
How to celebrate the anniversary of a 55-year-old woman?

How to celebrate the anniversary of a 55-year-old woman?
  1. Holiday design features
  2. How to congratulate the birthday girl?
  3. Interesting contests and games
  4. Script ideas

Birthday is the most anticipated and beloved holiday, including for women at the age of 55. Every year, an increasing number of relatives join the celebration, and the circle of friends is expanding. All close people strive to congratulate the birthday girl and give her an unforgettable experience, and the number of such close ties can be very impressive. Of course, I would like to invite everyone to their birthday, but quickly organizing a large company is a very difficult task. Therefore, in order to organize a funny memorable anniversary at 55 years old, it is necessary to start preparing in advance - each guest will feel comfortable if the entertainment plan is well thought out, and none of those present will be left on the sidelines.

Holiday design features

When you celebrate such a date, you should not limit yourself in your desires - celebrate as your soul requires, dare to dream, and your loved ones will support and help you make everything happen. In order to have an interesting and fun anniversary for a 55-year-old woman, first of all, you need to choose a place for the celebration.

The anniversary should be celebrated so that the birthday girl feels young and full of strength, which means that every effort must be made so that she can fully have fun and forget about her age.

There are a huge number of different ideas on how to celebrate the 55th anniversary in an unusual way, so the question arises: how to choose the right place. This largely depends on the number of guests and the time of year - it would be completely inappropriate to gather people in the open air in winter. We offer you several ideas for the location of the celebration at different times of the year.

  • Birthday in the summer offers the greatest variety in choosing a place. - good weather and a lot of entertainment will not leave anyone indifferent. Focusing on the age of your company, you can celebrate a merry birthday on the open summer area of ​​a cafe or restaurant - this will save you the hassle of preparing dishes, and after the holiday there is no need to clean up and wash mountains of dirty dishes. Comfort and coziness are the two main advantages of a holiday in a cafe.

And also in the summer you can celebrate the anniversary in nature - let this option be a little more laborious for the organizers, but for the guests and the birthday girl this day will be a great memory, besides, in nature, the number of guests is only limited by your choice. In summer, even rainy weather will not spoil a holiday in nature - you can rent a country house by the river, which will insure you against bad weather.

In such a place, there is often an opportunity to ride a yacht along the river, for the company it will be an additional interesting pastime, and maybe even a reason for a themed party in the style of the "Titanic" movie.

  • In winter, you can also organize an equally memorable fun holiday. To celebrate your birthday in the cold season, you should choose a warm and cozy place - a cafe or restaurant would be a great idea. But don't limit yourself to this option. In recent years, such entertainment as the disco bus is gaining popularity - it is something like an improved version of a limousine. You will drive around the city in warmth and comfort, while you will have time to visit many different locations with beautiful landscapes when the driver makes stops. Inside there is a bar, a dance floor and a relaxation area with a table and sofas - everything you need for a positive mood of the holidaymakers. In addition to the above, there is karaoke on the bus - surely everyone present has their favorite songs with which you can congratulate the birthday girl, and you can also sing the immortal hits with the whole company.

Nice music and a little dancing will definitely lift the mood of the whole company, and the unusual place will leave an unforgettable experience.

The next stage of preparation is to take care of the decoration of the room where it is planned to celebrate the birthday. The birthday girl will be very pleased to see the room specially decorated in her honor, especially if it is done with love. In addition, you can decorate the venue according to the chosen theme, this will simplify the choice of decorations. Of course, an arch and a fountain with balls would be a win-win option - in addition to decoration, they will become an excellent photo zone. For a 55-year-old woman's anniversary, the best room decorations can be bright moments of her life: printed photos of previous birthdays or just pleasant events, things that remind of the great importance of a woman in a family or team, and even a video greeting with the participation of all guests.

Garlands and a disco ball will be useful - these items create a festive atmosphere even for no reason.

How to congratulate the birthday girl?

When the date of the anniversary is getting closer, each invited guest begins to come up with an original congratulation. It is not easy to come up with it when you have known each other for many years: it seems that you have already tried all the ways to make a surprise. But do not be upset, human imagination knows no boundaries, there are infinitely many ways to pleasantly surprise the birthday girl.

