Scenario for the anniversary of a woman 85 years old
85 years is already longevity, by today's standards so for sure. Therefore, if such a noble anniversary is coming for a woman, a special program must be drawn up for it. That there was respect for age, and that the holiday was dedicated primarily not to the date (which is impersonal), but to the person. Of course, for this age, the standard scenario is rarely suitable.
Features of the organization of the holiday
An anniversary for a mother or grandmother who has reached 85 years old depends on the health of the birthday girl, on her character, interests and preferences. There are women of this age who are not against a noisy holiday, albeit at home. There are those who want the most intimate atmosphere, quiet and relaxing gatherings. And you need to focus on the wishes of the hero of the day.
Basically, the 85th anniversary is organized without a toastmaster. If the holiday is taking place at home, the presenter from the outside may not be entirely appropriate. In addition, someone from relatives and friends will perfectly cope with this role.
Consider what interesting things you can think of for this holiday.
- Photozone. She will not be a burden for the hero of the occasion. For one general photo, you can attract the hero of the day herself, for a personal one too. And then guests can use the photo zone. The question is what it will be. Don't make it too bright. This age is quiet and respectable, so laconic but elegant colors are more suitable for organizing a photo zone. And also those that will be as light and soft as the noble gray hair of the heroine of the holiday (if, of course, there is gray hair).
Ribbons, flowers - there are many design options. And let the photo zone have a stand or pinboard with photos of the birthday girl from different years.
- Musical numbers. And better - performed live.These should be songs that a woman loves, perhaps the melodies of her youth. But a noisy disco program can tire the grandmother, so it should be either restrained or short-lived. It's still loud music, noise.
- Congratulatory film. And it is also quite possible to do it on your own. Scan photos, collect memories, wishes. And to present to everyone, and most importantly - to the hero of the day on her birthday.
- The format of the holiday is at the request of the birthday girl. If the weather is right outside, and there is an opportunity to organize a holiday at the dacha, in a country house, in a word, on your site, such a solution may be ideal. Take out a table to the garden, put candles on the territory in beautiful candlesticks (you can remake ordinary jars and vases for them), decorate the festive table with flowers, etc. In the fresh air, the holiday is especially warm. And if the elderly part of the guests (or the birthday girl themselves) gets tired, they can go into the house.
Too intense a program is difficult for the age of the hero of the day, at least for most of the representatives of these years. If such is organized, then it is more for guests, which is not very correct.
This is a grandmother's holiday, it should be special and should not turn into an ordinary noisy feast.
Contests and games
And nevertheless, there will be something fun at the holiday. How much is up to the organizers, but joyful contests and games are always appropriate at a birthday party.
For home
If the holiday is organized at home, with the family, the program is thought out taking into account the available space and opportunities.
Examples of contests.
- "You the most ". Each guest is given a chamomile petal. His task is to write on the petal one adjective that is associated with the birthday girl. For example: "You are the most gentle, caring, wise, etc." On a separate sheet (A3, not less), a blank is made - a yellow daisy core with the words "You are the most." And when the guests have finished, they give their petals to the presenter, who sticks them on double-sided tape to the yellow center. For the heroine of the evening, he voices what has been written.
You can also choose a winner in this competition - the author of the most touching petal.
- "Who is this talking about?" In fact, the opposite competition. You need to ask the birthday girl about each of the guests in advance, literally in one sentence. And then, in order, read them out at the holiday and give the guests the opportunity to guess who they are talking about. For example: "This is the kindest of us, he always undertakes to save and help everyone out."
- "10 facts". Popular Instagram fun can be organized at a birthday party, even if the birthday girl is 85 years old. It's simple. The host makes a list of 10 facts about the heroine of the holiday. He can do this in collusion with her, so that the facts are interesting, rare. And these 10 facts creep 2 fakes. The guests will have to guess which of the above is fiction. Whoever guesses first gets a small prize.
In the cafe
If the holiday takes place in a cafe, previous contests will also work, although in the case of "You Samaya" it may not be very convenient to tinker with chamomile.
Here are some things to include in your celebration.
