
How to celebrate the anniversary of a 45-year-old man?

How to celebrate the anniversary of a 45-year-old man?
  1. Celebration rules
  2. Games and contests
  3. How to diversify your holiday?
  4. Script ideas

For a man 45 years old - this is probably the age at which the prime of life falls. And the anniversary is often held loudly, noisily, without false modesty. The script for such a beautiful birthday should match the date: bright and original. And you can cope with this, even if it was not professionals who got down to business, but relatives and friends of the birthday man.

Celebration rules

Let's say it was decided to hold a holiday in a narrow circle of friends and relatives, but this is still not a reason to refuse a bright event. Here are tips for organizing your anniversary.

  • Holiday format. The traditional feast, of course, has not been canceled, but you can think about something more interesting. For example, over a holiday walk (or rather, a ride) on ATVs followed by a picnic / barbecue. Or, if it's winter, it can be a snowmobile ride, a ski trip, or a hike to the ice rink with the whole company. That is, before you sit down at the table, you can arrange the active part.

And the feast does not have to be pretentious. Sometimes a festive outdoor picnic is the best it can be.

  • Host and organizer. Sometimes the wife takes care of all this functionality - and she does it. You can take children, brothers and sisters, friends to help. And assign roles: someone writes a script, someone looks for props and decorates a holiday, someone is responsible for musical preparation.
  • Filling the holiday. Games, contests, a table, and what else - you want to spend the anniversary really unforgettable. This means that surprises are needed: sudden (and in fact, carefully planned) Skype calls from friends and relatives, because many cannot come to celebrate for objective reasons.As a surprise, there may be a video dedicated to the birthday boy. And a flash mob, and an organized and rehearsed musical number.

A reasonable move is to find out from the hero of the day (husband, father) how he wants to celebrate his birthday.

But in order not to ask questions "head on", you can go to such a trick. Draw up a questionnaire with a list of important questions, arrange it beautifully, transmit it like a mysterious correspondence in an envelope with the stamp of an agency for organizing holidays.

What questions can be in this questionnaire:

  • how many guests (number) do you see at your holiday;
  • where the best place for celebration is a house, a cafe, a summer residence, nature, and so on (underline the necessary);
  • what shouldn't be in the program;
  • what is only welcome;
  • Describe your current food preferences.

Of course, the birthday boy will understand what the interviewer is driving at, but this is still not a formal everyday conversation. And it will be much easier for the organizer to make a surprise that is 100% successful.

Games and contests

Scenes and assignments can be different for different formats. At home and in a cafe - different opportunities and degrees of comfort.

For home

An incendiary party, no doubt, can be held at home. If the competitive component of the evening is ideal.

Let's analyze which contests and games are better to include in the program.

  • "Business card". At the very beginning of the evening, those present should be reminded of the outstanding biography of the hero of the day. It can be described with humor, and the birthday man himself will illustrate it with his artistic talent. He is called to the center of the room, his task is to show what the presenter is talking about with gestures, movements, facial expressions, whatever. Let's take a simple example. “Our dear Oleg was born on such and such a date and year and immediately shouted loudly (shows). He grew up as a cheerful, playful child (depicts). At school he loved to kick a ball after school and make eyes at the girls (he shows it all). " And so the story unfolds to this day. For the start of the party - the best option.
  • "Cuckoo and Rooster". As you might guess, this is a compliment game. It's simple: the participants are offered cards. They pull them from the hands of the leader or the general deck. Some description, designation of a person, type is written on the card. For example: "ladies' man" or "fatal beauty". And the person who draws this card must quickly choose which of those present is more suitable for this description. And give him the card. The one who has the card says a compliment in return from himself and draws his card. Etc.

Of course, this evening most of the cards will be collected by the birthday man himself and, most likely, his wife. The last card in the deck with the inscription "Clever, handsome, good and courageous, in all matters the cunning was able, cordial, sincere, our dear cool birthday boy!" The hero of the day should have an ace card.