Any attention is pleasant for the birthday girl; every minute of her birthday should pass for her in a sense of celebration. Therefore, it is necessary to start congratulating from the moment when the hero of the occasion just woke up - this will charge her with positive for the whole day and set the tone for the holiday.

The most successful congratulations from children will be a small quest, because children love games, and adults love to spend time playing with children. The hero of the occasion can go through the quest both before the start of the holiday and during it.

Say a few congratulatory words to the woman and hand her a small box for her to take as a gift. Place a note in the box indicating where to look for the next clue. Put sweets or other favorite treats of the birthday girl next to each new note - this will add excitement to an unusual congratulation. Thus, you can bring the birthday girl to a real gift, or you can arrange a surprise with a large company and shower the hero of the occasion with a large amount of confetti.

When all the guests are assembled, you can begin to congratulate the woman on her anniversary in turn. This issue should also be taken very responsibly, so that all the words spoken by the guests bring only good emotions. It won't be very interesting if guests congratulate with words taken from old postcards or boring repeating phrases. A little humor should be added to the atmosphere of the celebration, so that it would be interesting for both the guests and the hero of the occasion.

You can prepare in advance a list of words from which guests need to make a congratulation - these can be the character traits of the birthday girl, the names of the objects with which her profession is associated, or short comic statements. Write these words on sheets of paper and put them in an opaque bag so that no one can see what is inside in advance. The task of those present will be to select a sheet and come up with a congratulation using a joke written on it or a character trait of the birthday girl.

Such an activity will make the holiday very cheerful and will allow you to emphasize all the merits of the birthday girl.

Interesting contests and games

On a birthday, you cannot do without games and contests, no one will like a boring feast without incendiary entertainment. It must be remembered that holding contests is intended not only to feel the taste of victory, but also so that the invitees rally together and support each other. The spirit of competition is familiar to every person, so it is worth considering that there will be guests of different ages at the holiday. You should not put a pair in which one side has a clear advantage to compete with each other - select participants in the game with approximately the same capabilities.

For incendiary outdoor games, choose young people, and leave quieter contests for older guests, among whom is the hero of the occasion.

Entertainment can also be divided into female and male parts of the company, this will expand the variety of games and add a little thrill to the holiday. You can add more excitement to the players if you prudently stock up on small presents. Care should be taken to ensure that gifts go to all guests - someone for the victory, someone as a consolation prize.

Here are some examples of small presents:

  • fridge magnet with wishes for the owners or just with cute animals;
  • scented candles will always be a good present in a female team;
  • decorative sweets, for example, candies, marshmallows or macaroons - a good gift for children or adults with a sweet tooth;
  • small bottles of alcohol are a very unusual present, adult women and men will definitely appreciate such a delicacy;
  • huge glasses, fake mustaches, hoops with ears - all these things will add fun to the holiday.

It doesn't matter where exactly you started your entertainment - at home or in a cafe, they can be divided into two main types: drinking and mobile. It will be wise to plan them before the anniversary.


When the guests have gathered at the table, said a few toasts and had a snack, you can have a little fun with drinking games. This is a convenient type of activity, because guests can have fun without unnecessary fuss, without rushing to continue their meal. The simplest entertainment can be a classic congratulation song, and it will sound especially good if the guests rehearse the lyrics beforehand. But that's just one little fun.

There are quite a few board games; here are a few examples.

  • Fanta. Great game for a feast, because it involves making a toast. To play it, you need a presenter. He will collect one small phantom item from all the guests and put them in a box. The birthday girl should take out the items in turn, and the person who owns this item says congratulations in honor of the hero of the day and drinks alcohol.

  • A game about happiness. Fun with humor, so warn players right away not to take it seriously. In this comic game, each person learns what he lacks for complete happiness. For this competition, it is necessary to prepare in advance the sheets with the inscription of what is needed for happiness, and put them in a bag. The rules of the game are very simple, entertainment is suitable for all guests. The one who pulls the sheet, says the words: "To be happy, I need ..." and reads the written text.

There are a lot of options for funny reasons for happiness, for example, "fly into space", "shave off your beard", "drink a glass", "put on a pink terry robe", "kiss the birthday girl on the cheek", "wrap yourself in a blanket."

