
Jubilee scenario options for a 65-year-old man

Jubilee scenario options for a 65-year-old man
  1. Choice of topics
  2. Interesting entertainment
  3. How to diversify your holiday?
  4. Script ideas

Today, when the so-called tube parties are considered the most coveted parties, when standard ideas are abandoned in favor of less popular ones, home birthday celebrations outperform restaurant ones. Although a home celebration can be transferred to the walls of a cafe, you can simply do everything without a toastmaster, with a self-organized festive "filling". AND The 65th anniversary of a man is a great opportunity to arrange just such a warm and sincere holiday on your own.

Choice of topics

A birthday party for dad and grandfather can be organized in an interesting way without the involvement of toastmaster and other event professionals. The Internet generously shares ideas, detailed recommendations, thoughts on the design of the holiday and, of course, the choice of topics.

The guarantee that the evening will turn out to be perfect, in a clear organization of the celebration.

How interesting to celebrate the men's 65th anniversary?

  • Photo album... If it is the idea of ​​scrolling through a photo album that has become the title, this theme can be played up comprehensively: to make an appropriate photo zone with posters, Polaroid pictures in the form of a garland. The entire scenario can be built on significant memories associated with the biography of the hero of the day.

And, of course, at the end of the evenings, you need to make a cool photo collage and then send it out in bright envelopes to all the guests. Or make a holiday email newsletter.

  • Surprise from family and friends. The essence of this idea is that the birthday party will be a surprise. Relatives can say that this is an ordinary trip to the country, for example, where everyone is quiet, in a family way. Or just gather at home for tea.But in fact, friends and relatives will be gathered, the house will be decorated, the table will be laid, and the birthday man will not even guess about it.
  • Festive picnic. If the hero of the day prefers nature, walks, fresh air to everything else, you can organize a small picnic for him. Collect everything you need - from "seats" to containers with treats a la buffet table, choose a place and ask the hero of the day to walk to a certain place. And there a "self-assembled tablecloth" will already be waiting for him (one or two people must be sent in advance to the organization of the "table").

This is a non-binding event, not pompous, it will not put the birthday person in an uncomfortable position. Especially if he doesn't want to spend his birthday too actively.

  • For the sake of a hobby... If the hero of the day has a pronounced hobby that everyone knows about, it can become the theme of the evening. From fishing to football, from chess to gardening, any topic can be made a headline.

The theme will be traced in the design of the table and photo zone, in the visual presentation of the birthday cake, in the game program and toasts.

The organization of the holiday must be led by someone. This can be a spouse who decided to make an evening for her beloved husband, or sons who were creative about their father's holiday. When everything is cooked at once, confusion turns out, and when someone is in command of the “parade”, there will be more sense.

Interesting entertainment

How to saturate the holiday, how to spend it so that everyone will definitely like it, the task is not always easy. It is necessary to build on the preferences and potential wishes of the hero of the day, on his habits, character, temperament. And also from the company that will gather at the table.

For home

A holiday organized in a family circle, at home, can be no less vivid and memorable than a restaurant celebration. And through good fun with games too.

Here are some things to do for a birthday scenario with your family.

  • "Let's sign a collage"... Whatman paper (or even part of a roll of wallpaper), glue stick and printed photos of the birthday boy are prepared in advance. Most likely these will be scans of real photographs. They have already been cut out and lie in front of the guests. The task of everyone is to stick the photo on whatman paper, beautifully and harmoniously, to make interesting captions for each of the photos. And then demonstrate an impromptu collage to the birthday boy.

Of course, the photos should be bright, iconic, and the captions should be humorous.

  • "Chair of Truth"... This competition is perfect to start your evening. If the family has children 7-10 years old, they will be ideal helpers. The bottom line is that each of the guests in advance must give an apt description of the hero of the day, expressed literally in one sentence: it can be a quote, a phrase from a famous verse or a line of a song. The hero of the day is invited to the center of the room, he sits on a chair, and he begins to "speak." In fact, somewhere behind there is a child who reads all the prepared statements in turn.

The birthday man's task is to guess who is the author of the characteristic. For each guessed answer, the author gives a candy to the child-reader.

  • "What's in the black box." Any container resembling a black box is selected. In it you need to add 5-7 things that very clearly characterize the hero of the day, are somehow connected with him. For example, a favorite fishing lure, a packet of seeds of a rare radish variety that the birthday man grows, and so on. And even better if it is a subject related to an interesting, cool story from the life of the hero of the day. For example, once on a first date, he gave his future wife a box of Bird's Milk chocolates. And in a black box there may be such (or almost such) box. When the presenter takes an object out of the box, the guests must guess what it is associated with. And the hero of the day - to confirm or refute the guesses.

At home, everyone is usually more relaxed, because such spiritual contests are always successful.

In the cafe

In advance, you need to put a small cute envelope under the cutlery of each guest. Each has a task. At a certain point, according to the scenario, the presenter must ask a particular guest to open the envelope and do what is written there. It can be some kind of recollection, written only in the form of a string, and the guest remembers and continues the story. Or is it a request to read a verse in honor of the hero of the day, sing a song with him with a guitar or something else. The task is crowned with a toast from the guest.

