How and where to invite a girl out on a date?

Asking the girl you like on a date is not an easy task. After all, a lot depends on this meeting. How to prepare for an important meeting and where is the best place to have a first date - this is exactly what our material talks about.
How to overcome fear?
Many guys face fear when they see the very person they like the most on the horizon. In order to invite the girl you like on a date, you need to overcome indecision and confidently do it. But in no case should you seem self-confident at the same time. Overconfidence often fails in such situations, since many, not without reason, perceive it as arrogance.
In addition, it is important to overcome fear and before the first meeting, when you have already received a positive answer and you are going on a date. How to deal with the unpleasant feeling of fear that can ruin everything?

To cope with fear, you need to try to understand its causes. For example, he may arise from the thought that he will be rejected for a meeting offer. And also if you are not too confident in yourself and therefore set yourself up in advance that you will not be interesting to her.
Such thoughts and fears are quite natural. Moreover, the girl, getting ready for the first date, is just as worried and has the same fears as you. For example, she is afraid that the guy might not like something. Or he considers himself not fashionable and beautiful enough, and also not as smart as he is.
As you can see, there are no ideal people. This thought should always be in your head. You should understand for yourself that each person has their own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, do not try to appear better or more interesting, be who you are. Remember that your shortcomings and fears are not interesting to anyone, but there is a great reason to show your girl your positive qualities.
When planning on a date or gathering the courage to ask her out for a date, put all your doubts aside. You shouldn't have any negative thoughts in your head, don't program yourself to fail in advance. Instead, program yourself for success, take it easy, count to ten and take action. Once you confidently take the first step towards her, you will understand that it is much easier than it seems.

The importance of preparation
Overcoming your fear, you need to move on to the next stage. First of all, you need to think about where the girl can be invited. Indeed, during the invitation, she may ask you about it. If you choose a cafe, be sure to find out in advance about the reputation of the establishment, prices, cuisine, and so on. When inviting a girl somewhere, you must be sure that she will like it there, that there is a pleasant atmosphere, that you can calmly talk, have dinner and that you have enough money to pay the bill.
In addition, you must prepare several options in advance. For example, to your invitation to go to a cafe, she may reply that she does not eat in the evening. In order not to get confused at such a moment, be sure to keep one more option ready.
When inviting on a date, try to avoid banal phrases, and even more so memorized quotes from the Internet. Try to be yourself and speak confidently. The most important moment when you ask her out on a date is not only about being confident, but also about being in a good mood. If you look gloomy, you mutter something under your breath, then such a guy is unlikely to be interested in a pretty and smart girl.

Invitation methods
Calling a girl out on a date is easy. The main thing is self-confidence and self-confidence. Of course, it is much easier to invite a classmate, classmate or colleague. Simply put, an acquaintance that you have known for several days. Calling an old friend out on a date is easy, since you’re probably already chatting at ease for a long time.
But inviting an unfamiliar girl to a meeting is already a little more difficult. It is important here to choose the right words, to invite her somehow beautifully and original. In other words, do everything possible so that she cannot refuse you.
At the meeting
Asking a girl out on a date in person is not an easy task. On the one hand, it is very difficult to overcome shyness and fear, but on the other hand, this is a great chance to get a positive response. If you approach her personally, then the girl will definitely appreciate your courage. In addition, when you meet in person, you can track her reaction and understand what your chances of success are. During the conversation, try to look her directly in the eyes and then you will understand when the right moment comes to ask out on a date. Remember the simple rules that should be followed at such a moment - a smile, a look, a neat appearance and your sincerity.

Social networks
Invite the girl you like on a date on social networks is the easiest task for any guy. Communicating on VKontakte or on Odnoklassniki, most guys feel as relaxed as possible. Start with your casual compliments. Surely the girl has a lot of all kinds of photos or posts on social networks. Leave a comment under her photo, and then write to her. It is important here not to go too far and not write all sorts of platitudes. The compliment should be sincere, only then the girl will be interested in you.
Use pictures, emoticons, stickers during correspondence.Just remember that they should not be an allusion to intimacy, they should only be modest and cute stickers that will make her feel good. After a little correspondence, you can write that you want to invite her out on a date.

It is also quite possible to write an SMS message. Your message must be written personally by you. You should not use ready-made templates and beautiful phrases, which are now abundant on the Internet. It may be that someone has already tried to ask her out in such a banal way. If she receives another similar message, then, most likely, you will receive a refusal.
Start by writing a simple message to find out how she's doing, what's new, and the like. And as soon as you receive answers to all your SMS, you can safely invite her to a meeting.

