
All about yellow gold

All about yellow gold
  1. What it is?
  2. Advantages and disadvantages
  3. Properties
  4. Application
  5. Who is it for?
  6. Criterias of choice
  7. Care advice

Yellow gold is a beautiful precious metal. What are its features, chemical composition, shades, as well as selection criteria, we will consider in more detail.

What it is?

Gold is naturally bright yellow - no other metal can boast this color. This is explained by the physical theory of light and the peculiarities of human vision.

The fact is that the color of any metal will depend on its absorption spectrum of wave radiation. The electronic structure of gold has different meanings when compared with the indicators of the quantum energy of other metals. Thereby gold is able to absorb all wave emissions of light, except for those that are visible to the human eye (yellow). Therefore, we see it in this form.

In ancient times, gold received the status of a precious metal. He was considered a symbol of powerful and wealthy people.

There is a legend that the yellow metal symbolizes warmth and love between spouses., so it is used to create wedding rings.

Pure metal is not used for jewelry work because of its ductility, therefore yellow gold is an alloy based on precious metal. All impurities that are additionally used in alloys are called ligatures. As additional elements, the chemical composition is determined by silver, bismuth, iron, copper.

Gold mining is carried out in different parts of the world, at the moment it is even carried out in the Congo, which is considered the golden center of Africa.

Advantages and disadvantages

If we talk about the disadvantages of such an alloy, it should be noted right away that high-grade products are very fragile and can change when pressed and other mechanical loads.This is due to the fact that pure gold is very ductile. That is why a ligature is added to it so that it can be used in jewelry.

Jewelry yellow gold has many advantages:

  • unusual and attractive color scheme;
  • long service life if proper care is provided;
  • not prone to rust and corrosion;
  • due to plasticity, jewelry with an original pattern can be made;
  • gold is a worthy investment in the future, because its value grows every year.


As already mentioned, pure gold is characterized by high ductility. Its degree is so high that metal can be easily cut with a knife, it can even be torn apart with your hands.

Precious metal is the only raw material that is characterized by a rich yellow color.

The material also differs in a rich shine. However, there is also matte gold, which is obtained only by covering it with a special layer.

Pure gold without impurities will melt at the slightest heat.


Yellow gold can vary in its shades.

The color of the alloy depends on the composition of the impurity. The ligature determines the color scheme of the precious metal.

To make the alloy warmer in tone, copper is added and the gold becomes reddish.

Many people are attracted to lemon gold with a bright color scheme. But if you add a little silver, the tone will become lighter. The amount of silver determines the whiteness and lighter shade of the metal.


Most often, you can find 585 or 750 yellow gold in jewelry stores. Sometimes you can run into 375, 500, 583.

The most popular is the precious metal with 750 fineness. If we talk about the component, then in percentage it contains gold in the amount of 75%, and the ligature consists of 8% copper and 17% silver. Jewelry will be endowed with resistance to high temperatures and wear. Most often, the alloy is used to create expensive items with sapphires, diamonds and other precious stones.

Sample 583 is not currently used. It was replaced by 585. The raw material has a higher strength compared to 750, therefore it is important for the creation of chains, earrings, rings and even cutlery. Metal always pleases its owners with a shiny surface, characterized by a warm color scheme. The composition is due to 13.5% copper and 28% silver. The rest is gold.

Inexpensive items are made of 375-carat gold, which is considered low-grade. The alloy contains palladium, copper and silver. Jewelry will be dull, fragile, and inexpensive.

If a person decides to buy gold products abroad, it should be remembered that the carat system is used in European countries and in the East. It provides for the following values: maximum 24 carats, as well as 22, 23, 21.18, 12, 9 carats.

If the item has a mark of 18 carats, this will indicate that 18 carats of pure metal are allocated for one kilogram of alloy. To find the abundance of the precious component of the alloy, you need to divide 18 by 24 and multiply by 100. You get 750 grams.


