
Board games and competitions for the anniversary of the woman

Board games and competitions for the anniversary of the woman
  1. Popular games for the female team
  2. Universal contests
  3. Fun options for a group of adults

An anniversary is a great holiday for a woman, and it doesn't matter at all how old she is. Usually this day is spent in the company of pleasant and close people. Contests and games will create a special atmosphere of fun.

It is worth choosing a good presenter in advance and preparing a camera.

Popular games for the female team

You can have fun at the table. In addition to simple jokes and conversations, there are contests and entertainment. Consider some suitable table games.

  1. Only a woman can do that. Each guest receives an interesting and unusual task. For example, you need to quickly put on your lips and write a message at the same time. Make-up is done with one hand, text is typed with the other. In everyday life, girls often turn this trick. The winner is the one who copes faster and better.
  2. Smile. Girls have to smile differently to win. For example, as a lover or as a mother to a child, as a winner of a game in a large lottery, and so on. The presenter or the birthday man makes a guess. The winner is collectively selected.
  3. What is in a women's cosmetic bag? The presenter prepares a large cosmetic bag with various items in advance. And for a change, you can add and not girly at all. The task is to get any object blindfolded and guess what it is.
  4. Cooking... An excellent competition for a female company. Without getting up from the table, you can show off your culinary skills. The host chooses any guest and tells him a letter. The participant must name the dish or its component for it. There is a nuance, you can use only those ingredients that are present in the guest's plate on the left. For more intrigue, you can limit the time to complete the task.For example, the winner is the one who speaks more words in 30 seconds.

Universal contests

A good company never gets bored. A woman's jubilee is a wonderful occasion for fun. Interesting universal contests will make the evening more eventful.

  1. Who thinks about what. The presenter prepares a bag of cards with letters on them. You can write several to make it more interesting. The player must get one card and name any word on the letter that comes across. The essence of the game is just fun. Quite unusual and funny variations usually sound.
  2. Kiss of the hero of the day. All guests are divided into two teams. The birthday girl is not included in any of them. She is located in the very center of the feast. Those who sit farther from the birthday girl start the competition. At the command of the host, you need to drink a glass of wine (or other drink) and kiss the next guest. So the relay is passed until the turn comes to the birthday girl. The team with the first kiss wins.
  3. Question answer. Depending on the age and proximity of the company, the game can always be upgraded. The host divides everyone into two teams. Each participant should be given a leaf and a pen. One team writes questions and the other writes answers. At the same time, no one should know what the player is writing specifically. All leaves go to the host. He lays out two piles, one containing only questions and the other containing answers. And now for the funniest part. The first guest takes a question and reads it out, the second reads out the answer. It turns out very funny options.
  4. Three words... The host prepares a box of cards in advance. Each one needs to write three separate letters. Guests take out one card each. It is necessary to come up with one compliment for each letter as quickly as possible. It is impossible to repeat what someone has already said.
  5. Pavlov effect. An extremely interesting pair competition. Every small team needs to be given a box of matches and an orange. One participant will be an academician, and the second will be a dog, relatively speaking. The second should peel and eat the orange while the first is holding a burning match. If the flame has gone out, then freeze. You can neither peel nor chew until Pavlov lights the next match. The winner is the couple who completes the task the fastest.

Fun options for a group of adults

Funny contests are popular at anniversaries. If all the guests are humorous, then you can laugh heartily.

Interesting variants of comic games will add fun to the holiday.

  1. Magic hat. You will have to prepare for the competition. It is necessary to make cuts of songs in advance. Each will target a specific guest. The host will also need a hat. All guests should be seated at the table. Declare that the hat is magical and can read anyone's mind. It is necessary to put it on the guest's head and at the same time include a suitable passage. Quite an interesting and funny game.
  2. Funny squirrels... For the competition you will need props, 5 walnuts each. The essence of the competition is to clean them only with the help of improvised means. The game is more interesting if you set the timer for 60 seconds. The winner is the player who comes up with the easiest and most unusual way to peel nuts. By the way, this must be done carefully. One of the conditions is that you cannot smash the nuts to smithereens.
  3. Comic lie. The presenter must choose the most sociable and positive person among all the invitees. The essence of the competition is simple. Someone asks the chosen one a question, anyone. For example, who painted this picture. The answer should be funny and creative, but quick. For example, I bought it from a crazy artist on the bridge. All those present should bring the respondent to clean water, refuting the answer with any arguments. The chosen player must defend his version to the end.
  4. Offer... A fun game that can go on throughout the evening. Next to the plate of each guest you need to put a card with a funny task. You can put it in an envelope so that others don't accidentally read it.During the evening, you need to ask various guests to open their envelope and complete the task. The assignments can be anything from asking for a good toast to something funny, like meowing a birthday boy's favorite song.

Better to ask to open the envelope quietly so that other guests do not understand that some task is being performed. It will be funny and unexpected.

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