
How to celebrate a 60-year-old man's anniversary?

How to celebrate a 60-year-old man's anniversary?
  1. Venue and theme
  2. How do I invite guests?
  3. Contests and games
  4. Active contests
  5. How to congratulate the birthday boy?
  6. Festive table decoration
  7. Script ideas
  8. Drinking contests

On the threshold of the sixtieth birthday, most people take stock of the years they have lived. In addition to thoughts about whether the hero of the day took place in all areas of his life, the question is brewing of how to celebrate this significant event. Men often time it for retirement.

Venue and theme

By his 60th birthday, a man realizes the importance of what has been done over the years. At the same time, it is important for him to realize his significance and feel the love and attention of loved ones.

Many heroes of the day prefer to spend their birthday with their family. Often, the celebration comes down to gatherings and a banal feast. But this option will not leave bright memories in your memory. A round date deserves a non-standard organization of the celebration.

Dad, husband and, probably already grandfather, are worth spending time in a spectacular and fun atmosphere. Indeed, even at such a respectable age, a person is endowed with a young soul and is prone to excitement.

So, it is worth giving that very soul to turn around and get a lot of positive emotions.

The organizing side of the event can be assumed by the children or friends of the hero of the day. It is most convenient to celebrate a grand event in a specific theme.

The organization of the event depends on the number and composition of guests. Marking hundreds of people in a small circle in a family setting or in a company is a big difference. Also, how to plan your 60th birthday depends on the location of the anniversary.

It can be a gala dinner at home or a grand banquet in a cafe or restaurant. It is also important to celebrate round dates in nature. Of course, this means a comfortable gazebo at the recreation center, and not a picnic on the grass. Still, you need to take into account the average age of the guests of the hero of the day.

But surely the most memorable will be a creative and fun holiday. And it is quite possible to conduct it without a toastmaster. But so that the guests do not get bored and the evening turns out to be organized, it is better to choose a host.

Perhaps someone from your inner circle is suitable for this role. With an event plan or script at hand, it will not be difficult to celebrate the anniversary.

It is desirable to divide the program into an official and an entertainment part. The official one consists in meeting guests and solemn congratulations with the presentation of gifts. And then comes the turn of the thematic evening with scenes, songs and dances. Jokes, contests and music are welcome.

The theme of the evening can be a pioneer gathering, a royal ball, a khan's harem (for unmarried heroes of the day). Parties in the spirit of the youth period of the hero of the occasion and most of his peers are popular.

How do I invite guests?

On the anniversary of a man of 60 years, guests must be invited in advance. It is considered good form if, a month before a certain date, the hero of the day personally notifies the invitees about the upcoming holiday.

The following contact is allowed in any convenient form: messenger, social network, email, and the like. Usually, two weeks before the anniversary, invitations are sent to the guests. Better to hand them over. It is convenient to use the services of a courier or assistant for this.

Guests will be pleased to receive invitations in poetic form. In this case, you need to mention the name of the hero of the day, date, venue and other necessary details.

7-10 days before day X, it is important to check with the guest if there have been any changes in his plans. Whether he will be at the celebration alone or with a soul mate. If necessary, discuss the details of the guest's accommodation at the hotel, organizing his meeting, ordering a taxi, etc.

The day before the celebration, it is necessary to remind all guests in SMS or messenger about when, where, at what time and for what reason they are expected to be seen. If a dress code or an original holiday format is planned, it is also worth informing all those invited.

This attitude will be appreciated by the guests and will help the organizers of the evening to predict the components of a successful holiday: the number of chairs, cutlery and dishes, the time for congratulations from each guest, the number of contests.

Contests and games

So that the guests do not get bored at the table, it is necessary to think over the program of the evening. Successful drinking games and humorous toasts will help make the gatherings memorable and fun.

For home

It is not always possible to organize active entertainment at home. But it is quite possible to entertain guests with original games even in a small room.

For fun, you need a microphone and home acoustics, a pair of speakers and a savvy presenter. The latter will have to announce his ability to read minds and bring a microphone to each guest.

It will be unexpected that at this moment an excerpt from a famous song is included. The words pick up funny: "I'm drunk, I won't get home ...", "Oh, what a man, I want a son from him!", "Young man, invite to dance", "Oh, what a woman!" etc.

The same game can be played with the help of cards, on which phrases are written in advance why the guest came to the holiday. All in turn are invited to draw out one card and read the text.


  • “To eat so as not to cook dinner”;
  • "How not to come, they pour right there!";
  • “I have been waiting for this event for 60 years”;
  • “And how not to come, he will think that I am a miser!”;
  • "Like looking at drinking people";
  • "For the sake of jellied ... and bulk ...";
  • “They will give money to the hero of the day, I’ll take loans right away!”;
  • "Show your new outfit";
  • "They promised to feed tasty food here."

A quiz game on the knowledge of the habits and character of the hero of the day.

All those present are invited to answer questions about the host of the evening.And then they check the answers. Different questions are allowed - from the most simple, to comic and even a little provocative.

