
Beach umbrella

Beach umbrella
  1. What is the name of?
  2. Models
  3. The size
  4. Material
  5. Color and pattern
  6. How to install?
  7. How to choose?
  8. How to extend the service life?
  9. Price policy

What is the name of?

Summer is approaching, so it's time to consider purchasing sun protection accessories. An umbrella that protects from the sun's rays is the best solution. It can simply be called a beach one - it has established itself as an excellent option for salvation from the scorching summer rays of the sun where there is simply nowhere to hide from them.

The first mention of umbrellas appears in the history of Ancient Egypt. Even then, the pharaohs used them to protect themselves from the scorching sun. In ancient Rome, they were made from feathers and leaves. The enterprising Chinese were the very first to come up with the idea of ​​making such umbrellas foldable, thereby making them easier to transport.

Besides the main purpose of protecting from the sun's rays, a beach umbrella can have several other functions. If suddenly the clear sky is covered with clouds, then it will be possible to hide under it from the rain, and if your vacation is supposed to be in an area where mosquitoes and midges are abundant, then a special modification of the umbrella with a dropping mosquito net will save you from them. This kind of awning will greatly improve your outdoor recreation - be it a beach or a summer cottage.


The market for beach accessories today offers a huge range of beach umbrellas. Among them, you can find folding models with valves in the dome. The need for such a detail is created when it is completely calm outside and the air literally stagnates in space. By opening the valve, an additional air exchange is created under the umbrella, which works on the principle of supply ventilation. A small draft blows pleasantly, thereby it becomes not so hot.

There is also a kind of beach umbrella specially designed for outdoor activities. It is equipped with a canopy skirt that covers most of the space from the top of the umbrella to the ground. This variety is very popular among fishing enthusiasts - it saves not only from heat, but also from rain and wind.

The most compact can be called a road umbrella model. As a rule, instead of two, they have a three-fold system. It is convenient to take such a hand-held umbrella on a picnic or on long trips to the sea, simply by putting it in the trunk of your car.

Beach umbrellas are also subdivided by type of design:

  • Classical. It does not have additional parts, except for the support and the dome, and it is quite easy to install it in sand, and in pebbles, and in the ground;

  • Suspended with rotation around the axis. Such an umbrella is used mainly on equipped beaches, since it is stationary and does not involve folding and carrying;

  • Multilevel. Differs in special stability and can accommodate a lot of people;

  • With tilt adjustment, which is carried out using a special handle. Regardless of the position of the sun in the sky and the direction and strength of the wind, you will always be protected from the scorching rays.

According to the shape of the dome, beach umbrellas are:

  • Round. This is a classic mushroom style that will never go out of style;
  • Square. To install such umbrellas, sand is poured into special pockets for better stability.
  • Umbrellas-transformers. They look like awnings. Possibility of side mounting with additional valves.

The size

The standard diameter of the beach umbrella dome is 1.6 meters. This umbrella is easy to transport and is suitable for 1-2 people. If there is a desire to purchase an umbrella for a large company, then the best option would be to buy an umbrella with a large diameter, for example, 3.7 meters.

Depending on the number of people who are supposed to be placed under the beach umbrella, the diameter of the dome should also be selected:

  • 1.6 meters - for 1 or 2 people;
  • 1.8 meters - for 3-4 people;
  • 3.7 meters - for a company of 6-7 people.



The reliability and stability of the umbrella depends on the strength of the frame. Responsible manufacturers pay special attention to this and use only proven materials to create it. Among them are steel and fiberglass. A titanium-plated steel frame is an excellent choice.

There are also less durable, but cheaper materials - plastic and aluminum. However, a frame made of such a material has practically no chance of serving you at least a couple of seasons. Of the advantages of such an umbrella, one can note its low cost and low weight, due to which there will be no big problems during its transportation.


Water resistance is an important factor that the material of the dome must have. However, not all of the materials used to make beach umbrella domes have this property.

