
How to celebrate the anniversary of a 35-year-old man?

How to celebrate the anniversary of a 35-year-old man?
  1. Choice of topics
  2. Contests and games
  3. How to diversify your holiday?
  4. Script ideas

Every man is looking forward to his birthday. Even if he says that he will not celebrate, he certainly hopes that family and close friends will gather at the festive table. Of course, the usual gatherings in the kitchen with homemade dishes seem interesting. But the birthday person and invited guests will get much more impressions if they arrange a themed party for their birthday.

Choice of topics

Holiday Event Theme - This is a theme-specific party where all the elements must match the chosen area. We are talking not only about decorations and festive props, but also about the costumes of the guests.

A birthday theme can be the birthday boy's favorite online game, a book, or a movie.

Of course, creating a thematic holiday cannot be called a cheap pleasure. The main costs will be directed to the purchase of decorations. However, in addition to decorating the premises, you will have to think over the scenario of the event and the entertainment program or purchase ready-made material from a good event agency. They, in turn, are ready to offer their clients different options for themes for the 35th anniversary of the man.

For example, "Pirates of the Caribbean", "Vampire Estate", "Funky 80s", "Rocker Party" and even "Game of Thrones". However, pirate and cowboy themes, stylish and beer parties are in great demand.

It is necessary to start preparing for the anniversary one month before the appointed date. A few weeks before the celebration, the script should already be in hand.

Traditionally, the holiday will be held with family and friends. If a serious mass event is planned, it will not be possible to do without a toastmaster. For a fee, this person conducts a show program and generally maintains a cheerful holiday atmosphere. When the number of invited guests is no more than 10-15 people, the birthday man's wife can be the host of the event. You can organize a thematic event in a cafe; in a warm season, you can celebrate an anniversary in nature. It will be fun to celebrate a birthday in the country or at home.

Contests and games

Surely everyone remembers the comic phrase "the first 40 years of childhood for a man is the most difficult time." Respectively, The 35th anniversary should be held in a fun and even noisy environment. So that the guests and the hero of the occasion himself do not lose the mood, the entertainment program should be supplemented with interesting contests and games.

Leaders are invited to large celebrations that take place outside the walls of the house, who have an already developed scenario for the celebration. It contains incendiary contests, ranging from drinking and ending with active games, toasts with humor and fun.

If the birthday is held at home, it is organized by the birthday man's spouse. She is trying to prepare the most extraordinary holiday for her husband. She also takes control of the show program. However, if you work out the concept of the holiday correctly, the presenter will be able to manage the process of fun while sitting at the table.

For home

Next, you are invited to get acquainted with several examples of contests that are ideal for celebrating an anniversary at home.

  • Competition "Lily". It is necessary to assemble 2 teams - male and female. The presenter gives a signal, and the players from each team begin to take off any clothes, after which they lay them out in a line. The team with the longer line wins.
  • Competition "Beloved's Leg". In front of the subject's eyes, women sit on chairs. Among them is his wife. Then the subject is taken to another room and his eyes are tightly blindfolded. At this time, the women are transplanted, and for more humor, a man sits in the place of one of the ladies. Everyone needs to bare one leg. It is enough to raise the pants and dress up to the knee. Then the test subject comes in with a blindfold on. He sits down on his haunches, begins to feel the legs of the ladies. His task is to guess his spouse. For more fun, you can introduce the subject into complete confusion and put on a stocking on a man sitting in a female company.
  • The Sniffer competition. The task of the blindfolded subjects is to determine by smell what is in front of them. The host has several items hidden in the bag, which he takes out one by one and brings them to the player's nose. For the first volunteer, give an easier task, such as an apple. But then you can show your imagination. For example, sniffing a can of beer or a flavored condom. If a volunteer identifies by smell what is in front of him, he takes the guessed present.

In the cafe

When designing contests for cafes, it is preferable to consider entertainment that does not require going beyond the bounds of decency.

  • Zoo competition. The game requires a company of 8 or more people. All players stand in a circle, the leader approaches each volunteer and whispers the role of "eagle" or "hippo" in his ear. Then the music begins, everyone hugs each other by the shoulders. And then the presenter loudly pronounces "eagle". Those who get this role must curl both legs and hang on their neighbors. It also happens when the host calls the word "hippopotamus." It will be a lot of fun if in one big company there are much fewer animals than others.
  • Competition "Hunters for balls". From the props, only inflated balloons are required. Several inflated balls must be tied to the ankles of the participants' feet. At the command of the leader, the players must start bursting balls of their opponents, while protecting their own from encroachments.The winner will be the one with at least 1 ball on the ankle.
  • Competition "4x200". This competition is intended for adult men who do not have a weakness for alcohol. 3-4 participants are invited to participate in the competition. 4 faceted glasses are placed in front of each one, in which water, milk, beer, vodka are poured. The winner is the one who is the first to drink the contents of all the glasses in the specified sequence.

How to diversify your holiday?

Surely everyone is used to the fact that celebrating an anniversary at home or in a cafe means sitting at a table and participating in competitions. But in these conditions, you can make a certain variety. For example, a cafe for celebrating a birthday can be located in nature, next to an airsoft or paintball field, where guests can play several exciting games.

