
Table contests and games for the anniversary

Table contests and games for the anniversary
  1. Review of fun contests
  2. Mind games
  3. Entertainment for the elderly

It is simply impossible to imagine anniversaries without contests and games. Usually, the most funny, funny events are selected. However, in some cases, mind games will be more appropriate. If the hero of the day is elderly, then the entertainment should be approached especially carefully so that all guests can participate.

Review of fun contests

Board games for the anniversary should be thought out in advance. The choice of competitions depends on the age category of the guests and general interests. It is important that everyone has fun. First, you can conduct the "Guest Acquaintance". To do this, the facilitator must prepare a list of questions for all invitees.

The game "Why did you come?" Will allow you to relax. Notes with comic answers to the main question are prepared in advance. All cards are folded into a hat, box or bag. The players take out notes one by one and voice their answers to the main question of the presenter. Card options:

  • to borrow money;
  • want to eat deliciously;
  • nowhere to sleep, wife (husband) kicked out;
  • want to have fun;
  • decided to steal a couple of spoons, the house is not enough;
  • I like the birthday cat, I wanted to play.

An unusual game "What's in your name" will test your wit. A bag of prizes is being prepared for all guests. The name of each gift begins with one of the letters of the name of the hero of the day. Participants must guess objects. The winner is the one who collects the most gifts.

You can write a collective ode for the birthday person right at the table. Contestants write one phrase on a piece of paper and fold it so that the text cannot be seen. In this case, the player calls the next one the last word, because it is important to observe the rhyme. The ode is read to the hero of the day and to all those present.

Usually the winner is not singled out, but if you wish, you can mark the author of the funniest line.

It is also unusual to present gifts. In the game "Sending", the host asks the guests to transfer a gift from one to another, depending on some peculiarities. For example, give it to a girl in a beautiful dress or to a guest born in May. The gift should eventually reach the birthday person.

The Milkmaids competition requires a little preparation. It is worth stocking up on disposable gloves for each of the participants. They are filled with water and tied on top. The gloves must be hung on the ropes, additionally secured with clothespins or clips. The presenter quickly walks along the row and makes holes in the finger of each glove, gives the command to start.

Competitors must milk all the water from the glove as quickly as possible into any suitable container.... The winner is the one who completes the task first. Multiple winners can be selected. In this case, it is worth picking up different prizes. The competition is quite interesting, unusual and suitable for a company of any age.

For the Jubilee Hedgehog game, all guests should be divided into two teams. Each receives a fruit with 60 skewers or toothpicks. The task of the teams is to get all the “needles” as quickly as possible and give compliments for the birthday boy. You can use more than 60 toothpicks, then the task will be more interesting.

Role-playing games for anniversaries are very popular. Among these is the "King of beasts". Usually the role of the lion is given to the hero of the day, seating him on the throne. The king of beasts points to any player and shows with gestures what kind of animal he is. The guest in his role must approach the lion.

So, you need to jump to the throne like a hare or crawl like a snake. When all the animals have already gathered around the lion, the winner is chosen. Usually the smartest competitor wins. It is important that the hero of the day should not utter words, but show the roles of the players only with gestures.

The whole evening can be filled with small contests and puzzles. So the holiday will not become boring, guests will not lose interest. In the course of all games, it makes sense to take funny photos as a keepsake.

Comic and humorous games for an adult company.

  1. "Broken phone". A game familiar from childhood. The first player writes a word on a piece of paper and passes it to the last one, who does not open the note. Next, he whispers the word to the next one. It is important that no one else can accidentally hear what is said. And you can't repeat it. The second participant then transmits exactly what he could hear. The last player speaks out loud. Usually the word is different from what is written in the note.
  2. "Smile". On the cards, all the guests of the holiday write how the birthday boy should smile. For example, like a lover or a hamster. You can connect not only the birthday person to the task, but all the players as well.
  3. "Assorted". The main thing is to pick up sweets. The titles are sealed. Contestants must taste the candies and guess the filling. Such a sweet task should be left for dessert.
  4. "What do you have". The company is divided into two teams. The presenter says the phrase: "Who has ..." and names any subject. Players must present the name, if any. For each item, the team receives 1 point.
  5. "Who does he look like." You need to prepare two pairs of cards: with phrases and with pictures. Phrases should describe the various situations in which the player may be. For example, you can write: "When I do not drink coffee in the morning, it looks like ..." and everything in this spirit. The second category is cards with the image of funny cartoon characters, vegetables, animals. Players first draw out a card with a phrase, and then with a picture.

Mind games

Interesting home contests will be more entertaining if they make you think. While sitting at home, you can play mind games. A very interesting option is called "What does it look like?" The presenter writes the name of any subject on a piece of paper. Players say different words while trying to guess what the thing looks like.

When everyone has voiced their own version, the presenter opens the leaflet. Now the players must make a case for their comparisons. For example, a bicycle is conceived, but an egg is named. In this case, you can tell that they roll in the same way. The game often picks up unexpected turns and amuses players of all ages.

