
Why does the skin turn black with gold and how to remove marks?

Why does the skin turn black from gold and how to remove marks?
  1. The main factors of blackening
  2. Other reasons
  3. How to get rid of traces?
  4. Recommendations for choosing jewelry

Gold is a well-known and one of the most popular precious metals. He is chosen by successful and wealthy people. However, many of them often note that jewelry leaves dark marks on the body. The reasons for their appearance, as well as methods of getting rid of them, will be discussed in this article.

The main factors of blackening

Gold, like some other metals, oxidizes. And many believe that this is why the skin on the neck, ears or fingers turns black. However, oxidation is not always the only reason for the appearance of dark marks on the body or even on the metal itself.

Today, there are several main reasons why black spots may appear on the skin when wearing gold jewelry.

  • High concentration of additional metals in the composition of gold... This metal is never used in its pure form for making gold jewelry. Be sure to make a special jewelry alloy. So, the more metals such as copper, lead or zinc are in its composition, the higher the likelihood that the jewelry paints, that is, leaves stains on the body. This is due to their high oxidation state. The higher the percentage of oxidizing metals in the alloy, the faster blackening will appear, and the more pronounced it will be on the skin.
  • Gold jewelry is actually fake... This is the most common cause of darkening of the skin in places of contact with the body. Unscrupulous manufacturers and sellers offer buyers low quality gold-plated items. As a result, the top layer is quickly erased, and the jewelry itself not only loses its attractive appearance, but also leaves stripes and spots that have a dark color on the body.
  • Coating products with a special polishing paste can also cause dark marks on the skin. It is used to process gold items in order to give them a more attractive appearance. The stripes from it are easily washed off with plain water from the skin.
  • Constant contact of gold jewelry with cosmetics can also cause streaks on the body. Some of them can contain quite aggressive substances, for example, such as mercury or acids. They can cause gold to oxidize and, as a result, cause dark spots or streaks on the body.
  • If spots appear on the face and neck, and are also accompanied by itching or a rash, and there is nickel in the gold alloy, then the stripes on the body are the result of the appearance of an allergic reaction to this jewelry, more precisely, to the compositionfrom which it is made.

And also such a problem can arise in those cases when the products themselves are not stored correctly. The metal oxidizes and eventually leaves dark streaks and stains on its wearer's skin.

Other reasons

There are several other factors due to which traces of wearing gold jewelry may appear on the body. They are not so common, and many of them have no scientific basis, and ordinary people most often choose them as the reason.

Esoteric factors

It has long been considered that silver is a moonstone, but gold is a solar one. Therefore, if the owner of any jewelry made of solar metal is damaged, the evil eye, or someone tries to harm him in some way using magic, the jewelry begins to leave dark stripes on the body. In most cases, it itself loses its shine and attractiveness.

Believers believe that if a gold jewelry leaves marks on the body, it means that the person has committed some grave sin.and these stripes are a reminder of this. Moreover, the traces will remain until the sinner repents of his deeds.

And there is a belief that gold marks a bad person... He can practice black magic himself and try to harm others. Or maybe a person has such a sin as despondency or envy. In all these cases, the solar metal leaves a dark imprint on him as a warning sign for those around him and himself.

But here it is worthwhile to understand that such reasons do not have any evidence base. Therefore, experts consider them nothing more than ordinary superstitions.

Medical reasons

For several tens, or even hundreds of years, people believed without proof that gold can leave dark marks only on the body of a sick person. Today there is scientific evidence for this.

So, stripes can appear in people suffering from certain ailments.

  • Diseases of the liver and kidneys... In such cases, special drug therapy is provided, and often it is she who is the reason for the appearance of stripes on the body. However, hormonal changes also occur in healthy pregnant women, and here, after wearing gold jewelry, spots and stripes on the skin may appear.
  • Intense sweating and a tendency to constant elevated body temperature... In a certain category of people, the normal body temperature can reach 37.2 degrees. In both cases, after wearing the jewelry, stains and stripes remain.
  • Exposure to radiation or body poisoning from exhaust gases... Here, the hormonal background of the body also changes, and unpleasant dark prints on the body can appear.

