
How interesting is it to celebrate a woman's thirtieth birthday?

How interesting is it to celebrate a woman's thirtieth birthday?
  1. Features of the holiday
  2. Seat selection
  3. Theme party options
  4. Contests and games
  5. Original greetings
  6. Script ideas

Each of us prepares with special trepidation once a year for his birthday. At any age, it's nice to hear congratulations, receive gifts and be the hero of the occasion. In different nations, this significant day is celebrated according to different traditions, but the main unifying point is that the holiday is mainly held in the circle of relatives and close friends.

Features of the holiday

In our country, they solemnly began to celebrate their birthday in the 70s of the last century. Before that, the celebration of the name day (the day of the memory of the saint, whose name was given to a person at baptism) was more common.

The celebration consists of several points. You should start by preparing the place of celebration, preparing festive dishes. A cake must be present as a treat, perhaps even with candles. The festive table is served according to the wishes of the birthday girl. The invited guests are greeted by the hero of the occasion. It is customary to congratulate the hero of the day, to wish him health, prosperity and all other benefits. Presenting gifts is a mandatory attribute of any birthday; in some families there is a tradition of unpacking them in the presence of guests.

In our state, this is not common, but in America it is a fairly common and important part of the birthday celebration in every American family.

The solemn tradition at the end of the holiday is to bring a cake with burning candles (the number of candles should be according to the age of the birthday person), all the guests sing the song "Happy Birthday to You", the hero of the occasion makes a wish and blows out the candles in one breath.There is a belief that if you blow out all the candles at once, then your wish will come true. Guests are treated to cake with tea, and then it is customary to go home.

Each person, celebrating a birthday, makes his own changes in the celebration. These nuances are very individual and depend on the wishes of the birthday person, family traditions and mood. And also these features depend on the traditions of the country. Let's take a look at some of them.

  1. In Ireland, it is customary to turn a birthday child upside down and, holding by the legs, gently lower his head to the floor as many times as it is, plus 1 time.
  2. In Mexico, unlike our tradition of blowing out candles, there is a custom to smash a doll containing sweets with a stick.
  3. In Korea, the birthday boy treats everyone with rice cakes: the more people taste the birthday boy's cakes, the longer his life will be.
  4. In Japan, birthday is not celebrated every year, only 3, 5 and 7 years old. In addition, this is not a children's holiday, but a celebration of the achievements of parents.
  5. The Chinese traditionally prepare long noodles for the festive table, which symbolizes longevity. At a meal, it is customary to chew it as long as possible.
  6. The Danes hang out a national flag on their birthday, symbolizing that it is another year.
  7. In Thailand, it is customary to let the bird out of the cage, while making a wish that will surely come true.
  8. Vietnamese don't celebrate their birthday. They have a "New Years Holiday" - one holiday for the whole country.
  9. In Cuba, birthday celebrations are given special attention. They celebrate it noisily and cheerfully, they can invite random acquaintances to the table.
  10. Jamaica is, as always, an original country. It is customary to sprinkle flour on a person's birthday.

A thirty-year-old girl can choose any of these methods, or she can independently think about how to celebrate a holiday in her own style.

Seat selection

When planning your thirtieth birthday, first of all you need to decide on the place where the event will be held. There are many options now, and this point should be carefully considered. And also it is worth considering some of the nuances:

  • the number of invited guests;
  • age category of guests;
  • material component (how much are willing to spend);
  • the style in which you want to spend a holiday;
  • season.

The celebration of the girl's thirtieth birthday can be organized anywhere. And in a nightclub, and in a family circle, and on the beach. It all depends on the time of year and the weather forecast for that day. If your birthday is in winter, then it doesn't make sense to plan an outdoor party. Otherwise, when your birthday is in summer, you shouldn't be in a stuffy room, you want to breathe in the cool sea breeze. In spring and autumn, the choice of a place completely depends on the forecast of meteorologists: on warm days you can go to a barbecue, but on cool, rainy days it is better to be indoors.


Many girls prefer to celebrate their anniversary at home with loved ones. In this case, the costs of preparing for the holiday are reduced. You do not have to pay for the rent of the premises, for the music and for the staff.

Everything happens in a close family circle. Probably with their own traditions and discussions of favorite topics. Vivid memories of close relatives about how cute the birthday girl was born 30 years ago.

