
Mom's anniversary script

Mom's anniversary script
  1. Organization rules
  2. Entertainment overview
  3. Original ideas for the script

Mom is synonymous with love. She protects us from the very first minutes of life. Everyone will be able to show the mother how important she is by arranging an unforgettable holiday for her. Such a memorable event as a mother's anniversary will be remembered for a long time. This day should be very interesting and eventful, leaving good memories and pleasant impressions. Children can take on all the hassle of decorating it: choose a place for an event, decorate it, come up with interesting entertainment. There are many good scenarios for a mom's anniversary.

Organization rules

Birthday is a wonderful holiday that many are looking forward to with pleasure. If the conversation turns to the anniversary, then we can say with confidence that this is a double celebration. For every woman, the anniversary becomes an important date when one has to revise certain life events, take stock.

As the anniversary of the mother approaches, the children begin to think about how best to organize it in order to celebrate the holiday in a fun and interesting way. Of course, you can spend this day with your family in a cozy home environment. But you can throw a huge party by inviting friends and family.

One should approach its organization more carefully, not leaving it for the last day.

On this day, it is important for children to show how dear their mother is to them. You should surround her with attention, help her with household chores. Don't forget about gifts. Of course, mommy will be delighted with any sign of attention, but a surprise made with her own hands will give her more vivid impressions. It can be a delicious cake baked with your own hands, a beautiful blouse sewn by a daughter or a knitted scarf.A good option would be an individual gift that can be decorated, for example, with a monogram or the name of the birthday girl. Such a present will show that it was created exclusively for her.

When choosing a gift, you should definitely take into account what the mother is fond of, what her hobby is and what she prefers. This will help you make your choice and get a really useful and memorable thing.

When preparing for this event, you should think about where the holiday will be held. The choice of location is of the utmost importance. It is better to choose a location associated with pleasant memories for the birthday girl. For these purposes, both a luxurious banquet hall and a small cafe on the shore of the reservoir are suitable.

When the issue is resolved with the venue, go to the list of invitees. Many guests are usually invited to the anniversary. These are colleagues at work, and friends in life, best friends, former classmates, relatives. You can make a surprise for the birthday girl and keep all preparations a secret. Guests should also support this idea and not speak out ahead of time. It is advisable for the guests to gather for the holiday before the hero of the day. In the event that the holiday is celebrated in nature, it is worth taking care of transport for visitors.

The choice of food should be taken responsibly. It is advisable to order food that the birthday girl loves. Also, there should be national and vegetarian dishes, other pickles, taking into account the large number of guests, their tastes and preferences.

If the event will be held at home, you need to free the birthday girl from kitchen problems as much as possible. Children, close relatives or girlfriends can prepare meals for the table.

Entertainment overview

To make the event interesting and fun, it is necessary to think over an exciting and interesting entertainment program in advance. The Charter of the Event will help to set everyone present in a positive mood from the very first minute.

All invitees should familiarize themselves with the "Charter", which should be placed at the entrance. The Guest Code states:

  • on this day, the smile should not leave the face, sad people are not allowed to enter;
  • the birthday girl should be constantly in the circle of guests, recalling the purpose of the event;
  • at the banquet the words “I don’t drink”, “I can’t”, “Do you respect me?” should not sound;
  • it is forbidden to whine, be sad, cry;
  • allowed to shout "pour!", as well as have fun and dance until you drop.

Those guests who take the Codex are allowed inside.

Already at the entrance, the invitees tune in to the desired wave, their mood rises. The task of the organizers is to support it and raise it to the highest level.

The host of the event may be a toastmaster. But a more interesting option will turn out if a son or daughter is the leader of my mother's birthday.

Starting the solemn part, the presenter invites those present to greet the hero of the day. He asks each guest to introduce themselves and name 5 qualities inherent in the hero of the day. This will allow you to get to know all the guests and set them up in a positive way.

A good option for an anniversary surprise for mom is a slideshow. It is advisable to prepare a sufficient number of high-quality photographs of the mother. These can be photographs of children and youth, as well as wedding photographs, pictures from the hospital. It is better to pick up photos where mom turned out well and smiles. For slideshows, not only individual photos are suitable, but also pictures with family, friends and colleagues.

In addition to photographs, it is advisable to insert interesting videos into the plot in chronological order, add musical accompaniment. Usually slides are included at the beginning of the meal, but you can break them up into periods and show them gradually.