It is quite interesting if there is a rope park nearby. However, it is recommended to climb on it only when sober. If the anniversary falls in the winter season, you can go with friends to the mountains, where you can spend time skiing or snowboarding during the day, and in the evening in a rented cottage you can plunge into the atmosphere of a holiday and contests.

As a variety for celebrating the anniversary at home, it is preferable to use the quest version of the game. Moreover, her scenario may involve the use of the help of the guests present at the holiday. There will also be contests and tasks in which you will need to show ingenuity, courage, dexterity and even physical activity.

Script ideas

Today, on the Internet, you can find a huge number of scenarios for the anniversary of a 35-year-old man. The entertainment program itself is designed for 5 or more guests. A prerequisite for each competition held is the presentation of incentive prizes for a correctly completed task.

The modern approach of event agencies allows you to develop a thematic concept of the holiday with a funny program, complex riddles, unusual charades. It remains only to choose the best option. Further, it is proposed to get acquainted with an interesting script, which has pleased many fans of noisy holidays.

In the role of the host, you can invite the toastmaster, or the spouse of the hero of the day will take over all the responsibilities.

It will be possible to understand that the program has begun by the presenter's opening speech. The master of ceremonies greets the guests, the hero of the day, congratulates him on his birthday and expresses his wishes. After he informs that the time has come for competitions, and asks the guests who is the bravest of them. Several people come out, the lumberjack competition begins. A box of matches is scattered in front of each participant. At the command of the leader, the volunteers need to collect them in an even pile. Whoever completes the task faster is the winner.

After the presenter gives the guests a little rest, raises a glass to the birthday man, then the "sculptor" competition begins. Participants in the competition are given cards. There is one single letter written on their back. Then the players receive a piece of plasticine. The task of the participants is to mold a figure whose name begins with the letter suggested by them. The winner of the competition will be the most creative sculptor.

Then another break. And then, when one of the guests offers to raise a glass to the hero of the day, the presenter connects and invites guests to take part in the competition for the best wishes to the birthday man without words. Toastmaster distributes old newspapers to guests, where it is necessary to find words of congratulations and wishes. They must be carefully cut off, and then presented to the hero of the day. The hero of the occasion himself will choose whose present seemed more valuable to him.

After that, the guests rest a little again, and after a while the presenter connects again, proposing a new competition "The Childhood of the Hero of the Day". The presenter learned in advance from the relatives the first distorted words of the hero of the day, wrote them down and now asks the guests to correctly make out the children's gibberish. Whoever manages to guess more children's words for the birthday boy gets a present.

The number of competitions in this program has no definite boundaries. They can be very different, the main thing is that all tests are held on a cheerful note. At the end of the event, the presenter announces that he needs to say goodbye to the guests, but he hopes to see everyone present again in the near future. Once again he expresses his congratulations to the hero of the day, wishes all the best and leaves. And the guests continue to celebrate.

The scenario presented is ideal for celebrating in a cafe.

But not everyone has the opportunity to spend the anniversary outside the walls of the house. but even for a home environment, there are many scenarios for celebrating an anniversary with a special theme. For example, the 35th anniversary of a man named "Mafiosi". To translate the scenario into reality, you need to talk with the guests in advance, tell them what the costume should be. Rent or purchase karaoke. The only "but" - for such an event, 2 hosts are required.

According to tradition, the party begins with a meeting of guests, where everyone is presented with a badge with their role. For example, a bank robber or racketeer.

When all the guests have come and sat in their places, the show program begins. One of the presenters leaves the room, and the second remains to greet the guests who have come and raise a glass for the birthday of the birthday man. And then confusion begins, there is no alcohol on the table, only juices. Guests have a lot of perplexed questions. The presenter reports that they have a dry law, and the law must be respected. Moreover, juice and mineral water are very healthy drinks. The guests drink, and then, in frustrated feelings, they begin to gobble up salads.

At this time, loud music turns on in the corridor, accompanied by shooting, noise, din and shouts. The second presenter runs into the room, in his hands he holds several bottles of alcohol and reports that in a terrible fight he was able to take away a couple of bottles of living water. Joyful smiles appear on the faces of the guests. The next toast is already proceeding with alcoholic accompaniment.

After the guests go to the balcony to get some fresh air, go to the restroom. When the people gathered for the celebration return, one of the presenters says that he wants to congratulate the hero of the day with a special song. This was exactly what karaoke was required for. The main thing is that the song should be funny and unusual for a mafia theme. Ideally, there will be a "Song about hares" or "Tired toys are sleeping." After the hosts sang a congratulatory song, the guests are informed that there are notes hidden under their chairs. The guests take out pieces of paper with numbers written on them. They mean the sequence in the queue for the karaoke song. The winner will be the one with the most points.

As an additional entertainment, you can add to the program several contests corresponding to the theme.

For example, a Russian roulette with a water gun and a stopper. The only "but" - the mafia theme is not always suitable for celebrating in apartments. It will be very difficult to arrange such a party, where harmful neighbors live. Karaoke is a very noisy event, and the party probably won't end at 11pm. The only option is to warn the neighbors in advance that it will be noisy. However, if they do not meet halfway, they will have to consider another way of holding the anniversary.

A version of the script for a fun anniversary in the video below.

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