
Hall decoration for the anniversary

Hall decoration for the anniversary
  1. Banquet hall decoration
  2. How to decorate your home?
  3. Photo zone for guests
  4. Party decoration on the street
  5. Illustrative examples

Anniversary celebrations are always bright and unforgettable moments that one wants to keep in memory of the hero of the day and his loved ones. Often, to celebrate this event, a trip to nature, a trip to a cafe or restaurant is organized, and in some cases the holiday is cheerfully and solemnly celebrated at home or in the country. To make the impression of a memorable day brighter and more solemn, you need to think about how to decorate the room where the celebration itself will take place. There are many options for this, and all of them are easily implemented.

Banquet hall decoration

A round date, which is usually called an anniversary, is a significant event in the life of any person. It is customary to give gifts and read out congratulations on the anniversary, but the decoration of the room where the solemn event will be held is also an important point. It's not bad if relatives of the hero of the day can take care of this and think over the theme of the scenery - it will be pleasant for an adult man at 55 or 70, 80, as well as for a woman, for example, at 60 or 65.

With the onset of middle age - 30, 35, as well as 40 or 45 years old - it is also customary to celebrate anniversaries.

A solemn event will bring great joy even to a very young man or girl, if 18 years old, as the moment of coming of age, is celebrated in an unusual and solemn manner.

It is now customary to organize crowded holidays in a cafe, and the decoration of its hall must be performed in accordance with the theme of the event. Styling options for decorating a celebration can be different - a party in the style of the USSR, a friendly evening in the sea cockpit, a pleasant holiday in nature, and so on.

There are many effective and inexpensive ways to decorate your anniversary.


Balloons can be a bright and spectacular way to decorate a banquet hall. They can be used to decorate walls and ceilings, an entrance group, tables. It is necessary to choose the color and shape of the balls based on the general style concept of the room. The decoration should be in harmony with the theme of the holiday, taking into account the age of the hero of the day and his guests.

For example, for an anniversary in honor of the 60th anniversary, it is worth choosing golden, silver, blue, white, red tones - such a color scheme will emphasize the solemnity of the event and respect for the age of the birthday person.

Volumetric numbers decorated with balloons look original. Such a composition can be monochromatic or consist of several matching colors. Figures indicating the age of the hero of the day are placed in the most conspicuous place. Sometimes helium balloons are used for this purpose. Such decoration always looks catchy and will not go unnoticed, creating a special mood for guests and the hero of the occasion.

Balls can be used to decorate the letters of the hero's name, made of dense material. It would be appropriate to make an inscription of congratulatory content in the form of decoration and decorate it with small balloons of different colors.

Another interesting option for decorating a hall can be flowers made from long and narrow balls. With their help, you can create a whole bouquet and place it near the stage or at the entrance to the hall. Smaller bouquets can be placed throughout the room or placed on the windows.

Such decor will add a touch of romance and mischief to the celebration, which will make the birthday man and his loved ones smile.

From such balls you can make a comic gift - a car or a motorcycle, as well as assemble a congratulatory panel on the wall.


Fresh flowers at all times have been an invariable attribute of the holiday. They can be used to decorate the banquet hall. For this you can form many small identical bouquets and place them on tables in the same type of vases. In addition, the table itself can be strewn with fresh rose petals, which will give the appearance of the event a touch of romanticism.

Most often, this is the way to decorate a room for holding women's festive events.

Flowers must certainly be present at the banquet on the occasion of the anniversary. Their presence enlivens the holiday surroundings, creates a special solemn atmosphere and makes bright accents in the decoration of the room. Garlands of fresh flowers, which can be placed on tables or hung on the wall where the birthday boy is sitting, can look no less attractive.


A budgetary decoration option can be paper figures made in the form of volumetric doves, clouds, balls or lanterns. They are placed on ribbons or strong threads that are attached to the canvas. Such figures greatly enliven the dance floor or stage.

With the help of three-dimensional figures in the form of flowers, you can decorate cardboard letters or numbers - the effect of such a decoration will be bright, and you can make such a decor with your own hands from corrugated paper or ordinary colored napkins. The resulting flowers are attached with glue to cardboard blanks.

Instead of flowers, you can make three-dimensional figures of hearts by folding them in half and gluing only one half to the blank. Such decoration will not go unnoticed.

Accordion balls or honeycomb balls are very popular when decorating a hall. The ribbed surface of this decoration creates light overflows and attracts attention. The balls can be hung on a string from the ceiling or made into a garland. Volumetric balls can be folded, and when decorating the hall, they will only have to be straightened and placed in pre-selected places.Such decor brings a touch of carnival to the celebration, which adds joy to everyone present.

Arches and garlands

An arch made of balloons or flower garlands can become an original decoration of the place where the birthday person or birthday girl will sit. This design is placed behind the person and visually distinguishes him from the general background of the guests. On both sides of the hero of the day there are stands, on which a stylized arch is attached.

