
Scenario for the anniversary of a man 80 years old

Scenario for the anniversary of a man 80 years old
  1. How to prepare a program?
  2. Anniversary celebration options
  3. Contests and games
  4. Original greetings
  5. Script ideas

For every man, the 80th anniversary is an important and significant event in life. People say that this age is considered a symbol of the hourglass, when a person begins to count the grains of accumulated wisdom. In modern life, not every representative of the stronger sex can live up to the 80th anniversary. That's why It is extremely important for close people of the hero of the day to organize a worthy festive event for him, where the wishes and preferences of the hero of the occasion will be taken into account.

How to prepare a program?

An anniversary is not just a birthday, it is a special celebration that should be celebrated with special trepidation. The event itself can be arranged at home, but it is much better to hold it in a cafe or restaurant.

The holiday should be accompanied by excellent mood, appropriate music and entertainment. Without these elements, you will get an ordinary feast, which will not be imprinted in the memory of the hero of the occasion.

There are many aspects to consider when planning your 80th birthday program, from the list of invited guests to the delivery after the celebration. Also, out of respect for the venerable age of the hero of the day and the invited people, it is necessary to understand that there is a high probability of disruption of the intended entertainment part. Someone may not like the contests, while others, in principle, will find it difficult to participate in outdoor games. In such a case, the organizer needs to think over a fallback scenario for the entertainment part.

In general, the preparation of the show program for the upcoming anniversary should begin several months in advance.This time will be enough to prepare and calculate all the nuances of the celebration. After all, the most important thing is that the hero of the day and his guests should have fun and comfort.

The room itself should be decorated with many balloons, and congratulatory posters should be hung on the walls, as representatives of the venerable age perceive wall newspapers with love. You can also make a photo collage of the birthday person, where there will be photographs from the important moments of his life.

Anniversary dates are traditionally celebrated solemnly. The celebration itself does not imply any restrictions. But at the same time, realizing that at 80 years old not every person is able to jump and run, it is necessary to prepare a program with a minimum number of active contests, since mainly young people will take part in them.

Anniversary celebration options

Today, there are many options for celebrating the anniversary for any age. However, the main selection criterion is the available budget. Depending on the amount invested, you can arrange a restaurant party, spend a holiday in a small cafe, organize a celebration in nature or at home.

As for a restaurant party, organizing it will not tire the organizer in any way. When drawing up the program, the administrator of the institution will prompt most of the organizational issues. Among other things, the head of the restaurant can recommend a good event agency, where experts offer ready-made scenarios for "turnkey" events. With their help, it will be possible to celebrate the anniversary of a father or grandfather at a high level. They also provide presenters and are engaged in the decoration of the room.

The only thing left for the relatives to do is to draw up a list of invited guests and deliver invitations.

Organization of a gala event in a cafe seems like a more budget option. But in this case, you will have to decorate the hall yourself. As an additional budget saving, you can develop a show program yourself and be its presenter. Someone thinks that a holiday held without a toastmaster will turn out to be uninteresting and boring. But this opinion is wrong.

Often, the holidays prepared by relatives are much more interesting and fun. It is much more pleasant when the birthday man's daughter plays the leading role.

If the celebration in honor of the anniversary date falls on the summer, it is preferable to hold the celebration in nature. To do this, you can rent a gazebo in a country boarding house or arrange a small picnic near the river. Such an event will require minimal investment, but the organizer will have to take organizational issues extremely seriously. First of all, choose a place - it should be flat and spacious. There should be a table in the clearing, several tents for resting and umbrellas. It is necessary to allocate a place for holding competitions, as well as to put up a play area for children.

Well, the simplest option for celebrating an anniversary is a home environment. However, it should be understood that the holiday date will be celebrated not only with the family. Elderly friends of the hero of the day, colleagues from their former work and, possibly, distant relatives will definitely come. And so that they do not get bored, an interesting show program should be drawn up. By the way, for a close circle of people, you can consider more modern contests filled with humor and fun. Despite the fact that 80 years is a venerable age, its owners are the same modern people who keep up with the times and understand today's jokes. Therefore, in order to draw up a scenario for celebrating an anniversary at home, young people should be involved.

It is the young generation who will be able to compose a fun show program for a grandfather or dad who celebrates his birthday.

Contests and games

Any anniversary held in a cafe or at home should be filled with an incendiary show program, where there are interesting mobile and table contests.

  • Anniversary bouquet. The competition must be attended by 10 people. They are divided into 2 teams. Each participant is given 1 rose with a large number of thorns. At the command of the leader, everyone begins to remove the thorns from the rose. Then the participants collect flowers in a single bouquet and present it to the hero of the day. The first team to complete the task will be the winner.

Since 10 is an even number, the host can prepare the eleventh rose for the bouquet.

