Crochet knitted skirts for girls

Children whose mothers and grandmothers know how to do needlework are real lucky ones, because they can wear beautiful clothes created by caring, loving hands. In addition, no one else in the world has such things. Hand-sewn and do-it-yourself things are also a budget way to update a children's wardrobe.

In today's article we will tell you how you can crochet a skirt for a girl. An openwork skirt will be a wonderful summer gift for your little fashionista. We will introduce you to various ways of knitting children's skirts, as well as give some recommendations on how and with what it is best to wear such things.

Knitting popular patterns
Crochet is more suitable for creating light, summer skirts with intricate patterns. It is better to leave knitting needles for thicker, winter things - warm dresses, sweaters, etc. We invite you to get acquainted with two interesting models of skirts for girls that can be crocheted. Knitting patterns are quite simple, so even a novice needlewoman can master them.

"Zigzag" is one of the most beautiful and popular crochet patterns. It looks especially impressive when knitted from threads of different colors, therefore, to create this model, it is recommended to use yarn of several shades.

To knit a skirt with a zigzag pattern for a girl of primary school age, you will need:
- several skeins of bright threads (it is better to choose 100% cotton);
- hook number 1;
- scissors;
- pin for marking rows.

To determine the required amount of yarn, we recommend that you first knit a small sample - this way you can understand how many threads are used for a given pattern and approximately calculate the required number of skeins. Then you can start working directly on the skirt.
In the instructions for creating the pattern, we used the following abbreviations:
- "VP" - air loop;
- "WFP" - air lifting loop;
- "CCH" - a column with a crochet;
- "CC2N" - a column with two crochets;
- "RLS" - single crochet;
- "SS" - connecting column.

We knit the product in a circular fashion, moving from bottom to top. The number of loops in the typesetting row should be divisible by 17.

I row: 3 runways, 4 CCHs with one vertex, (5 CCHs, 5 CCHs with a common base, 5 CCHs, 5 CCHs with one vertex), repeat the items in brackets, finish row 1 CC;
II row: 1 runway, then we knit RLS to the end of the row, finish row 1 SS.
Next, we knit each odd row as I, and each even row as II. Change the color of the threads every 2 rows. Having knitted 18 rows, the next row needs to be knitted, making decreases, since here we will begin to shape the waist for the skirt. We do the reduction like this: instead of 5 CCHs with a common base, we knit 3 CCHs with a common base. Then we knit with a yarn of a different shade instead of 3 CCH 1 CCH. We decrease the loops along the edges, one on one side and on the other. Next, we knit round one row of CCHs. The next row is RLS. Then we repeat the last two rows five times. In conclusion, we knit round 5 rows of RLS. We fasten the thread, hide the tail and cut it off.
Zigzag skirt for girls is ready!

Tiered skirt
Your little princess will love this fluffy, openwork crocheted skirt. In order for the skirt to be voluminous, we suggest you knit several tiers-frills. For work, you will need thin cotton threads and a hook number 1.5. If you wish, you can knit a plain or multi-colored skirt. In the latter case, you will need yarn in 2 or 4 different shades. In addition to the crochet and thread, you will need a thin elastic band to match - with its help we will be able to make the belt of the product more elastic. The knitting pattern below is designed for a skirt for a 4- or 5-year-old child.

The belt of the skirt will be knitted using fillet lace technique. We collect 18 VP, then we knit the CCH and close the row into a ring. Next, we knit: 1 CCH, 2 VP to the end of the row. In each 8th loop, we knit an increase according to the scheme: CCH, 2 VP, CCH. How fluffy the skirt will turn out depends on how many increments you make. We knit 16 rows in this way. After completing work on the sirloin mesh, without breaking the threads, we proceed to creating the first tier of the skirt.

I row: 3VPP, 2 CHN from the same base, (2 VP, skip 2 loops, 5 CHN), continue to knit points in brackets, complete row 2 CCH, which we knit in the first loop of the row, then knit 1 CC in the third runway.
II row: 3 runways, 2 VP, 1 CHN from the same base, 2 SSN, (3 VP, 2 SSN in the next two SSNs, go to the third of the five SSNs of the previous row and knit SSN, VP, SSN into it, then knit into the next SSNs 1 CCH each), we repeat the items in brackets to the end of the row, complete the row with 2 CCH and SS.
III row: 4 runways (in an arch of 2 VP we knit 3 CC2N, 2 VP, 3 CC2N, then in an arch of 2 VP we knit 1 SBN, skip the next 2 SSN, in the third SSN we knit 1 CC2N), repeat the items in brackets until the end of the row, finish row 3 SS.
IV row: (2 CC2H, in an arch of 2 VP, we knit 3 CC2H, 2 VP, 3 CC2H, then we knit 2 CC2H, skip 5 loops), repeat the points in brackets until the end of the row, complete the row with 2 CC.
V row: (3 CC2H, in an arch of 2 VP, we knit 3 CC2H, 2 VP, 3 CC2H, then we knit 3 CC2H, skip 4 loops), repeat the points in brackets until the end of the row, complete row 1 CC.
VI row: (3 CC2H in an arch of 2 VP we knit 2 CC2N, 5 VP, 2 CC2N, then we knit 2 VP), we repeat the points in brackets to the end of the row, replace the 1st CC2H with 4 runways, complete the row with 3 CC.
VII row: (1 runway, 4 times we knit pico + 2 sc, 1 sc, skip 5 VP), repeat the items with brackets to the end of the row, complete the row with 1 CC.
We knit the second tier of the skirt in the same way in the 1st row of sirloin lace, and the third tier in the 8th row.
A multi-tiered children's skirt can be decorated with a wide satin ribbon at the waist. For the ribbon, we knit beautiful fishnet straps.
We recommend using the following pattern to create belts:
The first seven rows consist of 3 CCHs each. Then you need to tie these rows, moving from left to right. The posts and lifting loops in this case will represent the arches for knitting.We tie the rows like this: 3 runways, 3 CCHs, 1 RLS in the side loop of the VI row, 6 CCHs in the side loop of the V row, 1 RLS in the side loop of the IV row, 6 CCHs at the base of the column of the III row, 1 RLS in the II row, 3 CCHs in the first row. In the end part we knit 6 CCHs, then move on to the side part. We knit 3 PRS, 1 PRS, 6 PRS, 1 PRS, 6 PRS, 1 PRS, 3 PRS, in the upper part we knit 5 PRS. We finish knitting 1 SS in the third PP.

What to wear with?
Crocheted skirts, due to openwork, airy weaving, are not very warm, so they are more suitable for summer or early autumn, when the weather pampers us with a lot of sunny days. For such skirts, you need to pick up fairly light clothes. It's not worth putting on two knitted things right away - this distracts attention from the beauty of the patterns and, moreover, makes the image somewhat heavier.

Girls can wear knitted skirts with their favorite colorful tees and tees. Elegant blouses with short or long sleeves will also look good. Over the outfit, you can throw a denim jacket, bolero or a thin sweater with buttons.

In cool weather, you can pair a knitted skirt with a turtleneck and a jacket. Almost any shoe will do. In summer, it can be sandals, ballet flats or shoes. In the off-season, a knitted skirt will look good with graceful boots or boots.

A neighborhood that a crocheted skirt will not tolerate is sportswear. Such skirts do not go well with sweatshirts, sweatshirts, sneakers and baseball caps. It is also best not to wear knitted skirts with a baggy, oversized top.