Dental floss

All about dental floss

All about dental floss
  1. Advantages and disadvantages
  3. Materials (edit)
  4. Shapes and thickness
  5. How to choose?
  6. Popular manufacturers
  7. How to use it correctly?
  8. Review overview

Dental floss is called special thread, which is designed to cleanse the space between the teeth from food debris and plaque. Another name for this product is floss... This thing should be in every home, as it allows you to keep the oral cavity in perfect condition.

Advantages and disadvantages

Floss, like any other oral care device, has its pros and cons. It is recommended that you familiarize yourself with both the former and the latter before using this product.

First, you need to figure out what is good and useful for correctly selected dental floss.

  • The main advantage of floss is that perfect oral hygiene can be fully maintained with this device... With the help of the thread, it is possible to remove all inconspicuous dirt and plaque that accumulate in hard-to-reach places.
  • Many people are attracted to these products by the fact that with them, you can achieve an excellent effect without making any effort. Using floss is extremely simple and easy. To understand the features of the operation of dental floss is not the slightest difficulty.
  • Floss can be used in virtually any environment. The main thing is that the environment is clean and hygienic.
  • Regular use of floss prevents the formation of tartar and other similar problemswith whom you have to go to the dentists.
  • The floss can be used regularly. If you operate this product in a constant mode, then dental care will be complete and most effective.
  • It is allowed to use the devices in question at almost any age. Often, dental floss is used even by those people who have special systems in their mouths, such as braces. Of course, in such cases, you should first consult with specialists.
  • Currently, high quality dental floss is produced by many well-known brands... These products are usually very inexpensive and sold in many retail outlets. This indicates the availability of dental floss.

Despite the fact that modern flosses can boast a good list of advantages, they also have certain disadvantages. Find out how dental floss can be harmful.

  • Dental floss works great on hard-to-reach areas between teeth, cleaning them well from food debris and plaque. However, a good effect cannot be achieved if the floss is used carelessly. Rough handling can cause injury to vulnerable areas in the mouth.
  • Regular use of flosses brings many benefits, however, you should not overdo it either. If the use of this device is abused, it can damage the special barriers between the teeth.
  • Against the background of installed bridges it is not allowed to use floss.
  • In case of high bleeding of the gums, the use of dental floss is prohibited. Too frequent use of floss often leads to a similar problem.
  • Dental floss can be harmful if if the user is suffering from tooth decay. Floss can touch the damaged area, which can provoke not only painful sensations, but also possible splitting off of the “sick” area.

Flossing is a hygienic procedure that should be resorted to only after becoming familiar with all the pros and cons. If there are any contraindications, you should never use dental floss.


Dental floss is different. Today, stores sell varieties that differ from each other in special impregnations and materials of manufacture. Let's get acquainted with the characteristics of the most popular copies.


These types of floss differ in that coated on the outside with a very thin layer of wax. Thanks to this addition, sliding between the teeth is easier and smoother. In addition, waxed dental floss gives the mouth a cleaner feeling because the wax can be impregnated with menthol or fluoride. Waxed specimens are very popular and are the preferred choice of many buyers.


The use of dental floss of this type is most often used by people who have crowded teeth, as well as very narrowed interdental spaces. It should be borne in mind that waxed and unwaxed flosses are sold in almost identical packages.

The flosses in question clean the spaces between the teeth in the same way as the waxed floss. However, they spread to fibers much faster, which affects their impressive consumption. Unwaxed threads are often made quite thin.

The menthol flavor of these specimens is usually less pronounced.


This is the dental floss that is soaked in menthol... Such products not only allow you to efficiently clean the interdental spaces, but also give you a very pleasant fresh breath. Today, many large manufacturers produce quality menthol-impregnated flos. They are very popular and enjoyable to use.


Dental floss treated with fluoride impregnation is no less popular and in demand. Due to the use of these products, the protection of teeth from the formation of carious foci is significantly increased. Fluorinated filaments are also easier to slide in tight spaces, making them easier to use.

With antiseptic

Nowadays, high-quality disposable threads are on sale, impregnated not only with menthol or fluorine, but also with a special antiseptic composition. These products are equally popular. The use of the varieties in question is recommended for adults. The application should be exclusively periodic. High-quality antiseptic floss has a beneficial antibacterial effect.

