Accommodation in Sudak in Crimea: where to stay for tourists?

  1. Hotel overview
  2. All about guest houses
  3. Should I rent an apartment?
  4. How to choose accommodation?

Pike perch is a small, but contrasting and bright village-decoration of the southern coast of Crimea. It will appeal to many vacationers, including those with children. The weather, the sea, the famous Genoese fortress, a water park, a well-maintained and noisy embankment with its vibrant nightlife and attractions - all this will make your vacation diversified. Booking an apartment is not that difficult. Even at the height of summer, there is sure to be a suitable accommodation option. The main thing is to decide what is preferable - a hotel or an apartment, a hotel or a room in the private sector.

Hotel overview

In general, the overview of different categories of housing is pleasantly surprising. There is a choice.

  • In the national ratings, one of the top lines is occupied by a hotel "On Admiralskaya, 5". The main advantage is that the sea is nearby, just a 5-minute walk away. The conditions are also quite comfortable. The traveler will find everything he needs for his vacation.
  • Tourists assess the conditions in approximately the same way. "Sunny Castle", "Eden", boarding house "Moskovsky", "Aquatel", hotel "Triskele" or boarding house "Breeze-Morskoe". It is noteworthy that they are all located literally on the same street.
  • For those who can afford a little more, there are mid-range hotels. "Aquabriz" or "Amazon" will delight you with their own pools with azure water and comfortable rooms.
  • There is a hotel under the walls of the fortress Soldaya Grand Hotel. Interesting architecture, comfortable conditions, a swimming pool, a direct path to the sea - all this is worth its price per person per night.
  • Slightly below are his fellow ratings - "Astarta", "Parus", "Chaikhana", moreover, all these hotels are located on the waterfront.
  • Hotel with 12 rooms "Brigantine" - small, but interesting in terms of architectural solutions. Its windows offer a beautiful view of the sea.
  • A little further from the main beach fun (but this one also has its charms) there are two coastal hotels - "Villa Millennium" and "Diva".
  • Two large sanatoriums settled in the coastal strip, occupying a significant part of it. First - "Military sanatorium" the name speaks for itself. Solid, calm, with comfortable living conditions and good food.
  • The second is called TOK "Sudak"... The deluxe rooms promise increased comfort and an unforgettable stay. To services of vacationers three meals a day according to the type of "buffet", two swimming pools, a Finnish sauna, haham, billiards, a gym, a private pebble beach half a kilometer long, a diving center (whose services can be used for an additional fee). They also offer a rich evening cultural program. Paid parking is available.

All about guest houses

Information about guest houses in Sudak can not always be found on the Internet. More often it can be the recommendations of those people who have already been here. But if the traveler decided to choose this type of accommodation, you can safely go to Sudak. It is difficult to stay here without an overnight stay. Locals will certainly offer a variety of options and suggest where to stay. You can find accommodation with different levels of comfort.

It is likely that you will have to somewhere to settle for the night, and in the morning to look around and find a more suitable accommodation.

For many, an important factor is the fact that the area is well lit at night. Indeed, many tourists like to wander along the embankment at night, and then they still need to get home. And preferably - without incident and trouble.

Most of the small guest houses offer rooms for tourists with all conveniences; on the street there are places for recreation with barbecue, tables, and a playground.

The cheapest options are in remote corners of the settlement and near the bus station, but from here you will have to get to the sea 20 minutes by minibus or bus.

The most successful options for guest houses, according to guests, are located on the streets of Gagarin, Admiralskaya and Tavricheskaya: it is relatively inexpensive, close to the sea, and to cafeterias, and still quiet and calm.

There are many options for living in houses with mini-pools in Sudak. By the way, at a cost they are quite a bit higher than guest houses without pools. But the housing that is located on well-lit streets at night, and is also located near the sea, is in great demand.

Families with small children are better off staying in quieter areas, and not on the embankment itself, where it is still noisy even at late hours, since people are having fun and rest, music sounds, and laughter is heard. True, it will not be so comfortable to travel to the embankment on foot. But public transport will come to the rescue. But loud night discos will not spoil the peace.

Many private options attract with their convenient location between the sea and the main attractions of the village. For example, cottage "Butterfly" offers normal comfort conditions at a reasonable average price, plus a stunning view from the observation deck.

Should I rent an apartment?

Any budget traveler, like a family who wants to have their own territory, is interested in the question: is it possible to rent a comfortable apartment in a good area? At the same time, many want the sea to be reachable on foot, and there are shops nearby where you can buy everything you need to cook lunch and dinner. If the question is only about saving, then this option is suitable for everyone.

In the busiest places you can meet people with signs “rent an apartment”. It's another matter whether you want to feel that you are at the Black Sea resort, waking up in the morning to the singing of birds and smelling the aroma of an orchard.All the charm of southern resorts for many is just in their atmosphere and cute rustic southern relaxation.

But if you have to book an apartment or a room in advance, it is imperative to clarify all the nuances and do not hesitate to ask for photos in order to avoid unpleasant surprises.

It all depends on financial capabilities. Of course, your vacation will not be spoiled if you choose to stay in an apartment. Sometimes it is better to spend free money on all kinds of excursions, trips to the surrounding area, cultural and entertainment programs.

How to choose accommodation?

To find a suitable option that would suit all family members or the whole company going on vacation, you need to decide what is most important.

You can also bargain, if we are talking about the private sector, to clarify all the nuances. You can visit several places and choose the best for yourself.

You can also ask numerous questions that you consider important to yourself. Is the air conditioner working? Is it possible with a dog? Is breakfast included in the price? And for what surcharge you can move to the next room on the floor above with such a beautiful panorama from the window? Do you have an orchard near your house? A barbecue for public use?

If you are not sure of the choice, you can go for a little trick. You can always rent a house, a room, an apartment for one or two days and check if it is as convenient as the owners promised.

Rest is a wonderful time that should pass without unpleasant moments. Housing plays an important role. Any little thing can ruin everything. Two days are enough to understand whether this option is suitable or not. If something is wrong, you can look at other houses and look for something more suitable. For example, closer to the embankment, to grocery stores and pharmacies, to a fortress or a bus stop. Or farther away from all this - in some lovely place, where it is very quiet and beautiful.

It is worth noting that there are not so many grocery stores in the whole of Sudak. But everything you need can be found without problems. Therefore, for those who like to have everything close by, and for the townspeople who are not afraid of noise, housing options may be suitable. on the streets of Yabloneva and Lenin. Here, within walking distance, there is a small market and many restaurants where you can spend time.

By the way, the city sandy beach in Sudak is usually not empty, you will not find secluded corners here. During the day you will have to fight for a place in the sun. At night, it turns into a place for fun parties - the lights and music of the waterfront cafeterias will prevent anyone from enjoying the full moon and the silence of the southern night, if that's what you originally intended. The eastern part of the beaches, which is located far from expensive hotels, is favored by nudists.

Based on all these factors (and they are important), and you need to select a home. Hotels and inns on the waterfront - for those who like a fun pastime. The remote private sector is more suitable for lovers of a relaxing holiday. Those who value their own territory will love the apartment.

In the next video you will learn how you can rent a house in Sudak without intermediaries.

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