
How to celebrate a mother's 60th birthday?

How to celebrate a mother's 60th birthday?
  1. Celebration ideas
  2. Possible entertainment
  3. How to diversify your holiday?
  4. Scenario ideas

For each of us, mom remains the dearest and dearest person for life. Therefore, every her birthday, especially the anniversary one, I want to make it special so that the birthday girl will remember it for the rest of her life. 60 years is the age of a mother when she especially needs attention, affection and care. Therefore, it is desirable that all the troubles associated with the preparation and organization of the holiday be taken on by her closest relatives, in this case, the children. In this article, we will take a closer look at how to celebrate the mother's 60th birthday.

Celebration ideas

Before the commencement of the celebration of the anniversary, it is important to unobtrusively ask the birthday girl exactly how she imagines this holiday. After all, everyone has different preferences: some like noisy, funny companies, others prefer to celebrate their birthday in a home, cozy and familiar environment, with their family. It will be very pleasant for them to receive congratulations from the closest and dearest people on their birthday. And if mom is the type of people who simply adore all sorts of surprises and pleasant surprises, then you should try to make preparations for the holiday as invisible as possible.

Regardless of how the birthday girl prefers to celebrate the anniversary, the only requirement for the celebration remains the same: the hero of the day should feel in the center of everyone's attention on this day.

In addition to organizing an entertainment program, you need to take care of decorating the room where the celebration will take place in advance, as well as think over the festive menu. You can cook your mother's favorite meals yourself or order them at a restaurant. A beautiful, festive cake is an indispensable element of a festive feast.Ideally, you should do it yourself. If none of the birthday girl's relatives have such skills, then a dessert product can be ordered at any confectionery store.

Popular are cakes in the form of a book or a house, which are symbols of the family hearth.

There are several ideas to consider for the celebration.

  • If mom's birthday falls on a warm season, it would be a great idea to organize a fun party in nature or at home in the country.
  • Cheerful individuals who lead an active lifestyle and have a good sense of humor will be happy with a funny and funny scenario of the holiday. In this case, the program of the celebration should include outdoor games and contests with the younger generation: grandchildren, nephews.

Baskets with seasonal gifts of nature can be used as rewards for the winners.

  • It's a great idea to make a photobook out of the photos that will be taken on your mom's birthday. One copy of the photographs can then be presented to all participants in the celebration. Alternatively, you can edit a touching film about the birthday girl, where you can include the most successful and vivid captured moments of her life, accompanying them with your favorite musical works of the hero of the occasion.
  • If the holiday takes place in a restaurant, then it will be pleasant for the birthday girl to receive congratulations from each guest separately. For example, all invitees in turn must name one quality of the hero of the day, which they value most in her.

All of them together will give the birthday girl the opportunity to feel important and meaningful in the life of each guest.

Possible entertainment

So that mom's birthday does not turn into an ordinary feast and the guests do not get bored, several contests should be included in the festive program. It is necessary to select them depending on where the celebration is held: at home, in a restaurant or outdoors.

For home

As entertainment for a home party, it is better to use contests that do not require a lot of space. One of the fun and memorable moments of the anniversary can be a competition in ditties.

Previously, the organizer of the competition must prepare the texts of funny songs on cards if the invited guests do not know any of them.

The essence of the competition is as follows:

  1. to the music, the guests pass the baton to each other;
  2. the musical accompaniment is suddenly interrupted, the one of the invitees, in whose hands she is at that moment, performs a ditty;
  3. the winner is the guest whose performance caused the most applause and laughter; as a reward, he receives a kiss from the birthday girl and the "Funniest Guest" medal.

A funny and positive dance competition that can be organized even in the smallest rooms. To do this, the presenter selects several participants, seates them in a semicircle on chairs. After that, any music is turned on in turn: twist, polka, gypsy, waltz. Participants, without getting up, demonstrate the art of the corresponding dances. The winner is the one who makes it funnier and more temperamental than others. As a reward, the winner receives the most creative dancer medal from the birthday girl.

Competition "What to do if suddenly ...?"

This competition will require 3-5 volunteers. They are asked to find a way out of the most unforeseen and non-standard situations. The winner is the guest who finds the funniest and wittiest answer. Examples of questions might be as follows:

  • what to do if accidentally sat down on a birthday cake;
  • what to do if several guests presented the same gift at once;
  • your actions if 2 best friends celebrate a birthday at the same time;
  • what to do if a fragile gift for the birthday girl was accidentally broken on the way, and so on.

