
How to celebrate an anniversary for a 70-year-old man?

How to celebrate an anniversary for a 70-year-old man?
  1. What to consider when choosing a scenario?
  2. We make a program at home
  3. Interesting entertainment
  4. Scenario options

To spend a holiday so that it would be fun not only for the guests, but also for the hero of the occasion is not an easy task and requires some preparation. Holidays for the elderly require a special approach, in the preparation of which it is necessary to be not only resourceful, but also delicate.

Let's take a closer look at how to prepare and celebrate the anniversary of a 70-year-old man, what contests to choose, what to give and how to entertain guests.

What to consider when choosing a scenario?

When choosing or independently drawing up a script for a hero of this age, it is necessary to take into account many important nuances.

  • For example, physiological characteristics and health status. Some older people may have heart problems or an overly sensitive nervous system, so you should avoid all sorts of practical jokes, especially if they end with unexpected actions that can overly excite impressionable people.
  • Physical condition and lifestyle should also be taken into account when drawing up the program of the event, since for some active and energy-consuming contests can be too tiring and will lead to a deterioration in well-being, and at the same time, mood.
  • It is necessary to remember about personal interests, as well as the lifestyle of the hero of the day. Any person will be pleased if his friends and relatives plunge into the atmosphere of what he loves for at least one evening. For example, for a man who served in the navy or is simply fond of the nautical theme, you can hold a party in the appropriate style, and a lover of literature will be pleased with congratulations from guests in the form of poems of his own composition.
  • Do not forget about the music and dancing, because some guests at any age are ready to start dancing.
  • It is also best to check with the hero of the day in advance what he would like from his holiday, and only then translate his wishes into reality, supplementing them with his ideas.

We make a program at home

It is not always possible to turn to professionals for help or find a suitable ready-made scenario for the anniversary of a 70-year-old man, therefore you should be patient, use all possible sources of information and start writing the program yourself.

But it should be borne in mind that no matter where the birthday is taking place - at home with your family or in a cafe, it may not be as easy to spend it without a toastmaster as it seems at first glance, since you will bear some responsibility for the whole holiday. and the mood of the guests.

That is why it is necessary to think over all the details and all stages of the event to the smallest detail.


It is worth starting the celebration even at the stage of meeting guests and seating them at the tables. You can supplement your greetings with relevant jokes that will help set the character of the holiday. This will make it easier for guests to relax and feel the friendly atmosphere.

After all the guests sit down and have a little snack, you can proceed to the main part of the introduction., which should not be protracted, but at the same time its purpose is to focus on the hero of the day and his celebration. You can tell a little about him and his life, and if the holiday has some specific theme, you should focus on this in more detail, revealing the essence of the style to the guests and intriguing with the secrets of the upcoming fun.

Also, in the introduction, you can pay attention to the first toast that the presenter himself or someone from the family can make. Perhaps it will be a beloved granddaughter or son, which the birthday man is so proud of. Also the floor can be given to the wife of the hero of the day, who has lived with him for many years and is impatiently waiting in the wings to congratulate her beloved husband.

After the first toast and the first congratulations, you can complete the introduction and give the guests a short break, during which they can enjoy delicious treats and pleasant communication with each other.

For a break, 10-15 minutes will be enough, after which you can move on to the next stage of the holiday.


Usually, when congratulating the hero of the day, guests immediately start giving gifts, but in some cases it is better to separate these stages, since they can be made more unusual and bright.

At the stage of congratulations, it is best not to resort to contests, but you can add a few jokes or invite guests to take turns congratulating the hero of the day in the form of quatrains, which ultimately form a large congratulatory poem associated with all the guests.

If there are a lot of guests, then it is necessary to distinguish between the time for congratulating each of them. For example, no more than 5 minutes per person. Those who came to the holiday together, whether they be colleagues, family, distant relatives and other groups of people, can be united into groups, and no more than 15 minutes will be allotted to congratulate them. At this pace, everyone will have time to say their wishes to the birthday boy, but at the same time, congratulatory speeches will not last for the whole evening and there will be time for the competition part. But you should not raise guests to congratulate one by one, you should also give them short breaks of a few minutes.

Also in this part, you can give the floor to the hero of the occasion himself, if he wants to thank the guests for their presence and congratulations.


The competitive part is the most active and fun. For this time, you can postpone all the congratulations and get distracted from the feast in order to completely immerse yourself in the atmosphere of games and entertainment.

