Meeting a guy and a girl

How to ask a man out on a date so that he doesn't refuse?

How to ask a man out on a date so that he doesn't refuse?
  1. Peculiarities
  2. How to formulate and convey an invitation?
  3. Where to call?
  4. How to behave on a date?
  5. How to dress?
  6. Advice

There has long been a stereotype that a woman should not take the first step and show her feelings until the man himself begins to court, pampering the lady with flowers, invitations to the cinema and other pleasant moments. But unfortunately, life is most often not like a movie, and it happens that it is a woman who sometimes has to take the first step when, for example, she has strong feelings or sympathy. And, first of all, it is worth considering one important point: how to invite a man on a date so that he does not refuse?


There are situations when a girl definitely feels that the guy is interested in her, but he lacks the determination to invite her. In this case, you can cheer him up, push him to the idea that it would be nice to go somewhere together.

And there is nothing shameful, as some people believe, if a girl herself invites a guy.

If the first date happened on her initiative, then it would be more logical to wait for the second step from the man. Well, if the pause has dragged on, there are two options for the development of events. Letting go of the situation and not getting upset is not the right person. Or forget about all the prejudices and try again.

There are situations when a guy is pleasant, but he does not pay any attention and, perhaps, does not even notice that the girl is interested in him.

Here you need to act carefully, first test the waters, find out what he is interested in, try to establish at least a minimal friendly contact.

If this is a person from the team, perhaps during a break over a cup of coffee, it will be possible to start a conversation about his favorite films, games, books, music.It can be anything.

Any man really likes if a woman is interested in his hobbies, and especially if she praises him for some actions.

Maybe he's a good guitar player or has a literary talent, a great athlete or a seasoned climber. It is imperative to know all its strengths and weaknesses, then it will be easier to act.

For example, it is worth saying that all my life I dreamed of going to the mountains, but I could not find a travel companion. Most likely, he himself will offer to go on a hike with him. Or inform that you also like the same group as him, and, by the way, notice that you have an extra ticket. The main thing is not to miss the very moment when you can find these points of contact, which will bring you closer to the desired date.

Another option is when an acquaintance happened by correspondence, and a new acquaintance for some reason hesitates with an invitation to a date. The algorithm of actions here is very simple. In the process of correspondence, people try to learn as much as possible about each other, respectively, share their thoughts, stories about themselves. It is enough to show interest in any topic and throw a completely innocent phrase: "How do you look at discussing this over a cup of coffee?" Most likely, the answer will be yes.

And to make it clear that this is just a friendly conversation, it is better to set the first date, for example, in a coffee shop, at lunchtime or in the afternoon on a weekend.

But the main thing is to take into account that a man should not be in a relationship with another girl, and even more so should not have a family... Firstly, it is simply unacceptable to ruin other people's relationships for the sake of one's own goals, after which troubles will surely follow, and it is unlikely that it will be possible to enjoy cloudless happiness. And secondly, there are more chances of getting a refusal from a man, which will be quite predictable.

And an unsuccessful experience for a long time can discourage the desire to take a step towards the first. So, before moving towards your goal, you should definitely find out if the person is open to relationships, and if there are any obstacles.

How to formulate and convey an invitation?

You always need to take into account the nuance that a man can provide, but this is not at all a reason to begin to doubt his attractiveness or think that a mistake was made somewhere. Circumstances vary. And one of the reasons may be that he recently broke up with his girlfriend, and the guy is simply not ready for a new relationship.

But we must try to make sure that he does not refuse. And therefore, armed with the knowledge gained about him, you should book tickets to the theater or cinema, to a concert or football.

Depends on what we learned about him. And just at any opportunity to report that there were plans to go to a match (concert, movie) with a friend, but she, unfortunately, could not.

In fact, the phrases can be anything, but they should sound believable. So do not come up with too fantastic fables. Whatever the text is from the lips of the girl, it will be clear to the guy that she does not mind spending time with him.

On the other hand, if something goes wrong, the girl has absolutely nothing to worry about, she just didn't want the ticket to disappear. That's all. But if the time goes well, then the representative of the stronger sex will figure out how to spend it next time.

If it is very scary to take the first step by yourself, fearing to be rejected, you can use SMS. The text is usually written the simplest.