A big savings will be the uselessness of resorting to the services of a toastmaster, because in the company of loved ones these services are not needed. To spend a birthday in such conditions is very nice and family-like.

A birthday party at home can be held in any season and in any weather.


If a girl celebrates her thirtieth birthday in late spring, summer or early autumn, then it will be relevant to spend her birthday outdoors. Fresh air is always good for you. It's a great idea to organize a party on the shore of an open-air reservoir. Or go to the dacha. It's great to hold such an event away from the hustle and bustle of the city.

Guests who are invited should be advised that the party will be held in an open area so that they can wear suitable clothing and take all the necessary accessories with them.

In the cafe

Each city has a lot of cafes and restaurants that will be happy to prepare everything for the celebration of the girl's thirtieth birthday. This greatly simplifies the preparations for the birthday girl and saves her time. It is customary to order a cafe in advance, about two weeks before the birthday. It is worth discussing the decoration of the hall and the festive table with the creative director, and the list of dishes and the number of guests with the head chef. Celebrating an anniversary in a cafe will not be cheap, but it will greatly simplify the task of preparation, and the birthday girl will have more time for herself.

Theme party options

Having decided to spend her birthday in a thematic style, the girl will show a high level of preparation for the holiday, which will leave vivid memories in her memory and the memory of the invited guests for many years. An unlimited variety of topics for such an evening allows you to choose what suits the spirit and character of the birthday girl. Most birthday girls have interesting ideas for the holiday, but if there is no time to do this, you can always turn to the services of a toastmaster. Describe your preferences and ideas to him. He will organize a fun party and will be the host of the event. This will enable the hero of the occasion to completely relax and get the most out of the birthday celebration.

We offer several options for themed parties to celebrate a girl's anniversary.

  • Hawaiian party - it is bright colors, cocktails in coconuts and dances in ethnic style. Lots of decorations and simple costumes that are decorated with flowers will make this party incendiary. If desired, it can be organized both in winter and in summer. In the warm season, it is a good option for organizing on the beach, in the cold season at home, in a rented restaurant or in a bathhouse.
  • pirate Party Is an evening of adventure in Captain Jack Sparrow's style. You might think that this theme is more suitable for children, but it is not. This style makes it possible to come up with a storyline for the entire party. The search for treasures on the map will be accompanied by many competitions, laughter, logical thinking and agility of the participants. And besides, the original costumes of the guests will diversify the entourage, because it is always fun to recall a little youthful childishness.
  • Casino-style party - this is a large number of gambling games, expensive alcoholic drinks and sparkling crystal. Jazz music and adrenaline in the blood will not let the invited guests get bored.
  • Retro Party in the style of the Chicago mafia of the 30s of the last century - these are incredibly beautiful costumes and hairstyles, incendiary dances of mafiosi with their beautiful ladies. You can drink to America's Prohibition from 1920 to 1933, compete in darts for marksmanship, and roll the dice while playing roulette.
  • The oriental theme is mesmerizing. Belly dance in a tent with a rich entourage of gold, brass, the aroma of oriental sweets and hookah will not leave anyone indifferent. The birthday girl will feel like an Arab princess from the "Thousand and One Nights" fairy tales.
  • Hollywood party - the ideal option for a girl to celebrate her thirties. An expensive restaurant, chic outfits of the guests, men's tuxedos and the clicking of cameras will delight all guests. A sea of ​​expensive champagne, a red carpet, humorous nominations will give you the opportunity to break away from reality and get into the world of show business. It takes a little bit of money, but the result is worth it.

Contests and games

Thinking over the entire organization of the anniversary, it is worth deciding whether you want to spend your birthday with humor. If so, then you should prepare an entertainment program using various competitions, tasks and games. There are many options for games, both active and quiet, which are held without leaving the table.

A young woman-birthday girl can come up with these entertainments herself, and in the absence of time, turn to a professional for help.

For example, here are a few contests and games that you can include in your scenario for celebrating your thirtieth anniversary.

Let's start with the contests.

