
How to celebrate a man's anniversary?

How to celebrate a man's anniversary?
  1. What to consider when preparing?
  2. How to congratulate the birthday boy?
  3. How to mark for age?
  4. Party options for family members
  5. Hosting a celebration for colleagues and boss
  6. Script ideas

An anniversary is an important event in life that is worth celebrating on a grand scale. If you approach the organization of the holiday responsibly, it will be remembered not only by the birthday person, but also by all the guests who came to the event.

What to consider when preparing?

Like any other holiday, the anniversary needs to be planned. When drawing up an event plan, it is worth paying attention to a number of important points.

Choice of topics

The first step is to decide on the theme of the holiday. When choosing, you should consider features of the character of the birthday man and his hobbies... Themed holiday can be made in the style of your favorite movie, game or some kind of festival.

Hall decoration

You can celebrate the anniversary either at home or in a rented cafe or restaurant.

To create a festive atmosphere, you can use decorative garlands, fresh flowers or balls. Moreover, there should not be too many such attributes. Most men prefer simple and discreet décor.


The choice of festive dishes also plays an important role. Serve what the birthday boy likes. The choice of dishes depends on the format of the holiday. In some cases, you can get by with a light buffet table, in others, it is worth organizing a full-fledged feast.


The choice of music plays an equally important role. For gatherings, you should choose calm melodies that will not interfere with conversations, but for dances and competitions you need to make a separate playlist. The choice of music depends on the theme of the holiday, as well as on the personal preferences of the birthday person.

You need to decide in advance what kind of guests will be present at the event.You need to invite to the holiday only those people with whom the hero of the day will have a pleasant time.

Contests and games

An important part of any holiday is interesting contests and games. You can find the right entertainment for a company of any age.


Often during a feast, guests cannot come up with an interesting toast. To defuse the atmosphere a little in such a situation, you can play one simple game. To carry it out, you need to prepare a list of funny tasks in advance. In such tablets, you need to write down exactly how to pronounce the toast. The options can be as follows:

  • a congratulation consisting of words that begin with one letter;
  • a song instead of a toast;

  • congratulatory speech related to food.

And you can also come up with your own ideas that will be somehow related to the personality of the birthday person. During the holiday, cards are handed out to guests. The person who does the best at the task can be rewarded with some simple prize.

To cheer up the birthday man and the company will help game "Reward the hero of the day"... Prepared medals are handed out to all guests at the beginning. The task of the participants in the game is to write on them with a marker, for which they want to reward the hero of the day, and then present it to the birthday boy. The winner can be chosen by the hero of the occasion.


If the guests are already tired of sitting at the table, you can move on to more active entertainment.

  • "Dancing crocodile". This game perfectly cheers you up and helps to liberate yourself. The host selects a song and lets one of the players listen to it with headphones. The task of the participant is to show the name of this melody with movements and facial expressions. The task of the rest of the guests is to guess it as quickly as possible.

  • "Line"... All participants in this competition should be divided into two teams - women and men. At the signal of the presenter, they begin to take off the details of their clothes and lay them out in one line. The team with the longest line wins.

  • "Hunters for balls". For this competition, you need to prepare a large number of balloons. They must be tied to the legs of the participants. At the signal from the leader, all the players begin to pop the balls of their opponents to the music. The winner is the one who managed to keep his ball intact.

You can also add various dance games to the scenario of the evening. For example, dancing with chairs or a competition for the most original dancer.


Will like the company of guests and various games with riddles.

  • "Guess the melody". This competition is familiar to many from childhood. Before its holding, the participants must be divided into 2 teams. When everyone is ready, the host plays a famous song that plays for 10-15 seconds. The guests' task is to guess its name and artist. If the team cannot do this, the turn goes to their opponents. The winners are those who managed to guess more melodies by listening only to their beginning.

