
How to celebrate a woman's 80th birthday?

How to celebrate a woman's 80th birthday?
  1. How to arrange a room?
  2. Choice of topics
  3. Congratulations options
  4. Interesting games and contests
  5. Script ideas

For an elderly woman, birthday is not such a fun holiday. Another year of old age, more gray hairs on my head. But this pessimistic mood can be turned into great joy and fun. Especially when it comes to the 80th anniversary. Yes - the date is rather big, but such an event cannot be ignored either. And in order for the holiday to pass in the best way, the relatives of the hero of the day will have to work hard.

How to arrange a room?

Everyone is used to the fact that ordinary birthdays are celebrated with a quiet, calm feast with the family. However, an exception is made for anniversaries. But the older the hero of the day, the more difficult it is to organize the holiday. During his long life, a person has met many good people, experienced many happy moments. And all this should be reflected in the festive program. But first of all, it is necessary to determine where the celebration will be held, and after that, start organizing the event.

Everyone understands that men of any age are ready to celebrate anniversaries and birthdays away from home. This is not the case with women. Even their 80th anniversary, ladies prefer to celebrate at home. But it's not right. A woman at any age deserves a holiday, especially since the anniversary date involves not only the arrival of relatives.

The event, organized for mom, grandmother, great-grandmother, may bring together former classmates, colleagues from work and even friends who have long moved to other cities and countries. And for the sake of such guests, it is worth arranging a grandiose fun.

You can celebrate an 80-year-old woman's anniversary not at home, but in the country. Place tables on the site, allocate a place for a show program, make additional entertainment that meets the age criterion. An excellent option to rent a room in a restaurant. But in either case, an important issue is the design of the room or place reserved for the celebration.

Helium balloons will be a win-win. Today, many agencies involved in the design of the holidays can offer a variety of airy compositions. These are arches with which you can decorate the perimeter of the site, and figures in the form of a figure of the age of the hero of the day, and even flowers. A bunch of several balls can be used to decorate the corners of the room.

A good decoration option would be flowers cut from foamiran or paper. They can decorate the walls, with their help it will be possible to arrange a photo zone.

You can decorate the room with collages made up of photographs of the hero of the occasion. Such an idea will allow the birthday girl and her guests to remember their youth, relive moments of happiness and joy.

An important part of the decoration of the venue is the background music. And here young people will have to move a little from the usual dance realities. A grandmother of such a venerable age and her friends have slightly different views on musical works.

Choice of topics

An important part of organizing a 80th birthday anniversary for a woman is the selection of the appropriate theme. And here you need to show your imagination. The hero of the occasion, the invited guests and relatives have different taste preferences. Surely the best thing in the life of the hero of the occasion is the family. Accordingly, family ties can become the theme of the holiday. But besides the family, there were many hobbies in the life of the hero of the day. And then the organizers find themselves in a difficult situation. After all, it is very difficult to celebrate an anniversary in the upper class without knowing the wishes and preferences of the birthday girl.

Actually, you just need to calmly sit down, think and find common ground between the hero of the occasion, invited friends, children and grandchildren. And the first thing that comes to mind is the subject of the USSR. A great option to celebrate 80 years in a noisy company. The older generation will remember their youth, the middle generation will share their impressions of the Soviet years, and grandchildren and great-grandchildren will listen with great pleasure how their parents and grandparents lived in a country where store shelves were empty, but home refrigerators were full of various goodies ...

Having chosen the theme of the evening, it is necessary to decide on the question of the host of the show program. A holiday taking place with the family does not require an invitation from a toastmaster. Any relative can cope with this task. But at a mass celebration it will not be possible to do without a steward.

A specially trained person will be able to maintain a thematic intrigue throughout the evening, he will make sure that no one gets bored and does not lose interest in the celebration.

Congratulations options

When holding a festive show program, the presenter gives each guest the opportunity to congratulate the hero of the day, express respect to her, say many warm words and wishes. However, you can congratulate the birthday girl not only with banal words, especially with such a significant date.

