
Scenario for the anniversary of a man 55 years old

Scenario for the anniversary of a man 55 years old
  1. What to consider when preparing a program?
  2. Ideas for scenarios without toastmaster
  3. Game options
  4. Scenes
  5. How can you diversify the script?

55 years is one of the most beautiful dates, an anniversary, when maturity is already in the asset, and it is too early to think about old age. And, of course, most of the men who have reached this date want to celebrate it with dignity. The more unique and natural the scenario is, the more likely it is that the holiday will turn out to be wonderful.

What to consider when preparing a program?

The person who makes the program can follow the following algorithm. First, a general plan, then a detailed one (with timing, etc.). Organization is everything in this matter.

Only amateurs can say that it is impossible to fully foresee everything. If there is a program, script, timing, delegation - 95% of the evening will be predictable in a good way.

10 rules for preparing the perfect program.

  • Collect all the really important information about the hero of the day. Not just who works, who is married to and who the children are (although this is also important).

Little things catch on: what books he loved in childhood, what he dreamed of becoming, what film he first went with his future wife, what cooks best of all, what habits he has, etc. Then the evening will turn out to be dedicated to the hero of the day, and not to a beautiful date as such.

  • Connect your family. In fact, there are always several active creative people among relatives and friends. They will assist the leader, if necessary. They will become "spies" and collect the necessary information. If some kind of mass performance is being prepared (a song from everyone, a flash mob), it makes sense for the presenter to create a chat where all the guests will be. And there to throw the necessary fragments of the script, lyrics, ideas, etc. It is convenient to control the readiness of guests through the chat.
  • Think over the design. The photo zone can be thematic.Not just "Man 55" and some standard pictures - glasses, whiskey, business briefcase. We need a unique celebration. If the hero of the day is a fisherman, you can focus on this. If you are a football fan, you can beat this topic too. If there is no clear directionality, you can simply make a photo zone in beautiful neutral colors with a garland of monophonic bulbs and hang the photographs on decorative clothespins. Or you can ask your children and grandchildren to make a wall newspaper the old fashioned way, a congratulatory "Lightning", for example. This is very important to create an atmosphere of a sincere holiday.
  • Think over the style of conducting. The hero of the day during the preparation for the holiday can be given a questionnaire (and no "espionage" is needed). And there, among others, there will be a question: "What is your favorite presenter / actor?" If he names, say, Ivan Urgant, the toastmaster draws conclusions and prepares jokes. If this is, for example, Andrei Makarevich, it would be nice to include a nostalgic theme in the management.

In a word, it will definitely not be superfluous to adjust to the preferences of the hero of the day.

  • In the same questionnaire, ask what is unacceptable at the evening. For example, a hero of the day is terribly afraid to sing - well, he doesn't need this stress on his own birthday! Or he does not want contests related to alcohol - he has the right. Or he does not accept the playing of fairy tales (he is tired of it, they have already passed it), which means that this must be taken into account.
  • Decide who will be responsible for the photo / video. If a professional works, the question of shooting is decided with the client. If a friend or relative happened to lead the anniversary, you need to think over this issue on your own.

But collecting photos of guests can be problematic, so it is better to instruct 1-2 guests in advance to record the bright moments of the holiday.

  • Think over options for an alternative scenario, if the evening, for example, is organized in nature, and suddenly it starts to rain, and not all contests will be available.
  • Make beautiful invitations. They tune in the right mood, stir up interest.
  • Create the perfect soundtrack. This is a ready-made playlist, music for competitions, etc.
  • Don't be afraid to be the leader. Often this role at family anniversaries falls to relatives and friends. They worry, get confused in words, get lost. But if the preparation is excellent, you need to say to yourself: “Yes, I’m already done, I am behaving professionally. Everything will work out! " And it really will work.

Ideas for scenarios without toastmaster

If the holiday takes place with the family, at home, the toastmaster may not be provided. But someone will have to conduct the anniversary anyway, without it there is no way.

