
Methods and rules for polishing gold

Methods and rules for polishing gold
  1. Why do you need polishing?
  2. Methods
  3. Rules of procedure
  4. Tips & Tricks

Gold jewelry is a sign of wealth, good taste and luxury. Almost every person has them in the collection. Therefore, it is important that their surface is always clean and sparkling.

Stains, scratches or plaque that occurs with prolonged wear is unacceptable, so it is worth considering what methods and rules exist for polishing gold.

Why do you need polishing?

There are at least two common reasons why you might need to polish your gold jewelry.

  • It is aesthetically pleasing. Blackened or muddy gold in earrings, on a chain, or a ring looks ugly.
  • It is hygienic. Polished gold will no longer be a shelter for disease-causing bacteria, which will help maintain the health of the skin and the whole body.

In most cases, a contaminated surface becomes a source of infection and allergic reactions. To avoid this, and also to maintain the attractive appearance of the jewelry, it is necessary to clean the coating, making it shiny and shiny again.


There are several ways to polish gold accessories. It is worth taking a closer look at each of them.

Professional methods

First of all, when it becomes necessary to polish metal products made of gold, the thought comes to mind about visiting a specialized salon.

Stores that sell high-value accessories often offer polishing services.

There are some advantages to going to a salon.

  • Taking into account the characteristics and features of the metal that needs to be polished. The cleaning is done by an experienced professional who can achieve a natural shine and get rid of the matte finish.
  • High speed of work. On average, cleaning gold jewelry in a salon takes no more than 1 hour. The duration of the procedure depends on the number of products and the degree of their contamination.

Despite the listed advantages, this method also has disadvantages.

  1. The procedure is expensive. Usually it does not exceed 20% of the cost of the product, but even this may be quite enough for polishing to hit the pocket.
  2. During the procedure, the coating must be removed, if it was on the product - blackening or rhodium plating. In this case, you will have to pay extra for the salon to restore the surface of the product.

And also there electrochemical gold cleaning, which also applies to professional methods.

Home polishing

If you wish, you can polish gold jewelry at home, without visiting special salons. The materials available that can be found in every apartment are suitable for the procedure. There are several ways to clean metal at home.

  • Hot water and shampoo. With shampoo, you need to cover rings or other gold accessories, applying foam to each area, including the protruding elements. After the product is placed in water, where it must be kept for 7-8 hours until the fat layer leaves the surface. After the lapse of time, it remains to polish the surface of the jewelry with a brush.
  • Ammonia solution. It is recommended to use ammonia with a concentration of 25%. You can buy the product at any pharmacy. The cleaning procedure involves placing the gold jewelry in a prepared container with a solution. The jewel should be kept in it for 10 hours, so that later you can remove the greasy and matte film from the surface.
  • Cleaning paste. You can buy it at a jewelry store. The paste must be applied with a toothbrush, and it is important that the pressure of the brush during metal processing is not strong. Otherwise, scratches will appear.
  • Paste GOI. It is also sold in jewelry stores. The main purpose is to polish gold jewelry. To use the product, you need to apply it to the felt and gently rub the product. The surface pressure should be minimal.
  • Lipstick. Surprisingly, she too is able to cope with plaque and defects. To do this, you need to apply a little lipstick on scuffs or scratches and polish with a cotton swab.

Experts do not recommend using polish or tooth powder, as they can damage the surface and cause severe deformation of the product.

Rules of procedure

Cleaning gold items is a complex procedure, but quite doable. It is important to consider that the impact on pollution is combined. Polishing includes several key stages.

  1. First, you need to remove the hair with tweezers. However, this step is only necessary if you intend to clean chains or earrings.
  2. The next step is soaking. This will help loosen the plaque so that it can be removed more easily later.
  3. Next, you should proceed with the polishing itself. It is necessary in order to return the original shine to the jewelry.
  4. The last step is mechanical cleaning. It is not required in all cases and must be performed carefully. Any improper mechanical action will lead to deformation of the metal.

    Knowing the ways in which you can clean gold at home, you will be able to maintain the attractive appearance of jewelry without overpaying for the work of a specialist.

    Methods for restoring metal surfaces depend on various factors., among which the composition of the jewelry, the presence of stones or the age of the accessory are distinguished. However, in any case, in order to polish the product, you should adhere to the listed steps.

    Tips & Tricks

    If it was decided to polish the gold jewelry on your own, without resorting to the help of professionals, then you need to be patient and take a responsible approach to business. To make the procedure easy and fast, there are a few helpful tips to take into account.

    • You can add shine to the jewelry using removal of fatty film from the surface of the ring or chain... An aqueous solution of onion juice will help get rid of it. You can also use sugar or vinegar instead of the last ingredient. The product must be placed in a container with the poured solution and left for about 10 hours. After that, all that remains is to wipe the surface with a soft cloth.
    • Care should be taken when cleaning metal containing a gemstone. The toothbrush is hard and the paste contains abrasive particles. Therefore, careless polishing can lead to scratches. You can replace the brush and paste with cologne and a cotton swab.
    • To extend the life of the product and maintain its attractive appearance for a long time, it is worth take off jewelry while cleaning, washing dishes or other household chores... The fact is that cleaning agents are chemical agents that attack any metal. When they get on a gold accessory, they oxidize the surface, which causes a plaque to form.
    • Any jewelry should be removed at night. This will help prevent deterioration of the metal surface. It is also recommended to take them off during cosmetic or medical procedures. In the first case, sweat or a secretion of the sebaceous gland may be on the jewelry, in the second - medications. At the same time, the latter are capable of leaving stains, which can only be removed by a professional.
    • Store jewelry in a dark and cool place. In this case, the products should not come into contact with each other, so that no negative reaction occurs. Gold items are best placed on a soft cloth.

    The frequency of cleaning and polishing gold jewelry is influenced by frequency of wearing accessories... If the products are actively used, then it will be necessary to carry out 1-2 procedures per month. Otherwise, one polishing every six months will be enough.

    How to clean gold at home, see the video.

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