All about bookmarks for textbooks

The first bookmarks appeared at the dawn of book printing. And now they are used by both lovers of fiction books and students in schools. Bookmarks make it easier to find the page you want and allow you to take care of textbooks. This necessary little thing can be purchased at a stationery store, and it is also easy to make yourself from scrap materials.

Features and purpose
Many people think that bookmarks for textbooks are not so necessary, because it is quite possible to do without them. But for schoolchildren, especially for elementary school students, in the lesson it is important not to waste time looking for the desired page and to devote more time to grammar exercises or solving a math problem.
Parents should take care of this little thing to keep their child calm.

The first old books were expensive, they were treated very carefully, therefore, bookmarks were always present in them. Moreover, these bookmarks were as luxurious as the books themselves: a web of silk ribbons, from all kinds of braided laces using precious stones, registers of precious metals, which were attached to the side of the book and made it possible to open the page many times in one place.
Bookmarks were presented as a gift, for which original personalized copies were created, for example, with a beautiful painting on silver.

Such gifts, if desired, can be made now. But for everyday life, especially for children, it is better to use inexpensive school bookmarks available in stores or made by hand. Bookmarks for books can be made from almost any material:
- strips of paper and cardboard with all kinds of drawings, with stickers, rules for mathematics, grammar or traffic rules (traffic rules);

- amigurumi - various figures crocheted from yarn;

- fabric, from silk and satin ribbons, from braid;

- soft plastic or hard plastic;

- metal corners;

- from pieces of artificial or natural leather and suede;

- made of wood, bamboo or straw.

Bookmarks do not have to be in the form of a strip. Metal clips, plastic figurines, yarn pom-poms, feather bookmarks, knitted figurines - and this is not the limit of your imagination.
Selection Tips
In order to choose a bookmark for books for school, you need to take into account the age, gender of the child, as well as his interests. Things designed for girls, with romantic cute drawings, flowers, animals, are not suitable for boys who prefer images of their cartoon heroes - Batman, Spider-Man, cars, tanks. But at the same time, one should not forget about the usefulness of the thing and its practicality, because the main thing is that the bookmarks are convenient, such that they will not fall out of books all the time and cause inconvenience to the student.
It is also better to give preference to inexpensive materials, since usually small stationery is often lost, especially in babies.

How to do it yourself?
Before you go and buy standard bookmarks in the store, you can invite your child to show imagination and make bookmarks himself from any available material that can be found in the house. These can be the remains of fabrics, yarn, braid, pieces of leather, dried flowers and leaves from the herbarium, cardboard and colored paper. A variety of ideas can now be easily found.
Homemade bookmarks can be a good gift for your comrades, classmates.

Even a simple strip of paper or cardboard, decorated with a child's drawing or colorful ornament, will delight the child that he did it himself.

You can also fold an origami-style bookmark out of paper. It is not difficult to do them if you fold a piece of paper correctly in stages according to the scheme. Japanese and Chinese children are especially fond of this.

More durable bookmarks will be made of soft plastic. They can be decorated with carvings, use a special paint for painting, or take ready-made stickers with a pattern, with some kind of reminder inscription.

How to attach to the cover?
Bookmarks for books are attached to the cover in different ways.
- If it is a ribbon, then it can be sewn on or glued to the spine. By the way, many fiction books and textbooks are supplied with such special ribbons - lasso in the process of binding.
- Some bookmarks made of metals, plastic are made in the form of clothespins, clips and paper clips, which can be used to fix several pages at once.
- Many do-it-yourself origami bookmarks come in this shape. so that you can put it on the corner of book pages.
- It is very convenient to use an elastic band for textile bookmarks. The total length of the strip of fabric or tape, including the sewn elastic, should be shorter than twice the length of the textbook page. They are very comfortable and allow you to clamp the pages along with the cover.

See below for instructions on how to bookmark a tutorial.