
How to celebrate a 70-year-old woman's anniversary?

How to celebrate a 70-year-old woman's anniversary?
  1. Preparation for the holiday
  2. Interesting contests and games
  3. How to congratulate in an original way?
  4. Musical accompaniment
  5. Script ideas

Birthday, unlike other significant dates, has always been a special holiday, since all attention is paid only to the birthday person. Among such days, anniversaries are of considerable importance, as the countdown of a new decade begins. The 70th anniversary is of great importance, especially for women who do not always like to advertise their age. Some of them take their years for granted, while others yearn for a departed youth.

The task of the loved ones in this case is not to allow the hero of the day to be sad, in order to show that the past years are, first of all, experience and wisdom that are appreciated by loved ones and that they need.

Preparation for the holiday

To celebrate the anniversary of a 70-year-old woman was fun and memorable, first of all, you need to think over the organization of the event in advance. The difficulty lies in the fact that, as a rule, grandchildren, children, and girlfriends of the hero of the day are usually present at the holiday.

In such cases, the use of various dramatizations, jokes, contests will allow a fun celebration of a 70-year-old woman's anniversary. Such tricks are most likely targeted at the younger generation: children and grandchildren. And to cheer up the birthday girl herself, you can make an event in any particular style.

Usually women at this age recall their youth and the time when they were young with trepidation, therefore, depending on the mood of the hero of the occasion, you can organize a holiday that reflects her era (70s, 80s or just the times of the USSR). The choice of theme can also be associated with the birthday girl's profession: a school-style holiday, a depot-style holiday.

As a rule, with such an organization, the birthday girl is happy that, together with her friends (the guests invited by her), she plunged into her favorite times.

Children and grandchildren who have fun taking part in certain contests bring special joy, and besides, they look artistic, trying to please their loved one. As for the appearance of the birthday girl herself, it all depends on the person, his health. If there is a desire, then you can prepare a costume for her, and if not, then the reflection of the era can be used as a surprise.

We must not forget about the decoration of the premises, since this is the first thing that catches the eye and, in principle, sets the mood for the whole holiday. In addition to the traditional balloons and banner "Congratulations", it is recommended to make a photo collage on the theme "The Book of Life", "Happy Together" or "Towards a Happy Future." The main task is to choose such photos so that the hero of the day does not fall into nostalgia and become sad. It is necessary with the help of a collage to reflect the idea that life does not end at 70, there are still many interesting and pleasant moments ahead. In addition to the photo collage, it is a good idea to prepare video clips of moments that reflect important events for the birthday girl.

There is one more trick that allows you to sum up a pleasant and extraordinary result of the whole event. Flower petals are made of corrugated paper (the material can be any other). Each of them is presented to the guest a few days before the holiday so that he can leave warm and sincere wishes on them.

At the holiday, after congratulations, each guest attaches his petal to the existing flower blank. The body can be from an artificial object, or you can make your own blank using wire and colored paper. At the end of the holiday, the hero of the day will receive, for example, a rose with warm words.

Instead of a flower, you can use a notebook with wishes or an album, which will later be filled with beautiful photos from the celebration.

Interesting contests and games

So that the holiday does not become an ordinary tea party, you need to organize a variety of entertainment. The entertainment program is compiled strictly based on the preferences of the hero of the day, therefore it is better that a person who knows the birthday girl well is involved in its organization.

With the right approach to business, you can spend an unforgettable holiday both at the family table and celebrate with incendiary contests, for example, in a cafe.

For home

Most often, when celebrating an event at home, people limit themselves to drinking games, since there is not enough space in the apartment for dancing and noisier entertainment.

  • Game "Significant Dates". The presenter makes tickets, where significant dates of the birthday girl are marked (birthday, graduation date of the university, school). The winner is the one who better determines what this or that date is connected with. To maintain a cheerful atmosphere, it is advisable to distribute comic diplomas at the end of the game (know-it-all, silent).
  • So that the birthday girl does not get bored, a performance of "Little Red Riding Hood" is performed especially for her. A relative, dressed in Little Red Riding Hood, runs into the room and says: "Hello, granny, I was in a hurry to congratulate you on your anniversary and brought magic pies that fulfill wishes as a gift." the granddaughter comments: "With an apple - to longevity, with cabbage - to wealth." Then Little Red Riding Hood asks her grandmother comic questions: “Grandma, why do you need so many guests? (The birthday girl answers.) Why do you have such big eyes? (To better see the audience.) Grandma, what are your plans for tomorrow?
  • The game "For happiness it is necessary." The host provides each guest with a pre-prepared ticket (out of the box, bag). At the table, in the intervals between the toasts, each guest reads out the option he has come across (for example, for happiness you need to eat Olivier, drink, kiss your neighbor, etc.).
  • Game "Long live the loaf." In the center of the circle there is a birthday girl, the guests stand in a circle and begin to dance and sing the traditional song "Loaf". We give the birthday girl 2-3 times to choose people who are especially important to her, after which the host brings a bag of tokens. The birthday girl, pulling out a token, reads out the task (to dance to the music lezginka, waltz, mazurka and other dances). The guests dance and clap their hands.

