Meeting a guy and a girl

How to find words for a girl you like?

How to find words for a girl you like?
  1. General rules of communication
  2. Where to start and how to behave?
  3. Correct words

Talking to the girl you like is not easy. After all, in order to freely and naturally communicate with her, you need not only to be able to say beautiful phrases, but to overcome your embarrassment and fear. How to find the right words? How to please a girl? What can you ask when meeting? Look for answers to these and other questions in our material.

General rules of communication

Finding the right words to talk to the girl you like is easy. The main thing is to know some rules of communication and study a little the issues of the psychology of communication with the opposite sex. If from the very first minutes of communication, the guy manages to establish contact with the person he liked, then in the course of the conversation the girl will understand that it is easy and simple to communicate with you. Moreover, she will understand that you can be trusted.

The main rule is to remember once and for all: girls are emotional and sensitive people. Therefore, the main thing in a conversation is to evoke positive emotions in the interlocutor.

The conversation should be light, talk only about what you yourself are sure of. You shouldn't start a conversation about topics that you think are interesting to girls.

For example, if you do not understand anything about fashion, then after a couple of minutes she will become bored with you. Also, do not say that she will not be interested. For example, this is computer technology or sports cars. Keep your first conversation light. Don't be afraid to flirt, don't be afraid to joke.

During the conversation, try to express yourself in such a way that the girl will definitely believe that you really like her. If she likes you, then she will also behave easily and relaxed.Don't be afraid to smile and look her straight in the eyes as you talk. Girls love it very much.

During the conversation, she will probably tell you something about herself. It is very important to listen and hear what the girl is saying.

Be sure to memorize some details from her story, thanks to which you can then continue the conversation. In this case, she will understand that you are really interested in you and that you listened to her carefully.

Remembering some interesting fact from her story, some information, do not immediately ask her questions about this topic. Just memorize the necessary information for yourself, and then completely unexpectedly ask her a question about it. She will definitely be pleasantly surprised by your care and your interest in her person.

Where to start and how to behave?

Many young people hesitate or hesitate to approach the one that they really like. And if this is your destiny? So put your shyness aside and don't miss the opportunity. Many guys, wanting to meet a girl on the street, try to immediately impress her. They try to behave in a relaxed manner, immediately move on to flirting, make compliments and say beautiful phrases. By the way, most of these phrases are taken either from films or from the Internet.

Such persistence can scare some girls, so most attempts to meet on the street do not end with anything.

So don't be afraid to just walk up and be natural. It's better to just ask the girl what her name is, rather than trying to portray a real macho from an advertisement. You can simply say: "I am afraid that you will refuse me, but I really want to meet you." In this way, you will definitely interest her.

If you turn out to be nice to her, then she will give you her phone number, and then you can get to know each other better. If you see that a girl sympathizes with you, but hesitates to dictate her number, then just give her a notebook with a pen or your mobile phone. Then she will definitely write down her number for you.

When you meet, do not forget to introduce yourself. If mutual sympathy arises, then for sure you will strike up a short conversation. During this conversation, try to pronounce her name more often, the girls really like it, and you can win her over.

Remember that during the conversation there should be no vulgar anecdotes, any hints of intimacy, awkward jokes, etc.

Also, try to avoid topics related to your personal problems or those of your loved ones. The first conversation should be light, otherwise you will simply disappoint a new acquaintance.

To find the right words during the first conversation, meeting and interest the girl you like, you need to behave naturally and be able to communicate easily. Keep some interesting stories in hand. You can talk about your recent travel, about your deplorable culinary experience, etc. The story should be lively, interesting, only then it will evoke positive emotions in the interlocutor.

In the event that the girl is too shy, then most likely, during the conversation there will be awkward pauses. You must fill them out, otherwise she will think that you are bored in her company.

When trying to get your interlocutor to talk, never say the following phrases: “You’re silent all the time, you’re probably not interested in me”, “You are silent, but I don’t know what else to tell you about,” etc.

Start by asking her questions that can be easily answered with “yes” or “no”. Be sure to look into her eyes, do not forget about compliments, and after a while, realizing that you can be trusted, the silencer will definitely open up.

During the conversation, remember that the dialogue will only work if both talk. If a guy is carried away by a story about himself, and only he will speak all the time, then the interlocutor will very quickly become bored and uninteresting.It happens that the girls also want to take part in the conversation, but the guy does not make any pauses at all and does not give her the opportunity to tell anything either. A guy should not only be a good storyteller, but also an interesting conversationalist and an attentive listener.

Correct words

To impress a girl, you need to know the aphorisms and sayings of great people by heart. Only these should not be trivial phrases that are found on all social networks.

Also, immediately give up the idea of ​​quoting beautiful poetry. You can forget about them with excitement, and in the end everything will not look as optimistic as you would like.

Think in advance about what you will communicate during the meeting and choose the right words for specific topics. For example, if you want to tell her about your hobby for music, then you can prepare in advance the saying of one of the great musicians, composers. At the same time, it is very important that you pronounce this phrase easily, as if it were your personal opinion.

Also, avoid banal compliments like “You're the most beautiful girl I've ever met,” etc. Try to compliment naturally and easily. “It's very easy and interesting for me to be with you” - such a phrase can catch on any girl. Whatever you say, whatever you talk about, the main thing is not to pretend better than you really are and not to be afraid to be sincere.

You will learn how to communicate with a girl by watching the following video.

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