  • "Who am I?". This is another simple game that suits both a large company and a small one. A piece of paper is attached to each participant's forehead, on which the name of a character is written. The players' task is to guess this personality. During the game, they can ask any questions. But the rest of the players have the right to answer them only "yes" or "no". You can play until everyone guesses their characters.
  • "Interesting case". Before the game, the presenter distributes small sheets of paper to everyone, on which all participants must write any funny story from their life. After that, all the pieces of paper are put into a box and mixed. Then the presenter takes them out in turn and reads what has been written aloud. The players' task is to guess who is the author of the story. The winner is the one who guesses the most cases.

Guests will also like various quizzes. They can be associated with the theme of the holiday or the personality of the birthday person. To make the evening memorable for the guests, the winners of such quizzes can be presented with small gifts.

How to congratulate the birthday boy?

Another important part of the holiday is birthday greetings. It should be creative and memorable.

Video postcard

Such congratulations are prepared by the guests in advance. On the phone or camera, you need to record how relatives and friends of the birthday man say nice things about him and congratulate him. You can supplement the video postcard with photos and pleasant music. Such a gift will definitely evoke pleasant emotions in the hero of the day.

Fairy tale congratulation

Even adult men will like this original congratulation.... Both friends of the hero of the day and his children or other relatives can participate in the dramatization of the story. You can play both well-known fairy tales and those invented especially for the hero of the day.

Congratulatory diploma

Instead of the usual postcard, the birthday person can be presented with an original certificate or medal. This option is great for congratulating a colleague. The certificate template can be bought in the store or downloaded and printed at home.

Choosing a suitable congratulation, it is worth adapting it for the birthday person, and not just copying an idea from the Internet.

How to mark for age?

When drawing up an event plan, it is worth considering the age of the hero of the day. Indeed, for older people active games and contests can be too tiring. Young guys, on the other hand, want something more interesting than a simple feast.

The first anniversary is worth celebrating brightly and cheerfully. Fans of an active lifestyle will be happy to spend time on the airsoft or paintball field. The young company will like the celebration in the cafe next to the rope park.

During warmer months, you can have a party on the nearby beach. It is advisable to choose in advance the venue for the holiday and book a gazebo or a small house there for your company. The guy 20-25 years old and the foamy pool party will be remembered... If the anniversary falls in the winter season, the company can go to the mountains. There everyone can go snowboarding or skiing, and in the evening sit in a local restaurant or cottage.

Men 50-60 years old can celebrate their anniversary birthday at the bowling club. Modern centers provide various programs for birthday people and their companies. There you can order a separate lounge or a whole cafe. Men will also like the rest in the traditional Russian bath. This is a great holiday option for fishermen and hunters.

Your 85th, 95th and 90th birthday is best spent in a pleasant company at home.... For an elderly birthday person, you can arrange a nostalgic party in the style of the USSR. In the process of celebrating the anniversary, it is worth remembering all the brightest moments from his life. Such a birthday will be a great gift for a birthday person.

Party options for family members

An anniversary is a great occasion to gather all your loved ones at home. There are many ways to celebrate the birthday of your beloved brother, father or grandfather.

  • Quest. This exciting game will appeal to young guys. You can carry out the quest at home, outdoors or in a cafe. It can be the simplest gift-finding game or an interesting show.
  • Lottery with prizes. This option is perfect for family gatherings. The host of a small show can be the little daughter or son of the birthday boy. It is not difficult to organize such a lottery. At the beginning of the holiday, you need to ask all guests to write congratulations for the hero of the day on the cards. Later, the host can announce the awarding of prizes. His task is to take out cards, read them out loud and reward the lottery winners with small prizes.
  • Fancy dress evening. A holiday in the style of a movie or a book is perfect for both young and old companies. You can even arrange such a fancy-dress evening at home. Such a holiday will appeal to both a young husband and dad at the age of 40-50.

A family holiday at home can also be spent in the format movie show... It is worth showing some family videos or collections with photos.Such a nostalgic show will appeal to both guests and birthday people.

Hosting a celebration for colleagues and boss

Many men like to celebrate their birthday with colleagues. An interesting holiday can be thought up for both an office employee and a doctor, driver or military man.

Karaoke party

Such an event will appeal to a young group of colleagues. You can arrange a holiday both in a club or cafe, and at the workplace. The menu for such an anniversary should be as simple as possible. You can get by with a simple buffet table or order a sushi set at the office.