In the cafe

Games and contests can be held not only at home. Events for large companies are usually planned in cafes. It is recommended that you plan more outdoor games and contests to maintain a fun atmosphere. In between congratulations, guests should not be bored either.

It should be borne in mind that people of the age in question get tired quickly.

Thus, it is preferable to alternate mobile contests with less active ones.

  • These include, for example, "Roll the ball", in which the grandmother will, for example, compete with the granddaughter in winding the thread into a ball. A small company can compete at the same time.
  • Contest "Candy Harvest". Several candies are tied to a rope about 1 m long so that they hang down. The contestants are blindfolded and their task is to cut as many candies as possible. The candy harvest is solemnly presented to the birthday girl.
  • Song contest "Stykhoplet" (it can be carried out in pairs, or it can be done as a team). Its essence is to cover each other in ditties. You can complicate the task and tell the guests to compose a ditty at a given beginning: "I went to my grandmother today ...", "For granny, I wish ...", "Seven dozen, eh, a little ...".
  • Contest for the birthday girl "Guess" (it is recommended to hold it as soon as the birthday girl appears on the threshold of the cafe). The host makes riddles:
  1. Everyone dreams of this
  2. I'm sure you too
  3. Get out of the hands of loved ones
  4. Fragrant ... (flowers).
  5. To do justice to the event,
  6. Let's do it now ... (photo).
  7. Pamper your relatives more often,
  8. They give you ... (kiss).
  9. For the birthday girl of the feast
  10. Not sparing palms at all,
  11. We give ... (applause) to everyone.
  12. We are countless miracles today
  13. We have rice salute (for luck they make rice salute).
  14. Well now, friends,
  15. It's time to sing "Happy birthday" (everyone is singing).
  • Game "Star decor". Paper blanks of stars are made in advance. There are rope segments hanging on the wall (you can use a white thread folded in half). The task of the participants of the competition is to collect and attach as many stars as possible to the threads on the scotch tape in a short period of time (1–2 minutes).

It is imperative to take care of the purchase of prizes for participants in games and contests in advance. If children participate in the contests, then there should be consolation prizes.

The result of the celebration may be the issuance of comic diplomas and certificates to both children and adults ("Certificate for the right to get drunk" Diploma to the "Most sober").

How to congratulate in an original way?

To make the holiday full of surprises and surprises, you can agree in advance with the guests about the preparation of unusual congratulations. Emphasis can be placed on the guest's ability to do best. This can be a dance number, a performance of a song, or showing tricks by the grandchildren (if they attend a suitable sports section). You can also prepare a fancy dress greeting, for example, in a gypsy, Caucasian or Italian style.

The guests disguised as gypsies sing, dance, and then make a toast.

A guest arrives disguised as a burning Italian and an interpreter.

  • I .: Chao cocoa, beloved anniversary!
  • P.: Greetings, dear birthday girl!
  • Seeker: Chao cocoa, having arrived, is eaten (turns to the guests).
  • P.: Greetings, dear guests.
  • Seeker: Ay arrived from Italiano to congratulate the beauty.
  • P .: I came from Italy to congratulate our beauty.
  • Seeker: Organizmo tired, suitcase stolen.
  • P .: I'm tired, my suitcase was stolen.
  • I .: At the feet of the hero of the day Padanto, respect is expressed.
  • P: I express my respect, I bow to you.
  • Seeker: I wish you energy and color! The back is not painful, the mouth is not cough, the eyes are looked, the legs are beganto. Tascanto bags, grandchildren brought up, copanto garden, tidied up in the room.
  • P .: Always be healthy.

The family of the birthday girl's children can change into doctors for congratulations. It will be good if, in this case, the children are also involved, since at such events it causes special affection for older people. Everyone should, ideally, have a white coat and the attributes of a surgeon, therapist, ENT, ophthalmologist that define the specialization. Doctors examine the guests and the birthday girl and give a verdict: the hero of the occasion is young, healthy and full of strength.