Those who could not get to the celebration can be contacted via Skype. This video congratulation will give mom some pleasant moments.

After meeting the guests and watching the slideshow, it was time for my husband to go up on stage.A poem dedicated to your beloved, or just a sincere congratulation from him will be a pleasant gift for the birthday girl. The guests raise their glasses and drink to the health of the hero of the day.

All those present must take the oath in chorus, which says that all the words spoken to the hero of the day are sincere, and all gifts are from the heart. Guests sign a document, which is solemnly handed over to the birthday girl or hung in a frame on the wall.

Contests and games

Despite the abundance of delicious dishes on the tables, everyone wants to stretch out a little. The presenters offer interesting games. If children are invited to the event, the program should include active entertainment not only for adults, but also for children.

  • Celebrity game. Its purpose is as follows. The guests should take turns to name the celebrity with the name of the hero of the day.
  • Sitting dance competition. Those who wish to leave the table and go to the center of the room, where chairs have already been prepared for them. Sitting on them, the participants will dance. But this will not be an ordinary dance. Participants must accurately execute the commands of the presenter, who offers to dance with eyebrows, lips, eyes, hands, etc. Such a competition is very fun, especially if important uncles and aunts are sitting and dancing on chairs. To make the competition even more interesting, mixes of various popular melodies like lambada, gypsy or striptease are used as melodies.
  • Contest "Guess the profession". Its essence is to guess the profession by the sounds. Thus, the profession of a doctor can be recognized by the sound of a siren, and the profession of a carpenter by the sound of a hammer.


After games and contests, children rush to congratulate their beloved mother. Congratulations from children can be in poetry, in song form, or simply in the form of sincere words. Congratulations from a son or daughter can be written on a large Whatman paper. In addition to wishes, pictures-wishes cut from magazines in the form of a fairy-tale castle, a villa, a yacht or a luxury car can be accommodated here.

Daughters-in-law and sons-in-law can join the congratulations if the children are adults and have already managed to start families.

Beloved grandmother and grandchildren will not disregard. They will present her with their plasticine or paper crafts, drawings, homemade postcards.

Original ideas for the script

You can hold an interesting event without a toastmaster, the main thing is to surround mommy with care and love. Children can offer guests a cool congratulation contest "Kisses" and "Hugs".

Its course is as follows:

  • all participants must take turns passing air kisses until they get to the hero of the day;
  • on the second lap, the guests hug each other, handing over a strong hug to the birthday girl.

After the congratulatory block, it is worth asking the guests if they want to dance, sing or participate in outdoor games / competitions. Given the age of some of those present, many will want to take a break from active movement.

At this time, it is better to hold quiet contests that do not require high activity from the guests. These can be charades, riddles, quizzes. Table contests, games and "chants" are held sitting at the tables.

You can conduct a calm game "Dexterous fingers" with those present. You will need mobile phones for this game. As instructed by the host, guests should send SMS congratulations to the hero of the day as soon as possible. The first participant who correctly completed the task receives an incentive prize in the form of a kiss from the birthday girl. Also, guests are awarded a memorable photo with the hero of the occasion, a dance with her or a glass of wine drunk at a brotherhood.

It happens that at the beginning of the party, the guests do not want to go dancing, so the hosts lure them out with cunning. The toastmaster turns on the melody and asks the audience what movie it is from... The first person who guessed the name of the film should go to the middle of the hall. When quite a lot of guests gather in the center, the presenters move on to the second part of the competition, offering to dance the way the heroes from the film dance. As a result, most of those present remain in the hall, dashingly dancing.

The presenters can add a bit of mystery by introducing a "famous" astrologer and seer who specially came from Tibet to congratulate the birthday girl. She will prepare an individual horoscope for each participant. It should describe in detail what this or that participant will do at 21 o'clock, at 22 o'clock, etc. Predictions should be comic and positive. So, for example, at 21.30 one of the guests, as predicted by astrologers, will cut a birthday cake, while another participant will look at the stars with a new friend or girlfriend at this time.

At the end of the party, a sweet table awaits everyone. The organizers of the event bring in the birthday cake. Everyone drinks to the health of the hero of the day, wishing her all the best.

You can end the gala evening with a festive fireworks or launching sky lanterns.

The guests, together with the birthday girl, leave the cafe and admire the magnificent spectacle in the form of sparkling lights appearing in the sky.

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