Materials (edit)

The current manufacturers with well-known names produce all kinds of dental floss made from different materials. When choosing the right floss for the treatment of the interdental space, it is very important to pay attention to this parameter. Consider the characteristics and features of dental floss made from various materials.


Dental flosses made from natural and artificial materials are currently on sale. Natural specimens are environmentally friendly and safe, but they are bought a little less often.

For example, modern silk flosses are not the most reliable, but if you want to choose the most delicate products, then they will be the best solution.


The most popular today are quality dental floss made from nylon. Such varieties are optimal if we consider them in terms of price-quality ratio. Modern nylon floss perfectly cope with all their functions, therefore they are in great demand.


On store shelves, you can also find such varieties of floss, which consist of acetate. In the manufacture of oral hygiene products, artificial cellulose acetate fibers are usually used. These components are characterized by high elasticity and strength. The structure of this material has a lot in common with natural silk.


This material differs in that made from high quality polymers. Capron boasts high strength, but its structure is rather rough.


Specialty fibers are often used in the manufacture of modern dental floss. Thanks to their presence, finished products are highly durable and of high quality. The main disadvantage of Teflon dental floss is that it is more expensive than the other options listed.

Shapes and thickness

Modern flosses are divided into separate types, not only in their composition and type, but also in shape and thickness. We are talking about volumetric varieties of dental floss. These floss are characterized by the ability to swell when in contact with human saliva. As a result of such influences, the volumes of floss gradually increase. Due to this, the threads are denser and thicker. This makes cleaning the interdental areas more thorough and productive. Let's consider what are the threads of different shapes.


Popular types of dental floss. Sold in a very large assortment. Flat floss are best suited for thoroughly cleaning teeth that are as close to each other as possible.


These types of dental floss are designed to maintain the health of teeth, between which there is a significant gap. In such conditions, the use of tape floss is the most convenient and productive.


These types of dental floss are considered to be universal. They can be safely exploited if the interdental spaces are normal or wide. Very good round yarns can be found in stores today, demonstrating high efficiency. They are purchased most often.

How to choose?

While dental floss seems to be the easiest hygienic device, they should be selected very carefully so as not to harm the teeth.

  • Floss can be bought not only for adults, but also for children. Children are advised to pick up these things when they are about 8-10 years old. At this age, the child may well independently master the correct use of children's products. For small users, it is worth buying thinner threads.
  • Operation of dental floss acceptable while wearing braces. This is not a contraindication. A person can use not only floss, but also a special brush for cleaning teeth.
  • When choosing the right dental floss, it is very important to pay attention on the width and features of the interdental space... Different types of floss will be suitable for different conditions. For example, spiral and flat specimens will not perform equally well under the same conditions.
  • Flosses supplemented with various impregnations demonstrate high efficiency.... Such options are slightly more expensive, but at the same time they turn out to be more effective in operation. If you want to give your breath more freshness, it is recommended to give preference to products with menthol.
  • The most effective and safe are high-quality dental floss from well-known manufacturers.... It is recommended to select only such products. Products from incomprehensible Chinese companies, whose names are unknown to anyone, should not be purchased.

The best place to buy branded dental floss is from specialist stores or pharmacies. Only here you can find original certified high quality goods.

Popular manufacturers

Nowadays, high quality dental floss is produced by many well-known brands. Let's take a look at some of them.