Best of all in this quality proved to be:

  • nylon fibers;
  • polyamide;
  • polyester.

The polyester umbrella is easy to care for and strong enough, but there is no air exchange underneath. Therefore, it is not very pleasant to be under such an umbrella on a hot day. Polyamide is a fairly strong and durable material and is resistant to cleaning chemicals. Nylon is also durable, durable, easy to clean and dries quickly.

Also, umbrella domes are woven. Cotton and satin are not water-resistant and their color will quickly fade in the sun, but they perfectly let the air through and under them it will be comfortable even on the hottest day.

For exotic lovers, umbrellas have been created from non-standard materials - reeds, reeds and straw. Such natural material is not afraid of rains and does not fade in the sun. The beach decorated with such umbrellas will give an extraordinary flavor to the rest and will give a feeling of bliss and exoticism.

Color and pattern

The variety of colors and patterns of beach umbrellas gives unlimited choices for any buyer. Separately, you can highlight interesting options for children's themes with the image of cartoon characters. Children will also be interested in chameleon umbrellas that change their color. One has only to get moisture on such an umbrella, as it will immediately acquire a different shade.

How to install?

On the sand

It is necessary to dig a narrow but deep enough hole in the sand. The base of the umbrella must be set in the sand at an angle to the side from which the wind is blowing. Then, pouring some water into the hole, you need to bury it. After that, you need to pour water on top again to ensure a good sand density. Only then can the main part of the umbrella with the dome be inserted into the base. If it is very windy, then it is better to lower the umbrella dome slightly so that it is not carried away by a strong gust.

On the pebbles

If you intend to install on a pebble beach, then you need to place the base of the umbrella at a depth of about 30 cm at an angle against the direction of the wind. For better stability, you need to sprinkle the entire structure with large pebbles with a slide, creating a kind of pyramid.

With the help of a special tool

If your umbrella came with a special tripod, then it can be installed on almost any surface. With such a device, you don't have to worry about something happening to it when the weather changes. For optimal fixation, this stand can be additionally reinforced - for example, overlaid with stones.

How to choose?

Before buying a beach umbrella, you need to check the health of all its mechanisms: opening-closing, fastening at the required level, rotation and tilt.Also pay attention to the following points:

  • Additional accessories. These include little things like a case. umbrella stand and protective awning. The cover should have a handle for easy carrying, as well as ventilation holes so that air can access the umbrella when folded. This will help prevent mold and mildew growth. The stand facilitates the installation process, and the awning protects against bad weather and insects;
  • ?The size. For each company it is necessary to choose the appropriate umbrella according to the number of guests;
  • Material. Domes made of nylon, polyamide and polyester are considered the most reliable, as they perfectly protect against moisture. The frame should be made of steel or fiberglass materials. Additional titanium sputtering will also be an added benefit;
  • Brands. The main manufacturers of beach umbrellas on the Russian market are three firms: TK Avest, LLC Tulso and Yuglans. Their products have proven themselves well and are popular with customers.

How to extend the service life?

In order for the umbrella to serve you longer, you need to follow simple rules of operation and maintenance:

  • the installation of the dome should be against the wind;
  • you constantly need to clean the regulators and clamps from dirt and sand;
  • the dome should be washed with a soft sponge in warm soapy water;
  • drying the umbrella only in a half-open form;
  • use a cover for transportation.

Price policy

A beach umbrella can be purchased for US $ 10-150. It all depends on the materials used, equipment, size and functionality.

The cheapest umbrellas have a minimum of functions and quickly fail. Basically, such fragile models are produced in China.

For an average cost, the buyer will receive a more reliable model that is able to provide the necessary comfort. Some manufacturers also give a guarantee for their products - these are firms from Belarus, Ukraine and Russia.

Expensive umbrellas have a maximum of useful functions, excellent characteristics of the material of the dome and frame, as well as additional attributes. These products are always warranted and some brands may offer beach umbrella service.

1 comment
Interested client 12.01.2018 14:43

An excellent educational site.


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