- "Memory in an envelope". At a certain moment in the evening, each guest receives an envelope. He will open it only on a signal from the host. That is, the guests will not open the envelopes one by one, but throughout the evening. The envelope contains a sheet with a description of a situation known to many, an interesting incident that the guest needs to comment on, remember, and indulge in nostalgia.
Naturally, the case is connected with the birthday girl. After the guest has completed the task, he can say a toast.
- "Backfill". The host (and / or organizer) needs to prepare questions for the guests. Not less than such a number that there is enough on the question for each guest. All of them are dedicated to the hero of the day. From the bag, the guests take a question one by one, read it out, answer.
Of course, questions can be both humorous and "unbearable", so that the respondents begin to fantasize, invent, get confused, etc.
- "Give me strength." Each guest (or several, it is possible by lot) must say what superpower he would like to take from the hero of the day. For example, judiciousness. And under this superpower he is given tasks. One way or another, all tasks can be adapted to any of the named qualities. These can be tricky questions, various comic questions, etc.
For example, a guest says: "I would take such superpower as perseverance from my grandmother." And leading him: “Oh, you have the opportunity to train right now. Come on, you persistently explain to everyone present, with what speed the dog should move so as not to hear the frying pan tied to its tail ringing. " Answer: the dog can just stand still.
Original greetings
Probably, over the years of her life, the birthday girl has already had enough anniversaries, large and small. Therefore, the format of the holiday, the standard congratulations to her may not only be familiar, but already not even quite interesting. But I don’t want to congratulate my beloved mother and grandmother on duty.
We will tell you how to spend your holiday in an original way.
- Present a beautiful photo book with a variety of photos of your grandmother, starting from childhood. This book can be supplemented with memories, letters, diary entries, etc., if appropriate. And watching the album with those closest to you and spend your birthday, with tea and other treats.
Manufacturers can also transfer a photobook in electronic form, which means that it can be viewed on a monitor, on a TV, if there are a lot of guests.
- Invite artists and sing a song under the window. If a grandmother lives in a private house, this is generally elementary. The song can be both lyrical and funny, with humor. Or all the guests can learn the song and start congratulating them in such a not quite usual way.
- Make a surprise birthday. Many women at this age do not want to fuss with a festive table, but they are always glad to loved ones. And then you can completely take over the organization of the feast, so that for the birthday girl it would be a complete surprise. Call those closest to you, decorate the house or the place where the holiday will be. And if in the morning you give your mother and grandmother a new outfit (or some element of it), help with preening, there will be a complete congratulatory kit.
People of the older generation still rejoice at the congratulations in the newspaper, they probably love paper letters and postcards, so such retro moments can also be foreseen.
Script ideas
Plan of the script for the anniversary of a woman of 85 years old - working version. This is only a plan that can be rebuilt, partially used, etc.
Holiday ideas.
- Meeting guests, greeting. The table can be initially designed so that the place of each guest is indicated in some way. For example, the inscriptions can be: “beloved granddaughter Vanya” or “best son-in-law Sasha”, “Tom's precious girlfriend”, etc. This immediately sets the audience up for a sincere holiday.
- Demonstration of a congratulatory video (on a TV, laptop, tablet).
- The central thread of the celebration. The above-described Memory in an Envelope competition could be such a moment. It will give each guest the opportunity to congratulate the birthday girl personally, to share warm memories. In addition, the competition is spread over the entire evening.
- Musical moments. Either the guests themselves prepare the room, or you can turn on karaoke with your favorite song, or an invited artist even comes to congratulate.
- A series of competitions. These are 3-5 tasks, games, which are presented above. More may not be needed.
- Photos for memory. If there is a photo zone - great, if not, you need to choose a suitable place. By the way, for this case, you can call the pros. For half an hour of work, he will not take a very large amount, but the quality of the photo will be excellent. The finished photos can be printed and sent to guests at home in a beautiful envelope.
- The climax is by candlelight. At the end of the holiday, you can turn off the light, light the candles and ask everyone along the chain to say some very kind words to the hero of the day.