All about felt bookmarks

To captivate and familiarize a child with the wonderful world of literature, it is not enough to teach him to read. It is necessary to teach the young reader to carefully handle books and use bookmarks. You can choose interesting and original bookmarks in design, for example, from felt.

Advantages and disadvantages
Children and adolescents have many electronic devices and technical gadgets in their lives, but the paper version of the book is still relevant. Felt bookmarks for books can be bought, or you can make yourself.
Felt is a thin felt made from sheep wool, from goat, rabbit or hare down, which is left after processing the skin. It can be natural or artificial.
Felt bookmarks are made from an artificial version of the material. It has all the positive properties of a natural material and has a soft structure.

The material has a number of positive characteristics.
- Lightweight. That is why it is ideal for making various crafts. All kinds of jewelry keep their shape well and stick to the bookmark.
- This material is easy to process. It is easy to cut with scissors, does not wrinkle and does not crumble. The details of the products are easily fastened with glue or sewn on a sewing machine. Felt has the same appearance, both from the front side and from the wrong side. When making products, there will be no fear of confusing the sides of the parts.
- Ecologically felt - completely harmless material for human life and the environment. Felt bookmarks for books can be safely given to children.
- Hypoallergenic material, in which bacteria do not breed.
- The material can be smooth or fluffy. It can be of different thicknesses, sizes and different colors.
One factor relates to the negative characteristics of felt. It is quite soft, because of this it does not hold its shape well. It makes no sense to make products with a complex configuration from this material, it is better to limit yourself to simple ideas.

Species overview
There are a lot of options for bookmarks made of felt for books.
- Simple traditional bookmarks have a rectangular shape and beautiful patterns.
- Clip-on bookmarks with an elastic band can be decorated with felt figurines of a chicken, a cat, a rocket and other beautiful images.
- Bookmarks with original fairies or Barbie dolls are suitable for school textbooks for students of both junior and high school or gymnasium.
- The famous felt owls are loved by both girls and boys.
- Many students liked the bookmarks for textbooks on paper clips. You can attach the felt head of a bunny or some other animal to it.
- Bright buttons sewn onto felt rectangular bookmarks look very impressive.
- Figures made from this material can be sewn onto a satin ribbon. The ribbons can be taken in different colors.
- The image of a unicorn is a favorite character not only for little girls, but also for adult girls. You can also attach a beautiful felt unicorn face to an ice cream stick.

How to do it yourself?
This master class will teach you how to make felt bookmarks in 30 minutes, which even a beginner can handle.
For work you will need:
- hard felt, 2-3 mm thick;
- small pieces of multi-colored cotton fabric;
- knitted (rep) ribbons, lace, braid and threads;
- sewing machine, zigzag scissors.

We make 3 squares 5x5 cm in size or 3 rectangles 5x4 cm out of felt of different colors. In one detail, you need to cut out in the middle any simple figure, for example, a heart. Sew a few circles around the edge of the top piece to get the effect of enhancing the shape of the heart. Use zigzag scissors to cut the outline of the heart. Insert a lace loop into the upper part. Scribble it down on a typewriter too.
Separately cut 2 rectangles 19x4 cm from felt of the same color. Cut a smaller rectangle out of chintz and stitch it onto the 2 previous rectangular felt pieces. Cut the edges of the resulting three-layer rectangle with scissors to make zigzags. At the end of the work, sew a loop with a heart to the rectangle cut with scissors.

The next workshop will show you how to make funny bookmarks for books and textbooks with colored felt paper clips. They can be done in 15 minutes. This is the easiest way to make a bookmark, which will appeal to the most impatient book lovers.
You will need the following materials:
- multi-colored felt;
- paper clips;
- scissors;
- superglue or Moment glue;
- simple pencil;
- eraser;
- paper for a pattern-pattern of figures.

We start the work by making a template for the figures. To do this, on paper you need to draw your favorite figure of an asterisk, cloud, ice cream, etc. The easiest way is to find a suitable picture and cut out a pattern-template from it.
Next, you should select the desired felt color. We overlay patterns-templates of figures and cut out 2 pieces for one bookmark. Then we lay out one piece of the figure, put a paperclip on its edge and grease the edges of the figure well with superglue. Place the second symmetrical piece on top. Press gently. Before using such a bookmark, you must wait until the glue is completely dry.

The next master class will help you make unusual and original bookmarks for books. You can make this attribute in 10 minutes if you have all the necessary materials. To make a creative bookmark you will need:
- felt in bright shades;
- elastic;
- glue;
- scissors.
First of all, you need to cut out a drawing of an owl, it is best if there are as few small details as possible.Two body templates are transferred to gray felt, two wings are outlined on a red material, the eyes are made white with black pupils, a dark triangle plays the role of a beak. All parts are cut out and glued to one of the backrest blanks. On its other side, the elastic bands are fixed and the second gray part is glued. As a decor, you can add a bow, tie, or even glasses to an owl-bookmark.
In the process of making a bookmark, you need to show imagination, then the craft will be original and everyone will like it.

For how easy it is to make a felt cake bookmark, see the next video.