The arch can be made both in a monochromatic version and in a multi-colored one. And it is also appropriate to place it at the entrance to the banquet hall. Numbers or letters decorated with balls, flowers or figures can be attached to the arch. If the festive event is sustained in a solid style, then the arch is made in the same color and style as other decorations.

Underline the date

When choosing a decoration for a hall or room where the celebration will take place, it is necessary to take into account the date of the hero of the day. For example, for the 20th anniversary, you can use bright white, blue, pink, red, green tones of the decor, which will emphasize the birthday boy's youth, his love of life and the opening of a new milestone in his life.

And if the holiday is celebrated by a 40-year-old person, it is worth decorating the hall with respect and restraint, emphasizing the status of the birthday person and his achievements.

As a rule, by this milestone, people have already formed family and professional spheres of life, which can be reflected in the decoration of the banquet.

As for anniversaries in honor of a solid date, for example, 60 or 70 years, it is worth noting not only the professional merits of the birthday person, but also to emphasize the presence of loving relatives - children and grandchildren.

Depending on the style of the festive event, decorations can be restrained and solid, or, on the contrary, bright and a little playful.

How to decorate your home?

Often, a solemn anniversary event on the occasion of a birthday is held in a house or in an apartment. Therefore, you can beautifully decorate the whole house or just a room for receiving guests.

To make the decoration pleasant for the hero of the day, it is worth focusing on his hobbies. - for example, if a person is engaged in photography, you can make a photo collage from his best shots and hang on the wall. The hikers will appreciate the tape with photographs of his travels collected in different years. Or perhaps it will be a home wall newspaper with congratulations from numerous relatives and friends.

For colleagues who have visited the birthday person on a holiday, a person can open up from a new, unfamiliar side to them.

An interesting option would be a wall paper congratulation made in the form of trailers, where each trailer will symbolize a certain milestone in a person's life. To decorate such a congratulation, you can also come up with a do-it-yourself decor. Everyone can write and put their congratulations and wishes for the birthday person in the wagon pockets.

At home, you can decorate the space with flowers, balls, garlands, hang a letter banner with wishes, and so on. Grandchildren can draw drawings in honor of grandparents and also join in the general congratulations.

Photo zone for guests

In order to preserve the celebration of the anniversary for a long time, the guests and the hero of the occasion must certainly take a picture. For this purpose, you need to think over a photo zone.... It can be in the form of a background of one-color balls, fabric draperies, decorative arches. A beautiful solution for a photo zone can be a lot of helium balloons rushing to the ceiling.

Beautiful frames can be obtained if you think in advance for guests with funny antennae, glasses, beards, curls that you can attach to yourself with a small stick glued to them on the side.

Playful and interesting photos can be taken using fake hats, boa feathers, oversized glasses, and so on. All this diversifies the photographs and makes them unusual and vivid.Such props can be purchased in advance in stores for the decoration of festive events.

Party decoration on the street

A gazebo in the country or a veranda canopy will be a great place for a holiday. The very environment of nature - trees, flowers, chirping birds, create a special pleasant atmosphere.

You can decorate the anniversary celebration not only with balloons and ribbons, but also with paper multi-colored pom-poms, assembled in the form of vertical or horizontal garlands.

They can be placed on the branches of tall trees or around the perimeter of the veranda. Such decorations are not afraid of wind and sharp branches.

Instead of pompons, you can use paper brushes. They are easily made from paper and are a catchy unusual decoration, which go well with fabric draperies, balls and ribbons. Such brushes can be purchased ready-made, the main thing is to choose different colors that will harmonize beautifully with each other.

Tassels or pom-poms can be kneaded at the same distance from each other using a bright cord for this purpose - thus, in a few minutes you will have a spectacular and inexpensive decoration that will not go unnoticed. As a decor, you can choose a tree or bush and decorate it with bows, flowers, ribbons, making a tree of happiness with wishes for the hero of the day. Garlands with accordion balls or honeycomb lanterns can be hung under the ceiling of the veranda, adding electric garlands there to enhance the effect.

The bushes, which are decorated with bright home-made flowers, will look beautiful. Such decoration will create the effect that the whole garden seemed to blossom in honor of the holiday for the hero of the occasion.

Illustrative examples

  • Transparent balloons, gathered in a common solemn composition, look bright, festive and fresh, in harmony with each other in size and color.
  • Satin ribbons will become a non-trivial decoration if you decorate with them a chandelier, tables or chairs. Iridescent satin creates a lot of highlights, and the ribbons sway with any movement around them.
  • You can emphasize the grace and aristocracy of the holiday with the help of candles. An even greater effect of solemnity can be obtained by using scented options.
  • Draping with light transparent fabrics can replace garlands and make the festive surroundings romantic and delicate. The fabric can be decorated with natural flowers.
  • Table decoration with fresh flowers looks attractive.

They can be placed on all tables, thereby effectively decorating a festive feast.

  • An interesting option for decorating a room can be a helium composition of multi-colored balloons of the same size directed towards the ceiling. The balls will be given expressiveness by ropes made of shiny serpentine.

The idea of ​​decorating the hall for the anniversary is presented in the next video.

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