Meeting a guy and a girl

How to meet a girl on a social network?

How to meet a girl on a social network?
  1. Where to start dating?
  2. What to write?
  3. Dating methods
  4. Examples of phrases
  5. Tips and Warnings

In the recent past, in order to meet a woman he liked, a man had to come up with original phrases and start a conversation first. On the go, she showed ingenuity to interest the fair sex. Now only courageous guys can approach an unfamiliar girl and have a casual conversation with her. For other men, communication on social networks becomes the standard of first acquaintance. Communication in real life is much easier to build than in the virtual world. Therefore, you need to periodically edit your profile on social networks.

Where to start dating?

Many men have their own social media page. For example, "VKontakte", where you can upload your photos, share impressions of your vacation, tell interesting moments from life and view the profiles of other users, vote for their photos and repost other people's records. The first thing a girl pays attention to is an avatar, that is, the main profile picture. The fair sex does not like empty frames, images of animals or superheroes. It is better to use real photography, but not in office or street style. A male silhouette against the background of a red sunset will look quite interesting.

Do not use images with compromising connotations, for example, with a cigarette in your mouth or with a glass at a club party. Of course, the photo should be bright, but its main task is to provide a high-quality presentation of the man's favorable external data. After choosing the main profile photo, you can proceed to the design of the page itself. This is the manifestation of the character and way of thinking of a man, and the fair sex takes a special interest in this. The erudition of a young man will double the chances of a successful acquaintance. For example, in the subsection about your favorite films, you do not need to indicate banal Hollywood pictures.

A beautifully designed profile page is the user's business card. There is no need to enter specific information about your interests. It is best to replace the boring description of your favorite activities with a few jokes, which will cause pleasant emotions in the fair sex. After editing the records about his interests, the man must look at the photos on the page. It is best to remove compromising images. It would be nice to upload pictures that emphasize the status of a man and his success in the general album.

The news feed is subject to obligatory correction. The page should be filled with interesting posts. Each individual statement should be unique, but not too complicated so that the general idea is understandable to any person. In no case should you write about serious problems. Sometimes you can point to a minor nuisance, but in a humorous way. Very often, for simple communication in VK, men choose their interlocutor from another country. But even in this case, the profile must be designed correctly in order to arouse the interest and sympathy of the opponent.

For dating on the Internet, many guys use fictitious data, present themselves in a completely different way. And when online dating and communication brings the first meeting closer, the guys disappear, citing ridiculous reasons. Even in the virtual space, you cannot deceive people, you need to remain yourself.

What to write?

After editing the profile, the man thinks about how to meet the person he liked and start a correspondence with her. A beautiful avatar will attract her attention, but, in addition to a bright photo, you need to convince her of your positive character traits and success in life. The social network "VKontakte" is the most popular resource in which almost all Internet users are registered. A convenient search system allows you to easily find the person you are interested in - just indicate the age, place of study or work in the search box. To surely meet a free girl on the world wide web, in the same search, you must set the parameters "Not married" and "Actively searching".

Having made your choice, you need to think about where to start the conversation. An exclusively psychological approach works here. In the subconscious of every person in such situations, three questions arise: "Who are you or are you?", "Why are you writing to her or him?", "Why did you choose or choose me?" That is why, after the welcome phrase, you should unobtrusively give answers to these questions.

  • "Who are you?" The girl wants to understand that an ordinary cheerful guy is trying to get to know her, and not any friend of her acquaintance who is trying to mock her and make a joke.
  • "Why are you writing to me?" We cannot hesitate to answer this question. The guy should lay out his goal right away.
  • "Why me?" This point requires some caution. It is necessary to indicate its attractive features, beautiful features of external data or description of interests on the page. It is important to notice common interests. In no case should you deceive or embellish the truth - one fine moment the lie will be revealed, and the girl will be very offended.

Some girls do not like their page to be viewed by strangers, so they restrict access to their profile. It will not be possible to bypass the protection, and it is quite simple to offer her friendship in the open spaces of "VK". The proposal may be supplemented with a comment that provides brief answers to the above questions.

Dating methods

The first phrase in the correspondence should look original and cool. In this case, a man should show restraint and tact. In no case should you use slang phrases or parasitic words. A direct greeting would be inappropriate. Banal: "Hello, how are you?" - not a single girl is interested. Even enthusiastic phrases about her beauty will not receive a positive response. It is important to interest the fair sex so that a full answer follows the question.

Next, you should consider in more detail the ways to get acquainted with the conclusion to direct communication.

  • Girls really love it when their photos are treated with delight. If the image contains an original bag with an embroidered pattern, you can emphasize the originality of the accessory, and then clarify whether she herself performed the ornament and how difficult it is to make it.
  • If you look closely at the profile of the girl you are interested in, you can “catch on” to any small detail, thereby bringing the “sweetheart” to online communication. For example, if dogs are listed in her best interests, and there are pictures of a pet in the photo album, you can ask leading questions asking about caring for the pet.
  • Travel lovers always post about their trips. Here men have full scope for imagination.

If a person has a large number of friends in their profile, then she is a public person. When entering online communication, one should not forget about this nuance and one should be respectful of her acquaintances.