For example:

  • “How often during the evening the hero of the occasion switches channels on the TV?”;
  • “How does he react if he hears the news that the pension will not be raised, but food will rise in price again?”;
  • “How much time does he need to write an SMS:“ the bath is heated, the beer is cooled, I'm waiting! ”.

In the cafe

It is easy to celebrate the 60th anniversary of a man without a toastmaster, even in a cafe. The main thing is to prepare a script and act according to the plan of the celebration. Celebrating the birthday person within the walls of a restaurant shouldn't feel like it's a standard meal. It is imperative to include toasts, funny contests, dance and music breaks in the program.

To organize a holiday in a restaurant format, it is advisable to choose an active person who is not afraid to broadcast to the public. The presenter will set the tone for what is happening, so at the stage of preparation for the round date, you need to think over his speech.

An anniversary event in a restaurant hall should not be purely pompous and official. A cool script for a 60-year-old man will fill the atmosphere with ease and fun. And in no way will it diminish the respect and status of the hero of the occasion.

So that the guests are not overly addicted to alcohol and stomach filling, it is worth diluting the action with a change of activity. But under no circumstances force anyone to participate in competitions against their own will. Considering the age of most colleagues and friends of the hero of the day, the activity should be dosed.

Successful competitions for a restaurant feast.

  • Praise of the hero of the day. Every celebrant tries to name some good quality of the birthday boy. You can replace the praise with an original toast or an improvisation-congratulation in verse.
  • Concert. Most often, in a rented banquet hall or cafe, it is possible to connect high-quality equipment and provide a professional microphone. In this regard, guests can be divided into teams and invited to feel like songwriters - to remake a famous song in honor of the hero of the occasion.
  • Karaoke battle. This is a gambling song contest very appropriate for an event of this kind. Guests will be happy to practice their vocal skills.
  • Entertainment. All celebrants have the opportunity to draw question and answer cards from the general fan. They are compiled in advance and can be the most unexpected. For example: "Do you go to a striptease?", "Do you take bribes?", "Do you offend animals?", "Do you sing in the shower?" and the like. Separately, amusing universal answers are being prepared: “always, if I drink too much,” “only on Wednesdays,” “in secret from my husband (wife),” and so on. The combination of combinations will surely cause a friendly laughter from the guests.
  • Tricky. It is offered to all who wish to guess the facts of the biography of the hero of the day. The most active participants should be rewarded for resourcefulness.

It is important to agree in advance with the administration of the institution about the possibility of using a microphone, broadcasting videos and arranging dances to music.

Active contests

The restaurant premises provide an excellent opportunity for mobile contests and competitions. Periodically, you need to invite guests to the dance floor, include tracks by age and taste preferences, and play games on an impromptu stage.

  • "Poetic Toast". A task is announced, according to which each member of the team must say one line-wish so that a poetic improvisation is obtained. It will be difficult to get the perfect rhyme, but the ingenuity of many will amuse from the heart.
  • "Shouldn't I sing a song?" Distribute the guests into teams and distribute to them leaflets with texts-alterations of famous songs about the holiday and the hero of the day. The victory is awarded to the team in which the task is most creatively performed.

It is advisable to strike a balance between fun, snacks and relaxation.No need to overwork the audience with an abundance of tasks and contests. Let guests relax, meet, and unwind in the relaxed atmosphere.

How to congratulate the birthday boy?

At the anniversary, it is important to organize a solemn meeting for the hero of the occasion. Those present can be invited not only to give him gifts, but to sign a commemorative album or a balloon. You can meet him with a song with meaning, dedicated to the years lived in joy and with achievements of different heights. To emphasize the qualities and professional activities of the hero of the day.

Congratulations to the doctor can be supported by video material with words of gratitude from patients. Congratulate the fishing lover in the genre of hobby, hinting at a generous catch in life and noting that he is smart as a crucian carp, wise as a catfish, active as a dolphin, and so on. You can also prepare a corresponding menu with seafood and fish.

You should definitely praise the excellent driver and wish you bright roads. Show respect for the leader and jokingly hint that, along with his well-being, his subordinates are counting on an increase in salaries.

At the beginning of the holiday, you can give each attendee a sheet with a description of the topic that he should adhere to while pronouncing his toast. Usually some foods, certain colors, insects, animals, certain adjectives and verbs are indicated. Every 15 minutes you need to remember the competition and invite those who prepared their essay to speak. For example: "I wish you had everything in chocolate, flutter like a moth, not plow like a horse."

You can present not only useful and practical things, expensive products and money. Memorable souvenirs will bring no less joy on such an important day in life. Diplomas for "honored grandfather", "best husband and father", a medal for "loyalty in friendship" will please any person.

The most important thing is to sincerely show concern for the mood of the hero of the day, support him with smiles, wishes, jokes, applause and your active participation in what is happening.

Festive table decoration

This point depends on many factors, including the time allotted for the celebration, the location, the format and the number of guests. According to these components, a feast is organized at the appropriate level.