Crocodile game

All guests are divided into 2 teams, one of which jointly comes up with some kind of activity or object, begins to amicably and actively explain this to the second team using pantomime. She only has 3 attempts to guess. Then the teams change roles. Points are awarded for the correct answer. The winner is the team that scored the most points.

In the cafe

If a birthday is celebrated in a cafe, guests can choose more active contests, for example, "60 steps". Its essence lies in the fact that the participant must overcome the path to the birthday girl in exactly 60 steps. The difficulty lies in the fact that the hero of the day has the opportunity to change his place of stay 3 times during the allotted time. The participant can take steps from the smallest to the largest.

The winner is the guest who was able to correctly calculate the steps and reached the birthday girl in a shorter time.

"Auction" can become a pleasant competition for the birthday girl. For its holding, the organizer of the holiday pre-buys different toys: a typewriter, children's dishes, a soft toy, and so on. The presenter says that the hero of the day asked to sell some of her things. However, the payment for them will not be money, but good words and wishes for the birthday girl. All lots can be presented in a veiled form, for example: "The birthday girl's favorite car is being put up for sale." And according to the results of the auction, the winner is awarded a toy car. The birthday girl presents the most active participant in the competition with a medal "For eloquence, oratorical talent and strong friendship."

How to diversify your holiday?

The festive birthday program often includes the launching of sky lanterns. They can be purchased ready-made or made by hand. Additionally, on each of them, guests can write their wishes for the birthday girl.

This end of the holiday will be remembered for a long time for the hero of the day.

Beautiful posters and posters hung around the hall where the event is taking place will interest not only the birthday girl, but all the guests. A good idea would be a photo collage, in which the hero of the occasion is depicted in a photo of different years, from childhood to name day. Under each picture, you can place a funny or witty caption describing the event depicted.

If the celebration takes place in a restaurant or cafe, you should discuss all the nuances of the celebration with the administration in advance. A great option would be the musical accompaniment of the birthday.

The birthday girl and guests can dance to their favorite music, and a quiet melody will give an opportunity to relax while talking with loved ones.

Scenario ideas

There are a huge number of ideas on how to organize a birthday for mom. You can choose the most suitable option using Internet sites where full-fledged scenarios for the anniversary of the mother for 60 years are painted. And also it can be compiled independently, based on all the individual characteristics and preferences of the hero of the day. If the holiday is held without a toastmaster, the daughter or son of the birthday girl most often takes on the leading role.

It is extremely pleasant for every mother to hear from her child heartfelt, sincere and anxious birthday greetings. They can also be selected from the Internet or, if creative possibilities permit, compose in person.

As an option for celebrating 60 years, several scenarios can be used.

  • "Comic" or "60 as 1". Throughout the holiday, it is important to maintain a funny and funny atmosphere: funny contests, humorous poems and wishes, original gifts. For example, you can add the following words to the script: “They say that at 60 a new person is born. So why don't we welcome his arrival with an appropriate gift? " After that, the birthday girl is presented with diapers, a pacifier and a soft toy.

These things are unlikely to be useful for mom, but they will undoubtedly cause a charge of positive emotions.

  • Birthday of the butterfly. Many people notice that little grandchildren, referring to their grandmother, pronounce not “grandmother”, but “grandmother”, which is perceived by ear as “butterfly”. And this is really so: they are affectionate and flutter over their children and grandchildren, like these beautiful insects. Therefore, you can spend a birthday in a themed style: decorate the hall with colorful butterflies, pick up a selection of poems that draws a parallel between a grandmother and a butterfly, make a stylized outfit for the birthday girl.
  • Birthday surprise. If the birthday girl does not want to have a noisy party, you can accidentally invite her to a cafe or restaurant, where her closest and dearest people will come first: colleagues, friends, relatives.
  • Dream country. The older generation has many unfulfilled dreams. One of these is often a visit to your beloved country. An anniversary is a great occasion to bring it to life.
  • Organization of a theme party. For guests, you can define the dress code: the times of the USSR, the Middle Ages, favorite movie characters, and so on.

The main thing that needs to be taken into account when organizing a holiday for mom is that she should celebrate it in a fun and interesting way, the invitees should not be bored and spend the whole evening at the festive table. Guests after such a celebration will sadly say goodbye to the past day.

It is important not to forget that 60 years for a woman is a wonderful age of wisdom and prudence, and she still has more than enough strength and vigor. Ahead of the birthday girl there are many exciting events and more than one cheerful anniversary.

For information on how to properly celebrate the anniversary, see the next video.

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