
How to understand that they envy you?

How to understand that they envy you?
  1. The main signs of envy
  2. Sign language
  3. How to behave?

Any person on Earth dreams of being the best among his fellows. However, not all people take into account the fact that personal success always arouses the envy of others. And it's very bad. It is for this reason that many try not to advertise their achievements. And rightly so. First, they show their modesty in this way. Secondly, thoughtless advertising of success is fraught with many problems. Let's consider this issue in more detail.

The main signs of envy

Envy is a very bad feeling that makes a person angry and uncontrollable. Often, out of envy, people commit rash acts and then regret what happened. Anyone who has experienced the manifestation of envy on the part of loved ones or just acquaintances received a lot of stress.

Therefore, you need to stay away from those people who compare themselves to you all the time.

However, not everyone will be able to understand that he is constantly envied. However, if you try, you can identify the envious person who is next to you. So, let's take a closer look at this issue.

Girlfriends and friends

Envy manifests itself in different ways. Some ill-wishers want what you have. Other evil people send curses in your direction because of hostility, others think this way: if I do not have something, then let the others have nothing.

It becomes very offensive when your friends or girlfriends feel this feeling towards you. Advice: if someone from your environment has a destructive mood towards you personally, then you need to break off the relationship.

But before you do this, you need to learn to "see what is not visible to the naked eye." Namely - to learn to look into the soul of a person. How exactly? Let's try to figure it out.

If your girlfriend or boyfriend treats you with hidden hostility, it is possible that they are jealous. For example, a so-called loved one is rude to you if he sees your progress. He is annoyed by the fact that you can achieve goals that are beyond his reach.

The envious person knows how to create imitations. For example, a person who compares you to himself, copies your behavior, clothes and lifestyle.

Note: If the person is still unable to achieve certain results by following you, they will begin to hate you.

You can define an envious person by the following criteria. If a person is jealous of you, they will play down your physical appearance or success. For example, girls engage in criticism of a friend who looks much better than them. Therefore, the villains deliberately smile defiantly, laugh loudly or "roll their eyes" at the sight of a beautiful dress worn by a successful person.

You can also recognize hostility in this way: ill-wishers always want to humiliate an opponent. They do this in order to assert themselves in their own eyes.

Envy looks funny from the outside. It can be determined by the foolish actions of the opponent. For example, if a person is jealous of you because you are successful, they will behave very defiantly in front of you. Subject will try to challenge you or provoke you.

Advice: never "get fooled" by these provocations, but just step aside.

An envious girlfriend or boyfriend will demand increased attention to themselves. Distinguishing whims from envy is very simple. If your friend (friend) reproaches you and is angry, then she is jealous of you.

You can find out that you are being treated with hostility. Tell the person with whom you have been friends for a long time about your great success. If after that he ceases to maintain good relations with you, it means that he has destructive feelings towards you.

There are other ways as well. If a person spreads bad rumors about you and gives out your secrets, then this suggests that he envies you.

Husband to wife

Yes, unfortunately, this also happens. Men really do not like it when women are in many ways superior to them. If this happens, the representatives of the stronger sex become uncontrollable. Their behavior changes for the worse.

The hobby for alcohol and tobacco smoking begins. Thus, a man tries to attract attention to himself and "drown out" spiritual bitterness.

The man has an inferiority complex. Therefore, he constantly mockingly emphasizes the superiority of his wife and thereby pisses her off. For example, he says this: now you are in charge of our family, and I am nobody else.

If the husband has a bad temper, he may engage in assault. Thus, he will try to assert himself through brute force. The spouse is hysterical and is always jealous of the spouse "out of the blue."

The man gradually begins to move away. As a result of the complexes that have arisen, he can even "go" to treason. He will simply find a woman who will not claim to be the first. Thus, the representative of the stronger sex will feel their importance.


Very close people can also feel jealous of each other. This phenomenon occurs when there is no consent in the family. For example, parents envy their children too. It is necessary to make a reservation at the same time: not all parents behave this way, but only those who have not been able to realize their capabilities. How does it manifest?

A father or mother throws tantrums about the fact that children pay little attention to them. Parents often deliberately put a spoke in the wheel. How is this expressed? For example: a mother is jealous of her daughter about her youth. She unconsciously tries to harm her: she does not let her on dates with a young man or does not buy beautiful things, citing lack of money.

Unfounded criticism of children also speaks of a destructive feeling.Often a mother says to her daughter: why are you wearing such a dress? It's too frank. Parents can be manipulative by refusing help or causing guilt.

Sign language

When a person experiences any emotion, his brain takes a direct part in this action. No wonder they say: you cannot deceive yourself. This means that you cannot deceive your own feelings and feelings.