And also some experts say that, in principle, any medical intervention in the body, whether it is taking medications or an operation, can cause stripes to appear on the human body.

How to get rid of traces?

But it's not enough just to find out the reason why stripes or spots could appear, you also need to find out how to get rid of them.In most cases, if you just wash your body with soap and exclude wearing jewelry for the next 24 hours, then they will disappear by themselves. But sometimes this is not enough. In such cases, it is necessary to look for a disposal option based on the reason for the appearance of dark traces.

  • If the reason lies in medical intervention or taking any medications, then here for the time of treatment and recovery it is only necessary to give up wearing gold items. Also, stripes and stains must be thoroughly washed with soap and water. Over time, they will disappear on their own.
  • Supporters of esoteric causes of marks on the skin believe that you need to seek help from psychics, or go to church for confession. In fact, it's better to find the exact cause of the streaks on the skin.until then, just give up wearing gold jewelry.
  • If the reason lies in an allergic reaction, then here it is necessary, after consulting a doctor, to use special antihistamines, as well as the exclusion of wearing jewelry in the future.
  • When if streaks appear due to the use of a cosmetic, then you can remove them by going to the shower and using a deep pore cleanser. In the future, you can apply funds to the skin only after removing the jewelry. It will be possible to put it on only after the product is completely absorbed into the skin.
  • Before putting on the garment for the first time, it is best to wipe it off with a soft cloth.... This will help remove excess polishing paste from the surface and therefore prevent streaks from appearing on the skin.

If they do appear, then you need to contact the jeweler for an assessment of the quality of the product itself and make sure that it is, in fact, made of gold.

In some cases, superficial re-spraying will help prevent staining. And you can remove them from the skin using ordinary soap or a washcloth.

In all cases, the dark stripes on the body disappear on their own. True, this will take 1-3 days. If there is no time to wait, then it is necessary to wash the darkening places on the skin twice a day with warm water with a washcloth and soap, and rub the paste with light movements before going to bed.made with baking soda and warm water. Then it is washed off with water.

Usually 2 such procedures are enough to leave no marks on the skin.

Recommendations for choosing jewelry

First of all, in order to reduce the likelihood of the appearance of dark stripes on the body when wearing gold products, you must purchase them in a trusted place. In this case, the risk of buying a fake or a product of questionable quality will be minimal.

It is necessary not only to go to a jewelry store. It is advisable to choose the one that has been working for quite some time and has positive reviews from its customers.

You should ask the seller for a certificate of quality for the selected decoration.... It must contain such information as the manufacturer, the weight of the product and its sample, the price both per gram and for the entire decoration, as well as the date of manufacture and the manufacturer's signature. You should also check in the salon whether the sample indicated in the certificate matches the sample on the product itself.

It is important to choose jewelry with a fineness of at least 595... Such products are affordable and of good quality. It will be useful to find out the percentage of copper and nickel in the alloy of the product. If possible, you should choose jewelry that does not contain nickel. This will reduce the risk of an allergic reaction to a minimum.

The unspoken rule stating that price is one of the key signs of quality is more relevant in this situation than ever. A good piece of gold jewelry cannot be cheap. Even a small ring weighing about 3 g, which does not have any extraneous decor, cannot cost less than 3-5 thousand rubles. Low price is a sure sign that jewelry is not gold, but gold plated, or it is of poor quality.Therefore, deciding to purchase a product at a sale with a big discount, you should also clarify the reason for its appearance.

Only by following these simple but important rules will the risk of acquiring counterfeit or low-quality gold jewelry be minimal.

But it should be understood that even this cannot 100% protect against the appearance of dark stripes on the skin, simply because other factors also influence their occurrence.

For information on why the finger turns black from the gold ring, see the next video.

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