  • Applause. This game is a test of the guests on how well they know the hero of the day. For the competition, it is necessary to prepare in advance real and invented events, habits or hobbies from the life of the birthday girl. If the guests believe that a fact of life is real, then they should applaud, and if they think that this is a lie - stomp their feet.

You can also treat the game with humor and write absolutely fantastic events, for example, “the birthday girl loves to have breakfast in the president’s company” or “prefers to go out only during a lunar eclipse”, also a funny option would be “always drinks a glass of water three days before eating ".


Of course, outdoor games should also be included in the program, the whole holiday will not be interesting to sit at the table. But also do not forget that among the guests there may be people of radically different ages, you need to take this into account during the contests. It will be reasonable to alternate active games with dancing, invitees need time to rest.

The main task of entertainment is to have a good rest and have fun, and if you do not take breaks, adults can get tired of constant stress.

Be responsible for the choice of games for different guests, to do this, divide them into groups by age in advance and choose the ones that are suitable for them. It is important that the birthday girl feels great, in no case should contests remind that age can limit her strength.

Here are some examples of mobile entertainment for the 55th anniversary.

  • "The Diamond Arm". For the competition it is necessary to recall the famous film of the same name. The participants must be divided into groups of three, in which two are smugglers, and they must hide the jewelry in plaster of paris for the third. For all teams, you need to prepare bandages and "jewelry" - coins, chains, beads, jewelry. On command, the smugglers begin to bandage the treasure on the hand of the third person - the first team to cope with the task wins.

  • Harvesting. For this game, divide the guests into two groups, each must be given a pair of the largest galoshes that you can find. Each team is lined up in a column, at a short distance from the column, place a plate with small fruits or berries. After the “start” command, each participant in turn puts on galoshes and runs to the “harvest” on a plate, eats one berry and hurries back, passing the baton to the next in the column.

All this action will look very comical, it can be filmed and then shown to the participants. The first team to reap the harvest will win.

  • Portrait of the birthday girl. Pick a few participants and give each a balloon and a marker.The task is to draw a portrait of the hero of the day on the ball, and the winner will be the one whose portrait will be the most similar to the birthday girl.

After the competition, be sure to take some photos of the birthday girl with a bouquet of your own portraits.

Script ideas

To have a fun and unforgettable birthday, it is not at all necessary to order the services of animators, you can well celebrate the holiday at home with your family, without a toastmaster. The presenter can be a sister, friend or daughter of the birthday girl; young modern girls will definitely be able to organize a wonderful holiday at home. In addition, the daughter knows exactly how to cheer up her mother, which will greatly simplify the creation of sketches for the holiday.

On an anniversary, you cannot do without funny scenes: an interesting and funny scenario should be prepared in advance. Older women love humor and will appreciate the effort to make the holiday fun and exciting.

A cool script is also a very important part of organizing a holiday, which must be treated creatively and with humor. We will offer you some interesting ideas for writing a script.

  • At home, you can play out the most daring scenes. For example, "Ambulance" is a real exam for every grandmother. The beginning is this: impromptu paramedics enter the room and hastily examine the guests. For those who do not lend themselves to examination, the "doctors" arrange an examination in the knowledge of medicines. Here, too, you can insert a note of humor, asking for cures for the most unpredictable symptoms. At the end of the scene, a team of "doctors" pours all the guests a "medicinal mixture" in the form of alcohol.
  • If the hero of the day your colleague, you can celebrate a birthday by arranging a scene about an interview, in which the official part is hiring the birthday girl for a job as a “pensioner”. An aged lady definitely has self-irony, she will definitely appreciate such humor.
  • When a daughter-in-law arranges a holiday for her mother-in-law, then you can arrange a scenario with old man Hottabych. To do this, you need a male presenter, dressed in a robe, there should be a turban on his head, and a sack in his hands. He will fulfill the wishes of the birthday girl, for which it is necessary to prepare cards with the performance of various actions in a playful manner. These cards must be pulled from the Hottabych bag by all guests, then perform the actions described there.
  • You can play out the "Newborn" scenario. The birthday girl will play the role of "the youngest pensioner" who has just been born. The presenter jokingly congratulates the hero of the day and gives her children's attributes: a pacifier so that the birthday girl does not cry; a hat so that only good thoughts come to mind; an apron to keep your hands and face bright and clean.
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