  • In place of the hero of the day. All those wishing to participate in the competition are given cards. A rhyme to the word "hero of the day" is written on them. For example, "fireman", "tan", "blow". Participants need to come up with a rhyme in a minute, where at the beginning is the phrase "if I were a hero of the day", and the last word is a word from the card. The winner will be the one with the funniest rhyme.
  • We represent an elephant. Those wishing to participate must be divided into 2 teams, everyone must be blindfolded. Each team is given a piece of paper and pencils. The participants' task is to draw an elephant. Each player is given a certain part of the animal's body, for example, trunk, tail, leg. They must draw with their eyes closed. Ultimately, the team whose abstraction most closely resembles an animal wins.

Original greetings

Today it is not difficult to find a birthday greeting for a loved one. Many Internet sites are ready to offer a lot of interesting options. But it is much more difficult to make an original congratulation to your father, grandfather or friend on the 80th anniversary. Such a serious date requires a special approach. You won't surprise anyone with banal congratulations in verse. Much more interesting will be a video created from telephone records and photographs about significant events in the life of the birthday man, where each new frame is accompanied by a congratulatory text and wishes to the hero of the day.

Another interesting way to congratulate is with a song. But not the favorite piece of the hero of the day, but an independently composed text, the words of which are superimposed on one of the modern melodies.

Remarkably, these are just a few examples of how you can congratulate a person on his 80th birthday. In fact, there are a lot of ideas. But first of all, it is necessary to take into account the character of the birthday man and his understanding of the modern world.

Script ideas

Further, it is proposed to consider several scenarios for the 80th anniversary. The first version of the program is calculated for holding the event at home.

Traditionally, the hostess and the owner of the house, who is also the hero of the day, are engaged in meeting guests. When all the guests have arrived and are seated at the table, the host of the program appears. It can be the daughter of the hero of the day or his granddaughter. First of all, she greets the guests, once again clarifies the reason for the gathering and opens the festive program with personal congratulations. Accordingly, the guests raise their glasses to the birthday man.

Further, the presenter reports that an auction will begin now, where things related to the life of the birthday man will be sold. However, it is necessary to pay for them not with money, but with warm words spoken to the hero of the day. The first lot is a diaper, in which the birthday boy was allegedly wrapped in infancy. Also on display is the toy he slept with, the laces from the first shoes, the first tie. The winner of the auction and the owner of all lots will be the guest who has expressed more wishes to the hero of the day. It is he who is given the next toast to the birthday boy. Further, guests are given the opportunity to enjoy delicious dishes prepared by the hostess of the house.

After a while, the presenter reports that he has prepared a quiz for the guests, where there are a number of questions related to the hero of the day. For each correct answer, the guest receives an asterisk - a pre-prepared props. Questions should be of the following nature: "In what year was the hero of the day born?", "When did he go to grade 1?"The winner will be the guest who answers the most questions correctly. After the competition, the floor is given to one of the guests.

After a while, the presenter offers to sing everyone's favorite song of the birthday boy and begins to sing along, and friends, relatives and colleagues pick up the tune. After singing the song, guests are invited to try themselves in a poetry competition. The invitees are divided into 2 teams. They are given no more than 2 minutes to write a poem and read it aloud. The birthday boy will choose the winner.

There are a lot of similar contests for holding a home celebration. You can take any other competition, slightly adjust it to turn it from mobile to drinking.

At the end of the event, the presenter announces that the official part of the holiday ends. Once again he speaks warm words to the hero of the day, expresses his wishes. Then he plays music for guests to dance.

The show program for the anniversary evening is calculated for about 3-4 hours. Representatives of the older generation, in principle, will not be able to walk for a long time. Accordingly, in 1-1.5 hours after the end of the entertainment part, they will go home.

Now it is proposed to consider the scenario of a restaurant or cafe. The toastmaster is in charge of the show.

First of all, he says greetings and expresses his wishes to the birthday boy. Further, he gives the floor to the wife of the hero of the day to make a toast in honor of her husband. Then it's time for the competition. It is possible to conduct an auction similar to a home celebration scenario. Such a competition fits perfectly into the scenario of the man's 80th birthday. The winner of the competition makes a congratulatory toast to the birthday man, and then there is a short musical pause.

The next competition is designed for the older generation of guests. Surely many of them were caught in the times of the Soviet Union. And so, the second quiz competition involves questions related to the Soviet era. For example, "How much did the sundae cost?" or "In what part of the city could you find blackmail?" - such questions will arouse great interest among the guests of the event. They will gladly plunge into the past. Nostalgia for bygone times will awaken in their souls.

The next period of time will be spent by the guests on memories of the Soviet years and interesting stories about this period of life.

When the nostalgia of the guests comes to a logical conclusion, the host should take the reins of the holiday into their own hands. A comic competition "Portrait of the Birthday Man" is announced, similar to the competition "Depicting an Elephant". The winner is the portrait that more resembles the image of the hero of the day.

At the end of the festive event, the presenter announces that the official part is over, once again congratulates the birthday man on such a serious date and wishes the guests to spend this evening on a positive note.

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