For example: “There are two tickets for a great show. Critics are highly praised. A friend got tickets, but at the last moment she had to go to work. Do you want to keep me company? " Or this option: “They gave me two tickets to the concert. I know how much you like this band. We can go together. "

For more timid girls, there is an even better and more reliable option. You can invite a young man to spend time with friends. Most often, in such cases, there is no refusal.And then you need to take the situation into your own hands and try to spend as much time with him as possible and communicate.

Where to call?

On the one hand, many people think that it is something indecent to invite first on a date. On the other hand, this can only be afforded by very confident girls who know that they will not be denied or guess that the opposite sex also has sympathy.

There are a lot of options for where to call the guy. An offer to visit a newly opened bar to form an opinion about it is likely to be accepted by a man. Well, there he, of course, leads you home. It's time to say that the meeting could be repeated.

In addition, it is not forbidden to simply invite you to take a walk in the park, embankment, talk and admire the beauty, if it is spring, summer or autumn.

During the walk, different topics may arise that can bring two people closer together.

If you act decisively, rather than probing the situation, you can immediately invite on a romantic date, book a table in a restaurant or take a trip on a yacht, depending on what places to relax in the city. such a film that it would be interesting to both. Theater, concert hall will do too. This is an opportunity to discuss what you saw after the event over a cup of tea or a glass of wine.

This is only suitable if the man has a positive attitude towards such events. Otherwise, there is a risk of being rejected.

If a girl wants to arrange a completely unusual date, then everything here already depends on her imagination. After all, it can be anything: rollerblading, ice skating, skiing, horseback riding, hot air ballooning, parachute jumping, a master class on joint production of interesting things or a trial dance lesson. It all depends on the partner's preferences and the girl's understanding of what he may be ready for, and what, most likely, he will refuse.

In the next video, you will find a tricky trick that is guaranteed to help you go on a date with a man.

How to behave on a date?

If the long-awaited date took place, and there is a desire to meet further, you need to behave in such a way that the guy would definitely want to walk again. This is not difficult to do. On the very first evening, you should not try to force him to somehow express his feelings and push him to take any action.

The best option would be to behave unobtrusively, maintain a conversation, show interest in everything he says, laugh, joke herself, flirt a little.

During the meeting, it will be clear how to behave - more restrained or you can allow some little things, for example, holding hands, kissing on the cheek goodbye. You shouldn't go further than this on the first date. Perhaps a man will want to continue the evening and get closer, but one must remember that the first impression is indelible.

Be very careful not to ruin anything. But, of course, the best way is to rely on your intuition.

How to dress?

Any girl feels comfortable and confident if she looks perfect. Therefore, the image must be thought out carefully.

It is imperative to do a hairstyle, but the one that has already been done before, the one that is current and time-tested. No experiments like curling, dyeing, haircuts.

All this may not be very successful, and then the mood will be ruined, in some cases you will have to refuse to meet. Discreet makeup will come in handy, do not paint too brightly.

When it comes to clothing, it’s wiser to wear your favorite outfit, which is comfortable.

There is no need for a skirt that is too short and an unnecessarily deep neckline. None of this is good for a first date. New shoes aren't an option either.

They can behave unpredictably, and all thoughts will no longer be about a date, but about how to quickly get home and take off your shoes.Therefore, it is better to wear beautiful and favorite shoes, not necessarily even with heels. One or two pieces of jewelry that match with each other and with the overall style will also look elegant.


Before inviting a guy, you should collect all the necessary information about him. Social networks, friends, colleagues can help with this. The more information there is, the more the chances of a successful date increase. Having learned about his hobbies, you definitely need to glean the necessary information in order to maintain a conversation and show off erudition.

An important advice from a psychologist: behave confidently (not to be confused with impudence!) And kindly. When inviting on a date, do not mumble, be embarrassed and faint. A smile on your face, an open look and a confident voice are much more suitable.

When communicating with a man on the first date, it is imperative to show interest in his person, it will be useful to praise a couple of times, only the moment for this should be the right one.

Oddly enough, men constantly need approval and praise. If it is possible to show awareness of what he is interested in, the young man will appreciate it, and he will want to at least talk again.

Another situation to be prepared for is rejection. And you need to accept it with dignity. No sarcastic remarks or barbs. Politeness and calmness. Moreover, tomorrow everything can change, and you always need to think so. The long-awaited date will happen, but not this time. It is very important to set yourself up in a positive mood and believe in yourself, only then you can achieve success.

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