You can prepare a self-writing poem or show comic scenes based on real events of the hero of the occasion.

The main thing is to make the scenes funny, then the congratulation will be remembered by everyone present for many years.

You can originally congratulate the hero of the day with a video. However, it will take a lot of time to prepare it. Selection of photos, their editing, video search, composition of frames, music overlay. In general, it is clearly not a matter of a minute. But with every effort, you can create the most amazing congratulations.

Interesting games and contests

When preparing a show program, special attention should be paid to the entertainment part. Mostly elderly people are present at the 80th anniversary.They will not be able to take part in active and incendiary games and contests. They will spend most of the event at the table, which means that table entertainment should be prepared for them, for example, creative tasks.

Sedentary games are easy to organize. As a basis, you can take the options presented below.

  • A familiar melody. Elderly people do not accept modern hits. They like compositions from their youth more. The presenter needs to include excerpts from different songs from the 70s - 90s, and the guests should guess the name of the melody, the artist, or try to continue the words.
  • "Crown phrase". Almost all films of the Soviet era are filled with a mass of catch phrases that people still use today. The presenter will say the phrase, and the guests should guess the name of the film, where the words are taken from.
  • "Continue the words of wisdom." The host begins to say a proverb or a saying, and the guests' task is to finish them correctly.

The presented contests are actually very good, adults take part in them with great pleasure. But for young people these entertainments are not very clear.

Grandchildren and great-grandchildren represent the celebration of the birthday, and especially the anniversary, with unrestrained fun. And in order not to offend the younger generation, several mobile contests should be included in the show program.


For celebrating the anniversary at home, you can choose a variety of table games. The main thing is that they are correct and not offend the guests.

  • "Well no". Various facts about the birthday girl are written on phantom papers and put into a bag, hat or box. Guests take out one piece of paper, read the written information aloud and must confirm or deny the words indicated in the phantoms. The winner is the one who correctly guesses more facts about the hero of the occasion. When compiling forfeits, it is necessary to show imagination, provide true and false information in a humorous form.
  • "Updated wardrobe". The guests pass the bag from hand to hand to the music. As soon as the melody has stopped, the person holding the bag in his hands must take out the first props he comes across without looking and put it on himself. This can be a clown nose, a baby cap, a pacifier, and much more. As soon as the music turns on, the bag must again go through the hands of the guests. The game ends when all the props have been pulled out of the bag. It remains only to take a general picture of the guests in a smart way.

In the cafe

You can also choose suitable contests for restaurants and cafes.

  • "Pantomime". Guests are divided into teams. The grandchildren and great-grandchildren of the hero of the day will act as pantomimers. The presenter thinks of a word, and the youth must depict it with the help of facial expressions and movements. Each guessed word - 1 point. The task of the teams is to guess as many words as possible in order to get a prize.
  • "Culinary extravaganza". The game is based on the "City" principle. Each guest must name a dish, the first letter of which begins with the last named. The hero of the day starts. For example, borsch-cabbage-caviar-adjika. You can't repeat yourself. The player who fails to remember the name of the dish is eliminated, the next guest is responsible for it. And so there should be only one winner, who will receive the prize.

Script ideas

The script is something that no holiday can do without. And preparing a script for a 80-year-old woman's anniversary is a whole art.

Often the daughter or son of the hero of the occasion is involved in the development of the script. And their children help them. Close people, united into a single whole, will be able to create the best scenario filled with humor, fun and joy.

When writing an independent script for celebrating an anniversary at home, you don't have to go into small details. But when a celebration is planned with a large number of guests in a cafe or restaurant, each point of the show program must be worked out with the presenter.He will help to properly coordinate contests, to distinguish between table events and tasks for young people, to supplement the script with his own funny note.

Well, now it is proposed to consider several options for scenarios that can be taken as a basis for celebrating a woman's 80th birthday.

Option 1 is presented without thematic content.