A holiday in nature

The friendly team will enjoy the holiday in nature. Merry gatherings by the river or in the forest will be remembered for a long time by the company of colleagues.

Simple gatherings

If the bosses do not encourage happy holidays, in the office you can arrange quiet get-togethers with cake, snacks and a couple of glasses of champagne. Such an event turns out to be cozy in its own way.

When planning a holiday with colleagues, it is important to set aside the right time for it. After all, it should not interfere with the work process.

Script ideas

When organizing an original men's anniversary, you can use ready-made holiday ideas. You can adapt such themed parties for any company.


Fans of bright holidays and exotic shows will love the Hawaiian-style evening. For this kind of fun, you need to choose themed music, appropriate outfits and interesting games. It is worth serving sweet fruits, original meat dishes and bright cocktails at the table. Such an anniversary will cheer up the company even in a cold winter.


Male company may like and party in style Oktoberfest... When preparing for the holiday, you need to stock up on beer and suitable snacks. The best place for the event is to choose the courtyard of a country house. It is worth decorating it with beautiful garlands and colored flags.

Entertainment on such a holiday should be noisy and cheerful.... You can arrange a competition for eating sausages for speed, or play beer bowling. To make the party memorable for a long time, you should separately arrange a thematic photo zone. There you can take many interesting pictures with all the guests.

Mafia style

A party in the style of this popular game will suit a large group of friends. All guests should be asked to wear themed outfits in the style of a bygone era. You also need to choose the right music. After a short meal, guests can play Mafia, dice or roulette. They will also enjoy alcoholic contests, joke games, and various marksmanship competitions.


A bright party in the style of superheroes will appeal to all fans of themed TV series and films. To make the holiday interesting and the photos vivid, you should ask the guests to come up with suitable images for themselves in advance.

The room can be decorated with pin-up posters and bright flags or banners with funny inscriptions. The festive menu includes burgers, various cuts, ribs and sausages. All meals should be simple and satisfying.

So that the guests do not get bored, you need to take care of the competition program. The company will like a game in which two teams of participants will work on creating an original superhero. He needs to come up with a name, superpowers and a memorable image. The team that manages to better present their character wins.

90s style

A bright and driving party in the style of the 90s will appeal to both young guys and those who celebrated their first anniversaries during these years... For such an event, it is worth renting a large room with a dance floor and a bar. To keep the guests from getting bored, you need to choose the right music and plan a simple competition program.

Guests will love simple games of forfeits or guess the melody, as well as dance contests. Guests should not be denied the pleasure of singing their favorite hits from the 90s in karaoke.


An unusual party in oriental style can be held both in a large company and with your family. If a man is interested in the culture of other countries and travels a lot, he will definitely like such a holiday.

In eastern countries, it is customary to treat guests with traditional meat dishes, fresh vegetable cuts and sweets. Such a festive menu will please even the most capricious guests.

You can entertain the hero of the day and the company with oriental dances, fire shows or fireworks. If the holiday takes place in a family circle, children with different tricks can perform in front of the hero of the day.


A holiday in Russian folk style is ideal for a company of any age... It is very easy to choose themed decorations for the room. For decoration, you can use wildflowers or sunflowers, painted dishes and various crafts. Treats at the holiday should be hearty and varied.

You can entertain guests with various competitions for strength and ingenuity, dancing to folk music or singing. Will fit perfectly into such an event and funny scenes. It is quite possible to celebrate an anniversary even without a toastmaster. The holiday will still turn out bright and incendiary. Especially if you approach its organization with humor.

Disco style

An interesting and unforgettable experience will also be a disco party. You need to decorate the venue of the anniversary in bright and rich colors. You can decorate the walls with vinyl records, stars and balls. You should choose simple dishes for the holiday, and fiery music. It is worth entertaining guests with active games and dances in the style of the 70s.

At any age, an anniversary is a holiday that should be celebrated brightly, with jokes, interesting games and close friends. In this case, there will be no time to be sad and think about how quickly the years pass.

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