Dental floss

All About Oral-B Floss

All About Oral-B Floss
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Product overview
  3. How to use a thread?

After carefully studying everything about Oral-B dental floss and choosing products from a popular manufacturer as an integral part of your daily dental hygiene activities, you can come to some practical conclusions. Oral-b has several significant advantages over similar products from other brands. In favor of these flosses - affordable cost, variety of species, variability of tastes, compactness and ease of packaging. However, most consumers choose dental floss for its special structure and beneficial impregnation.


Floss is a convenient and practical part of daily dental care, especially if the attribute of care is thoughtfully decided and repeatedly tested in scientific and clinical studies. Oral-B dental floss as a separate segment of a popular brand is a vivid example of how a competitive and constantly updated product can easily become in demand even in a large segment of similar ones. The title of a leading manufacturer is not easy to obtain.

Millions of people use floss every day for dental hygiene, removing food debris and bacterial plaque between them, not always thinking about their composition, impregnation, properties not to damage enamel and gums. Since Oral-b entered the pharmaceutical market, dental floss has been updated and refined many times. For 25 years (the premiere took place in 1995), they acquired a modern look and began to compare favorably with other similar products.

  1. Multi-layer (the latest development consists of 144 particularly strong and thin microfilaments, which, due to this design, provide access to the most difficult secluded places).However, due to the reliable bonding of the components, they do not delaminate into individual fibers, even with the most thorough cleaning.

  2. The strength of the materials used in the manufacture does not mean the presence of risks of damage to the mucous membrane, difficulty in use or poor elasticity. The consumer is confident in excellent performance properties - flexibility, hygiene and the possibility of total cleaning in an absolutely safe mode.

  3. Variability of products means freedom of choice for any, even the most complex natural design of the dentition. Tight and oversized, small and large can be crafted by choosing specially crafted items. However, effectiveness does not mean the possibility of injury or irritation.

  4. Design feature - special impregnations. Thin polymer material optimizes glide and is hypoallergenic. Antimicrobial and antibacterial destroys pathogenic microflora. Some of them, in addition to hygienic features, have an aromatic and refreshing effect - they ennoble the breath, increase self-esteem and facilitate communication.

In some reviews, especially in those comparing with less popular samples from little-known brands, the relatively high cost of Oral-b is indicated as a disadvantage that can affect the choice of a consumer with average financial capabilities. However, this statement is not true.

One box of thread is enough for up to six months of intensive use. The kit includes a knife that can be used to cut the thread to the required length. There is no need to take a section again - the first one successfully copes with cleaning due to its smooth sliding and durability.

Any floss from the company is an optimal combination of high quality and reasonable price, availability of use, compact packaging that is easy to carry.

Product overview

Different criteria are used to differentiate dental floss. The main one is based on the presence of a special coating made of hypoallergenic polymers: waxed ensures ease of interdental sliding, absence of traumatic risks, simplicity and quality of the cleaning performed. Unwaxed - the preferred option for problematic positioning and non-standard dentition, for teeth covered with unpleasant old plaque from constant external influences (for example, coffee and nicotine). However, this is not the only distinction.

  1. Aromatic and antiseptic impregnation (with mint, providing antibacterial and antimicrobial action). Like the popular peppermint gum, it gives a fresh and pleasant sensation. However, the cool thread contains neither sugar nor specific additives that are not always beneficial for the digestive system.

  2. Correctly chosen expiration date allows you to prolong use until the longest possible period (it is indicated in the interval from 3 to 6 months).

  3. Another criterion for choosing the right model from Oral-b is the cross-sectional shape. The patient of the dentist can consult with the dentist about the optimal shape - flat, with a narrow interdental space, round, with large gaps between the teeth, or wider, which is advised if there are diastemas or tremors.

In recent years, polymer-coated thread has been preferred by doctors. In her favor - the absence of friction of the enamel (effective cleaning of unwaxed has a negative side - the lack of impregnation leads to a higher coefficient of friction, and therefore to a greater risk of damage). However, there is also a positive moment - the disintegration of the thread without a polymer layer into individual fibers allows you to clean a larger volume of the surface. Hence the need for a thoughtful choice, which the dentist will help to cope with.

By carefully studying the line of the most popular types of products from Oral-b, you can provide the most effective cleaning, focusing on the individual characteristics of your dentition.

Super floss

A unique product with a well-thought-out, functional structure. Recommended for people who wear braces, dentures or are naturally endowed with a non-standard distance between their own teeth. The developers of the famous brand took care of the smooth achievement of the desired result.