The wife in the leading role is the most common case. But often children join in, organizing the perfect holiday for their father, brother and sister.

How then to organize a holiday.

  • Do not be afraid to connect all relatives - let them prepare beautiful toasts in advance, let them take part in reading the general congratulatory ode (each - 4 lines), let them be puzzled by the flash mob. Everything is real!
  • Ask to record a video greeting of those who cannot come to the holiday. Edit these videos into one video and show them at the anniversary. Such surprises are always good.
  • Write down a detailed script. This pro will get out of any situation, the support of a non-professional presenter is a detailed hint text.

Of course, preparation takes time. This is not just a congratulation, but a whole evening. But it's worth it!

With contests

At home, you can hold many interesting and funny contests, for which a lot of space is not required.

Examples of contests for the anniversary of dad and husband.

  • "Postman Pechkin". At a certain moment, either the host himself or one of the guests puts on a raincoat, a bag over his shoulder and comes into the room where they are celebrating, disguised as Pechkin, the postman. He brought letters to everyone and takes out personalized envelopes from his bag. Each guest opens in turn. Ideally, the situation related to the birthday person should be described there - just its beginning. For example: “Once in my childhood I went fishing with my dad…”. And the one to whom the letter is addressed must tell the situation to the guests.

Interesting, funny memories are always wonderful.The hero of the day will also get an envelope. There may be the following lines: "I thought that when I hit 55, I will be ...".

  • "You have an amazing memory or not about that now." By the way, movie quotes can be pre-edited and shown on the TV screen (from a flash drive) before the competition. So, the wonderful mini-dialogue of the heroes Burkov and Belyavskaya from the best New Year's comedy is suitable as a seed before the competition. The bottom line is this: the presenter gives each dish on the table the author's names. These should be some pompous, complex names, for example, the salad "Night on the slopes of the southern mountains" or the roast "Old man Ramiros's treat in an old tavern." The task of the hero of the day (or guests, all in turn) is to remember the names and reproduce.

As a rule, everyone is pretty confused, they combine words from different names, which makes the audience great.

  • Chair of Truth. This competition requires prior preparation. Each participant in the evening (well, or the majority) must record and send audio about other guests to the presenter in advance. It's easy to do in messengers. For example, you need to write to the wife of the hero of the day: describe in two sentences the son-in-law, husband and family friend of Vasily. And so to everyone. And when, already at the celebration, guests are invited to sit on the "chair of truth" in the center of the room, the presenter turns on the recording, and the chair begins to "speak."

Naturally, words should be complimentary or humorous. But it always turns out interesting. The jubilee himself closes the competition - the chair must "speak" about him with the voices of all those present.

  • "Kings of Plywood". The competition repeats the famous TV show. The participant leaves, not knowing what he is going to sing. The music comes on and he enters the role. Objects, props may lie on the table, which will help him to better integrate into the image right during the performance (hat, children's guitar, etc.) The most artistic participant wins.
  • "All the king's men." This original competition can be held early in the evening. It is especially important if not all guests at the holiday are familiar with each other. The host says that they just sent him a scroll letter. He takes out a beautifully designed scroll and reads the information from it. There will be a description of the hero of the day and all the guests in the "Three Musketeers" style. For example: “Yuri. Loyal friend, gracious assistant in all matters for the good of the kingdom and His Majesty's service. Clever, perspicacious, connoisseur of ladies, overseas food and good gambling. Wears a mustache, as befits pious men of his status. " The king, of course, is the hero of the day.

With humor

The more humor, the more incendiary the evening will be. At home or in a cafe - this is not so important.

Holding a holiday with a great emphasis on humor involves:

  • jokes prepared in advance;
  • a large number of contests where it will definitely be funny;
  • toasts with humor;
  • quizzes from your favorite comedy moments;
  • decorated photo zone in the right mood.

You can make a cardboard full-length figure of the hero of the day so that everyone can take pictures with her too (including the hero of the day). You can think of various funny props, also for a photo - a mustache on a stick, funny hats and glasses, etc.