Telephone call
Of course, it is much easier to invite a girl to a personal meeting using SMS or messages on social networks. Moreover, now there are many tips, ready-made phrases that help to invite her out on a date in some original and even cool way. But for girls it is very important to hear the voice of the one who wants to meet her. So don't be afraid, call her personally and invite her. It is important to remember a few rules here, thanks to which you can do this correctly.
During a conversation, you should speak clearly so that the girl can immediately understand why you are calling, and not ask you every word again. According to your voice, she should feel a good mood. Try to speak in a way that makes her feel like you are smiling from a distance.
Begin to unobtrusively conduct the conversation and only then move on to the main question. For example, you can just chat about something, and at the end suggest meeting in the evening and continuing the conversation over a cup of coffee. She definitely will not refuse such an offer.

Where to take the girl when you meet?
In the event that your first date is planned in the fall or winter, then you should think over everything carefully and invite your beloved to the place where it will be as comfortable, fun, cozy and warm as possible. For example, bowling is perfect for such an occasion. There is always a special atmosphere in this institution, which is conducive to fun and communication. This atmosphere will help both of you feel relaxed and it will help you have a casual conversation.
If you are firmly convinced that the girl is good at skating and loves to spend time at the rink, then you should go to the rink. In winter, you can go to an open skating rink, and in summer - to an indoor skating rink, of which there are now many in various entertainment centers. By the way, if you yourself do not know how to skate well, then you can ask the girl to help you with this. This is a great opportunity not only to chat and have fun, but also to get a little closer.

If the date takes place in the warm season, then there are even more opportunities and interesting places where you can invite the one that you like more than anyone else in the world. For example, you can go on a picnic. It can be arranged both in the city park and outside the city. A picnic is always a win-win, since you two will be the perfect opportunity to get to know each other better. Just do not forget to warn the girl about this so that she can dress as conveniently as possible for such a date.

The most common option for a first date is a cafe. In order to impress her, try to choose an original, themed institution. If you like a girl, then for sure you have already managed to study her interests and find out about what she does in her free time. For example, if this is a creative person, then why not go to an art cafe. If she is partial to books, then a literary cafe will do.

The best places for follow-up meetings
In the event that your first meeting was at the proper level, and after the first date you continue to communicate, then this indicates that the time has come for the meetings to become permanent.
By the second and third meetings, you have already managed to get to know each other better, so you can be bolder and choose other places for meetings. Be sure to invite her wherever she is interested. If she told that she loves modern cinema, art, performances, then you can invite her to the cinema, theater or to a modern exhibition.
And also a restaurant, a dolphinarium, an interesting exhibition, a concert, or you can arrange a romantic dinner is perfect for the next date.

What should i avoid?
In order for a date to be as successful as possible, you need to know not only the rules of how to behave and where to invite a girl. You need to know what to avoid at such a meeting and where it is better not to invite the person you like.
If this is your first date, then you should not invite her to an exotic or too expensive place. These options are great if you already have a close relationship, otherwise the girl will feel uncomfortable.
When asking a girl out on a date, try not to surprise her. For example, you know for sure that you will go bowling or go boating, and this should come as a surprise to her. But without knowing this, the girl may come on a date in an outfit that will not match the place that you have chosen for the meeting. In order not to embarrass her, be sure to warn in advance where you plan to take her.

Remember that your first date is a great opportunity to please a girl and show all the sincerity of your feelings. Many guys make a gross mistake when, at the first meeting, in order to make the maximum impression, they try to demonstrate their financial position or their status. This behavior on the part of a guy can scare the girl, and in the end, the result of the date will not be what you dreamed of.
During the date, try to communicate with her as much as possible. But this does not mean at all that you need to talk non-stop only about yourself, your hobbies, your work, and so on. Communication should be collaborative, relaxed and easy. In addition, you should not invite on a first date to the theater or cinema. You will spend at least an hour and a half together, but you will not be able to talk and get to know each other better during this time.

Examples of good phrases
Finally, I would like to give as an example a few phrases that will help you invite her on your next date.
- “Everything was just great. You and I must definitely see you again. I'll call you "- such a phrase will intrigue any girl.
- “What a wonderful evening! We must repeat it! I hope you enjoyed it too ... "
- “Do you remember when you said that you like modern painting? Let's go to the exhibition together ”- thanks to such a phrase, she will understand that you listened to her attentively.

These options can always be adjusted to fit the real situation.
In the next video, you'll find 10 budget date ideas with your girlfriend.