
Medical gold: what is it and how to clean it?

Medical gold: what is it and how to clean it?
  1. What is it and how is it different from ordinary gold?
  2. Methods of obtaining
  3. Does it turn black?
  4. Application
  5. Care features

Medical gold is actively used to create various products.... Jewelry made from this alloy is traditionally especially popular among many consumers. After all, they have a very stylish and beautiful appearance, moreover, they are particularly durable. However, not everyone is sure whether to buy such products. After all, there are many myths associated with them.

What is it and how is it different from ordinary gold?

To understand this issue, it is necessary to learn in more detail everything about this alloy.

First of all, it is worth noting that medical gold received this name only because it was originally used for the manufacture of surgical instruments, as well as for the manufacture of crowns.

However, over time, this has become less relevant. That's why this alloy began to be used for the manufacture of jewelry.

Here are the main pluses.

  1. It is worth noting the great similarity with real gold. It's not just about visual similarity.
  2. Such material has rather high plasticity indices, which makes it possible to make products of unusual shapes out of it.
  3. It should be noted the high strength of medical gold. It is not afraid of any mechanical stress.
  4. In addition, this alloy is also popular because it does not cause allergic reactions, as well as side effects, even with regular wear.
  5. Such material does not oxidize, does not change its color even when exposed to water.
  6. What many like especially is its visual resemblance to 750 gold.
  7. And, of course, the main advantage is the low cost of such products.

Medical gold contains a large number of different metals.: and silver, and copper, and titanium, and even zinc. But what is characteristic, despite this name of the metal, gold itself may not be in the composition at all.

Since medical gold looks very much like a real metal, you need to know how to distinguish it, which is important when buying. After all, there are a large number of scammers who in any way try to deceive ignorant people.

To prevent this from happening, everyone jewelry is recommended to be purchased in specialized stores.

But if this is not possible, then it is worth knowing the following.

  • Items made of real gold have a standard, thanks to which you can find out the amount of precious metal in the alloy.
  • Jewelry made of medical gold has no purity. After all, the noble metal is used here only in small quantities. However, it may not even be in the lineup.
  • If the products are not properly cared for, then they will lose their attractiveness over time.
  • Price also plays an important role. If the seller of such jewelry offers to purchase a product of the highest standard at a large discount, then the buyer in this case needs to be wary and think about whether to make such a purchase. Before purchasing jewelry, be sure to familiarize yourself with the prices for jewelry.
  • You also need to know that real rare and expensive stones are never framed in such an alloy. Accordingly, it is simply impossible to buy jewelry with sapphire or diamond made of medical gold.

You can also test the offered gold. It is enough to drop just one drop of iodine on the inside of the product... In the event that it is real gold, a dark speck should remain in the place of the drop. Medical alloy will not react to iodine; it will be enough to simply wipe it off. There will be no damage left.

When evaluating, it is also necessary to determine the weight of the decoration.... After all, real connoisseurs know that gold items, especially of high standard, are rather massive and heavy. Concerning medical alloy, it is lighter and more shiny. However, if a person is completely ignorant in such matters, then it is worth seeking help from a real specialist. This will not only allow you to avoid troubles, but also save you from unnecessary worries.

Methods of obtaining

Several methods are used to make medical gold jewelry.... Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Gold filled

In the first case, all the resulting products are resistant to various damage, do not corrode. In addition, they do not affect human health at all. The only thing that can affect the final result is the poor quality work of specialists. In this case, the product will not be able to serve the proper period.

To make such jewelry, at the very beginning, you need to prepare the necessary blanks. Nickel, bronze, brass and copper are required. After that, you need to add a small amount of gold to them and heat everything up to a temperature of 900 degrees. Ultimately, a small layer of gold must be applied to the finished product.

Gold Plated

In the second case, we use electroplated coating, which is applied using a special rolling technology.

This option is not so reliable, because over time, the spraying is very quickly erased.

Especially if a person uses it too actively.

Does it turn black?

Almost all items made of medical gold retain their original appearance for a long time. They do not darken even in salt water. The only thing that can affect medical gold is time.

After a certain period, the coating wears off, steel begins to show through.

In this case, there is only one option - replace the old decoration with a new one.


Medical gold is used in various fields of activity. For example, bijouterie made of medical alloy will be an excellent alternative to gold jewelry.

Especially such products are suitable for those people who are allergic to any gold items.

