
Scenarios for the anniversary of a man 75 years old

Scenarios for the anniversary of a man 75 years old
  1. What to consider when choosing a scenario?
  2. Variants
  3. Best contests

The anniversary of a 75-year-old man is a very important event that must be celebrated with fun and enthusiasm. Consider the most successful holiday scenarios, the best contests and recommendations for choosing the right option.

What to consider when choosing a scenario?

On the 75th anniversary, you should invite not only the closest people, but also other friends and family members. It turns out that when choosing a scenario, the possible preferences of all guests should be taken into account. First of all, of course, the tastes of the hero of the day are taken into account.

It will be necessary to make a decision not only about the festive program, menu, but also about the number of guests. The more there are, the more difficult it is to think over the scenario of the celebration.

When choosing, you also need to focus on the place where you will spend it: at home, in a rented room, in a cafe, in nature. There are contests that are easier to organize at home or in some other place, while other scenarios are more suitable for an outdoor celebration.

So that those present at the event do not get tired of the monotony, you should alternate intellectual, creative and mobile entertainment.

If you are not sure that you can plan everything yourself, contact a professional presenter, but in many cases it is quite possible to cope without a toastmaster, relying only on your own strength.


You should choose a specific theme of the anniversary - it will be much easier to think over various details, decorative design. Guests will be delighted with a holiday based on a popular movie or TV show, a retro party. Of course, in some cases, you can consider and more youth options, such as a costume ball. Here, again, you need to build on the preferences of the hero of the day.

To celebrate the anniversary at home (with your family) or in a cafe / restaurant - it's up to you to decide. If you do not want to burden yourself with preparing a festive table, decorating the premises, it is better to opt for a cafe. As an organizer, it only remains to decide who will be the host: a professional toastmaster or one of the guests.

However, this option is more expensive. At home, it is also quite possible to hold interesting and incendiary contests.

Best contests

The following contests will bring notes of fun and enthusiasm to the celebration. They are well suited for both older people and young people.

"Catch the butterfly"

The host gives two participants large nets, and they are given one balloon each. Contestants should try to catch each other with huge nets, being careful not to drop the balloons. Everyone present will be delighted with this funny event.

"Boxes on the nose"

Any number of guests can take part in this competition. You need to take a matchbox and try to put it very tightly on your nose. To get rid of this object, you will need to engage many of the facial muscles.

"Two at the same time"

Couples become participants in this competition. The hands of the guests participating in the competition are tied so that one limb is tied and the other is free. Then they will need to complete some task.

This is a rather difficult competition, but it is quite possible to win in it.


A stool or chair is placed in the center of the room. A player is placed next to each corner. They should stand with their backs to the piece of furniture, and hold spoons in their hands. On command, the guests move away from the set chair a few steps, then they turn to face him and wait. After the command, the guests put spoons on the piece of furniture. The winner will be the one who does it first.

"Tongue Twisters"

Chairs are placed on two parallel lines. The participants sit on them, and after that the presenter quietly speaks a tongue twister to the first guest. The guest tells it to the person who is sitting next to him, and this continues until everyone hears the tongue twister. The last participant gets up and says it in a loud voice. The team that pronounces the tongue twister correctly wins the competition.


The participants are divided into several identical teams. Each of them will have a small fish tied to a string on their belts. In all teams, the fish differ from each other in shade. When the signal sounds, the participants begin to step on the fish from the other team. If the last fish in the team is destroyed, it will be considered the loser.

"Bowling in reverse"

Players are not allowed to knock down pins - this is what the name Reverse Bowling means. The participants are blindfolded with a handkerchief. Skittles are placed along a certain trajectory. Participants take each other's hands, become a snake and walk so that the pins remain in place. The team with the least number of pins knocked down will be the winner of the competition.

"Drawing from words"

The presenter brings out an image and shows it to only one player. The rest should not see the picture. The player who looks at the image quietly tells the person who is sitting next to what he saw. The listener tells the next participant about the drawing - and so on along the chain. The last player must draw what he was told about, then everyone compares this image with the original.


All participants are seated in a circle. One of them must think of a word and say quietly to his neighbor (so that no one else hears). The neighbor comes up with an association for this word and whispers to the next participant. This will continue until it comes to the first player. He loudly voices what he heard and what was originally envisioned.

As a result, the guests are trying to figure out how such an association could have come about.

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