When choosing, it is necessary to alternate active contests with quieter ones, as well as games where teams with a large number of players are involved, and those where only two take part.

Do not forget about the breaks during which guests can relax, return to the feast or get some air.

Also, special attention should be paid to the number of selected contests, since this factor also affects the atmosphere of the evening. If there are not very many guests and all of them are mostly relatives of the hero of the day, then there is no need to load the evening with a large number of games, 2-3 moments of activity will be enough. In the case when the number of guests goes to several dozen, an extensive competitive program will only benefit the holiday.

In addition, with a large number of guests, you can alternate contests with congratulations, giving the floor to the participants after winning or completing game tasks. Thus, you can shorten the time and make the event less extended.

You should also clarify in advance whether the hero of the occasion wants to take part in all competitions, or whether the entertainment program should be aimed mainly at guests, and based on this, it is necessary to choose the contests themselves.

Gift time

Not a single holiday is complete without gifts, and if we are talking about an anniversary, then they should be special at all, presented with warmth and soul, and maybe made by hand. And, of course, such gifts deserve special attention, so this stage of the evening should be given special attention.

When choosing a gift, it is necessary to take into account the interests of the man to whom it is intended, and choose the most high-quality option.

You should not save on such things, because at this age the birthday person will be very pleased if close people give him a thing that will delight and captivate him for many years to come.

The hero of the day will be especially pleased to receive handmade gifts from the younger generation of the family. These can be plasticine crafts or drawings, in any case, the heart of an elderly person will be touched by children's efforts, which will also bring him considerable joy.

An excellent gift option can be a cake or homemade cakes with an unusual design and sweet greetings on the surface. Such a gift will be ideal if it is prepared by the beloved wife, daughter or granddaughter of the hero of the day, because relatives like no one else will be able to cook their favorite sweet with all their love for a loved one.


Guests can prepare their congratulatory speeches not only in the form of poems or monologues, but also interesting creative scenes are very popular among the older generation, the duration of which is no more than 10 minutes.

  • For example, guests can dress up as doctors and, under the guise of medicines, present the birthday person with various delicacies, praising his health, fortitude and wishing him longevity. But you should be careful, because such a scene can upset or even offend a person with serious health problems.
  • The congratulatory scene "The Italian and the Translator" looks quite interesting, during which one of the participants takes the appearance of a foreigner and congratulates the hero of the day in a foreign language. It is not at all necessary to learn Italian for this, you can write congratulations in a comic form, changing the words. The translator, in turn, must translate everything said by the Italian. At the end of the scene, the birthday boy is presented with a gift from a foreign guest.
  • Congratulations from China look funny and unusual, which begins with the appearance of guests in Chinese outfits and performing several karate movements. Then, imitating Chinese speech, the guests congratulate the birthday person in poetic form and give gifts.

Interesting entertainment

In order for the anniversary to pass on a light, cheerful note, it is necessary to select incendiary contests that will please the hero of the day and his guests of the same age category. It is necessary to take into account all the nuances when choosing entertainment for a 70-year-old person. - they should be funny, but with appropriate humor and moderately active games that do not require excessive physical effort.

Let's consider several options for funny and interesting contests that guests of absolutely all ages may like.


A very original competition that will make the guests move a little.

Two or more people can participate in it, but it is necessary to take into account the space so that a crowd does not form, which can be dangerous during the game.

You need to arm yourself with two figures, boxes or any other items that symbolize the player. The number of items must be equal to the number of players. You will also need rope and potatoes in the same quantities.

In addition, it is necessary to organize the start area and the finish line in order to determine the winner later.

The essence of the game is that a rope is tied to each participant's belt, at the end of which a potato is fixed. It is only necessary to move your subject to the finish line with the help of the hanging potatoes. The winner of the competition is the one who does everything faster than the rest of the participants.

"Get to know your half"

An unusual and interesting competition, in which an unlimited number of people can participate. It is only necessary to choose a couple in a relationship. It can be the hero of the day with his wife or one of the guests and family members.

The man is blindfolded, while the rest of the players and his passion sit on chairs around him and, without saying a word, await further action. Male players are advised to slightly raise their trousers on one leg in order to further create an obstacle to the blindfolded person.

The essence of the game lies in the fact that a man needs to find his passion by touch, without prompts and the opportunity to spy on.