  • "Dress the lady." Pairs of participants are selected, which consist of a man and a woman. The female participants hold a skein of ribbon in their hand. Men should take this roll of ribbon without using their hands and tie it around the woman, giving the appearance of an outfit. Whoever wrapped the lady more beautifully, that pair won.
  • "Guess who drinks alcohol." Both men and women can participate in this competition. A clear liquid is poured into the glasses. Participants use a straw to drink it with minimal expression of emotion. The task of the audience is to guess who had vodka in the glass and who had water.
  • Contest "Maternity" requires the participants to display artistry. Couples involved: man - woman. The man seems to be standing under the windows of the maternity hospital and is gesturing to ask questions about the child to the woman who has just given birth. The windows in the hospital are tightly closed, so you can only communicate with gestures. The woman also answers questions with gestures. The facilitator prepares questions in advance, it is very important to diversify them and make them unexpected for the participants. The winner is the couple who did the best to make the guests present laugh.

There are active and inactive games, here are a few examples.

  • "Confession". Cards of two different colors are being prepared. Questions are written on dark cards, answers are on light cards. The participants in the game take turns first pulling out the question card, and then the answer to this question, voicing it aloud. The main point is that any answer must fit any question. For example, the participant pulls out the question "Do you like to enjoy your food?" Voices it, then draws out the answer "Only asleep and in slippers" - and also voices it. A very funny and interesting game that is played without leaving the table.
  • Active games. You can, for example, jump on one leg a distance of 10 meters, holding a glass full of water in your hand. Whoever jumps to the end with the glass with the most liquid in it wins. You can also quickly walk the same distance with a book on your head, a glass of water in one hand, or using a broomstick with your other hand. It will turn out pretty funny.

Original greetings

Each invited guest wants to congratulate the birthday girl in a special way. For creative people this is an easy task, but whoever's fantasy does not allow them to come up with something original, they turn to the Internet for help.

If the birthday girl is your friend, then you can give free rein to fantasy and come up with something like that. For example, write congratulatory words on whatman paper and glue joint photographs on it. At the same time, you can briefly describe a funny incident that happened to you - a second of memories will never hurt. Or inflate the balloons with helium and attach a card with a description of what you love about your friend to each ribbon on the balloon. The number of balloons is equal to the number of compliment cards.

Today, a very popular option for congratulating loved ones is video congratulations.

Parents usually congratulate their daughter with warm hugs and gentle words. These are the most anticipated congratulations. Some moms and dads prepare more seriously for congratulations and, while the birthday girl is sleeping, they quietly decorate the apartment. It turns out to be a real surprise in the morning. Parents can prepare a solemn speech and give it at the beginning of the meal at the table.

Beloved wife should certainly be congratulated first of all with tender words of love and a bouquet. As for the gift, she will be delighted with the jewelry box.

Script ideas

There are an infinite number of ideas for celebrating the thirtieth anniversary.Consider the option of celebrating in a restaurant with close relatives and friends. Let's write everything down in order.

  1. You can decorate the room with floral decorations and paper decor. It is better to choose a range of colors bright and joyful.
  2. Prepare a photo zone. Everyone is already bored with photographs against an incomprehensible background: they are all of the same type and uninteresting. Set up a location for photography. Stock up on a variety of hats, wigs, antennae on sticks and glasses. An unthinkable number of sincere smiles in photographs is provided.
  3. Arrange a flash mob with red balloons inflated with helium. All guests must bring helium balloons, and they must be released at the same time with the best wishes for the birthday girl.
  4. As entertainment during the meal, you can arrange a win-win lottery. Ask everyone invited to write their congratulations and their name on the card. Put all the cards in a small round vase, mix and pull out one by one, reading the contents of the congratulation. Give the person who posted the mini-prize.
  5. Few music contests will keep even the most desperate skeptics bored. For example, have a girls 'choir and a boys' choir. Give them two different popular songs, some prep time, and have them sing along to the backing track. It's going to be pretty fun.
  6. No fun birthday goes by without dancing. Gather two teams and arrange a dance battle with different compositions.
  7. Time capsule with promises. In a bottle, for example, from under champagne, you can put cards with promises to the birthday girl. Calling her every weekend, helping her once a month with cleaning the house - these may be the promises you made to the birthday girl and to each other.
  8. At the end of the evening, the birthday girl should take a selfie with each of the invited guests.

Birthday is a very joyful and bright holiday. It doesn't matter where you play it, in what style and with what script. The key to a fun pastime is your loved ones nearby.

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