
How to decorate the hall with your own hands for the 50th anniversary?

How to decorate the hall with your own hands for the 50th anniversary?
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Jewelry ideas for a woman
  3. How to arrange for a man?
  4. Design examples

It is customary to celebrate birthdays in a fun and interesting way. And if it comes to the anniversary, then you want to celebrate it somehow unusual and original. When organizing an anniversary on your own, you should take into account all the nuances and subtleties, starting from the choice of the hall and its decoration.


When designing a banquet hall, you should decide on the style of the event. They choose her, taking into account the personal preferences of the hero of the day. This could be:

  • the classic version of the banquet;
  • an evening dedicated to a specific event;
  • theme party such as retro style, nautical style, etc.

Having decided on the style, they begin to choose the venue itself. To do this, you need to take into account the number of invited guests, choose a suitable kitchen, find out the presence of a dance floor, live music.

It is customary to invite colleagues at work, friends, relatives, and family for an anniversary at 50 years old. That is, people who walked alongside the hero of the day for a long period of his life will gather in one place on this day.

A month before the anniversary, guests should send invitation cards indicating the date, as well as the theme of the event.

In the event that the choice fell on a costume party, guests are informed about this in advance.

When decorating a banquet hall or other premises, you should:

  • to develop the concept and idea of ​​decorating this event;
  • make decor at the entrance to the institution, decorate the adjacent territory;
  • decorate the banquet hall;
  • arrange table setting;
  • create a photo zone and a lounge corner.

The beautifully and tastefully decorated banquet hall will create a special atmosphere and cheer up everyone present. Compositions of numbers symbolizing the number of years lived are an excellent option for festive decor. These can be installations of their balloons, flower arrangements, options from fabric, paper and other materials.

Volumetric figures made from balloons will look very impressive. They can be combined with an arch made of balls or with a counter made to match the decor of the room.

Streamers and inscriptions "Happy Anniversary!" and "Happy Birthday!" will be an excellent choice for an anniversary for a man and a woman. Of course, you can buy ready-made banners with congratulations, but products made with your own hands will look more interesting, family-like.

Jewelry ideas for a woman

It is impossible to imagine any celebration without flowers. You can decorate the hall with your own hands using original flower arrangements. These can be individual bouquets, whole compositions or baskets. The birthday girl will appreciate a huge bouquet of roses of non-standard shades or a gift basket of orchids and other exotic plants. You can not limit yourself only to flowers and refresh the bouquet with fern, grape or pomegranate leaves.

An excellent option would be fruit bouquets, which include, in addition to flowers, delicious fruits and sweets.

Floral decorations will fill the space with beauty and exquisite scent. When choosing this design option, you should take into account the possibility of flower allergies in some guests.

A collage with a photo of the birthday girl will look original. You can just make a beautiful composition from a photo or arrange a collage in the form of the number "50". Complement the collage with sincere and warm wishes.

The easiest way to give a room a special holiday atmosphere is to decorate it with balloons. This decor will look great in a spacious room. Thanks to a large selection of such products, different shapes and sizes, as well as all kinds of colors, you can instantly transform any room.

Such elements will also look spectacular in the banquet hall.

  • Foil products in the form of letters, numbers or figures. You can build a celebrated date or the name of the hero of the day out of balloons. Foil balloons in the form of various figures such as hearts, stars or other figures suitable for the theme of the celebration will look good.
  • Balloon arches of different colors, as well as racks of them. The choice of this option will allow not only to decorate the room, but also to divide it into certain zones, highlighting the photo zone and the lounge zone separately. The color of the balls should match the overall style of the room.
  • Helium balloons. This is a great option for decorating a banquet hall when celebrating a woman's birthday. The use of helium allows the balloons to float in the air, creating the appearance of clouds. This option is suitable for enclosed spaces, otherwise the balls may fly away in strong wind or draft.
  • Modern versions with LEDs. They are best used as an alternative light source. They will create a romantic and light atmosphere in the hall.

You can buy surprise balloons with unusual filling inside in the form of sequins, streamers or confetti.

Decorating a room with balloons will not take much time, such work will not take more than 2-3 hours. At the end of the event, guests can enjoy the launch of lanterns of happiness or balloons with good wishes to the birthday girl.

How to arrange for a man?

A man celebrating an anniversary should celebrate his birthday with colleagues, friends, relatives. Men's anniversaries are usually more restrained and balanced. Their design, as a rule, contains the same materials as for a women's corporate party. The use of flowing fabric, fresh flowers, balloons and paper decorations will be a great addition to the chosen decor. Decorations made of textiles will also help in this. Use flowy draped fabric for areas that need to be highlighted.These can be walls, ceilings, tables, chairs or separate areas of the celebration.

In the design of the banquet hall, certain rules should be followed.

  • You should not use a lot of different tinsel and glitter. The furnishings should be more laconic, without any special frills.
  • Calm colors should be present in the interior. The color of the materials used for the drapery should be aged, like a good wine. In this case, it is better to choose dense material in white, red or dark blue.
  • Choosing the right lighting is an important factor in preparing a venue for a celebration. It is better for women to prepare candles for their anniversary. For a man, a disco ball or LED garlands are more suitable.

Bright inscription "Congratulations to the hero of the day!" will delight the birthday boy. A banner or picture depicting the hero of the occasion will perfectly fit into the festive decoration of the banquet hall.

When decorating the hall, a man of the anniversary can use a flag ribbon, which is a braid with bright flags. Such a flag garland is convenient to use, it does not take up much space, while such a decor looks very interesting and original. It is easy to install; to fix it, you just need to fix the ends in certain places.

It is advisable to allocate a separate area for photos, as well as a place where items and accessories significant for the hero of the day will be exhibited in the form of certificates, awards, sports equipment or just photo albums.

It's a good idea to organize a small buffet table for earlier guests. Refreshing drinks and small canapes will moderate your appetite.

You can end the holiday by launching a fireworks or showing a fire show. Colleagues and relatives will discuss such an event for a long time.

Design examples

DIY handmade paper decorations will stand out among standard garlands.

Balloon numbers, figurines, as well as inscriptions of different colors and shapes can give many memorable minutes to the guests gathered in the banquet hall and to the birthday man himself.

Floral arrangements and expensive textiles will be a wonderful table decoration. Its design is kept in a single color scheme. Fresh flowers in vases, figurines and candles will perfectly complement the decor.

It is not so important to elegantly decorate the banquet hall - it is much more important to fill it with pleasant memories of happily lived years.

Of course, decorating a room for an anniversary may seem like a daunting task, but the care that will manifest itself in even the smallest details will fill you with joy and will be remembered for a long time.

An example of hall decoration in the video below.

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