A beautifully designed profile of a girl can confuse a man, but in vain. Not a single self-respecting representative of the fair sex will post compromising pictures, posts and statements on a social network. Ladies with an excellent sense of humor try to put a lot of interesting and unusual information on their page, which promises pleasant communication in advance. To understand which "thread" to cling to, a man needs to carefully study the personal data of the lady he likes. When filling out information, girls try to give more extensive answers. Even famous quotes from famous people can bring people together in a long conversation. Users of the VK social network often have mutual friends. And not necessarily a real person - it may turn out to be the page of any mall or famous restaurant. In fact, this is a bright and promising excuse for dating. The main thing is to show imagination.

The main and most important rule for every man is the correct formulation of the question. To the question: "Maybe let's go to the movies?" the answer is not always positive, and besides, it is not supported by any arguments. The same question should be formulated differently: “I propose to go to the cinema, will it be fun there, and at the same time will we meet?”. In the question itself, direct speech is heard, which directs the girl to a positive answer. And not a simple "Yes", but a more complete and open explanation of consent.

Examples of phrases

Quite often, when meeting girls online, guys use standard templates that are pretty boring for the fair sex. It is best to approach this issue creatively, and not to look for samples of correspondence on the Internet, but to come up with a phrase yourself to start an interesting dialogue. A guest can leave a comment under the posted photos of the girl. Why not try to get to know each other in this way? For example, to find in her album a photo taken in an unusual place, and ask the question: "What should a guy say so that you want to meet him in this particular place?" And then the girl begins to get lost in the pool of her fantasies. Unbeknownst to herself, she will tell you the most desirable way of acquaintance, all that remains is to use the hint.

To emphasize the talents of the fair sex, a man can ask her for help in a minor matter.For example, translate a small text from English into Russian, but only if she knows a foreign language. To write a message to a girl, a man can be guided by any topic, the main thing is that the answer to the question is extensive, and not one-word.

  • "Can you please tell me where you can find a dance partner?" You won't have to wait for an instant answer, the girl should think for a couple of minutes. During this time, a lot of incomprehensible thoughts are scrolling in her head, the main ones of which are: "Why is he asking me about this?", "Why am I not fit for this role?" And the girl's answer will be either the first or the second. This means that the "fish" was hooked and you can continue to communicate with it.
  • “I bought a chicken, but I don’t know how to cook it. Please tell me an interesting and tasty recipe. " There will be no immediate answer again. The girl will begin to remember unusual dishes from her arsenal to show what a good housewife she is. Although it is enough for men to butcher a poultry carcass and just fry it.
  • “I am writing an article about original ways of dating. Please tell us about your most unusual acquaintance. " And again, the answer will have to wait for a while. Unfortunately, not all girls can boast of vivid acquaintances with men, and quite often they embellish reality, passing off wishful thinking. This could be the starting point for future online communication and a first live date.

As for the technique of the first message, it is impossible for the text to contain more than 100 characters - at the subconscious level, a lot of information creates too much brain load. The fair sex will not read long tirades, but will simply hide the correspondence.

Tips and Warnings

It's not so easy to meet a girl on the Internet. She needs to be interested, intrigued and brought to communication with the help of detailed questions. The key to success will be the decisiveness and humorous focus of the written messages. Unfortunately, not all men adhere to these rules, and on the first try they fail. The point is in the banal incorrectness of the first question. Primitive phrases: “Hello, how are you?”, “Let's get acquainted”, “Why are you silent?” Have not inspired women for a long time. It is especially unethical to find out the marital status of a girl you like at the very beginning of dating or ask where she works.

It should be remembered that persistence in dating can be repulsive rather than attractive. You should not constantly write messages to a girl if she has not answered the first of them. Having asked one question, it is important to wait for an answer to it, and only after that continue communication. Having caught a "common wave" with a girl, you should not immediately demand her phone number. And even more so the meeting. Events should develop gradually, and at the right moment the question of exchanging numbers will sound natural and unobtrusive. The same goes for the first date.

You can not be rude to girls during correspondence, even if she refused to provide her address or phone number. This means that the time has not yet come to share such information.

It is important to remember that virtual acquaintance can develop into real love, which means that you cannot write ridiculous stories and tell fables about your life. All secrets will definitely become apparent and can negatively affect the relationship as a whole. It happens that a girl is not interested in communicating with guys on social networks. She periodically visits the page to count the number of new fans - this raises her self-esteem. But she is simply too lazy or has no time to respond to ardent appeals.

You cannot take such an "impregnable fortress" right away - you have to try. A girl can be interested in something out of the ordinary, but at the same time not overstepping the permissible boundaries. For example, a guy can draw a portrait of her (if he doesn't know how to draw, you can order it from an artist).Then, in the process of communication, a favorable moment will come when it will be possible to admit that the portrait was drawn by another person.

It also happens that a man has made a mistake and believes that normal relations with a girl can no longer be returned, because she has a complex and unyielding character. But there are no people who would not be wrong. There are those who give up without even trying to change something for the better. And there is always a way out of any troubles in life. The main thing is to look at life with wide eyes. And the saving "magic wand" will be in the palm of your hand. It is important to be able to put yourself in the place of another person, to feel what he himself feels. Then the answers to difficult questions come to mind by themselves, without painful experiences and unpleasant reflections.

For information on how to meet a girl on a social network, see the next video.

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