Another option for a cafe is entertainment called "Jubilee amulet". From a beautiful, possibly shiny yarn, you need to weave a long pigtail (variations are welcome). This pigtail initially looks like a string, bright and smart. The first guest who takes it in his hand recalls some pleasant moment connected with him personally with the hero of the day. And after this recollection, he wishes something to a man and ties a knot on a string. You can make not just a knot, but thread some kind of pebble, a bright bead in front of the knot. And so each guest does the chain. As a result, a whole necklace of warm memories and wishes is formed. The presenter ties it, forming a circle, and puts it on the hero's neck. He calls the necklace a talisman and asks to keep it as a memory and a magical symbol.

And, indeed, somewhere later you can hang it at home for a long memory of the warm celebration.

How to diversify your holiday?

Competitions alone will not fill a bright evening, incomparable with other holidays. It should contain entertainment, lyric moments, and communication.

Let's consider how to make the holiday more interesting.

  1. Print a beautiful menu for each guest, where all the dishes on the table will have their own exclusive name.
  2. Make a playlist in advance, which is filled with music for everyone and everyone, so that all guests of the evening feel comfortable.
  3. If someone cannot be present at the holiday, give him the floor via skype or other video communication option. Or ask to record a video greeting in advance.
  4. Thinking over the setting of the festive table - on the Internet there are a lot of ideas on how to make it fresh and original. If the anniversary, for example, is celebrated on the street, in the country house or near a private house, you can use examples of serving in a pastoral style.
  5. For the evening decoration of a street birthday, you can organize lighting - beautiful lanterns or small scented candles. As candlesticks, you can use ordinary cans with braid or twine twisted around the neck.
  6. You can invite a professional photographer to the holiday, lay the red carpet at the photo zone and take pictures of all the guests with the hero of the day.

A lyrical family moment can be a great ending to the evening.

This and the standard lighting candles in a circle, with the alternating pronouncement of warm wishes. You can all together write literally a couple of words-wishes on a pre-made beautiful paper boat, and then launch the boat into any body of water. If it's a pond on the site, that's great too.

Script ideas

The age of 65 is a good reason to make the celebration of the anniversary so that the birthday man remembers his birthday for a long time.

The plan-algorithm of the celebration includes several points.

  • Sending invitations... These can be both paper invitations and messages by e-mail in instant messengers.

If the participants of the celebration need to prepare something in advance, this can be mentioned in the mailing list.

  • Holiday decoration. Where and how the photo zone will look, how to organize the musical arrangement, and who is responsible for it, what to take as a decor, where to get props for comic contests and scenes - all this is thought out in advance.
  • Meeting with guests... If the party is not organized as a surprise, meeting guests can be like a social event. From the red carpet to camera flashes, you can beat a party like that. While the guests are gathering, they can be offered cocktails, light buffet-snacks.
  • Leading word. The holiday should have a presenter who sets the mood of the evening and structures it. He should invite everyone to take their places, he marks the reason for the meeting and makes the first toast.

The presenter must look bright, attractive, as they say, must be seen from afar.

  • Video greetings... This block must be written down. Some old friends from Odnoklassniki, colleagues, neighbors who cannot come to the evening, but would like to say kind words to the hero of the day, should be in this block. You just need to ask everyone to record their words on camera, and the person in charge of the holiday will edit them into one video sequence. Naturally, this should be a surprise.
  • Competitive program. When incendiary contests follow one after the other, guests quickly get tired and satiated. Therefore, before each competition there should be a break for refreshments, communication, maybe a dance program.

If the holiday is designed for 3-4 hours, 10 contests are enough for such an evening.

  • Lyric video clip. Scan old photos, add new ones, put a memorable video, make bright signatures, add your favorite music - this is how the video for the hero of the day will be ready. It is set towards the end of the holiday.

It can be shown on TV, computer monitor, multimedia installation.

  • Feedback. The birthday boy must be given the floor so that at the end of the evening he would thank the guests, perhaps address everyone.
  • Recording the events of the evening... You need to decide in advance who will take photos and video of the celebration. If everyone chaotically takes out their phones, then it may not be possible to put together the archive of the holiday. Therefore, it is easier to initially instruct someone to do this, and ask guests not to be distracted by their phones.

The finished photos and videos can then be thrown off to everyone personally, or sent to the general chat in the messenger.

  • Surprises from grandchildren, if there are children in the family, are required... These will be the most touching and immediate congratulations. Responsible adults should learn a song with toddlers in advance, learn poems, or even show tricks. And this should also be kept secret from the hero of the day.
  • You can ask each guest to come to the party with a balloon. And inside the ball, let everyone leave a rolled-up piece of paper with wishes or, for example, a lottery ticket.

The less the birthday person is aware of the script, the more interesting and touching the holiday will turn out.

No need to spare time and effort in organizing it: such events leave the warmest and longest memories and always pay off any kind of spending. Have a nice birthday!

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