  • "True story (but not accurate)." The competition is like this - the participants are invited to remember some interesting story associated with the hero of the day. Or come up with it. Everyone chooses. He must tell it without going beyond 1 minute. The rest of the guests raise their hand if the story seems true to them, and shake their heads if not.

The one who fooled everyone as much as possible wins (you will have to count the votes).

  • "Spin / squeeze / learn." The center of attention is the hero of the day, he leaves the table "on the stage". The host asks him tricky questions. They can concern, for example, famous people of his age. If the player gave the correct answer, he should spin. If it is wrong, do push-ups 3 times. Starting with the third question, the participant can invite a friend to help. If both are wrong, both do push-ups. If both are right, they are spinning together.

But if there are 2 wrong answers in a row, they need to learn. Give each a sheet of paper and ask them to write a word under dictation, take difficult words. At least such: "intelligentsia", "quintessence" and others. Then check for correctness. If you wrote it incorrectly, do push-ups again.

Sample questions for this competition.

  • At 45, 48, 53, Sean Connery played in the new part of the Bond film Never Say Never? (The correct answer is 53. You can add: "So, you, the hero of the day, are still ahead").
  • How old was Daniel Defoe when he published Robinson Crusoe? (59 years old).
  • How old is the starry handsome now, the favorite of millions of Leonardo DiCaprio: 38, 43, 45? (he is 45 years old, he was born in 1974).

Of course, contests should be selected according to the interests of the hero of the day, first of all. For example, if he is a fan of the intellectual game “What? Where? When? ”, You can make it the focus of the evening.

In the cafe

If the cafe is completely rented for a birthday, virtually any contests can be arranged. If only the table is removed, you need to take into account the presence of other visitors.

In both cases, the following contests will work.

  • "Something strange." The competition is simple and familiar, but it doesn't make it any less fun. The participant is blindfolded, given an object in his hands, but it is important that he does not say its name, but says what is convenient for them to do. And not the usual purpose of the object, but the original one. For example, they give him a spoon, and he says: "With this object, you can lightly hit on the head of someone who does not like mother's cabbage soup." That is, answers with humor are welcome.

What items can be thought of: a toothbrush, a mobile phone, glasses, a rattle and many others.

  • "Frames". For this game, you need to make cardboard frames in advance, preferably colored ones. They should be such that they can be "put on" by two people at once. That is, the two heads of two people sitting next to each other should be in such a frame. The host takes the frames, there are two of them. Let's say green means "attention, very serious people." And red - "attention, very funny people." The presenter walks around the table to the music, at a certain moment freezes and "puts" a frame on two people sitting next to him. And he gives the command: "Attention, very serious people!" These two should immediately make the most serious faces. Funny - the same thing.

Of course, these moments need to be captured on camera.

  • "Whose shoe?" The competition is very simple, but it always causes a lot of laughter. The presenter prepares large pictures with images of different types of shoes: louboutins, tarpaulin boots, figure skates, sandals, slippers with pompoms - whatever. He shows the guests a picture, and they must instantly tell which of those present is the most suitable for these shoes. The answers are always unpredictable and funny.
  • "And it's all about him". Plates are prepared in advance. The following is written on them: "The Last Romantic", "The Magnificent Fisherman", "The Excellent Joker", etc. Of course, it is necessary that the tablets correspond to the truth at least partially. When the host picks up the sign, the guests should clap in agreement. And the hero of the day gets up and bows. The speed of showing the plates, applause and bows is getting faster, as a result the birthday person gets completely tired.

The presenter, in order to "scare" him, takes out a pile of plates from the basket, but they turn out to be a fake.

  • "For the holiday that (name of the hero of the day) arranged." The competition is perfect for the start of the holiday. The presenter approaches each guest, puts his hands on his shoulders and says, for example: "This is Lena, Vadim's wonderful wife, a beautiful, clever girl who came as a lady of the heart to the holiday that Vadim arranged." Then he approaches another person: "This is Yulia, Lena's friend, a beautiful and clever woman, Vadim's wife ... who also came to the holiday that Vadim arranged."