Guests are advised to grease the neck (drink) and have a snack.

Musical accompaniment

No event, whether at home or in any other rented venue, can go well without the appropriate music. And it's not just about dancing. Music is used as an accompaniment to congratulations (it is important that its tempo corresponds to the idea of ​​a toast: it is necessary to select a lyrical performance for emotional words). Contests and games held with a suitable musical accompaniment are remembered more than without it.

To attract the attention of noisy guests, it will not be superfluous to turn on the drum roll. This technique is also appropriate when the birthday girl first appears in the room where the anniversary is celebrated. If the birthday girl is full of energy and loves to dance, then it is a good idea to organize as a gift for guests, for example, a waltz performed by the birthday girl and her companion.

So that the musical accompaniment throughout the holiday is not chaotic, it is necessary that someone take the responsibility to compose it. This person must be familiar with the prepared script in advance so that there are no hiccups during the holiday while searching for a suitable track.

Script ideas

Both at home and in any other place, it is better to take over the organization of the celebration of a woman's 70th birthday by someone who knows her well (we are talking about writing a script). And you can invite a toastmaster to hold the event directly so that relatives are not torn between contests and congratulations.

We offer a script for a festive evening, where the birthday girl is the leading daughter.

The table is set, the guests are gathered, the song of I. Alegrova "Birthday" or the song of the same name by T. Bulanova is playing. Grandma is invited to the table. Congratulations from the presenter:

  • Happy anniversary, dear mom!
  • On this festive evening, all relatives are assembled.
  • And we do not regret warm words,
  • Everything is for you today!
  • I propose to raise a glass to our birthday girl.
  • Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!

Competition "Determine whose gift". If there are numerous grandchildren, then they prepare gifts with their own hands. All gifts are put into an elegant bag. Grandmother takes out one at a time, reads out the congratulations and tries to guess who the present is from. Leading:

  • So that our grandchildren always make us happy,
  • So that our grandmothers do not know boredom,
  • I propose to raise a glass of congratulations from grandchildren in a cafe
  • And say a toast in honor of Granny.
  • The children once again congratulate their grandmother and kiss her. Leading:
  • So that we do not sit too long, I propose to get up now
  • And together with our beloved grandmother, we will dance together.

Competition "Perky dance". This fun competition is planned taking into account the number of people and the free space in the room. Relatives become pairs, for example, on a double sheet of notebook paper. Lezginka turns on, the task of each couple, while dancing, is not to go beyond the sheet and not to break it. Whoever breaks the sheet is awarded a comic diploma "Active dancers".

Presenter: Our birthday girl is not only a mother and grandmother. She is also a mother-in-law and mother-in-law, let's see how she feels in this role. The video project “Mom” prepared in advance is included with video and photographs in which the woman is captured with her daughters-in-law and sons-in-law (the presentation is carried out, if any).

The presenter invites guests to the table. After a toast from relatives, the floor is given to colleagues (girlfriends), if any, and agree to a pre-prepared game:

  • Our dear ... we were in such a hurry for your birthday,
  • that forgot the performance.
  • Let's try to restore the memory now,
  • you will tell us how we should be.
  • The emphasis should be placed on the type of activity of the birthday girl. If she was a teacher, then the words are as follows:
  • Here we have a piece of paper in our hands, what is it for, my friend (for notes, twos);
  • Well, here we have a notebook, why, let me understand (to check the work and put only 5 there)?
  • Well, here we have a magazine, it ruffled everyone's nerves, what to do with it now, why is it needed at a good hour? (I want to take it so that everyone can give marks).

The presenter intervenes in the funny dialogue of the participants in the scene and offers to approach the matter with benefit: warm wishes from all guests are recorded in the journal. After that, the grandmother is handed a notebook brought by her friends, where there is an envelope with a "salary" (a gift), since the grandmother has not lost her teaching skills.

This competition is only held if the grandmother and her friends have a sense of humor.

Presenter: For such girlfriends, friends, we cannot help but drink. After the toast he continues: And now we have to do fortune telling at the finest hour. Each guest pulls tickets with predictions from the barrel (for example, prosperity awaits, a dream will come true.). The presenter offers a toast to the fulfillment of wishes.

Presenter: It's time to make your main wish to our birthday girl (they bring a cake with candles). Grandma blows out the candles, everyone prepares for tea.

1 comment

Thanks for the interesting ideas.


the beauty