"Drawing from words"

This competition is to some extent reminiscent of the children's game "deaf telephones", but this does not make it less interesting and exciting.

An unlimited number of people can take part, you just need to choose a presenter, from which the main action will begin.

The presenter needs to draw a simple drawing on a sheet of paper that could be easily repeated. Then this drawing must be shown to one of the players so that the others cannot see it. After that, this player must whisper to another about what he saw in the picture.

The essence of the game is that players must whisper to each other what they heard from the previous one, until it reaches the last player. The task of the last player is to draw a drawing on a sheet of paper according to the description he heard, and then compare it with the original image of the presenter.

"Only no hands!"

This competition requires a certain amount of mobility and physical activity, therefore, guests' abilities should be taken into account when selecting players.

Those wishing to participate must be divided into two teams, it is best that they are completely equal - both by the strength and number of participants, and by representatives of both sexes. It is also necessary to prepare the balls and mark the start and finish lines.

The peculiarity of the game is that the participants must move the balls from start to finish without using their hands. The winner is the team that moves all their balls before the other without breaking the rules.


A very funny competition for the general erudition of the players.

Those wishing to take part should line up in a line or a circle, and the game can also be played right at the table if all guests want to participate.

The competition is easy to conduct also due to the fact that you do not need to use any additional props, since the whole game consists only in the interaction of players with each other.

The first participant pronounces any word in the ear of the next, the second must convey to the third also in a whisper the word-association. And so along the chain. At the end of the game, the first participant pronounces a word and each compares the evoked and transmitted associations with it.

"Catch the butterfly"

This competition requires a certain amount of physical activity, therefore, when choosing participants, this factor must be taken into account.

To participate, you need two people, and as a props you need to get two nets on a long stick and balloons. The size of the net should be medium, since it will be impossible to hold a competition with a small one, and a large one will interfere in the process.

The essence of the game is that the participants toss the ball and must not allow it to come into contact with the floor, at the same time they need to catch their opponent with a net. It is quite difficult to perform these actions, so the game promises to be exciting and will be interesting not only for participants, but also for observers.

"Congratulations on the round date"

It is no coincidence that this competition has such a name, which is associated not only with the age of the hero of the day, but also with the props, without which it cannot be held.

All guests can take part in this competition, you just need to acquire props in the appropriate amount... Round edible bagels are used as props.

The essence of the game is that each guest must say his congratulations with a donut in his mouth, and the birthday man must guess what he has heard.

The winner is the guest whose congratulation will be the clearest and most understandable for the hero of the day, despite such a round obstacle.


This competition will also be to the taste of many, as it involves edible props.

To participate, it is necessary to split into several small teams, each of which should have no more than five participants. All team members must stand in a circle and receive their delicious props - "jubilee" belyash.

The essence of the competition is that on command, the group members must begin to take turns biting off pieces from the whites, trying to get ahead of the rivals. But there is one curious nuance - you cannot use your hands in the game, you can only transfer whites with your mouth, while biting off your piece.

The team whose beetle is eaten the fastest will win. Additional portions of whites can be used as a reward in this competition.

"Bag of money"

This competition involves the division of participants into two teams, which will have a beneficial effect on the general atmosphere of the holiday. It is also necessary to prepare props - small bags and souvenir banknotes of different currencies. It is also worth making sure that the bills are of different denominations - both large and small.

The essence of the competition is that the participants must sort out banknotes by type and in a certain order.set by the presenter - ascending or descending. The winner is the team that performs all the actions faster than the opponents.

Scenario options

Scenarios for holding an event in honor of such a significant date can be completely different and have a certain character.

For example, if a holiday is being prepared by one of the family members for a beloved father or grandfather, one should expect that there will be a lot of sincerity and sentimentality in it. Perhaps children will want to devote their drawings, poems, songs or even dances to their beloved dad. But this option for holding an anniversary is more typical for cozy home holidays and will not be entirely appropriate for a celebration with a large number of guests.

For a large noisy company, a comic version of the script is suitable, which can be prepared by both relatives and friends of the hero of the day. In such a scenario, there are many easy and understandable jokes, funny contests and perky unusual congratulations. You can also use a joke element when giving a gift to a hero of the day.

To make the celebration of the anniversary for all guests as comfortable as possible and there is no need to worry about the evening program, you should seek the help of the presenter, who will not only offer options for the event formats, but will also fully undertake the compilation of the evening script.

For ideas of fun contests for the anniversary, see the next video.

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