
How to celebrate an anniversary for yourself?

How to celebrate an anniversary for yourself?
  1. Script writing rules
  2. Entertainment overview
  3. How to diversify your holiday?
  4. Ideas for

Anniversary Is an important matter. Can you organize it yourself on your own? Why not - in our age of high technologies, even the most distant person from gadgets is able to make a playlist of his favorite music, and prepare several interesting, non-trivial contests. It is not at all necessary to prepare food yourself - delivery from your favorite restaurant will solve this problem.

Script writing rules

As in any other business, the main thing in developing a script for a holiday is to start. Decide on the topic - what will be the basis of your anniversary?

You need to be guided not only by your tastes, but also by the composition of the guests who will be present at the holiday, because contests and games related to raising children may not be very interesting for young people, and competitions in the spirit of "filled-poured-drank" are not suitable for a serious, intelligent company.

Entertainment overview

Today there are a huge number of games and contests with which you can diversify the holiday. These games can be just fun or provocative - it all depends on the degree of proximity to the company and the entertainment adopted in it.

"Children are flowers of life"

Participants are divided into pairs. One is a parent, the other is a child. The task of the child is to be capricious and irritate the parent. The task of the parent is not to lose his temper and agree with the child without raising his voice. The strongest wins.

"Maternity hospital"

For this game you will need pre-prepared A4 sheets with the inscriptions: Maternity hospital, Bathhouse, Toilet, Sobering-up station, etc. Participants sit with their backs to the audience and do not see these sheets. One piece of paper is attached to each participant's back. None of the participants should see either their own sheet or someone else's. They should be visible only to the audience.The presenter asks each participant provocative questions about his place of stay, for example: “What brought you here? How long do you plan to stay here? What are you doing here? " etc.

Since the participant has no idea where "is", his answers will be funny.

"Through the lips of our babies"

This game is perfect for families with children. Ideal if each of the guests has children. Parents need to guess which "pearl" their child gave out. It's great if the preparation was carried out long before the anniversary, and a decent number of really funny children's sayings were collected.

The winner is the parent who unmistakably determined the belonging of the phrase to his child.

"Kittens and piglets"

The participants in this funny competition are divided into two teams. The first team - kittens, the second, respectively, piglets. Each participant is blindfolded. All must mix with each other. At the command of the host (it can be any unused guest), the kittens should start meowing loudly, and the piglets should grunt.

The winner is the team that gathers the whole team faster than the other, focusing only on the sounds that its members make.


Such games, as a rule, basically have two queues-columns of participants, each of which is entitled to his own task. For example, in each column, the calculation is made for the first-second-third. A bottle with vodka / tequila / other strong drink at will, a glass, a plate with canapes or slices of lemon are placed on two tables. At the start, the first participant, having reached the table, pours a drink into a glass, the second drinks it, the third takes a bite. The admissible maximum is three laps of each team, otherwise there is a risk of ending the holiday much faster due to the strong intoxication of the guests.

Drinks can be replaced with other tasks, it all depends on the imagination of the organizers.


Competition for couples. Women put a print of their lips on a sheet, and a man has to guess which of the prints belongs to his beloved.

A similar competition can be held for hands. Men are blindfolded, and by touching their hands, everyone should guess where his beloved is.

"I am sending a letter"

Each participant in this game is entitled to his own serial number. Everyone stands in a circle, the leader stands in the center. He says: I am sending a letter from number so-and-so to number so-and-so. Participants with these numbers should quickly orient themselves and switch places with each other. And the leader must get ahead of one of them and take his place.

If the leader did not have time - he remains the leader, if the participant does not have time - he becomes the leader.


There is no sound in the videophone. Here's the highlight of the game. Two participants are talking on the "videophone", but one of them lost the sound, only the image remains. The task is to understand by lips what kind of information the interlocutor is trying to convey to him.

The game sounds simple, but it can actually create a ton of comical guesses.

"Around the World in Ten Minutes"

This game is like a quest. Participants receive a ticket to travel around the world. But before you go to it, you need to find all the riddles in the office of the travel agency and solve them.

Such a game requires team cohesion and the ability to act quickly, because the time for solving riddles is limited!

How to diversify your holiday?

To organize a fun holiday without a toastmaster, you need to draw up its approximate plan, in which games, refreshments, dances, congratulations, etc. will go in blocks. One block can have a maximum of three games, so they will not bother the guests. The dance block can be 5-6 songs, after which the guests return to the tables, and the congratulatory part continues.

Ideas for

You don't have to have a classic party at home or in a cafe. You can think of anything from a paintball game to a What? Where? When?" or a culinary master class followed by eating the cooked one.

You can go hiking, you can go to nature - today in every city there are recreation centers with gazebos and comfortable houses, where you can grill barbecue, have fun, and breathe fresh air, and how to relax.

It is important to remember one thing: the celebration of the anniversary is not an obligation, but a right. Therefore, if there is no desire to arrange a celebration, then there is no need to have fun from under the stick.

You can go somewhere with the closest people - family or friends, for example, to a holiday home or even just out of town and spend this time the way you want.

An original solution can be day at the spa on the birthday... For several hours, take the maximum of the most exquisite procedures - masks, body wraps, baths, massages, and then have a festive dinner with your loved ones. It is especially pleasant if the certificate in the spa is presented as a gift by a loved one. And if you don't have a loved one yet, then present the certificate to yourself and spend time with the most wonderful and necessary person - alone with yourself!

For information on how to organize an anniversary, see the next video.

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