
Anniversary contests and games

Anniversary contests and games
  1. Funny moving contests
  2. The best contests with balloons
  3. Vocal and creative tasks
  4. Table games options
  5. How else to entertain guests without a toastmaster?

For a memorable anniversary, not only a plentiful table and good company are important, but also fun contests. Many of them do not require special props and are easily organized even without the participation of a professional presenter.

Funny moving contests

At the jubilee, where young people 20-30 years old gather, one cannot do without mobile contests. For example, guests will surely like the humorous race of cupbearers - people bringing drinks to the feast. Two people can take part in the game at a time. For everyone, a chair, a wooden spoon and a glass are prepared in advance.

In addition, it will not be possible to do without a container filled with tinted water (about half a liter in volume), imitating wine.

The chairs are placed at a distance of a couple of meters from each other. On one of them, glasses are placed close to each other, spoons are placed, and a wine bowl is placed on the other. Each player will need to transfer "wine" from a common bowl to his own glass using a wooden device for one minute. The winner is the participant who gets the most liquid.

Another fun game known as "Matches" allows 5 guests to take part at the same time. A thread 50 centimeters long is tied to the leg of each, and a box of matches is fixed on it, in turn. Participants stand in a circle so that their socks touch, and the box is put in front of the leg. At the command of the presenter, they make a jump back, and then at the same time begin to jump in a circle, trying to crush the opponent's boxes, but save their own.


A cool competition called "Choreographer" gives you the opportunity to shake the salads and get ready for the next dish. All participants line up in a circle, and one of them goes to the center, preparing to perform the role of a choreographer. As soon as the music turns on, the center begins to demonstrate different movements, and the others need to repeat them. With the change of composition, the choreographer chooses a successor, who, in turn, becomes the center. The game continues until everyone tries himself as a stage director.

By the way, you can complicate the dance entertainment with the help of a neckerchief: those who go to the center will first have to tie a scarf.

The competition with the mop is also very exciting. The guests are divided into two teams, after which they line up in the "man-woman" sequence. One person should be left alone and receive cleaning equipment instead. While the music plays for 2-3 minutes, the participants dance, but when it stops, they will have to quickly change the pair. Naturally, the player with the mop quickly throws it and grabs the first dancer that comes along, while someone, in turn, is left alone with the mop.

The highlight of the competition is the opportunity to dance with both men and women.

Dressing up

The dress-up competition is suitable for a close company of liberated people. All participants are divided into male-female pairs. As soon as the music starts playing, the participants quickly unmask and change into their partner's clothes. The winner is the couple that swaps outfits faster.

With the presentation of prizes

No matter how old the invitees are, few people refuse to take part in the competition with prizes. You can also adapt the traditional fun of children's birthday parties for adults. Even before the holiday, the owners prepare small gifts: soaps of an interesting shape, face masks, pens, chocolates, lighters and other little things. They are all wrapped in opaque paper and tied with strings, which in turn are attached to a rope stretched between two chairs. The task of the participants becomes, blindfolded, to cut off one of the prizes with scissors.

The best contests with balloons

The most interesting birthday contests require the simplest inventory - balloons. For example, in the game "Lightning" the participants are divided equally into two teams and receive balls of different colors, for example: red and yellow. The players then randomly scatter them across the floor. As soon as the music starts, the participants will have to burst their opponents' balls with their hands and at the same time protect their own. The winner is the team that completes the task faster.

In another competition, only two men can take part at a time. Each receives a long-handled landing net and one balloon. At the beginning of the game, both participants throw up their balls. Until they fall to the floor, men need to catch each other with a butterfly net. The winner will be the participant who completes the task faster.

Vocal and creative tasks

All those present at the celebration will be able to take part in the "Portrait of the Hero of the Day" competition. Participants must share into two teams, after which each will be provided with an easel with a drawing paper and a felt-tip pen. Alternately, the players come to the "canvas" and draw that part of the birthday boy's body, which the host calls them.

Whose portrait turns out to be better in the end is up to the hero of the occasion himself.

Another game will allow you to please the birthday boy with several musical congratulations. First, each participant receives a card on which several lines of the old song are printed: either the chorus or the verse. The player's task is to find a pair by singing his lines and only then together present the collected song to the hero of the day.

Table games options

Board games allow you to get rid of the disunity of those who came to the holiday from the first minutes and create a friendly atmosphere.

For acquaintance

To introduce people who did not know each other before, you can invite them to play a game that does not require any props - "True, true, false." Each of those present will have to tell about themselves two truths and one lie, and the rest will have to guess which fact is unrealistic.

