of the day.

Even tape recordings and printed photographs can be digitized. It is also easy to master the art of editing by mastering basic programs on the Internet. Nephews or grandchildren are usually involved in this activity. The younger generation copes with the task without any problems.

At an evening dedicated to the 50th anniversary, it will be gorgeous to present the husband and father of the family with a photobook. Such a memorable gift will definitely touch a man to the depths of his soul.

Congratulations from afar

Half a century is not at all about old age, but about wisdom and acquired in the past. Including about time-tested friends. During this time, life scattered friends-buddies all over the world. Many comrades of the hero of the day settled in other cities and even on other continents. It is worth trying to contact them!

Social networks will help with this - to find them themselves or through their children and grandchildren and talk about the upcoming anniversary. Surely they will gladly respond! All that remains is to call each one in turn by video link and record a congratulation, mount separate recordings in a video or demonstrate them one at a time instead of toasts.

Help the hero of the day feel important and needed outside of time and distance!


An unusual option would be prepare for the hero of the evening a personal newspaper issued on the date of his birth. The 50-year-old will read the news of those years and will be surprised how much the world has changed over the years!

You can find not the newspaper itself, but interesting notes from those years and make copies of the pages. This will make material for a newspaper spread for a couple of pages. It will not be superfluous to read aloud the most interesting phrases from old articles and hand the newspaper to the birthday boy.

Congratulations from the little ones

Let the children learn rhymes about dad (grandfather, uncle, brother), mentioning his hobbies (driver, fisherman, sportsman) or some joint events (going to the circus or zoo, vacation), etc. Children will be more comfortable playing the role readers at home.

The younger generation can also be instructed to prepare a wall newspaper for the anniversary.... It is better to schedule a children's performance at the beginning of the program.

Script ideas

50 years for a man is the time of maturity, where there is a place for everything that was in life before that date. The children are already adults, they have their own home, a tree has been grown and grandchildren are growing up. But now there is a lot of time for yourself and your hobbies. It is advisable to build a jubilee holiday on this concept.

A modern evening with scenes can be spent without a toastmaster... A little nostalgic about the period of stormy youth, but not letting sadness overshadow thoughts of a glorious future. Right now everything is just beginning!

A great idea would be holding an auction with humorous overtones. Lots will be any things that belonged (maybe their analogs) to the hero of the day. Use an infant diaper or pacifier, a child's toy, the birthday boy's first shoes, etc.

In the course of the action, the presenter announces that the victory will go to the one who is the last to utter a pleasant word that defines the personality of the hero of the day. Usually during the auction, guests are animatedly involved in what is happening, sometimes coming up with the most incredible epithets.

The guest who said his last flattering definition wins the coveted lot. He is also presented with a commemorative award "The Sweetest Guest".

Further, the toastmaster asks to pay attention to the unexpected guest who wished to congratulate the hero of the day. A "gypsy" appears in the hall with a proposal to tell fortunes to the hero of the day. “Darling, give me your strong hand! I'll tell you, my golden, the real truth, without melting anything! Oh, I see - the road ahead is waiting. This is your road of destiny, going uphill. A great destiny and prosperity awaits you, my malachite. Oh, women will love you so much, and you will remain with your beloved as unshakable as a rock! You will have a new car, but you can't make out something - a black Mercedes or a blue Zhiguli.

And next to you, some beauty is following you. Oh, and it's good! All men go crazy with her, but she only reaches out to you. Wait, my ruby, how could I not immediately recognize your faithful in her! And also, listen, I see a baby in your arms soon. Either your son, or your granddaughter ...

Oh, my dear one, I see how the life line sparkles! Wealth awaits you! You will buy a luxurious mansion so that you can celebrate all anniversaries in the mansion, invite friends on holidays. Iris, gilded the handle, my generous! For what I have predicted for you here. Yes, don’t be sorry for money, my rich one, and I’ll tell you now the secret of what your guests think of you. Listen, my sapphire! "

The guests stretch out their hands in turn, and the gypsy broadcasts her prepared texts or an excerpt from the song is included.

  1. You are my god, let everyone know about it! (for wife)
  2. I like that you are not sick with me.
  3. For me there is no more beautiful you, but I catch your gaze in vain!
  4. My friend, you are in my soul ...
  5. Are you my brother or not? Are you glad me or not?
  6. And you're as cold as an iceberg in the ocean.
  7. We will quarrel - and we will make up, "Do not spill water" - everyone around jokes ...
  8. My dear, your smile ...
  9. Dear friend, do not be bored, I will return, you just know ...
  10. The diamond of these priceless eyes ...
  11. I will always be with you, blue sea wave, in the dark abyss of waters. I will always be with you!
  12. I will call the planet by your name!
  13. I will never forget you.
  14. Who told you, who told you, who came up with the idea that I don't love you.

The predictions are selected according to the meaning, it is not necessary to use these. The main thing is that they suit the guests in terms of status and attitude towards the hero of the day. It is convenient and funny to select songs under the name of the hero of the day, his specialty or hobbies.

At the end of the drawing, the presenter thanks the talkative gypsy woman for her bold predictions and cordially invites her to the festive table.

After this scene, the guests are invited to find out what the hero of the day looks like in the eyes of his own wife. They put a bandage over her eyes and lead her to an easel with a large sheet of paper. Now the faithful needs to draw a spouse.

The presenter unfolds the finished portrait to the guests and hands it to the hero of the day as a keepsake... To the applause, the wife receives the honorary award "Most considerate wife."

Then the host of the party is invited to the center of the hall. He also has to pass a test for attentiveness to his soul mate. To do this, he is blindfolded and invited to participate in the competition of several women. Blindfolded, the hero of the day will have to recognize his wife among them. It is only allowed to stroke a woman's hand, identifying a loved one by the smoothness of the skin or smell.

To make the competition funny and not embarrass the hero of the day and the participants, after the hero of the day is blindfolded, women are replaced by men... Of course, a woman's hand is definitely not to be confused with a man's.At the same time, the wife remains to participate in the competition.

For the courage to participate in the competition, the hero of the day is honored Medal "The Most Attentive Husband".

The leading final part can be the wife. She will have to thank the guests together with her husband. And spend them with the wishes to meet again in a year.

Congratulations on the 50th anniversary of the man, see the following video.

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