The most incendiary contests are music. But they need to be held in the midst of the evening, when there are practically no more shy ones left.

The competitive moment is always great when the contestants play in teams.

Game options

To fill the script - examples of table games that can be held in almost any conditions.

5 games at the table.

  • Hand Cards. The participant pulls out a card from a bag or casket. It has a word on it that he needs to explain to everyone else with his hands. You can use facial expressions, but the main tool is your hands.

For interest, this may not be just a word, but the name of the guest at the table.

  • "Two boxes". The host or his assistant brings in 2 boxes on a tray. No, it’s not money, but something interesting too. The man from the first row at the table pulls out a piece of paper from the first box. There is a question, for example: "What is the most important thing in this life?"The man from the second row pulls out a piece of paper from the second box and reads the answer that fell out. For example: "Morning coffee, YouTube and no work." And so, until all the guests are involved in pulling out pieces of paper.
  • "55 compliments". Beat the date in at least one competition, but you have to. And this is not difficult to do. On a sheet of A3 format, you need to draw a jar and cut it out later. Jar as for seaming. Pieces of double-sided tape are pre-glued on it so that you can immediately sculpt pieces of paper. Each guest has several small pieces of paper (so that there is a total of 55). And they take a pen and write compliments to the hero of the day. You can put a condition that these were only adjectives, epithets. Then everyone hand over the pieces of paper, the presenter and the assistant stick them on pieces of scotch tape. And the jar with "canned" compliments is handed over to the hero of the day with applause.
  • "A sip of water". 7 identical cups are brought out on a tray. They contain 50 g of a colorless liquid. It is assumed that in one of them vodka (or other colorless alcohol), in others - water. Cups are handed out to adults. By the faces of those who drank a sip, the hero of the day must guess where the water was.

The competition is humorous, so it may turn out that there was water everywhere, and the participants know how to drink so well that they won't even give a sight. At least it turns out that the hero of the day thought so for almost everyone.

  • "It's scary to think." The story is simple. Participants take turns blindfolded. They are given an object in their hands, the participant begins: “It's scary to think what it could be. Probably ... "- and says his answer.

Objects are not easy to guess: kitchen scales, Lego man, boiler, etc.


Many simply adore the scenes, because they are always funny to tears, and even the most shy guests show artistry.

3 fairy tales that can be played out.

1 fairy tale

In one kingdom-state there lived and there was a king. And he hit exactly 55 years old. He decided that he wanted something new at this age. Maybe I should do ballet, but why, in fact, not? Here Tsiskaridze can, but I can not, or what? And he summoned the choreographer to his place. The choreographer galloped up, spun and said - we'll do it. And he began to teach the king to dance. They danced, they danced, they danced, they danced - the king was tired, tea is not a boy! I decided: oh, I need to do something else, otherwise the vestibular apparatus swears. I'll be a tap dancer now. Still, the load is not like that! And he called the tap dancer to him. And they began to learn to tap tap. Studied and studied, studied and studied - the tsar got tired again. No, well, do you think it's easy? He decided: something else needs to be done, for example ... a break-dance dance. Even small children can do that. And I'm worse? And he called a break dance coach. Well, he came, appreciated our king, gave him a couple of lessons. And they began to study. The king liked this, I will not say anything, it is clear how pleased he is. But still something is missing. And then the king thought: maybe folk dances are the coolest? All the same, and I'm not a teenager after all! And he called the folk dance teacher. And they began to study, and immediately everything went well for them, well, what a miracle ?! Anything expensive to see! And then the king thought: yoksel-moxel, so now I can do everything! And I have a team wow! I'll go to Eurovision. Why, we haven't won something for a long time.

And then an incendiary song turns on, for example, Uno gr. Little Big, and this whole company should dance as coherently as possible.

Naturally, the previous numbers presuppose a corresponding musical accompaniment.

