
How to celebrate a 50th birthday woman?

How to celebrate a 50th birthday woman?
  1. Birthday preparation
  2. Interesting contests and games
  3. How to congratulate the birthday girl?
  4. Script ideas

50 years is a very important date in the life of every woman and her loved ones. That is why it is necessary to celebrate the anniversary brightly so that the most positive emotions remain. We have prepared for you several recommendations that will allow your son, daughter or sister of the birthday girl to prepare an unforgettable party.

Birthday preparation

The fiftieth anniversary is important not only for a woman, but also for her immediate family, friends and colleagues. All of them on this memorable day are trying to express their love, sincere sympathy and gratitude - you should not deprive them of this opportunity. On the contrary, you need to create a creative party format to emphasize the youth, beauty and originality of the hero of the day.

On this day, everyone should be shown that a woman who has crossed the 50th milestone can be energetic and active.

In preparation for the celebration, the following issues must be resolved:

  • holiday scenario development;
  • choice of premises corresponding to the intended theme;
  • design decoration of the hall;
  • development of contests and games;
  • preparation of a congratulatory block;
  • selection of material for sound and musical accompaniment of the event;
  • if necessary - ordering toastmaster and artists of different genres;
  • organization of professional photo and video filming.

Be sure to think over the list of guests, on this day a woman should see only those people who are truly close and pleasant to her.

However, if the budget allows, then you can invite loved ones according to the number of years lived. Fifty guests for such a party will be just right.

If you are planning to celebrate the anniversary on a grand scale, you cannot do without a beautiful banquet hall. It is better to immediately refuse to receive guests at home, so you can save yourself the hassle of preparing, serving a banquet and subsequent cleaning. If possible, involve professional hosts, musicians or magicians. Many people come to such an anniversary with their children and grandchildren - think over the child's employment in advance, it is best to hire a cheerful animator.

To decorate the premises, you can choose any concept, but the number 50 should be dominant. Pull a rope around the perimeter of the festive hall and place 50 photos of the birthday person on it. Hang 50 plaques from the ceiling with words that characterize the personality, achievements and successes of the hero of the day. Be sure to inflate fifty helium balloons in the favorite tint palette of the hero of the occasion, they must steal the hall itself, as well as the arch at the entrance to the room.

Interesting contests and games

The holiday program should not be limited to a banquet and the recitation of standard toasts. On this important day, you cannot do without contests and exciting fun, scenes with humor and other entertainments.

For home

For a home celebration, you can suggest the following funny drinking games.


The host of the event reads out to each of the invited a question related to the personality of the hero of the day, her hobbies, tastes and preferences. For example, "Our birthday girl prefers in the morning":

  1. juice;
  2. milk;
  3. tea;
  4. coffee.

There are four possible answers to each question. Guests can take a hint "50/50" - in this case, the presenter leaves only a couple of options, and the participant in the game must choose the right one. If the player can guess the correct answer without a hint, he is entitled to a souvenir from the birthday boy; if he gives an answer with a hint, he gets the simplest prize, for example, a candy or a chocolate bar. And if he does not give an exact answer, he must fulfill any wish of the birthday girl.

Numbers, digits, dates

Guests are divided into several teams. Each must, in a certain time, remember as many dates and numbers from the life of the birthday girl and describe. For example, on May 25 she was born, on September 6 she got married, on February 17 she gave birth to a son, and so on. The team whose members name the most numbers will win.

Steam locomotive by age

Guests of all ages must be divided into two teams. The goal of the participants is to build an "age train", that is, to get up from the oldest to the youngest. That is, the oldest guest will stand in front, behind him - a little younger, then even younger, and the youngest guest closes the row.

Thus, the invitees will be able to have fun and also find out which of those present is how old.

What is the age of the birthday boy?

For each guest, the toastmaster prepares a short story from the life of the hero of the occasion, describes an event. For example: “That year Irina cut her long hair / was able to win the heart of her chosen one / had a big promotion”. The participant in the fun must guess how old the birthday girl was at the time of this incident.

Wonderful songs

A very interesting competition will turn out if you divide the guests into two teams. In one, gather participants under 30 years old - it can be called "Trainees", and in the second invite older participants - let them be "Professionals". The facilitator should talk about a song, and the team members should figure out what it is about. Whoever guesses earlier which song is conceived is the winner. For example:

  • “In this song, the performer is addressing a little boy.
  • It sings about hard work on earth.
  • In response to the request of the elders, the child responds with a sharp refusal and fooling around.
  • This is a song about Belarusian pride and a boy with red hair. "
  • The correct answer is: "Antoshka, let's go dig potatoes."

In a few words

In this fun, each of the guests is invited to name five words-memories of the funniest and most curious situation in which he found himself with the hero of the day, and the birthday girl will have to remember what it is about. Let's say an apartment, curtains, backing, misunderstanding. This may be a situation when a person confused the house of the hero of the day with the house of her neighbors because the same curtains hung on the windows. But when he saw that other people lived there, he immediately reversed.

During this fun, all guests, including the hero of the day, will remember the most curious cases. Believe me, it will immediately cheer everyone up.

Blind artist

The participants in the assignment are divided into teams. In each of them, one player stands out, he is blindfolded and given a sheet of paper with a pencil. The rest are given a picture that the "blind artist" must draw. Team members cannot tell him what to portray - but they can suggest the direction of hand movement (left, down, up, square, triangle, circle). The winner is the team whose drawing is as close to the original as possible.

50 compliments

The guests are again divided into several teams, each needs to come up with exactly 50 pleasant compliments for the hero of the occasion in 5 minutes. Only those epithets that are not repeated in the words of different commands will be counted. The winners are the participants who will give the most unique compliments.