Medical gold is also used in the cosmetics industry... For example, it is used in procedures such as strengthening facial contours or wrapping. In addition, from this alloy stud earrings are made, which are inserted for the first time after a puncture, in order to avoid infections.

Its useful to note various men's accessories, spectacle frames and other items for the manufacture of which medical alloy is used. It must be said that such an alloy has been used in medicine for a long time.

So, for example, in order to get rid of various infectious or viral diseases, alchemists prepared special gold water from this alloy.

Over time, with the development of technology, "gold medical alloy" began to be used much more. They began to add it to various drugs, with the help of which immunity rises, and the vascular system is also strengthened.

It should be noted the use of this alloy in oncology. Medical gold helps to fight malignant tumors, and also restores the skin. But such procedures must be carried out only by specialists.

Since medical alloy, unlike steel alloys, helps to disinfect wounds and also helps to get rid of germs, it is most often used to make a variety of instruments required for operations.

In addition, the composition contains a metal such as silver.

Care features

In order for the purchased medical gold products to serve as long as possible, you need to provide them with proper care. First of all, you need to store them separately from other jewelry. For example, a large box with a certain number of cells will do.

In this case, the products will not come into contact with each other, which means they will not be able to be scratched or otherwise damaged.

Besides, do not use plastic boxes or plastic bags for storage... After all, they are completely unsuitable for a medical alloy, the jewelry in them will simply darken.

Necessarily necessary take off jewelry before playing sports, as well as before going to bed, otherwise they may deform or even break.

Do not expose such jewelry to high temperatures or sunlight. Therefore, you do not need to wear them in the sauna or solarium, as well as on the beach.

After a certain period of time, it is necessary jewelry clean... You can do this yourself or by taking the product for professional cleaning. In any case, this approach will help to preserve their original appearance for much longer.

Professional cleansing

First you need to familiarize yourself with professional cleaning. The most gentle of all possible options is cleaning with ultrasonic exposure.

With its help, it is possible to return the original appearance not only to products made of medical gold, but also from real gold or silver, as well as jewelry with stones.

To carry out such a procedure, it is necessary to put the necessary item in the device for just a few minutes. This will be enough for it to shine with purity and brilliance. Thanks to such cleansing, the jewelry will be able to maintain its appearance for several additional years.

Experts do not recommend using products that contain coarse-grained solid particles. After all, this can damage the jewelry very quickly. In addition, it is guaranteed to strip it of its luster. A finely dispersed agent, which is most often used for cleaning metal, is perfect. They contain a large amount of wax and organic solvents.

If medical alloy jewelry loses its luster, just a little of them is enough. rinse in warm waterto which you need to add a few drops of detergent. After that, they must be immediately omitted. in a light solution of sodium hyposulfite. The solution should be as follows: for 100 milliliters of water, add 20 grams of this agent.

Cleaning at home

If a person does not have the opportunity to use professional cleaning, then you can clean the jewelry at home. The most popular among them is the following solution:

  • 500 milliliters of clean water;
  • 5 grams of ammonia, it is best to use 10 percent;
  • 15 grams of borax.

All ingredients must be mixed, and then wipe the darkened jewelry with the resulting composition.

After that, they need to be rinsed with clean warm water. Since borax is a poisonous agent, it is strictly forbidden for them to clean any cutlery that was made from a medical alloy.

    Another effective remedy is regular chalk. For cleaning, you need to rub the darkened jewelry with chalk, and then remove all residues with a slightly damp cloth. Also you can use the following solution:

    • 20 grams of tooth powder;
    • 25 grams of ammonia;
    • ½ glass of clean water.

    All components must be thoroughly mixed, and then wipe the surface of the product with this solution. Then it must be rinsed in slightly warmed water. In addition, you can use the usual shampoo or liquid soap. A few drops must be mixed with ½ cup of water, and then brushed with a regular brush, only a soft one. After this, the jewelry must also be rinsed with clean water. It is also imperative to dry the gold and only then wear it or put it in a box.

    Another cleaning agent is wine alcohol or regular beer. To achieve the desired effect, it is worth wiping the product with such a means. After 5 minutes, be sure to rinse it off with clean water. In addition to this tool, you can also use turpentine... The product works in almost the same way as everyone else - it is applied to the decoration, and then wiped off with a thoroughly dry paper towel.

    To summarize, we can say that medical gold is an excellent alternative to precious metals. The main thing is to clean it on time and store the accessory in proper conditions.

    For an overview of medical gold chains, see the next video.

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