There is no buffet menu at home celebrations. Guests expect to be treated with salads, hot, specialty pie and dessert. In order not to strain the next of kin on the holiday and allow them to relax on an equal basis with other guests, it is worth hiring a cook. Or take advantage of catering.

The anniversary is a worthy event so as not to waste the time of relatives on serving guests and washing dishes. Even in the cozy atmosphere of your own home. Of course, if square meters do not allow calling professionals, you will have to arrange the table yourself.

Perhaps the help of young and nimble relatives will come in handy. Dishes are thought out in advance. The dishes are washed as they accumulate, without putting off until tomorrow.

Beautiful serving items, luxurious tablecloths, originally folded napkins, cards with the names of guests will come to the aid of the hostesses. You can make the same chair covers. Or fix helium balloons on the backs.

When celebrating the anniversary in the banquet hall, at the recreation center, the service of guests and the decoration of the table should be entrusted to professionals.

Script ideas

An interesting idea, realized in the original scenario, serves as a defining component of the entertainment part of the celebration. You should avoid banal contests, which are usually used by invited presenters and toastmaster at anniversaries.

Regardless of the scenario, the presenter must be instructed in advance so that all guests have the opportunity to express their respect to the hero of the day, and also so that the people present have time to just chat.

It is not very convenient and it turns out correctly if the event is hosted by the wife of the hero of the day or his daughter. Because then close people will not be able to rest and fully enjoy the holiday.

It is better to entrust the writing of the script to a friend or colleague. There are only two options for organizing the entertainment part:

  • participation of the guests themselves, guided by the host or acting independently;
  • performance by artists or any other hired person.

When ordering a script, you must remember that the performances of professional musicians should be enjoyed at concerts. On the anniversary, people come for emotional exchange, communication, fun pastime with the opportunity to eat deliciously and relax their souls.

Of course, the program must include incendiary dances and scenes with humor. It will be very nice to include in it the participation of grandchildren, especially young ones. It is very important for a loving grandfather to receive their congratulations.

All entertainment should be built around the reason why a big company happened to get together. You can make a bias towards the hero of the occasion profession. If this is an athlete, then competitions and sports competitions, such as TRP norms and other things, will not interfere, but in a funny interpretation, and not forcing the guests to puff and strain with equipment. It is also convenient for the military to write a script for career guidance. It will be very original in a fun way to devote guests to the intricacies of military affairs.

For the most advanced, we can advise you to create a real concert in honor of the hero of the day. Usually adult children make such a gift for dad, because they will have to prepare several months before the celebration. It will be necessary to remake more than one song in a new way in honor of the anniversary and its main participant. It is necessary to distribute the compositions among close friends and relatives. It is important to choose funny options so that everyone present is interesting.

You can simplify the task by contacting a professional for help. The poet will quickly and humorously remake all the texts of famous singers to the taste of the customer. All phonograms are recommended to be recorded in the studio. It remains to think over the costumes and the sequence of the performance.

In the script, you need to register all the moments of the celebration, including pauses for dances and conversations between guests. Drinking competitions should be in moderation. And it is also not recommended to mention the pension too often and intrusively.

It is not necessary to lift people from the table to the stage for entertainment. Games for training logic and sense of humor are also fun at the table.

Drinking contests


Distribute to those present on sheet and pencil. Ask to write one characteristic external feature about yourself and subscribe. You can specify hair color or hairstyle, glasses, birthmark, and more.

Put all the notes in a box and invite the guests to guess someone at the festive table by the specified characteristics. It is worth promising prizes to the most observant for active participation and prepare from the heart to have fun.

"Ode in honor of the hero of the day"

Invite everyone to speak about the host of the evening in one word. Let it be an adjective. If there are few people at the party, the task can be set more specifically. For example, praise the hero of the day with "O": "charming", "original", "educated" and so on.

"Pass the change"

Divide the guests into two halves: to the left and to the right of the table. To hand over to the extreme guests a coin with a face value of 2 rubles or 10 rudders. The participant must place it on the pad of the index finger and in this position pass it to a neighbor - and so on to the opposite edge of the table.

The team that copes faster wins. The competition will bring the attendees closer together and cheer everyone up.


Collect one thing from those present (brooch, cufflink, lighter). Place everything in a deep box and take it out one by one, asking the guests what the owner of this fantasy should do.

Tasks are thought up in advance. It can be reading a verse, tongue twister, dance, toast.

"Song Tournament"

The hero of the day is invited to decide who won. Distribute to the team members blanks of alteration compositions dedicated to the hero of the occasion. Teams are divided into women and men, left and right sides of the common table, colleagues and relatives, young and older generations. Let the teams come up with their own names. To complicate the task, but to increase the fun, it will work out if the guests themselves will remake the songs.

Of course, it's important not to forget to capture the entire action on camera. Ideal if done by a professional videographer. And taking a photo is also better for a professional. If you entrust this to one of your relatives, there is a possibility that the person will be distracted and forget to take valuable shots.

Modern equipment will help preserve the bright moments of the 60th anniversary celebration.

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