This is a very interesting competition. Each invitee is given a piece of paper where he must leave his mark - kiss with painted lips, outline an arm or leg, leave a noticeable fingerprint.

The task of the hero of the day is to guess who each trace belongs to.

In the cafe

If the holiday is held in a cafe, then you can include more active fun in it.

Dance marathon

The facilitator selects several pairs of participants. When the music comes on, they dance. As soon as the melody stops, the participants must swap one of the things they are wearing with each other as soon as possible. The couple who did it last knock out.

The game lasts until one couple remains - they must be handed sweets or a bottle of champagne.

Lighter stick

The guests stand in a circle, the presenter gives them an object and they begin to pass it to each other with music. Suddenly, the melody is interrupted. The person who at this moment has the object in his hands goes to the center and begins to fulfill the wishes of the birthday girl:

  • dance a dance;
  • to dedicate a song to the hero of the day;
  • show focus.


And, of course, what holiday is complete without forfeits. The rules are familiar to everyone. The presenter approaches the guests and asks them to pull a piece of paper with the task out of the box. The player's task is to complete it. Fanta can be the most unexpected.

  • Finish the phrase: "I want our birthday girl in the future ...".
  • Tell us the funniest incident in the life of a hero of the day.
  • Sing Happy birthday in a squeaky voice.
  • Compliment each guest.
  • List the dishes that the birthday girl prepares best.
  • What is the lady's favorite color?

How to congratulate the birthday girl?

Celebrating a woman's fiftieth birthday should start with a solemn part - she will give the whole event a sense of solidity and significance. This block should include holiday greetings from relatives, friends, and colleagues. The style of congratulations should be businesslike, since such a solid date presupposes a respectful attitude towards the hero of the day. But do not forget that the lady accepts congratulations, so solemn speeches must be diluted with an emotional component.

Refuse jokes and comic congratulations, which are often used on men's holidays - such words can only be pronounced by old friends and close relatives in the bosom of the family. All other guests should try to show respect for the birthday girl, admire her achievements, her ability to combine the roles of a mother, wife, girlfriend and a successful business woman.

After congratulations, you need to give the floor to the hero of the occasion, let her thank the gathered friends and briefly talk about what awaits the guests next.

Script ideas

The scenario of the anniversary should be composed in such a way as to take into account the personal preferences, tastes and hobbies of the birthday girl, as well as her physiological characteristics.

So, you should not arrange an incendiary dance extravaganza if the birthday girl has a sick heart or problems with the musculoskeletal system.

We offer some interesting ideas for the celebration.

Styles over 50

The 50th anniversary of the woman can be celebrated in the style of dandies. There was a time when they were considered the real idols of youth - they were revered, worshiped, and young people tried to imitate them in every possible way. A few decades later, they returned again - this time on the big screens and again won hearts. By organizing a party in this style, you can combine the interests and tastes of several generations at once, at such a party it will be fun for both older people and young people.

Be sure to warn guests to wear appropriate outfits. It is best to hold such an event in the style of "Shooting a Musical".

Such a concept will allow you to remember your favorite songs - fortunately, modern technology with the possibility of karaoke allows everyone to have a lot of nostalgia.

Golden jubilee

In this case, the decor of the room, clothing and the entire entourage should be literally saturated with a rich golden color. Balloons and streamers from a golden color scheme will be appropriate here - they should convey all the pomp and luxury of the upcoming holiday. The food should be the most delicious, the cake should also be sprinkled with golden sugar crumbs. And, of course, at such a holiday you cannot do without bubbling gold in a glass - champagne, and for the youngest guests - lemonade.


The idea of ​​such an entertainment program is to restore the brightest and happiest moments in the life of the birthday girl. We warn you right away that preparing for such a party will be troublesome and take a lot of time. Most likely, one person will not be able to cope with it. Ask relatives and friends of the hero of the day to take part in the preparation of the event.

Make a photo collage with pictures of the birthday girl, prepare a short video based on home videos. Even cartoons will be useful on this day.

Historical masquerade

This holiday will bring together at one table representatives of various historical eras - Peter the Great, Catherine II, Emperor Nero, Queen Elizabeth and Alexander the Great.

Guests just need to choose an image that suits them in character and at the right time arrive at a dinner party in an appropriate suit.


Not a single birthday girl will remain indifferent to an unusual party organized in the style of a film festival. Her paraphernalia is obvious - a red carpet, glamorous photos for the magazine at the entrance, as well as a strict dress code for guests.

Be sure to prepare the stage - there the invited "stars" will be able to express the main thoughts and feelings about the event.

It is advisable to prepare several short films dedicated to this or that historical event in the life of the hero of the day. Be sure to reward the main actors - participants in those events with the statuettes of the film academy.

But if the birthday girl does not want to arrange traditional gatherings, then you can safely suggest that she exchange the official banquet for an exciting, original and somewhat crazy adventure:

  • jump with a parachute;
  • learn to swim underwater;
  • spend the whole day in a beauty salon;
  • go surfing in summer or snowboarding in winter;
  • go to the city that she has always dreamed of;
  • go to a concert of your favorite artist;
  • arrange a great shopping;
  • spend the night in a five-star hotel;
  • go on a sea cruise;
  • get a tattoo;
  • visit the quest room;
  • sign up for dance lessons;
  • try your luck at the casino.

Well, or just take a vacation, forget to work and devote the whole day to relaxation and meditation. The main thing is to enjoy your fiftieth anniversary.

Having thought over all the nuances of the thematic holiday, even with a limited budget, you can celebrate an unforgettable anniversary. This date should become not only a reason for holding the results, but also the beginning of new plans and emerging prospects.


Thank you very much for your advice and ideas.

Thanks a lot! All to the point!


the beauty