The conclusion is this: if the subject is jealous of someone, then this is reflected in his gestures and facial expressions. Please see the following information for details.

The entire spectrum of human thoughts and feelings is visible on the face. Therefore, a smile can say a lot. She can be sincere and tense.

If a person is hostile to another person, they will smile unnaturally.

When a sincere smile occurs, a person's eyes glow, and the mouth opens completely. With a smile that hides anger, the mouth is half open, and ill will is expressed in the eyes.

Only a very naive and inexperienced person will not notice this factor. Therefore, no matter how benevolent person you are, try to show some kind of vigilance in order not to make mistakes.

If one side of your face bends when you smile, then this indicates a person's skeptical attitude towards you. This means that the subject with such a smile thinks about you like this: you are not worthy of what you have.

Eyes are the mirror of the soul. If a person has negative feelings towards you, their gaze becomes slippery and angry.

To hide his true feelings, an envious person looks down when talking to an opponent.

Squinting eyes also indicate that the subject clearly dislikes you. His inner state says: I am waiting for you to fail in order to laugh at you.

If a person can still take control of facial expressions and hide his mood towards you, then hands often give away his true feelings. The envious person unwittingly tries to hide some details with the help of them.

That's why the ill-wisher, when talking, can cover his mouth with his hand or fiddle with the first thing that comes across. Also, when talking to you, the opponent can prop his chin with his fist, while raising his index finger up. Thus, the envious expresses some kind of irritation towards you.

If a person tilts his head and neck to one side, then such a gesture speaks of a "curvature" in his thoughts in your direction. The crossed arms on the chest indicate: the person is hiding something from you or trying to hide from you. The envious person understands well that his conscience towards you is not entirely clear. Therefore, it behaves in exactly this way.

An often hostile subject grabs the wrist of his hand behind his back. In this way, he tries his best to hide his emotions so that you do not find out about his real intentions.

A dishonest person will keep away from you in conversation: for example, he will swing his body back or take a step back to move slightly away from your face. Restraint in hand and body movements speaks of the alertness of your interlocutor. If he has something to hide, he will behave in a similar way.

Please note: The symptoms of black envy are very difficult to hide. Often times, others only pretend that they love and respect you. Therefore, when they talk, they take you by the elbow and try to convey that they treat you with respect.

In fact, this is how latent envy manifests itself. A person who wishes harm to another will never show his true intentions through hostile actions.

Therefore, he will first lull your vigilance, and then deliver a crushing blow.

How to behave?

No person who is distinguished by their skills and achievements can live without envious people. What if you are envied? Of course, you don't need to hide from people and stop communicating with them completely.Because: firstly, your successes and achievements in one way or another depend on people, and secondly, active and successful actors simply cannot live in a vacuum.

Means, it is necessary to develop some tactics that will allow you to live and not be afraid of anything. Where should you start? The simplest solution is to remove the envious person from your social circle. In this case, it is better to identify the reason for the refusal of friendship. Express your claims to the spiteful critic and let go in peace. Then everything will end. First, the "sinister" falls into confusion, and then the realization that his behavior is fully disclosed will come to him.

However, it is not always possible to just take and "cut off all the ends" just like that. Often you have to communicate with envious people through “I don’t want to”. So, in this case, "pull yourself together" and show patience. For example, if a person who envies you is in your team, then address him politely and try to compliment him.

Imagine you are playing a game and your co-worker is your hidden opponent. This way you take control of the situation. Subsequently, you will learn to manipulate the emotions of a person who treats you with hostility.

Keep in mind that sometimes you need to be gentle and not hateful. The rule of life is this: what you sow is what you reap. Sow a positive, get a positive mood in return. Be condescending. Usually, envy takes possession of people who are very insecure and insecure.

Therefore, instead of fighting them, have pity on them.

To reduce the negative attitude of the envious person, try to make friends with him and help him get out of the vicious circle of his own problems. For example, offer help in carrying out his plans or give the right advice.

A word of caution: just don't get too carried away with this process. You need to keep the situation under control and avoid mistakes. Envious people are very insidious. Therefore, develop such tactics that will allow you to apply effective defense tactics in case of something.

If you want to master the skills of communicating with envious people, then it will be useful for you to familiarize yourself with the following points. Minimize the relationship with the envious person. Tell the envious person about how hard you achieved such a dizzying success. Why do you need to do this? Many people do not even realize that there is a lot of work behind any success. They think that prosperity is given from above “for beautiful eyes,” and therefore they show aggression.

Try not to talk to others about your achievements left and right.

Remember that happiness "loves silence." However, one should not talk about failures either. If you continue to "complain about life", then envious people will find a reason to once again rejoice for your failures and wish you even more failures. Do you need this? You should not pay attention to the barbs of envious people and not get angry. Let them waste their energy.

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