Another fun entertainment is Definitions. You will need 5-8 people to play. The presenter should prepare a little, flip through several dictionaries in search of more interesting words. 5-8 copies are selected like "bazarduzu" or "mimosa". The presenter voices the words, and the players write their definitions on pieces of paper separately from each other.

Now everyone submits their answers and the second stage of the game begins. The facilitator reads out an arbitrary number of definitions of each word and among them - the correct one. The players must again write the number of the answer that, in their opinion, is most similar to the real one, on the sheets of paper. You can proceed to the last stage. Each player is awarded 2 points for finding a vocabulary definition and 1 point if another player's answer was selected.

Another interesting intellectual game is "Changeling". The presenter invites the players to guess the usual proverbs from the text that describes their meaning. Examples of tasks for the participants of the competition.

  1. Accept the gift, not discuss it. Answer: they don't look a gift horse in the mouth.
  2. Every day of life brings new experience, one should study without stopping and endlessly cognize the world. Answer: live and learn.
  3. Even if the case is very difficult, it must be completed. Answer: took up the tug, do not say that it is not hefty.
  4. Using catch phrases in speech is just as important as seasoning your meals. Answer: speech without the proverb that soup is without salt.
  5. It is better to take some action right away than to talk a lot about the situation. Answer: do not rush with your tongue, hurry with deeds.

An interesting contest "The Hatter's Riddles" can be adapted for a company of any age and status. The crazy eccentric loved to ask Alice tricky questions, so the presenter will do the same with the participants. Previously, it is worth writing down all the riddles on leaves and putting them in a hat. Examples of questions with answers.

  1. How many months are there in a year with 28 days? Answer: all 12.
  2. Under which tree does the squirrel hide during the rain? Answer: under wet.
  3. What kind of water can you carry in your sieve? Answer: frozen.
  4. What fields don't have grass? Answer: on the brim of the hat.
  5. What doesn't move, but goes from city to city? Answer: road.

An intellectual competition for a small company for 3-5 people is called "Word Expert". Each player is given a piece of paper and a pen. You should draw 6 columns and sign them like this: country, river, animal, name, plant, city. Any arbitrary letter is selected, you can simply poke into a book or newspaper for this. Then you should come up with 1 word for each category.

You can sequentially choose several letters or limit the time to make the competition more interesting. Answers are checked and evaluated on a simple basis. For the original word 10 points are assigned, if nothing could be thought of at all - 0 points. It happens that the words of the players coincide, for this 5 points are given. The winner is the one with the most points.

There is an interesting role-playing intellectual game that will allow everyone to have fun. Paired Dialogues require an even number of players. Each pair gets incompatible roles. For example, a psychiatrist who needs to be diagnosed with schizophrenia, and a professor who proves that 2 + 2 = 4. You can come up with any heroes and situations.

Entertainment for the elderly

Anniversary contests for older people should be simple but entertaining. Quests can be carried out at the table so that the players do not have to physically strain. Interesting contests and quizzes for seniors.

  1. "Guess me." To do this, guests must bring a baby photo with them.All pictures are laid out on the table, and the guests should get to know each other. The competition is simple but fun. Everyone will be able to immerse themselves in memories and share an interesting story. These games are very close.
  2. "Interesting case". Everyone writes a funny story from their life on a piece of paper. Everything is folded into a box or bag, mixed. The pieces of paper are handed out in random order, and the stories are read out. The task of all players is to guess the author of the story.
  3. "Guess the melody". The game is classic and well-known to everyone. You can play tunes on a musical instrument or turn on recordings of songs. It is only important to choose the right repertoire based on the age of the players.
  4. "Cube of Memories". A decade is selected, for example, 80s. A die is thrown, and depending on the number, the events of the required period are remembered. For example, 5 falls out, then we are talking about stories from the distant 1985.

Elderly people need sedentary, but interesting contests for their anniversary. The items on the list can be arranged right at the table, but you should not start the evening with it. Competitions will immerse everyone in memories, and it is important to have time to enjoy the atmosphere of the holiday. There are other interesting games that will allow you to have fun even in old age.

"Force Majeure"

Pre-prepared cards, which describe various unforeseen situations. The blanks should be distributed to the participants in the game. Everyone should use their life experience and ingenuity as much as possible to talk about all the advantages of the described situation. The player who can describe more points wins.

There are a lot of options for the described situations. On the card, you can tell about a lost wallet in the subway, a sudden storm during a cruise.

There are also more unusual options, for example, all people on the planet disappeared or the player was locked in a theater for the night. Everything is limited only by the imagination of the compiler.


There are several variations of this competition. Each player is given a piece of paper and a felt-tip pen. It is necessary to paint a portrait of the person on the left. The winner is selected based on the likelihood of the drawing.

Another option is entirely centered around the birthday person. It will be he who will choose the winners. The players are divided into two teams. Each is provided with a drawing paper and felt-tip pens. Team members take turns blindfolding and painting a specific part of the body or face.

"What to do with him?"

Prepare a large box with various items in advance. There should be a couple more of them than players. It will turn out quite interesting if you put youth items in the box, for example, a smart watch, a spinner, a skate for your fingers. Competitors must take out things and talk about their application. To complicate matters, you can blindfold the players so that they determine the destination by touch.

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