Fresh breath and ease of sliding are provided by a polymer coating and an antibacterial impregnation with mint flavor. Special impregnation against caries prevents damage to enamel, preserves the beauty and health of the dentition and oral cavity. Ease of use - already cut pieces of thread of universal length, sealed packaging, compact and easy to open, the amount that is consumed during the expiration date.

Efficiency is achieved by the unique structure of the floss, which consists of 3 special areas: sharp tip for easy threading and easy maintenance of dentures. The spongy area that follows it gently removes food debris, prevents caries and inflammation of the mucous membranes. Plain floss completes the cleaning process by removing plaque and remaining small food particles.

Comparison with other similar products reveals the indisputable leadership of the demanded floss from Oral-b: Super Floss solves the problem of effective cleaning of problem teeth due to its unique structure, preventive and therapeutic tasks due to the applied thread impregnation.

Essential floss

The company has taken care of the variability of this type of product. The attention of consumers is offered waxed and unwaxed thread of increased strength, eliminating any risks in use. There are also recommendations for choosing: the first is good for densely spaced teeth, the second is for people with unhealthy habits that lead to the formation of unaesthetic plaque and tartar. The products are popular thanks to other alternatives: there is a thread with and without a pleasant aroma, a skein and a knife in the kit allow you to cut any length that is required from the skein. Additional bonuses:

  • good shelf life;

  • the thread of the finest nylon, super strong;

  • special impregnation with prophylactic and medicinal properties - from tartar, to strengthen the enamel, against pathogenic microorganisms.

A skein 50 meters long, which in retail chains costs almost 2 times less than samples of products already cut into ready-made threads Is not the only reason for the popularity of Oral-b Essential Floss. Consumers are attracted by the availability of alternatives (with or without polymers, with or without odor), as well as the strength of the thread, which excludes stretching, deformation or breaks during the cleaning process.

Pro-Expert Clinic Line

An excellent specimen of floss with a flat cross section, highly appreciated by both dentists and their patients. The minimum thickness used in the creation of the view provides significant advantages:

  • strength and ease of penetration into hard-to-reach places, the smallest interdental gaps;

  • achieving the goal without much effort and the absence of injury;

  • reliable fixation in the fingers during the procedure, pleasant fresh aftertaste, preventive action due to special impregnations;

  • the optimal combination of high quality and reasonable cost;

  • cleansing the gums from germs due to deep penetration;

  • packaging that guarantees the absence of dirt and damage, even when constantly carried in a pocket or purse.

Pro-Expert Clinic Line by Oral-b Recommended for those who naturally have tightly closed teeth. The thinness and strength of the thread allows you to achieve maximum cleansing even with the narrowest crevices, at the same time to cleanse the mucous membrane and gain a fresh sensation in the oral cavity.

Satin floss

The fundamental difference between this dental floss and other worthy samples of the well-known Oral-b brand is in the material of manufacture. Satin is made in the form of a flat ribbon, like the Pro Expert, but in this case, natural silk thread is used. Testing carried out by the developer has demonstrated the undoubted advantages of silk floss:

  • the ability to clean the neck of the tooth between the gum and the crown;

  • the softness of natural raw materials is optimal for people with increased susceptibility to mucous membranes, a tendency to allergic reactions;

  • aromatic impregnation is fresh and hypoallergenic;

  • the ease of movement between the teeth is provided by the increased flexibility of the silk thread and its two-layer structure.

Satin Floss by Oral-b is a luxury product designed for people with discomfort from their body characteristics. - dense arrangement of teeth, set crowns, sensitive mucous membranes and a tendency to allergization. But floss can also be used by people who value comfort, convenience, want to minimize the harmful effects of hygiene devices.

How to use a thread?

There are no difficulties in application. The user needs to choose the optimal length (it can be already cut or in a skein equipped with a special knife in the kit). In cleaning, about 5 cm of floss is used, the rest of the length is spent on secure attachment to the index fingers. Each tooth is cleaned with a new piece of floss. The procedure is carried out by smoothly lifting the floss inserted between the teeth from the gum to its apex. In the presence of a crown, the thread is inserted deep under the gum, surrounding its neck, and then the same movements are performed.

There is no need to remind you that you need to prepare for the procedure before opening the hermetically sealed package - wash your hands and face, wipe dry and only then engage in cleaning with the removed ready-made thread or cut from the skein. To neutralize the destructive effect of acids contained in food, to prevent damage to enamel and the formation of calculus on the teeth, you can also use a toothbrush. But only the use of high-quality floss allows for a comprehensive cleaning of each tooth, no matter how problematic it may be placed by nature, in whatever hard-to-reach place it is located.

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