The most durable is yellow gold with a reddish tint. It has a longer service life when compared to European lemon-colored alloys.


A significant proportion of gold is used to create jewelry. If we talk about the raw materials that are mined on the territory of Russia, then most of them remain in the state reserve. In addition, the metal can be used for the following purposes:

  • as a coating for electrical boards, to create conductors;
  • in the manufacture of targets for the nuclear sphere, as a shell for neutron-type bombs;
  • as a metallizing coating for windows;
  • in dental prosthetics;
  • in some medicines;
  • in cosmetology.

Jewelry made from yellow gold can be adorned with precious stones.Emerald, ruby, diamond, sapphire and other minerals are inserted into the products, resulting in interesting variations.

Who is it for?

There are traditions according to which gold is called the age metal. Young people prefer silver and jewelry, and yellow gold looks great on representatives of a more mature age category. But you can choose white and yellow shades that will also look fresh and youthful.

Yellow gold will suit women with an autumn color type. The best option is to combine with amber. The spring color type will also go well with yellow metal.

With gold jewelry, men can feel more confident. Products will emphasize the status of their owner, demonstrate success.

Criterias of choice

When choosing jewelry or other products, there are some rules to keep in mind. Pay attention to the sample, which is the key to the authenticity of the raw materials. The sample demonstrates how much of the precious metal is present in the alloy. This characteristic should be expressed in a three-digit number.

Before buying, it should be understood that a high sample will cost more. It must be confirmed not only with an imprint, but also with a certificate.

The stamp on the sample may differ depending on the country of production. For example, for Russia at the moment this is the image of the right profile of a girl in a kokoshnik.

You also need to pay attention to the quality of the product.

  • Uniform sanding. The presence of depressions, irregularities and bruises is not allowed. Cracks, abrasions and fractures are also excluded.
  • Pay attention to the tag. It should indicate the company that made the jewelry, the location of the company with its contact details, the full name of the product, weight, sample and price.
  • If the jewelry contains inserts made of stones or metal of a different type, they should also be reflected on the tag.

Care advice

After some time after use, yellow gold jewelry may begin to fade and lose its former attractiveness. This process is irreversible, and it is associated with the oxidative reaction of silver, palladium and copper, which are present in the alloy. But do not despair - the situation is fixable.

You can clean yellow gold using simple substances:

  • ammonia;
  • regular liquid dishwashing detergent;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • rock salt.

If there is ammonia in the house, cleaning will require:

  • deep bowl;
  • a glass of clean water;
  • a large spoonful of washing powder (without colored granules);
  • a small spoonful of ammonia.

All ingredients are mixed until smooth, after which you can put gold jewelry in the resulting mixture for a couple of hours. Then you need to get it out, rinse it under the tap and wipe it dry with a soft cloth.

To restore the original shine with dish soap, you need a small saucepan, a glass of water, and a small spoon with the detergent. All ingredients are poured into a container, a towel and jewelry are placed on the bottom. The saucepan is put on low heat and the liquid is brought to a boil.

The jewelry should boil for 10 minutes, after which you need to take it out, rinse it under running water and wipe it with a cloth.

      Hydrogen peroxide is a safe bet for restoring the appeal of gold pieces. You need to mix 50 ml of peroxide with 200 grams of warm water, 1 teaspoon of ammonia and a small spoonful of liquid soap (can be replaced with dishwashing liquid). All ingredients are mixed, after which gold is placed in the resulting mass for 20 minutes. Then the products are taken out, washed in cool water and wiped off.

      Salt can also help reduce browning. To carry out the procedure, you will need 150 ml of boiling water, 3 large tablespoons of coarse rock salt. Gold should be placed in this solution overnight. In the morning, the products are taken out and placed in cold water for 15 minutes.

      Yellow gold can also be plated with rhodium - this can be done in a jewelry workshop. Such a coating eliminates darkening of the raw material, adds a metallic sheen and makes it more attractive.

      For information on the difference between gold of different colors, see below.

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