Another simple yet addicting game is What You Got. All those present are divided into two teams, for example: the right and left halves of the table. The presenter says the phrase: "And who has ..." and the name of the object: a photo of a child, sunglasses, pepper spray, a screwdriver. Each team in response must present the named thing and get a point for it.


A game that is suitable not only for 25-year-olds, but also for a company of adults 35-45 years old, is "Crocodile". Its essence lies in the fact that one person mimics and gestures depicts a hidden word, phrase or concept, while others try to figure it out. There are several ways to play Crocodile at the table. In the first case, all invitees are divided into teams, and each thinks out a few words that their competitors will show. The cards are put into separate containers, and tasks are exchanged for the game.

A good solution would be to initially set the theme of the game, for example: "Favorite Soviet Movies", "Back to School" or "Bon Appetit".

After shuffling the notes, the first member of the first team pulls out a piece of paper and goes to the center of the room. His task will be to convey to his associates a written word or phrase in a limited amount of time. Next, a member of another team enters the game, who will interact with his comrades. As a result, the team whose members can guess all the words given to them will win.

In the second version of "Crocodile" everyone speaks for himself. The presenter himself or the birthday man thinks up the word for the first participant, and then he himself will come up with a phrase for the next participant.

There can be no winner in such a game, but it continues until the participants decide to complete it.

"Well no"

To play "Yes, no", you will first need to prepare tablets with these words for all participants, including the birthday boy. The host starts reading funny or tricky questions about the host or hostess of the evening. The guests raise a card with the chosen answer (yes / no), after which the hero of the day voices the correct one. Those who have resolved the question proceed to the next round. As a result, there should remain one winner, who can be awarded with a comic award: "The main fan of the birthday boy."


The most popular "Mafia" will perfectly cope with the task of bringing people together at the table. It will be possible to prepare special playing cards for it, or be limited to white sheets on which the letters will be indicated: "G" - a citizen, he is a civilian, "P" - a policeman and "M" - a mafia. In the event that 15 guests, in addition to the host, gather at the table, it is enough to appoint 4 mafia and 9 civilians. Those who receive the cards must hide their contents from others.

The game begins with the city falling asleep and the mafia waking up. This means that everyone closes their eyes, and after them only people with an "M" card open. The mafia chooses its victims, points at them to the host and "falls asleep." After the presenter commands that the city wakes up and announces the victims. The "surviving" townspeople will have to find out which of them is a traitor. The man chosen by the majority of votes must reveal his cards. The game continues until either only the mafia or only civilians remain.


The presence of a projector with a screen will allow holding a number of exciting contests, in which it will be possible to take part without leaving the table. For example, frames from famous films and TV series can be shown, in which the main characters are covered with images of cute cats or raccoons.The task of the participants is to guess the displayed pictures as quickly as possible.

It will be very nice to guess the guests from the children's photos, previously collected by the hosts of the celebration.


For older people, that is, over 65 years old, a table game called "Force Majeure" will seem interesting. In turn, each guest receives a card on which an unforeseen situation is written, for example: “The salary was delayed”, “the electricity was cut off at home”, “the guard locked it at work”, “the store ran out of cereals”. From the height of the past years and the accumulated experience, the participant must name the maximum number of advantages of the current situation.

No less vivid emotions of grandmothers and grandfathers will appear during the game "What to do with him?" Each player will have to pull out a "youth" item from the box: a quartz massager for the face, a spinner, a "smart" watch and the like, and then suggest several options for its use.

Questions are considered universal if they need to be answered with the help of cardboard numbers that were previously distributed to the participants. Guests are divided into two teams, and each receives its own set. The presenter asks questions related to the personality of the birthday person or well-known events, or that require ingenuity, and the participants answer them by raising the numbers. The team that gives a quick and correct answer earns a point.

How else to entertain guests without a toastmaster?

You can keep your guests busy while waiting for the next dish with a mind-reading hat. For this funny insert, you will first have to prepare a musical selection, where desires or funny statements are found in the songs. The host of the celebration will have to walk from guest to guest and put on his hat, simultaneously playing songs, and thus all those present will be able to overhear each other's "thoughts".

Several couples from husband and wife will be able to take part in the "Half" competition. All men will need to be seated on chairs in one row and blindfolded. Women expose the lower part of the leg together with the foot and alternately put it on the lap of men. The task of the latter is to touch the leg to recognize their beloved.

At home, in the absence of additional props, the game "Princess Nesmeyana" is ideal. The guests are divided into two teams. The task of the members of the first is to sit with stern faces and not show any emotions, and the task of the members of the second is to make them laugh with jokes or anecdotes for a certain period of time.

You can also play such modern board games as "Equivoki" or "Soobrazariy", or arrange an intellectual "Brain slaughter".

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