2 fairy tale

Once they called our (name of the hero of the day) to a secret place secret people in black and told him: we decided, comrade ... that you should become the new James Bond. You come up categorically. Shrugged (the hero of the day) with his shoulders and agreed, the royal mandate, after all. And they told him: here's a coach for you, but not one, will teach everything, your job is to repeat.

The first coach taught our James Bond to ride a horse. It turned out beautifully, damn it, just admire it. The second coach taught our James to drink martini beautifully - this is also not an easy task.Take a look at how it turned out - well, agent 007 is born! The third trainer showed hand-to-hand fighting techniques - a necessary thing, of course. See for yourself what happened. The fourth trainer showed how to look at women, so that each would follow James, forgetting about everything in the world. And look how they learned it well, just think! Finally, the fifth trainer showed James Bond's gait. This is a special chic, see for yourself.

So our hero can do everything now. Well, the real agent 007, isn't it visible? And a few photos for the movie poster: both alone and with the coaches.

At the very beginning, "Bond" needs to be given black glasses, a bow tie is possible. At the end, as a joke, you can give him a cardboard or plastic Oscar.

3 fairy tale

It was evening and it was getting dark. A lone snail came out into the street. There is no one, the Snail was upset. And if there was someone, it would be more fun. And then the Thorny Hedgehog crawled out onto the street. He gave a signal with his eye to the Snail not to be sad. They sat on the ground and sang a sad Georgian song. Why Georgian? I don't know, but they sang beautifully (they sing impromptu). Tsaplya came out to this singing. She looked at this couple in surprise, twisted her wing at her temple, but joined them. The heron decided that the song was too sad, the repertoire needed to be changed. And then the Heron sang a song in Spanish, so cheerful, passionate (sings). At this point the Fly perked up. She flew in and began to hum. She also wanted to sing, but she only knew how to hum. And then the Fly spun in an elegant dance. Already crawled to them. He flapped his eyelashes in surprise, amazed at this disgrace. I thought that everyone was crazy, but he said nothing. But he began to do push-ups. And then ... the orderlies flew up. They gave everyone an injection of a sedative, stroked the head and asked why there was a mass madness. And the Snail said: they didn’t invite us for the birthday of the respected (hero of the day). And then the hero of the day got up, said: I call everyone, children, let's drink to this!

The participants in the scene, as they are introduced into the game, can be put on plates with signatures or images, so as not to forget who they are. You can also call the heroes by name, for example, Snail Tatiana, Uzh Andrey, etc.

The scene itself can be read in the voice of Nikolai Drozdov (at least copy it a little).

How can you diversify the script?

There are some touching moments that definitely brighten any celebration like this.

Cool script inserts.

  • Flash mob. It looks great when the guests have already gathered, but have not yet sat down at the table. Everyone in the room communicates, rejoices. And then someone one begins to read a poem dedicated to the hero of the day, congratulations. The second picks up and so on. Naturally, they must know their lines and order in advance. For the birthday man, this is unexpected and definitely pleasant.

If not a verse, then a song - everything can go the same scenario.

  • Festive video. You can mount it yourself by scanning a photo of the hero of the day, choosing a suitable song. You can ask a professional videographer and screenwriter to make a congratulatory video, providing your home archive, or be ready to film yourself.
  • Skype congratulations. Distant relatives and friends can be asked in advance to call the birthday boy on Skype at a certain time. And somehow mysteriously for the host to announce this call.
  • Number from the hero of the day. And the hero of the occasion himself often wants not just to accept congratulations, but to shine on his own holiday. We'll have to brag about some talent. If he can sing, prepare a song. You can read a verse, make up a humorous dialogue for your anniversary, you can play something on a musical instrument, etc.
  • Number from children. If there are little children in the family, then any congratulatory number from them will always be the sweetest surprise.

Interesting ideas. Thanks!

Thanks. Interesting.

the guest 20.09.2021 20:14


the guest 10.10.2021 15:56

Cool. Well done.


the beauty