The presenter appears in front of the guests, greets everyone who came to the anniversary evening dedicated to one of the most honest, fair and wise women. Be sure to clarify that she is a wonderful mother, the best grandmother, an amazing mother-in-law or mother-in-law. After these words, solemn music turns on, the presenter approaches the birthday girl and stretches out her hand so that she gets up, and all the guests could see her to greet her with applause.

After the greeting, the birthday girl sits down in her place, and the presenter continues to say only the best words about her.

As an unusual compliment, we can say that the birthday girl is still 18 years old today, just the life experience of this age is 62 years. Guests will appreciate this joke, and the hero of the day will be very pleased to hear such words.

Then the presenter invites the guests to fill their glasses and gives the floor to the birthday girl's spouse to say warm and tender words to his beloved. After the first toast, guests are given time for a small snack.

The presenter with a microphone reappears and begins to tell how a joyful event happened in one family 80 years ago. - a charming girl appeared (calls the name of the birthday girl). Then he tells the guests her biography, but only in a humorous form. Then he gives the floor to children and grandchildren. Guests expect to hear touching words about the hero of the day from close people, but that was not the case. Children and grandchildren go to the center of the hall, read congratulations in verse, and then show several funny miniatures from the life of the hero of the occasion. After such fun, guests are given time for a meal in order to gain strength for the upcoming contests.

After a while, the presenter approaches the guests and offers to play a quiz. He will ask questions, and the guests must give the correct answer. All questions are related to the life of the hero of the day. For example, "In what city was the birthday girl born?" or "How did the hero of the day meet her husband?" About 15-20 questions will be enough. The guest who managed to give more correct answers will receive a prize, for example, a keychain or a magnet, symbolizing the anniversary date.

Then the presenter gives the floor to the friends of the hero of the day and holds one table competition for the elderly and one active one for young people. After that, guests are given time for a snack. Then the presenter conducts a competition "Guess the melody" or "Guess the film by the phrase".

Don't run too many contests. Even table games are tiresome for people of such a venerable age.

The last performance of the guest indicates that the show program is over. The presenter, in turn, addresses the birthday girl. He says congratulations to her on his own behalf. Then he addresses all the guests, expressing gratitude to them for the warmth and joy with which they fill the surrounding atmosphere of the holiday. Well, as the final part, the presenter invites everyone to go out onto the terrace to see the fireworks in honor of the hero of the day.

The second option is presented in the subject of the USSR.

Many members of the older generation remember the times of the Soviet Union and miss them. And the theme of the USSR holiday will allow them to once again plunge into such a wonderful time for them.

The premises where the holiday will be held should be decorated in the Soviet style. Red flags, balls, banners. On the table should be the most familiar dishes and snacks for the Soviet era. As an additional upgrade of the room, you can find old things from the times of the Soviet Union and arrange them around the perimeter of the celebration site. But not just put it in a row, but make an exposition.The musical accompaniment of the holiday should be filled only with hits of the 70-80s.

Well, now the script itself. The introductory part should consist of a video film, which will present photographs and video recordings of the youth of the hero of the day. The film should be divided into five-year plans.

At the end of the video, the toastmaster appears, congratulates the birthday girl and expresses gratitude to the guests for their presence. And then the first competition begins.

Guests need to remember what printed publications were published in the USSR. Whoever names more will receive a prize - "Murzilka" (albeit in a modern version).

Then a snack, after which it is time for the next task. The guests need to remember the cost of Soviet goods, which the host names. For example, ice cream - 3 kopecks, a box of matches - 2 kopecks.

The next competition involves the participation of middle-aged representatives who are allowed to consume alcoholic beverages. Three participants from different teams take the stage. They need to clink glasses with beer at the signal of the presenter and completely drain the containers. The first team to drink all three beers wins.

Then a snack and again a competition. It is necessary to solve a math example using abacus. The winner is the one who can deduce the correct answer.

In fact, it is not difficult to compose a scenario on the subject of the USSR, because it can be based on any remembering the heroes of the day.

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