At a certain moment, the presenter can invite the participants to present themselves, only in an already specified format.

Competitions don't have to follow one after the other - it's tiring for the company. To make the holiday harmonious, even at the beginning of the evening, beautiful envelopes can be placed under the plates for guests (or nearby). At the signal of the host, each guest will take out his own envelope, there will be one question about the hero of the day. The guest's task is to answer this question and then make a toast.

Questions may be: your first impression of our hero, what the hero of the day is associated with, remember the moment when he surprised you, etc.

How to diversify your holiday?

The first thing that does not just come to mind, but that becomes the choice of many, is to invite artists. Today this moment can be solved in different ways: from an invitation to an illusionist to a gypsy ensemble. There are also beginner musicians who ask for a modest fee, but perform with soul.

The main thing is that the hero of the day does not guess about anything, and the artist appears at the most unexpected moment.

There are moments that make the holiday unforgettable.

  • Photozone. To arrange it, you need to try. But in fact, it turns out that you don't have to be a professional decorator to make a simple but bright photo zone. But there will be a lot of beautiful memorable pictures. You can lay a red carpet near the photo zone and meet guests on it. And immediately take pictures - "warm", with flowers and gifts in their hands. And then send everyone the package of photos to their e-mail. Or put it in the general chat in instant messengers.
  • Retroconnections. There must be a moment of nostalgia in the celebration as well. For example, for a hero of the day, you can edit a video based on his childhood and youth photos. To make the appropriate musical background - one of the most dear songs for the birthday boy from the past. And it will be absolutely wonderful if the organizers of the holiday find at least a couple of childhood friends, youth of the hero of the day. Now that almost everyone has social media, it's not difficult. You can ask the found friends to write down literally 30 seconds of congratulations for their friend. And also include them in the video - but at the very end.

Too much saturation of the program is also not worth it: you need to give the guests the opportunity to relax, and communicate, and dance.

Script ideas

Below is a plan of the scenario for the anniversary of a 45-year-old man. This is an algorithm by which you can build an interesting, fun holiday.

  1. Meeting guests, greeting them in the photo zone (possibly with a red carpet).
  2. Inviting guests to the table. This can also be played up with humor, for example, give everyone comic badges ("friend Serezhenka", "sweetheart Olechka", "mommy Svetulya").
  3. Introductory competition. He sets the guests up for the holiday, and introduces those who, perhaps, do not know each other yet. This is any of the proposed contests, for example, "Business card". It is dedicated to the hero of the day, but all the guests quickly relax, cease to be shy.
  4. It's time to show a video about the hero of the day, if one has been prepared.
  5. It's always cool when friends come to an agreement and decide to congratulate the birthday boy in an original way. We need to give them the floor - just the right moment. They can read a funny poem-ode, sing a song of a young age, dance.
  6. Active competitive part. It should be preceded by at least 15-20 minutes of communication between guests. They need to let them talk. And then several contests in a row at once with small pauses. After that, the pause is longer - half an hour. She can smoothly go to the disco.
  7. The celebration is already coming to an end. The last competition or game, but no longer requiring active action. These can be contests dedicated to compliments to the hero of the day.
  8. Lyrical moment. It can be done in a romantic setting: light candles or go outside. If it happens in a country house or a similar setting, you can hang beautiful lanterns and a garland in advance. The guests stand in a circle, and everyone wishes the birthday boy something, says kind words to him. The last word belongs to the hero of the occasion himself.
  9. And then you can turn on non-fast background music and let the guests talk more, take time for each other, and start saying goodbye, of course.
  10. You can persuade the guests at this moment so that the next day they all write an SMS to the hero of the day at the same time. With about the same content. For example: "It was so cool, but where is my conscience?" or the like.

Good evening!

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