  • President... The rating is opened by a well-known manufacturer that produces excellent dental floss in a wide range. Buyers are presented with very good specimens with menthol and fluorine. The products are safe and very easy to use.
  • Sensodyne... This brand produces quality flosses, with which taking care of oral hygiene does not cause any difficulties. In the manufacturer's assortment, you can find very good threads designed specifically for highly sensitive teeth. Most Sensodyne items are relatively inexpensive.
  • Dentorol... This brand produces inexpensive, but very high quality and useful flosses. Belarusian products have an antibacterial effect, making it easy to get rid of food debris and plaque between the teeth.
  • R. O. C. S. This internationally renowned brand produces high quality oral care products. The range of products is huge. R. O. C. S. offers customers an original Black edition thread with a pleasant mint scent. The product is suitable for sensitive teeth.
  • Faberlic... People leave mostly positive reviews about dental floss of this brand. Quality products are inexpensive and in great demand. The assortment of the company includes a lot of first-class mint-impregnated floss.
  • Lacalut... A lot of excellent products for oral care are produced by this popular brand. Lacalut makes great dental flosses in very handy branded packaging that looks neat.
  • Fuchs... Quality dental floss is produced by this brand. In the Fuchs assortment, you can find not only good floss, but also excellent quality toothbrushes.
  • Biorepair... The company Biorepair produces a rich assortment of dental floss. The products of this manufacturer are as effective as possible, have an antibacterial effect, and do an excellent job with their tasks. However, many Biorepair items are quite expensive.
  • Lion Clinica. A well-known Japanese brand offers its customers quite expensive dental floss, which is one of the best. Many users are delighted with the quality and effect of these products.

True, they are not sold in all stores, so sometimes it is difficult to find them on sale.

  • HILFEN... This large Chinese brand makes inexpensive but highly effective dental floss.There are a lot of mint options in the assortment, dressed in convenient packaging.
  • Oleos... Dental flosses of this brand are not very cheap, but they demonstrate excellent efficiency. Russian products are of excellent quality, so it is extremely easy to maintain oral hygiene with them. Oleos floss are suitable for daily use.
  • CURAPROX... CURAPROX dental floss is very comfortable and effective. The products are flexible. Available in Chlorhexidine-coated Teflon, as well as nylon and mint floss.
  • Elgidium. Top of the best dental floss includes this black model. Country of origin - France.

The thread is expensive but of amazing quality. It is impregnated with chlorhexidine.

  • CURAPROX... This brand of dental floss allows you to clean even the most difficult-to-reach areas. They can even be used for chewing teeth. Made of high quality elastic microfibre.
  • Wisdom... Country of origin of high quality Wisdom floss is Great Britain. Great products are long, but relatively inexpensive.

How to use it correctly?

Flossy is very easy to use on your own at home. There is nothing complicated in such hygiene procedures. The main thing is to follow the rules for using them.

  • First, you need to carefully rewind the floss to a length of about 20-30 cm.
  • The thread should be wound around the middle fingers, and then well (but neatly) pulled between the thumb and forefinger.
  • The prepared floss will need to be carefully placed in the interdental space, and then very carefully drawn to the gum line.
  • At the next stage, you will need to make about 6-7 movements back and forth.
  • To clean the next tooth, you must use an intact, clean piece of floss (replace the dirty area with a fresh one).
  • All teeth will need to be processed using this scheme.

If you follow these simple instructions, you will be able to clean the interdental spaces well. It is necessary to act very carefully so that the thread does not get stuck between the teeth. This often happens when cheap floss is used.

To remove the stuck torn piece, you have to use a fresh piece of thread. Thus, you can easily get the extra element.

Review overview

Today's consumers use floss from different brands everywhere. That is why a lot of various reviews are left about these hygiene products.

First, you should find out what characteristics of these products left pleasant impressions about them:

  • maximally simple and convenient application noted by many users;
  • people like that these products can be used even with braces installed;
  • some buyers were satisfied that the shelf life of most floss is at least 2 years;
  • according to buyers, with the help of fragrant dental floss it is possible to remove bad breath;
  • users liked the fact that the threads are packed very conveniently and compactly in special plastic containers, which can be easily opened and closed;
  • many people attracted affordable cost most branded dental floss and a large selection.

These are not all the factors that delighted users. The list of advantages noted in floss can be continued for a very long time. Despite this, there were also negative reviews. Find out what customers didn't like about modern dental floss:

  • flosses of some brands are hard to find on sale, which upsets many buyers;
  • some people think that the level of menthol aroma in floss of different companies is insufficient;
  • there were many users among the users who find it difficult to choose the optimal thread thickness;
  • the cost of some floss does not suit buyers;
  • the uneconomical consumption of many branded floss products has become an unpleasant surprise for users.

Different people find certain flaws in dental floss. Much depends on the material of their manufacture, as well as the method of application. Yet the lion's share of the responses is positive.

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